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What u have been shouting for the last few years is finally penetrating into the sheep's skulls:


Quote: 'I have never seen anything like this in my life. I have been in the markets since the recession of 1973. I began working under an 80 year old broker who survived the GD.

Take my word for it, what is happening right now has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY STOCK METRIC! The markets and share value are being driven by one thing and one thing only - BACKSTOPPING!

For example, if you have a position with a MF/Broker and that MF/Broker is not backstopped, you move out of that position and to the bank that is backstopped. This has nothing at all to do with investment metrics. This has brought countries like Australia to their knees; so that they had to stop MF withdrawals. This is what is driving markets at the moment. This trend will not stop until country default risk is gone which is still a long way off.

I have never seen anything like the global currency movement last week. I have been trying to draw an analogy for my not-so-financially-aware friends and colleagues here. It occurred to me what that could be.

Do you remember the Asian Tsunami in Thailand? Well, what happens just before you get hammered is that the water goes way out, the bay dries up and then you've had it. That is exactly what is happening now in the currency markets; the smaller currencies are being drawn down until they dry up worthless, and then the world is going to be hit by an ALMIGHTY DOLLAR AND YEN TSUNAMI!

Everybody is starting to run for high ground, but they can't find any.'

They are finally beginning to understand the end result of Yen carry trade.

God help us - it's too late.


Here is the kill shot, the dream of one world currency, the SDR.

Coming soon to 'save' us from these icky national currencies that fluctuate along with some Global Governance to save us from our icky national constitution that could not protect us from the CDOs.


"The IMF, led by Dominique Strauss-Kahn, has the power to raise money on the capital markets by issuing `AAA' bonds under its own name. It has never resorted to this option, preferring to tap members states for deposits.

The nuclear option is to print money by issuing Special Drawing Rights, in effect acting as if it were the world's central bank. This was done briefly after the fall of the Soviet Union but has never been used as systematic tool of policy to head off a global financial crisis. "



When USD and Yen finally implode due to the carry trade, would we go back to gold back currencies??

Dutch Banker

GM is dying? I dont think so, their bread is buttered in China! They sell more cars there then they do here! The new market is China not the US. That is why the US is now a "saver". This is good music.


Shouldn't you be selling insurance with Obama? Beam me up!


Yes, you deserve this year's Nobel Prize. No question. Certainly much more than the current publicity-obsessed "celebrity" who has it.

OK, yen carry trade is dying. Yen up. US dollar up, because the US banks facilitated the leverage and agents now have to pay in US dollars to the US banks can pay in yen (I've finally worked out why the US dollar is roaring ahead despite the financial madness that exists in the US).

Question is: What now?

Predictions. Banks keep getting liquidity from corrupt central banks but don't know what to do with it other than buy Treasuries. Then China or Japan tips the scales on US Treasuries. The rats flee...to...what? Yen? No oil supply. Dead. Euro? You've got to be kidding. To...to...GOLD AND SILVER. Comex defaults. Banks already know that and have prepared. Only the stupid foreigners own gold and silver now through Comex.

Then US government defaults and sets up the new currency and tells its enemies to pay in the new currency for oil or its nuclear war.

And it's back to the gold standard with the criminals with all the gold. And oil. All over again.

Just you wait.



The first currency to announce it is backed by gold will force others to do so once USD defaults. Failure will result in economic collapse like Iceland within days.


I'm going to fix my typos if it's the last damn thing I do before killing myself over the crazy-low gold price (I'm so screwed!):

Yes, you deserve this year's Nobel Prize. No question. Certainly much more than the current publicity-obsessed "celebrity" who has it.

OK, yen carry trade is dying. Yen up. US dollar up, because the US banks facilitated the leverage and all the hedge funds and other "agents" now have to pay in US dollars so the US banks can in turn pay in yen (I've finally worked out why the US dollar is roaring ahead despite the financial madness that exists in the US).

Question is: What now?

Predictions. Banks keep getting liquidity from corrupt central banks but don't know what to do with it other than buy Treasuries. Then China or Japan tips the scales on US Treasuries. The rats flee...to...what? Yen? No oil supply. Dead. Euro? You've got to be kidding. To...to...GOLD AND SILVER. Comex defaults. Banks already know that and have prepared. Only the stupid foreigners own gold and silver now through Comex.

Then US government defaults and sets up the new currency and tells its enemies to pay in the new currency for oil or it's nuclear war.

And it's back to the gold standard with the criminals with all the gold. And oil. All over again.

Just you wait.



What next?

Oct. 28 (Bloomberg) -- State-run Korea Development Bank received Federal Reserve approval to sell as much as $830 million of commercial paper to the U.S. central bank, becoming the first Korean bank to tap the new funding facility.

