Elaine Meinel Supkis
A sister Stonehenge has been found on the Salisbury Plain in England. It looks like copper age people built quite a few observatories which were used to track the sun, moon and major stars. The short time frame for building these giant structures still puzzles archeologists. I think bursts of astronomical inquiry are always very brief, less than 200 years at a shot. I can only try to speculate why this is so.
&hearts My grandparents and parents belong to the history of astronomy, and before them, family members were surveyors such as the one, Mr. Steele, who worked with George Washington.
James Owen
for National Geographic News
January 12, 2007
Recent excavations of Salisbury Plain in southern England have revealed at least two other large stone formations close by the world-famous prehistoric monument.
One of the megalithic finds is a sandstone formation that marked a ritual burial mound; the other, a group of stones at the site of an ancient timber circle.
The new discoveries suggest that many similar monuments may have been erected in the shadow of Stonehenge, possibly forming part of a much larger complex, experts say.
Archaeologists and astronomers interested in past observatories have noticed how there are sudden convulsions of building big star gazing systems that seem to advance in size and ambitions but end as inexplicably and quickly as they began. Northern Europe has concentrations of large stone structures set in the ground, all oriented to various points on the horizon and with celestial events that no longer line up with anything thanks to the quirk of this planet's wobble on its own axis as well as the path we cut in the cosmos shifting over time relative to the rest of the visible universe.
As long as we have had the ability to talk, think and count, we have tracked the habits of the sun, the moon and many stars. The uncertain world of the Ice Age era has meant we must understand the riddle of time and fate. This is for sheer survival. On top of this, we are a footloose mammal that wanders across the entire planet with relentless restlessness.
Orienting ourselves in a constantly changing landscape meant learning the lore of the stars and all other things celestial and passing on this information to our heirs. More valuable than gold or silver, ivory or silk, this celestial information, cast in the garb of religion, is the greatest riches one can carry. And it is carried in the brain which, I hope, goes wherever we go.
Understanding why ancient people suddenly launched into building not one or two but many observatories all at the general same time-frame, is an interesting task. So I decided to tackle it two ways: looking for signs of disastrous climate change and looking for strange astral events that might disturb or agitate.
The celestial event could not be a sudden, unpredictable matter but had to be something that occurred slowly over time and was striking but could be understood only if one had some generally good sense of how the stars look under normal circumstances.
Sudden flares of individual stars going nova, for example, are noted by stone age people. We have seen examples of this in hieroglyphics carved onto rocks and cliffs, for example. Or comets which are noted by many early cultures, this are too unpredictable and too easily seen to trigger vast, complicated observatory building.
Droughts and floods happen all the time, there are larger climatic shifts which would certainly concern people but by themselves, they wouldn't trigger large observatory building, they have to coincide with other stellar events to motivate humans to sacrifice themselves to such vast, difficult labors.
Since even 'primitive' people built astonishingly sophisticated star-tracking systems, one has to look for some important confluence of stars and climate change that would fire up the imagination and also persuade people to spend precious time and sweat, building truly gigantic structures.
As per usual with humans, it looks as if there were also human sacrifices for some purpose, in order to make the observatory more accurate and potent.
A team lead by Colin Richards of Manchester University and Joshua Pollard of Bristol University found the hole that originally held the stone, dug between 2500 and 2000 B.C., as well as human remains and artifacts that date to the same period.
The partially cremated remains of two people were buried next to the stone, Pollard said. One was a large male whose unburned vertebrae suggest he was at least 6 feet (182 centimeters) tall.
Archaeologists have suggested that other prehistoric burials in the area were connected to mainland Europe, Pollard added.
Such a connection ties in with theories that Stonehenge was an important pilgrimage destination or a place where people traveled in the hope of miracle cures.
The megalithic burial site could also support theories that link Stonehenge and other standing stones to ancestor worship and commemorating the dead, Pollard added.
Humans have a long history of fondness for sacrificing other humans to various gods. As my blog likes to detail, this is still going on. The ruling elites go to the Bohemian Grove every summer and the highlight of their jolly times is to have a pretend, proxy human sacrifice complete with burning the pretend youth on a bonfire shaped like a magic Alladin's lamp and setting off lots of fireworks.
The burial of humans connected with building structures that track the stars, sun and moon is probably the second 'idea' humans came up with after they figured out how to make art work in caves or on rocks and antlers or with clay that is fired in the camp fires that burned so brightly. We know that Ice Age people arranged skulls of bears and humans in artful ways that suggest they were trying to make some deeper connection.
