Elaine Meinel Supkis
Sept. 11 is a magical number day. It marks the point in time when there are 111 days left until the end of the year. 911 is a conjuring number. Namely, it is 'asupicious' as well as suspicious. If one wishes to launch something deliberately like a coup or founding a new organization or something, this is the pru-pru-perfect day. The magical significance of this day is buried deep within the Masonic/Kabballistic European community. It is used to make powerful people invincible.
Pinochet is dead. The death of this evil despot reminds us, he conspired with the CIA to overthrow Allende, a democratically elected socialist, the day they picked for this betrayal and execution was September 11, 1973. This wasn't a random day pulled out of someone's hat, it is a New World Order day that has been selected, over 100 years ago, as the day for such ceremonial decapitations.
&hearts Click here for the list of meaningful, deliberate acts on 9/11 as well as background, random events.
&hearts This is the oldest 9/11 event:
The practice of adoration began in Avignon, France on September 11, 1226. To celebrate and give thanks for the victory over the Albigensians in the later battles of the Albigensian Crusade, King Louis VII asked that the sacrament be placed on display at the Chapel of the Holy Cross. The overwhelming number of adorers brought the local bishop, Pierre de Corbie, to suggest that the exposition be continued indefinitely. With the permission of Pope Honorius III, the idea was ratified and the adoration continued there practically uninterrupted until the chaos of the French Revolution halted it from 1792 until the efforts of the "Confraternity of Penitents-Gris" brought it back in 1829.
The destruction of the lands of the troubadors in sunny Southern France: the Albigensians practiced a strange form of Christianity, it was rather seeped in magic and the ancient magical tales of King Arthur and all that pre-Christian lore was spread far and wide by the troubadors who followed Queen Eleanor of Aquitane into England. The tales survived the utter destruction of followers of this 'heretical' religion. The last of the survivors taken in battle were burned to death at the stake.
1609 - 9/11: Expulsion order announced against the Moriscos of Valencia; beginning of the expulsion of all Spain's Moriscos.
The people driven out of Spain were the most educated as well as sages who carried magical information for the Pathagorean cult oozed its way deep into the Islamic as well as Jewish theology. Indeed, it really goes back to beyond Sumer and to the earliest people inhabiting what is now Pakistan, the great river valley where the city of Harappa once flourished.
&hearts Ignoring all the random events, one suddenly sees, coming out of the darkness of the Middle Ages, the Jewish people, freed from the ghettos of Europe, exploding across the land, a sudden surge in 9/11 being used as a foundation date:
The Jewish Colonization Association (JCA, in Yiddish ICA) was created on September 11, 1891 by the Baron Maurice de Hirsch. Its aim was to facilitate the mass emigration of Jews from Russia and other Eastern European countries, by settling them in agricultural colonies on lands purchased by the committee, particularly in North and South America.
Colonies were funded within the United States in Southern New Jersey, Ellington, Connecticut, and elsewhere.[1]
This is no accident. If it were the only item, one could say, it is just background noise and not deliberate. But this continues: &hearts Here is a very important date for Occultists and New Age believers:
In 1893, the city of Chicago hosted the World Columbian Exposition, an early world’s fair. So many people were coming to Chicago from all over the world that many smaller conferences, called Congresses and Parliaments, were scheduled to take advantage of this unprecedented gathering. One of these was the World’s Parliament of Religions.
The 1893 Parliament, which ran from September 11 to September 27, had marked the first formal gathering of representatives of Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. Today it is recognized as the occasion of the birth of formal interreligious dialogue worldwide.
The opening date was carefully selected to 'resonate' as much as possible, it exploits a 'crack in time' wherein change can enter because things are not in balance but rather, are out of whack even as Libra rises in the East only it doesn't, the actual star system rises nearly exactly a month earlier, not after the Equinox but before it. So Libra is the stars shining upon September 11th.
Swami Vivekananda opened this session with an interesting speech that was passed around for many years:
My thanks also to some of the speakers on this platform who, referring to the delegates from the Orient, have told you that these men from far-off nations may well claim the honor of bearing to different lands the idea of toleration.
I am proud to belong to a religion which has taught the world both tolerance and universal acceptance. We believe not only in universal toleration but we accept all religions as true. I am proud to belong to a nation which has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all religions and all nations of the earth. I am proud to tell you that we have gathered in our bosom the purest remnant of the Israelites who came to Southern India and took refuge with us in very year in which their holy temple was shattered to pieces by Roman tyranny. I am proud to belong to the religion which has sheltered and is still fostering the remnant of the grand Zoroastrian nation.