KDB, South Korea's largest issuer of overseas debt, can raise $400 million in the U.S. by selling short-term notes, Sung Joo Yung, a spokesman for the Seoul-based bank, said today by telephone. The bank will roll over an existing $430 million of debt, he said.

Kookmin Bank, South Korea's largest, was also deemed eligible to sell commercial paper to the Fed, spokesman You Jung Youn said by telephone from Seoul.


I have never read anything so shocking. Can anyone verify the scientific data in here?



There are some proposed fields of study in academic circles that have never accumulated the mojo of areas such as say, physics, geography, or biology. I decided that linguistics lacked mojo long ago, and set out to furnish it with some. People can learn multiple languages, or study their history, evolution, and provenance or even their typology, but the handful of theories that purport to attempt to explain how language functions seem to be very far from adequate (except for my own). I don't know quite enough about it to be very sure, but economics has every earmark of being one of those theory-poor pseudo-sciences. It certainly has its critics. Consider:

France 24 News
by Y. Euny Hong


...Come to that, there have long been detractors who thought the economics award was a bad joke in itself. Almost since its inception in 1969, some members of the Swedish Academy have called for its abolition, as have descendants of the Nobel family. One winner, Friedrich Hayek, who won the prize in 1974, subsequently said that had his opinion been consulted, he would “have decidedly advised against” its creation.

In fact, the original will and testament of Alfred Nobel, drafted in 1895 (a year before his death), made no mention of a prize for economics. It was in fact a creation of the central bank of Sweden, and is officially known as The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Purists insist that it is in fact not a proper Nobel Prize but an adjunct prize.


The most notorious example came in 1997, when economists Robert C. Merton and Myron Scholes were honoured for their work (with the late Fischer Black) on the pricing of options - complex financial instruments spun off from traditional investments. Scholes had been one of the co-founders of a boutique hedge fund in the USA called Long Term Capital Management (LTCM). The fund made annual returns of over 40% in its first years; then, in 1998, it lost $4.6 billion overnight, and was bailed out by the US government - the most controversial bank bailout in US history prior to the current financial crisis. Its sensational failure was attributed to holes in the Black-Scholes theorem, which did not allow sufficient room for market anomalies.


Here is a picture of the 'Derivatives Nobel Award':


So I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for one.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Thanks Blues!

'The Black-HOLES Theorem' will join the Pantheon of gnome silliness.


GK -

Thanks for that bizarre link about manufactured diseases. This has been an ongoing theme - governments purposely harming people with the intent of global de-population.

There have been a great many articles warning us of dangerous vaccines - for example:


The attacks are not limited to bodily health as our minds are under attack as well.

"Dimming down: How the brainpower of today's 14-year-olds has slipped 'radically' in just one generation" - By Laura Clark

"The intellectual ability of the country's cleverest youngsters has declined radically, almost certainly due to the rise of TV and computer games and over-testing in schools."

"The 'high-level thinking' skills of 14-year-olds are now on a par with those of 12-year-olds in 1976."



This is the stuff that is really scary, much more than the timely Halloween horror films. The elites are far more horrific than anything hollywood can conjure up.

PK Scott

Speaking of linguistics.

I've been watching a project called Half Past Human for a couple of years. These guys mine linguistic shifts on the internet, run them through some kind of mega filter for changing "memes" that they say predict future events.

Sounds crazy, I know, but they have a pretty impressive track record.

There more public face is a site called;


Which bills itself as an economic newsletter, but is really much, much more. It is actually the only subscription service that I pay for and I am CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP.

My latest paranoid delusion is that the same banks that are being backstopped with our tax dollars and protected from short selling are riding the wave down thus. (Not that they created it.)

They call the margins on the hedge funds and short the market like crazy (with a big dollap of insider information) and clean up on the down side.

It makes a sort of creepy sense if you consider that short selling is about the only "sure bet" anywhere right now and the banks are DESPERATE for profits because the derivatives beast is burning through their assets faster than they can get infusions from the GOV.


blues -

Good point about the "theory-poor pseudo-sciences." Legitimacy for un-proven theories seems to run rampant in every field of endeavor. Science and technology are being built on rotten foundations that undermine their credibility - on purpose?

We seem to be stuck in a quagmire of misinformation at every turn. I think this is part of the psychological plan for people to lose hope in all systems.


Had a chance to play racquetball with some young investment bankers/and their sons. Bunch of fucking assholes. Didn't let me warm up, didn't wait for the score to serve, no handshake after game. I don't know anything about the sport, but I don't think it's radically different in etiquette than tennis. When I joked about one of their sons' being extremely rude doing all 3 of above (even though he was way better than me), his father's friend remarked, "good on him", another "he's doing what he's gotta do".