Astronomers in ancient times were called 'priests'. One of the most important functions of these priests was to predict the future. The Chinese astronomers during the Shang empire used the cracks in burned turtle shells to determine the future. The faith in shamans to predict the future and protect the rulers or tribal chiefs was a common thread running through many diverse human communities 5,000 years ago.
Many of the ancient observatories have eluded understanding their functions due to the fact our view of the stars that are supposedly 'fixed' in the heavens shifts over time, very gradually. Our planet isn't just cockeyed in relation to the sun which is why we have summers and winters but also wobbles on its axis. This means the star that never shifts which we now call 'the North Star' actually does shift over a 26,000 year cycle, various stars take up the role of 'North Star' over the eons. And since the last Ice Age began to end with catastrophic floods---please note the word 'catastrophe' refers to stars!---Half way through this cycle, a spectacular event happened: the Ice Age began its spectacular meltdown.
&hearts Half way through this cycle, a spectacular event happened: the Ice Age began its spectacular meltdown.
The melting of an enormous Antarctic ice sheet 14,000 years ago triggered climatic changes in Europe and North America that ultimately led to the end of the last ice age, according to a new study.
Using super computers to simulate the melting of part of the Antarctic, scientists analyzed what effect the dumping of huge amounts of freshwater into the southern oceans would have on the climate in the rest of the world.
Scientists now think all the glaciers melted with amazing speed and set off a series of literally epic floods. All over the planet, humans ran frantically about, trying to avoid drowning.
&hearts This is a timeline showing when the important stars in the Zodiac crossed the ecleptic
The ecliptic is the apparent path the Sun traces out along the sky — independent of Earth's rotation — in the course of the year. More accurately, it is the intersection of the celestial sphere with the ecliptic plane, which is the geometric plane containing the mean orbit of the Earth around the Sun. It should be distinguished from the invariable ecliptic plane, which is the vector sum of the angular momenta of all planetary orbital planes, to which Jupiter is the main contributor.
Note at the top of the chart here that the first star of the biggest zodiacal constellation, Virgo, rose on the ecliptic the same time Antarctica dropped a huge ice sheet into the ocean and the glaciers began to melt with terrifying suddeness. By this point in time, humans had spread across the entire planet on every continent including distant ones like Australia. When these floods occured, one should imagine many coastal communities such as the ones between Australia and Indonesia were swiftly indundated and if they didn't move rapidly, drowned during the sudden appearance of storms we call 'typhoons' or 'hurricanes.' During the Ice Ages, it rained very little compared to today.
And the rain had different patterns, too. During the Ice Ages, northern Africa was a fertile plain with herds of wild game roaming about, hunted by humans using rock-tipped weapons. Along the edge of all the giant glaciers, humans hunted the vast herds of migratory animals. Suddenly, this lifestyle which humans not only adapted to but evolved rapidly into humans under the hammer of terrifying cold, we being jungle animals and all that, migratory humans always depended upon the stars to judge when to follow the herds, what to do next.
Note how the very first star in Virgo rose on the horizon with the sun at dawn in Spring, spring being the most important time of year for Ice Age people, it being the time of birth of all animals, plants and humans (babies born in fall or winter died much more frequently), this star which is very bright, rose the same era the ice all melted suddenly away. This was a crisis due to the heavy rains and floods.
As someone who lives in the very cold half of the year, I can understand the panic that overcame all animals and humans during this meltdown. We call spring up here, 'Mud Season.' It is nearly impossible to do anything. The oxen sink in the deepening mud as the frozen ground melts on top, it is very easy to fall down, one can't run, the legs get mired in the increasing muck, the wind begins to blow very hard and rain comes down in sheets and trust me, cold rain is a million times nastier than snow!
When one wears fur, snow stops on the outside, with rain, it runs into every crack and crevice. So the beginning of modern times were not pleasant for the people of the Northern Hemispheres in particular.
It is no wonder the first civilizations began soon after this meltdown. People who were able to take advantage of this change and tame both plants and animals also figured out they could herd and tame other humans. Organizing plants into demarked fields, organizing animals into flocks and herds rather than letting them run at will, organizing humans into priests and overseers and armies evolved rapidly during the meltdown. From 14,000 to 6,000 years ago, the Zodiac shifted through Virgo, Leo, and Cancer.
