The cabal of Opus Dei Dominionists put on the Supreme Court by the two Bushes have united to destroy even more provisions in the Bill of Rights. These men are traitors. When they and Bush were sworn into office, they had to say they would protect the Constitution. Arrest them. Don't knock, just go in and arrest them. And they don't need trials, either, kidnap them and ship them to Cuba and let them fester in cells there. Gack.
No knock knocks needed, no joke.
By Fred Barbash
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, June 15, 2006; 2:28 PMA divided Supreme Court ruled today that evidence can be used against a defendant even when seized in violation of a long-standing rule requiring a knock on the door before executing a search warrant.
The 5-4 decision, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, ran counter to previous decisions requiring suppression of evidence obtained in violation of the so-called "knock-and-announce" rule.
Dissenting Justice Stephen G. Breyer, joined by Justices John Paul Stevens, David H. Souter and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, charged that the court's opinion "destroys the strongest legal incentive to comply" with the door-knocking requirement and "weakens, perhaps destroys," much of its "practical value."
The ripping apart of the Constitution continues. I remember how the Democrats were supposed to fight tooth and nail, the imposition of right wing religious bigots who work for corporate entities being installed in the Supreme Court.
Well, we have it now and the Sovietization of America goes forwards just in the nick of time. Our rulers are very concerned about losing control of this great nation and they were very surprised and annoyed at the sudden appearance of millions of illegal aliens and their supporters paralyzing whole cities simultaneously. So the Supreme Court that overrode the 2000 election is now overriding all of the 4th Amendment.
I remember when I hosted the first Chinese to live in American homes rather than in the official dormitory in Manhattan. The communist government wanted their top elites to learn about American ways and mores. The very first day I had a bit of trouble with these people.
They didn't know how to ring a door bell. They just walked right on in! I made them go outside and ring the door. Ding dong! They then opened my door and walked in. 'You have to ask permission from me,' I explained.
'Why?' asked someone who is now in charge of a fair chunk of China.
'I own this house. Even the POLICE can't just walk in, they have to ring the door and let me answer it,' I said, reflecting the last bits of ancient powers which were even then being chipped away by the idiotic and unethical war on drugs launched by Reagan.
Well, no government authority has to bother with ringing any door bells anymore. They can and will stormtropper their way into whatever homes and domiciles they wish and we have no right to stop them. I hate to keep harping on this but my ancestors had strong feelings about this. If the king wanted to enter our very real castles, he had to ask. He couldn't barge in or we could shoot arrows at him and even pour boiling oil on him.
Which happened, periodically.
The battle for power between barons and kings, peasants and clerics of the churches is where the idea of a balance of power came from. Despotic kings were a disaster. Dictators are a disaster. And America is now a dictatorship a la China and is also a disaster.
We can't impeach this corrupt Supreme Court as the majority of Catholic right wing dominionists work alongside one Protestant right wing dominionist to savagely destroy our Constitution. They should be impeached. Why they were confirmed in the first place infuriates me. The entire reason why many of us thought super-religious Catholics were inappropriate choices is because in order to be super-religious, a Catholic has to take orders from the Pope.
The Pope is not an American. In the case today, he is a German who cooperated with Hitler.
The fact that these OPUS DEI Catholics on the Supreme Court are ganging together to rip up our Constitution means they should be removed just as the head of Homeland Security who is an Israeli should be removed. These people who work for religions which have their world headquarters outside the USA are dangerous to our country.
The Moonies are the same. They also want to kill our Constitution and even had their leader, a Korean calling for the destruction of America, crowned in Capital Hill with Senators and Congressmen of both parties acting as his bishops and clerics! The media hid this and it was only after pictures were posted on the net showing them violating the Constitution, was it in the news briefly.
Not one of the 'elected' officials were impeached and removed. Not one! They are still in office!
We are witnessing a deliberate reimpostion of 'Spanish Inquisitorial' politics. Queen Elizabeth valiantly fought off the hamfisted attempts of the Catholic Church to reassert control over England using arms. We still talk about the destruction of the Spanish Armada as a turning point in our history. Like the Magna Carta. The Spanish Inquisition loved torturing people. They also supported Crusades in the Middle East. They wanted the right to stomp into people's homes, listen to them talk in private, open the mail, put spies in every agency reporting to Rome, they wanted what we are getting so relentlessly.
The Pilgrims were the mirror image of the Spanish Inquisition. They did exactly the same things and were just as intolerant and pushy. And the framers of our Constitution didn't want either the Catholic Church NOR the radical Protestants in charge of this Brave New World so they wrote not only a Constitution but included some important amendments at the insistance of a number of liberal free-thinkers who knew that if they didn't spell out rules like, 'You cannot burst into people's houses and rummage around looking for stuff,' and 'You cannot read people's mail without going before a judge and showing evidence there is good cause to do this,' heck!
When my ancestors got on frail little boats that were tossed on the wild seas to come to a land they knew virtually nothing about a mere few decades after Columbus stumbled upon the New World, they did this to flee a king who broke down doors, had secret trials and took whatever he wanted. Just for example, he saw a hunting dog he liked. So he told the owner he was taking the dog, so there. And he took the dog and the poor owner not only couldn't stop him, the king worried the man might resent this so he persecuted the poor guy.
There is a reason we have this damn Constitution! And writing ridiculous rulings that have nothing to do with it pisses me off especially since these Romanist conspiritors call upon the ghosts of my own ancestors, claiming they are reading my ancestor's minds...well!
I hope there are ghosts. Maybe we can haunt these clowns. For the nonce, we only can protest this garbage.
Gads. Let's have the Thirty Years War all over again.
And today! Congress is debating debasing our Constitution by making it illegal to disrepect our bloody flag. AAARGH. Argh again.
My god.
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