Then dinner after the game leads to conversation about the news. The general tone is: why can't the "whiners" just die off and make things easier for those who keep the world running (them).

I am never hanging out with these fuckers again


PK Scott -

Thanks for the link, the "Half Past Human" site looks interesting and seems to comply with many other predictions:

"It is possible to lift out whole layers of meaning from the concealing jumble of the patterns of the pre-creation ripples from future events. Now we can note that the very last gasp effort of the 'dominator' culture will be expressed over 2008 and 2009. These 'control freaks' otherwise variously described as 'illuminati', and 'cabal', and 'Bilderbergers', are going to be using *every* effort, that is to say, *all* their energy over these next 2/two years to attempt to [restrain] the [loss of control] which are implied by emerging future patterns. That the effort is doomed to fail will not deter them from wasting vast quantities of the planet's dwindling resources in the attempt. They are truly desperate people now. And the data sets point to the [desperation] rising at a very rapid rate from the [vernal equinox, spring] onward."


There has been much written about the year 2012 (Mayan calendar for example) and the coming of the age of aquarius - I think it is around 2021.

Evidently we are entering into a time of truth that could rock the world of the elites - according to some.

One can hope!



interesting stuff. Never thought of future events as transmitters to our present. Don't stop at the philosophical level though: exactly what data is the website referring to?

Ron Paul doesn't come up with this, but his supporters sure do

Blunt Force Trauma

Dutch banker said: "GM is dying? I dont think so, their bread is buttered in China!"

Ahem, then why is that GM is looking to merge with Chrysler and NEEDS (more of)taxpayers' money to do so, if, as you put it; "their bread is buttered in China"?

Blunt Force Trauma

For Dutch Banker...

More 'butter' for the proverbial 'bread'? I think not. But do read on....

G.M. Speeds Hat in Hand to Treasury (NYT)

"G.M. and Chrysler need about $10 billion to make a deal work, and Mr. Wagoner would like the government either to inject capital into the company directly, give it a loan or let G.M. sell troubled financial assets to the Treasury."

Either way, the above cites that neither have the capital to make it work and either way the taxpayer gets it straight up the wazoo.

Full article:


Oh and there is NO butter for that bread to be had here:

GM's Sales Drop in China Puts Forecast In Doubt (WSJ - Oct. 16/08)


Paul S

Timothy: your story rings familiar with me. I went to school with people who had the EXACT same moral/ethical code. How did they get so sleazy? I don't know, Maybe their parents did it to them. They are a bunch of spoiled rotten rich kids who think lying, cheating and stealing is a code of conduct. There's really only ONE solution: Prison. Put these sleazeballs in a REAL prison for long term. Maybe their kids will learn from what happens to daddy. I do know this: daddy getting B-F'ed rough and deep a bunch of times while in prison will change HIS point of view.

Blunt Force Trauma

Here is a 'tag-team' match for your dining and dancing pleasure:

PM Putin suggests Russia, China ditch dollar in trade deals (RIA Novosti)



Timothy - "interesting stuff. Never thought of future events as transmitters to our present. Don't stop at the philosophical level though: exactly what data is the website referring to?"

You may want to ask PK Scott as I am not a subscriber to that website. I just was commenting that there are many references to coming events - something big. It may simply be superstition. If it is just superstition, it would take on relevance if the NWO elites placed credibility in it.


Timothy: Use More KILL Shots next time.............
As the conversations continue about the trade deficit and the Derivative market, I have come
to the resolution to pay off our debt. CNBC on
November will show at 10pm Eastern time, "The
Business of High End Prostitution". Sex, a commodity of supply and demand is still going strong. San Francisco has on the ballet Prep-K,
Decriminalizing prostitution. So when Obama gets
into office, sign into law for all 50 states,
for legalization. If Spitzer was paying $ 80,000
a year for his Sugar, I bet this industry would be trillions instead of billions. Case resolved. Maybe Mccain was right, I will balance the budget in 4 years, hidden agenda?


cnbc progam on November 11th..10pm
oops, forgot the date from previous post..

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Don, sex sales has always been a key component of civilizations. In Dark Ages and other times, women's bodies are worth very little.

So we should encourage high prices, eh?



Many years ago I worked as a legal assistant on a major case involving a dispute between the top excecutives of a major American oil company. I would sit in the evening and sip Jack Daniels while listening to these CEO's talk about "whacking" the other officers and doing all kinds of other illegal crap. They had Japanese martial-arts bodyguards and they were the most disgusting group of men I had ever met. They dined on steak and lobster every night and were grossly overweight.

Their whole lives revolved around money and power and sometimes collecting a trophy wife on the side. They clearly had no souls or had sold them long ago. They even looked evil. Their constant worrying about being assassinated or backstabbed made it impossible for them to sleep or stay in good health.