With the rise of the great empires in the river valleys of the Yellow River, Euphrates, Indus, Nile and others, religion became increasingly organized around the observation of the sun, moon and stars. Wandering stars, the planets, were of particular concern. When these gathered together in one clump and if this intersected with the sun and the moon rising or setting on the horizon, was watched with great fear and interest because the perhaps it was noticed this happened 14,000 years ago when the Floods suddenly happened and life became very muddy and wet all around.
&hearts The post-Ice Age equilibrium suddenly collapsed right in the middle of all this hard work of building civilizations:
By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
Using a new computer simulation of the Earth's climate, German scientists say that the Sahara underwent a brutal climate change about 4,000 years ago.
Over a very short time scale - possibly as short as 300 years - it went from grasslands with low shrubs to the desert we are familiar with today. Summer temperatures increased rapidly and rainfall almost ceased. The change devastated many ancient cultures and caused those that did survive to migrate elsewhere.
Scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Research say that the desertification of the Sahara was one of the most dramatic changes in climate over the past 11,000 years.
This disaster, the birth of the Sahara desert, the greatest desert on earth, overtook a huge semi-pastoral, hunter-gatherer, proto-farming population that was relentlessly and rapidly driven towards the Nile or south to the jungle belt across central Africa. This caused such instability with the Egyptians, the Old Kingdom collapsed and chaos reigned for those 300 years.
&hearts The Egyptians quickly created new military systems and fighting styles which allowed them to deal with the bands of increasingly desperate pastoral invaders, the Middle Kingdom was born.
The only important god who was worshiped with consistency was Ra, chief of cosmic deities, from whom early Egyptian kings claimed descent. Beginning with the Middle Kingdom (2134-1668 BC), Ra worship acquired the status of a state religion, and the god was gradually fused with Amon during the Theban dynasties, becoming the supreme god Amon-Ra. During the 18th Dynasty the pharaoh Amenhotep III renamed the sun god Aton, an ancient term for the physical solar force. Amenhotep's son and successor, Amenhotep IV, instituted a revolution in Egyptian religion by proclaiming Aton the true and only god. He changed his own name to Akhenaton, meaning "Aton is satisfied." This first great monotheist was so iconoclastic that he had the plural word gods deleted from monuments, and he relentlessly persecuted the priests of Amon. Akhenaton's sun religion failed to survive, although it exerted a great influence on the art and thinking of his time, and Egypt returned to the ancient, labyrinthine religion of polytheism after Akhenaton's death.
Along with all these political and agricultural changes caused by the sudden, soon to be 'eternal' drought, religion changed too.
&hearts The intellectual basis of the Old Kingdom's religion changed and morphed as a troubled people sought comfort and refuge.
The XII Dynasty kings, none of whose mummies have survived, seem the most human of all the Egyptian kings -- the divine king as the "Good Shepherd." Indeed, it was during the Middle Kingdom that the cult of Osiris was extended from the king to all Egyptians, with a promise of immortality and a happy afterlife for all. Anyone could become Osiris.
The old dynasty didn't just end, the people at the top were killed off with pretty nasty brutality. Surrounded by the gigantic monuments built during the Age of Taurus when Orion and the Bull battled in the heavens, the stars that aligned with the Pyramids no longer appeared in the windows or between the pillars erected to track the very distictive stars of Orion, Regulus which is part of Leo and which marked an important transit point in the calendar of the Taurian age, the concept of the Bull continued but alongside rose a new god: the sheep herder and his little lamb, Aries.
&hearts During this same time, Stonehenge arose and Britain had a sudden climate change, too, just like northern Africa.
In the British Isles, the climate change was certainly quite sudden and disturbing, it actually got briefly much warmer and rainier.
Paleoecological data provide estimates of response rates to past climate changes. Fossil Pinus sylvestris stumps in far northern Scotland demonstrate former presence of pine trees where conventional pollen evidence of pine forests is lacking. Radiocarbon, dendrochronological, and fine temporal-resolution palynological data show that pine forests were present for about four centuries some 4000 years ago; the forests expanded and then retreated rapidly some 70 to 80 kilometers. Despite the rapidity of this response to climate change, it occurred at rates slower by an order of magnitude than those necessary to maintain equilibrium with forecast climate changes attributed to the greenhouse effect.
When forests shift their borders this swiftly, it certainly means something big changed. Since this coincides with the sudden building of many observatories there, this means there was some desire to put all this in some context and this also means our ancestors thought the shifting of the stars had something to do with all this.