Note the references to the Lost Tribe as well as to Persia's (Iran's) magicians, the Zoroastrians. I would bet, he knew what he was doing, rising up to talk about all this on an important day.
&hearts The first Kibbutzim in Palestine was founded on...9/11/21.
Nahalal's founders immigrated to Palestine from Eastern Europe in what is known as the second immigration and third immigration between the years 1904-1914 (end of the Ottoman rule). After working in farming communities for approximately 10 years, the founders wished to establish a communal farming community similar to a kibbutz, but keep their individual family structure (kibbutzim had communal dining and children slept in separate housing). The Nahalal pioneers first came to its location September 11, 1921.
So the pattern continues. These aren't random events but chosen moments for laying foundation stones, for starting new enterprises.
&hearts On 9/11/22, a hyper-harmonic magic day, the British and the Rothshields created the Transjordan Mandate which ceded much of Palestine for future colonization.
Many articles of the document specified actions in support of Jewish immigration and political status. However, it was also stated that in the large, mostly arid, territory to the east of the Jordan River, then called Transjordan, Britain could 'postpone or withhold' application of the provisions dealing with the 'Jewish National Home'. At the Cairo Conference of 1921 a government under the Hashemite Emir Abdullah who had just been displaced from ruling the Hejaz was established in Transjordan. In September 1922, the British government presented a memorandum to the League of Nations stating that Transjordan would be excluded from all the provisions dealing with Jewish settlement, and this memorandum was approved on 11 September. From that point onwards, Britain administered the part west of the Jordan as Palestine (which was 23% of the entire territory), and the part east of the Jordan as Transjordan (constituting 77% of the mandated territories). Technically they remained one mandate but most official documents referred to them as if they were two separate mandates. Transjordan remained under British control until 1946.
Why the fascination with this number? It is now set in stone that 9/11 means death, doom and destruction? Was this due to bin Laden? I would suggest not. For this number, to my shock back in the 1970s, was chosen for the new 'emergency' numbers we were supposed to call when bad things happened. Prior to this, one dialed 'O', the last number on the rotary phones. I said, 'Dialling a 9 and then two 1s is very difficult if one's hands are shaking.'
I could think of better combinations. Waiting for the old rotary phones which were the majority back then, to rotate back to the starting position before adding two more numbers was, to my mind, insane. But to use this to mean 'death, doom and destruction' was key to the satanists who foisted this number on us.
As someone who understands the mentality behind magic, I assure everyone reading this blog, every call to '911' increased the demonic powers of the people seeking to tap into 'death, doom and destruction'. To their own minds, this trickery increased their occult powers in amazing and fantastic ways.
&hearts Now THIS 9/11/41 foundation date should make everyone sit up and stare in horror:
Prior to the construction of the Pentagon, the War Department (now the Department of Defense) was housed in a series of "temporary" buildings erected during World War I which nearly covered the National Mall. Ground was broken for the Pentagon on September 11, 1941, with construction completed in approximately sixteen months at a cost of $83 million.
The heart of the American occult empire is designed to be a magical focus point. It is set in relation with the Masonic ritual design of Washington, DC, to amplify the relation of stars, planets and time to harmonize and sharpen occult powers. So when it was attacked on 9/11/1, someone was tapping into all this and bringing it to an even higher magical plane, one designed to cause this whole edifice of magic numbers to cascade into a terrible collapse.
&hearts Here is a smaller but still, annoying foundation event:
People to People International is founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
People to People really irritated me when I was young. I figured, the CIA needed some way of recruiting drones and so they had to come up with some sort of feeder system. I still think this was the sole reason they started this group and its foundation date confirms this because the CIA is filled with magicians practicing all sorts of fun magic. Boooo.
&hearts This evil group of sick puppies was also founded on this interesting day, too.
The Sharon Statement is the founding statement of principles of the Young Americans for Freedom. Written by M. Stanton Evans and adopted on September 11, 1960, the statement is named for the location of the inaugural meeting of Young Americans for Freedom, held at William F. Buckley, Jr.'s estate in Sharon, Connecticut. The statement read, in part:
WE, as young conservatives believe:
THAT foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's use of his God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restrictions of arbitrary force;
THAT liberty is indivisible, and that political freedom cannot long exist without economic freedom;
THAT the purpose of government is to protect those freedoms through the preservation of internal order, the provision of national defense, and the administration of justice;
THAT when government ventures beyond these rightful functions, it accumulates power, which tends to diminish order and liberty...