I am glad I saw this, even though I regret ever being a part of it, because it was fascinating to hear them with my own ears in private and know what kind of men they truly were.

Sometimes we have to come close to the demons in order to know why we must stay as far away from them as possible.

Buffalo Ken

Devaul - I agree with that.

I've seen meeting too. Good and bad. At the "lower levels" folks are usually just trying to work things out.


Buffalo Ken

Do typos matter?

"I've seen (been to) many meetings also"

Lastly, when I say "lower" there is no derogatory connatation. To be frank, I think lower is better in so many ways.

Better not to be ruthless, if you know what I mean.



Few people spell my name correctly, so I am used to it. Maybe that is why it does not look like the original name from my ancestor, Devalt Mock, who lived in southern Germany about 300 years ago.

My name has been passed down from father to son, grandfather to grandson, for countless generations. It traveled through Holland on the way to America. I often wonder what it means and when it was first used.

Buffalo Ken

DeVaul - as far as I know, my name means "small house". Diminutive if you must know. Many of my ancestors also game from Germany - they were thought of "lowly" origin.

Nonetheless, I know better, plus, being an American, just about nothing in me is "pure". I come from many places, but I know this - go back a few thousand years (just a few thousand) and we are all connected. Literally.



My father's family is from Ireland, but my mother's is from Germany and that is where I got my name from.

I have my own theory about ancestry. Since most peasants died young or were killed off in wars and massacres, not to mention being raped by feudal overlords and invading enemies, I believe that most people who survived are actually descended from nobles and their armies. That may explain why someone from America can be traced straight to Ghengis Khan or one of his brothers.

I could be wrong about this, but given the low chances for survival among peasants, it is not wholly unbelievable. Of course, most of us are descended from bastards who will never be recognized by our "betters".

Probably a good thing, too.


I guess an "investment banker" would matter to themself, but for the rest of humanity, cant think of a reason for their existence here.


I guess an "investment banker" would matter to themself, but for the rest of humanity, cant think of a reason for their existence here.


Elaine: we could use a voucher from the
govt to subsidize for those who cant
afford it or start the Head Sex program,
instead of the Head Start program, he he..
I always wonder why the Superbowl was the worst day for women, Abuses are up over
100%. So we encourage the game with 3 million dollar commercials and no public
announcement for those who beat their wives.


I come from Connecticut, and the richest people do not officially live there. Actually, they live everywhere. But Connecticut, especially Fairfield County where I'm from, pretty clearly has more CEO-types than anywhere else.

The truly rich ones seemed to be much like the poor (or "middle class"); they might be alright, and they could be scum. But they did not have to stoop to going to board meetings, and dreary folderol like that. The CEOs and political big-shots were different. There is a lot of "overlap" here, but the CEO-types were never to be trusted behind one's back. Not giving a damn was their job description. The word "pirate" comes to mind. Real pirates do not make "bootleg music albums"! You are on some boat watching the whales or whatever, and these pirates just come aboard and slit your throat, and take everything! You are just another slice of veal to them.

This is so funny. Probably most of our teachers, educators, and other vassals of our esteemed brahminariat media cartel are unaware of the vast amorality above them. Yes, Virginia, there are high places where decency wears like patched denim.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

Correct, Blues.

And most politicians ape appearing to care when they care only for themselves. I know this from watching the top of the power pyramid as a child.

True example: every damn time we came close to instant WWIII and the annihilation of our cities, the top dogs would run for the hills or into their deep crypts while publicly telling everyone to not panic and NOT LEAVE THE DEATH TRAPS.

I was thoroughly disgusted by this.

Paul S

Every year, the politicians trot out the SAME rhetoric: they want to cut taxes, create jobs, etc. My question is, WHY do they get away with this BS? I can't believe McCain has the nerve to say he will create jobs when elected President. 6-7 MILIION manufacturing jobs have left the US since 2000, but now in 2008, we have a Republican trying to pass himself off as a 'job growth' candidate. What is it gonna take to wake people up? Scary thing is, Palin is the more sensible one. McCain's health care plan tells the more accurate story. Everybody gets $5000 for their health care BUT it's taxable income. I wonder if McCain actually had input in this scheme or did he let Big Pharma and the Insurance companies draft this? And how long it will take before EVERYONE'S health care plan will cost more than $5000? Do our politicains get the message that the voter is fed up and actually DO something that helps the average Joe/Jane? No. They draw up a thinly disguised "plan" to keep the entrenched special interests happy. We're doomed. But then again, I'm a Socialist. I want to redistribute Joe the (unlicensed) Plumber's wealth.

Impatient Patriot

Hey Elaine
About the Oak, maybe it's just time.
The other scary thing is you are describing the origin of the widow maker.
If you were evil you would have been greeted with that impact.

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