&hearts Across the planet, Mexico and the Southwest also became wetter during this time and this is when maize, squash and beans were domesticated as well as probably turkeys.
Two University of New Mexico Earth and Planetary scientists, Victor Polyak and Yemane Asmerom, have applied high precision uranium-thorium dating to columnar stalagmites from caves in the Guadalupe Mountains in southwestern New Mexico to document climate change over the last 4,000 years in this region of the United States.
The overall interpretation of the data drawn by Polyak and Asmerom reveals the onset of a wetter climate during the mid-to-late Holocene period (4,000 years ago) and comparable to or slightly wetter than the present climate until 3,000 years ago. The most significant period of increased moisture occurred between 3,000 and 1,700 years ago. The greater than present day wetness persisted until about 800 years ago. Afterward, conditions became as dry as or drier than present-day conditions.
Cultural changes during this period such as the earliest evidence for cultivation of corn and cotton occur concurrently with interpreted changes in available moisture. For instance, the earliest evidence for the growth of corn by ancestral Americans in the southwestern United States begins with the late Holocene wet period defined by the stalagmite data.
It wasn't just a few places, this climate change that happened to coincide with the dawn of the Age of Aries hammered many incipient civilizations:
&hearts The disturbance drove the Aryans out of the Altai mountains and into India.
Nearing the end of the Indus Valley Civilization, the cities began to wither and the strong economy slowly deteriorated. It was most likely the intermittent floods that tore apart and put and end to this civilization. Floods wiped out the irrigation system that supplied water to the crops, and many of the buildings were smothered. The people lost their drive to keep the cities orderly and prosperous. The constant flooding simply broke them of their morale as a proud people of such an advanced civilization. If it is true that the Aryans invaded the Indus Valley at the time when the civilization was withering, it was no wonder that they had no trouble forcing the people of Indus out of the area. But, it is certain that these people were powerful, determined, and advanced; easily seen through their strong willed and successful economy (Wheeler 1966: 76-9).
Unlike the Egyptians who successfully fought off the invading pastoral tribes fleeing the Saharan drought, the people in the Indus civilizations were overrun and enslaved because the invaders had some interesting new technologies, the main one being the invention of the wheeled war chariot. The mastery of the Indus people was brutally incorperated into the new religion born in the turbulent confluence of floods, swift moving chariots and the change in the stars from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries doomed the pastoral people of the Indus to 4,000 years of slavery, they became the 'untouchables' and to this day, their plight causes great political troubles and crimes in India. Their status firmly affixed to the religious chariot, they must destroy Hinduism itself to free themselves.
When the stars change yet again, bringing in the Aquarian Age, this might be possible. This same time period, the chariot driving warriors destroyed the civilization of Ur in the Euprhates Valley.
&hearts Incidentally, this is the exact same time Abraham fled Ur and headed west, proclaiming the start of a new religion.
Ur-Nammu, who wrote the first law in history, which contained 31 legal paragraphes, and who built the great walls of Ur 'as high as a shining mountain', and his son and successor Shulgi (reigned 2095-2047 BC) both built the great ziggurat of Nanna (about 2100 BC) that has stood throughout the centuries, and magnificent temples at Ur and in other Mesopotamian cities. The descendants of Ur-Nammu continued in power for more than a century, or until shortly before 2000 BC, when the Elamites captured Ibbi-Sin (reigned 2029-2004 BC), king of Ur, and destroyed the city.
Hammered by climate change and technological advances, the monuments built during the Orion/Taurian Age were seen to be out of alignment with the stars. Just like the Pyramids next to the Nile, the great ziggarts were abandoned. Normally, invaders would live in the cities they conquer. But conquests that occur simultaneously with changes in the constellations that rise in the east on the Vernal Equinox usually leads to the destruction or abandonment of these monuments which are really systems built to ease the observation of specific stars.
This is why the Mayan temples were simply abandoned. Not just due to people migrating from ecological disasters, there was also a CELESTIAL disaster, the stars ceased to perform their duties connected with magic rituals and human sacrifices. This is why Abraham didn't sacrifice his son, Issac. The god that was being born during this time 4,000 years ago had a different protocol. This is also why the Egyptians made their new head deity a friendler god that didn't want human sacrifice, too. This didn't stop such things in other religions, of course.
But it was a change that couldn't happen unless a new Astral Age was beginning.
&hearts Archeologists are always trying to figure out how great civilizations like the Minoan suddenly arise.