Oh, our dear Young Cowardly Republicans. Gads. Worshippers of power and evil. Swearing they would fight 'power' for order and liberty but do note how, like all occultists, they did the exact opposite! And this is a tremendously ancient form of magic: to do things widdershins. I know this works. For the Outer Darkness is where up is down and in is out and black is white and sharp is dull.
&hearts The Munich Olympics ended on 9/11.
The games were marred by a terrorist act known as the Munich massacre. On 5 September Palestinian terrorists from the Black September terrorist group held 9 Israeli athletes hostage in their apartment in the Olympic village for almost 18 hours. During a failed rescue attempt at the military airport of Fürstenfeldbruck all the Israeli hostages were massacred by their captors and all but three of the terrorists were killed. All Olympic events were briefly suspended but Avery Brundage, the International Olympic Committee president, decided that "the Games must go on" and they were continued a day later. The events of the Munich massacre were chronicled in the Oscar-winning documentary, One Day in September, and a fictional account of the aftermath was dramatized in Steven Spielberg's 2005 film Munich. The massacre led Germany to realize the inadequacy of its approach to combat terror, and create the elite counter-terrorist unit GSG 9 to address future incidents. It also led Israel to launch an aggressive counterterrorism campaign known as Operation Wrath of God.
More fun.
&hearts After the 9/11 attacks, Bush and his coven went hog-wild.
That zero point of pivotal change for the entire world called ground zero is now being used as an area of spiritual significance in the realm of the occult. To mark that zero point spot or ground zero where the twin towers once stood, the area now has a memorial of two columns of light to illuminate the place of recent devastation.
The towers of light were first activated on the 6th month anniversary of the fallen towers or March 11, 2002. On this 11th day of the sixth month, it was announced that the lights would be on from 11 A.M. until 11 P.M. and would continue for one month. It was then decided and announced that the light towers would continue to shine from March 11 until April 13 and thus form a gigantic blue numeral 11 over the skies of New York City for 33 days. (11) We must pay attention to these numbers, because they reveal beyond any stretch in the realm of coincidence that occult forces are at work. The 11th sign of the zodiac in astrology is Aquarius, and this is said to be the Aquarian age. The number 13 is the most powerful number in witchcraft and is the number of a coven in ancient tradition. The number 33 is the number sacred to the Scottish Rite of the secret society known as Freemasonry. Thus, we have an occult bridge of time, known as a rite of passage, lasting 33 days between two dates involving an eleventh and crossing a full moon to the 13th day of the following month.
I was astonished that Americans didn't roar with rage with the super-short 'mourning' since traditionally, when someone very important dies, etc., the flags fly at half-mast for a month. Bush had us do it for only a few days right after 9/11, just the right number of magic days. The light display, done for 33 days, is very irritating for this is exactly how many days the USA and Israel bombed Lebanon this year, for example. This wasn't accidental. The innocent lives lost during that bloody orgy were sacrificed to the bizarre gods these guys obviously worship.
Bin Laden didn't do these things, our own 'leaders' did them!
The Jews running Israel are very fond of the number 11 and here is a typical exmple amounget many: 11/11/73: Egypt and Israel sign ceasefire at km 101 in Sinai. The day the UN pulled out observers from the Palestinian refugee camps in Beiruit happened on 9/11/82 and the Camp David peace talks were launched on 9/11 by Jimmy Carter. It is also when Israel pulled its 'settlers' out of Gaza in order to begin seriously starving and beating the Palestinians into submission.
&hearts The fact remains, aside from Zionists, the number 11 is a favorite of European nobility who are cabalists.
The Armistice was agreed at 5 AM on November 11, to come into effect at 11 AM, Paris time (for which reason the occasion is sometimes referred to as "the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh"). It was the result of a hurried and desperate process.
It really did astonish me today to remember when Clinton was charged by Starr as well as remembering, for I'll never forget Pinochet's crimes, when he attacked. Indeed, in Chile today, there are wild celebrations over his death at...91. Heh. May he enjoy his eternal stint with his fellow demonists.
I keep mulling over why, despite all the 'terror' alerts like today, as we approach the Winter Solstice, our rulers are trying to spook everyone with stories about how the 'terrorists' will attack during this spell. I don't see it. They (the guys coordinating all this to match up with magic numbers) have little to gain and much to lose. Why doesn't our government talk about magic numbers and let people know how to riddle this whole thing out?
Ha. Of course, the Sacrifices must continue. And a Sacrificial lamb has to be INNOCENT. This innocence is very valuable to them. Very valuable. This is why children die in wars.
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A side note here: I finished this at 11:11 pm EST and published at 11:12. Heh. Totally unplanned, too! (eerie music in background)
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