Around 1900 B.C., during the Middle Minoan period, Minoan civilization on Crete reached its apogee with the establishment of centers, called palaces, that concentrated political and economic power, as well as artistic activity, and may have served as centers for the redistribution of agricultural commodities. Major palaces were built at Knossos and Mallia in the northern part of Crete, at Phaistos in the south, and at Zakros in the east. These palaces are distinguished by their arrangement around a paved central court and sophisticated masonry. In general, there were no defensive walls, although a network of watchtowers punctuating key roads on the island has been identified. The walls and floors of the palaces were often painted and colorful frescoes depicted rituals or scenes of nature. There were sanitary facilities as well as provisions for adequate lighting and ventilation. Living quarters of the palaces, like the better Minoan houses, were spacious.
With the palaces came the development of writing, probably as a result of the new record-keeping demands of the palace economy. The Minoans on Crete employed two types of scripts, a hieroglyphic script whose source of inspiration was probably Egypt, and a linear script, Linear A, perhaps inspired by the cuneiform of the eastern Mediterranean. The scripts are found on sun-dried clay tablets that are mostly administrative records; on ritual objects such as miniature double axes and stone libation tables; and on pottery and rings. Archaeological evidence suggests that the Minoan palaces also functioned as centers for ritual, although major religious activities also occurred at cult sites in the country such as caves, springs, and peak sanctuaries.
I admit to a certain strong love for the Minoan people. Like the Egyptians, the dawn of Aries meant their Middle Kingdom was also very enlightened and relatively humane. They and the Phoenians took advantage of the new weather systems to create advanced forms of ship building and sailing. They kept the cult of the Bull from the previous Taurian Age but tamed Minos and locked him in a maze that was controlled by women.
Coincidentally, there was a very important revolution in agriculture that occured at the very same time this climate change swept the earth: the discovery of how to make wine from grapes! This was a religious revolution that came out of the Minoan empire and which I suspect is the ultimate strength of this empire: they bottled and shipped wine to all other cultures. Embedded within classical mythology is the birth of Bacchus, the god of wine was born in the Mediterranean, he rode dolphins, was carried off by pirates, he is not connected with the land but with sea trade!
The liberal culture of the Minoans swept the world. The Taurian beer swillers of Ur lost out in this religious revolution. The very word, 'wine' is a Minoan word, not Indo-european, for example.
When I was only a child, I read about the Minoans and saw pictures in National Geographic showing their gorgeous paintings and sculptures. I fell instantly in love. Deep inside, I am a Minoan. This revolution was also the highest point in all the history of humanity for women! We did so well in the Minoan culture!
If I were transported back in time, Crete would be the land of my destiny. The Minoans and the Phoenicians sailed all the way to England seeking tin as well as searching for the home of Venus and the barmaids of the West who watch over the Tree of Life and its golden apples.
Did they influence the English tribes? Did this trigger their desperate observatory building? Bronze was discovered long before this tremendous cultural/religious/agricultural revolution. But the sailing revolution and the quest to find the goddesses in the West that swept the sailors past the menacing Rocks of Gilbralter and off into the Atlantic to Cornwall...meant Europe's biggest tin mines could now be tapped to create large quanties of bronze. And this meant bronze wielding warriors of ancient Minoa could dominate the Mediterranean basin.
&hearts So to cap all this, the astronomical event that ties all this together occured on a specific day, it is literally the instant the New Age was born, the New World Order, the birth of Dionysius, the birth of real liberalism, the birth of feminism, the Bronze Age!
Astronomers from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the U.S. Naval Observatory have solved the ancient mystery of the origin of the Chinese calendar, it was reported to the 182nd meeting of the American Astronomical Society today in Berkeley, Calif.
Kevin Pang of JPL and John Bangert of the Naval Observatory said they have found a date in 1953 B.C. when the sun, moon and five planets all lined up in the sky at dawn -- providing the basis for the beginning of the Chinese calendar.
The astronomers used planetary positions in ancient times -available in JPL's ephemerides, or database of planetary motions -- to pinpoint the date.
"Humans have always regarded such rare celestial encounters with awe and foreboding," Pang said. "Recent planetary conjunctions have simultaneously raised hopes for the dawning of the Age of Aquarius and portents for the world's apocalyptic end," he said.
Although alignments of Jupiter, Mars and other planets have been followed by neither, that has not discouraged new speculations about a coming conjunction of the sun, moon and five planets in the constellation Aries on May 5, 2000 A.D., Pang said.
Pang suggests that westerners' fear of such heavenly signs may have been ingrained by the 1345 A.D. planetary conjunction in the constellation Aquarius, which was followed by the Black Death that killed a third of Europe's population.
In contrast, he said, Orientals have always considered a five-planet alignment as a favorable omen, signaling the dawn of a new age and the world's renewal.
While the beginning of a day is dawn, a five-planet conjunction occurring at dawn, with a new moon, and the start of spring would truly be the beginning of all cycles, he said. For calendar makers, such a moment would also be an ideal starting point for counting days, months, years and planetary periods.
This is why observatories rose across the planet! This is why humans changed their cultures! All these many forces focused on one point in history, an amazing moment, the birth of so many things at once!
This was also where all the Greek and Roman myths came from! All the tales of the Gods were from this juncture! They all lead up to a great conflict caused by women running wild, the Illiad and the Fall of Troy.
The pain of the destruction of all this which happened only a mere 500 years later with the explosion of Thera, the mighty volcano that utterly destroyed the Minoan culture and sent the women into the dark pits of hell, like the poor people of the equally feminine Indus culture into 4,000 years of slavery, women never attained the freedoms and power they had so securely during this amazing revolution.
If that volcano hadn't blown up, would we be seeing the religious conflicts of today? The Jewish, Christian and Islamic religions all hate women. They hate Minoans. Two of them hate wine, the Christians at least allow that remnant to exist! They hate orgies. They hate anything to do with women dressed up in corsets and fancy gowns, dressed up gorgeous, free to roam, showing their lovely breasts for all eyes to feast upon them.
Remnants of the natural liberalism which sprang up with the Bronze Age still exist and periodically the dominant religions of the Iron and Nuclear Age try to suppress the natural urge of humans to adore the Graces of the Minoan revolution and to follow Pegasus to the Heavens where Astronomy, History, Music, Dance, Poetry hang out and have drunken orgies in between various cultural activities that are undertaken because they are amusing and elevating.
Instead, we sit here today, worried sick that the maniacs of the Iron Age women-hating, sexually uptight, annoyingly fixated on killing all living things in a stupid, disgusting quest to join their self-centered gods....what a time to live in! These religions of denial and crushing of sex, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam were created when the Arian Age ended in 4 BC.
&hearts Star charts from 'Mill of Time'.
Diagram showing how the ecliptic and the celestial equators intersected with the first stars of the constellation Aries.
Here we see this again in the middle of Pisces, the same sort of intersection.
And of course, the same star set-up which happened 4,000 years ago, occured just recently! In October, 1950! The month I was born next to Yerkes Observatory. And just like the previous period, running up to this date and continuing past it, for the last 100 years, the world has engaged in an epic observatory-building project that is greater than any before. The anxieties that trouble humanity today are coming together in the midst of planet-wide ecological and climatic changes that are rapidly evolving.
The major religions born during the chaos of two thousand years ago all planted within themselves a very dangerous seed: that they were the final religions, the END OF TIME. Time would be frozen within them, nothing was going to change! They would be forever and not be eclipsed by mere star changes. This was due to the fact that written records existed in India, China, the Middle East and Mediterranean cultures and so the astronomers could clearly see, the Age of the Twin Fishes would end and the Age of Aquarius would begin and to preserve themselves, they unilaterally declared they would upend Mother Nature Herself and break her ulimate decree: nothing exists forever. The only eternity lies outside of the galactic plane, it is outside Creation itself. The Big Bang and the creation of the universe isn't forever nor is it eternal. The area outside this event horizon might be eternal, we can't see it or know anything about it.
Just as Christianity destroyed the structures and observatories of earlier religions, as the desire to eradicate all the knowledge of the past swept Europe into the Dark Ages, Mohammed attacked Mecca/Makkah. This was the Arabian equivalent of Hindu observatories, the Ka'aba (Kabbah) is the Square of Pegasus which is much easier to see than the Pisces constellation, indeed, the carvings at Dendera, Egypt as well as a host of other examples from the Americas to Africa, show the Pegasus square within the 'v' of the two fishes...around the Pegasus Square was a circle of 360 gods, one for each degree of the heavens.
Mohammed destroyed them but left the Square in the middle. He claimed he rode Pegasus to the Heavens just as Elijah's followers in Israel claimed Pegasus pulling a chariot flew him to Heaven, too. The Greeks were more truthful and said Bellephron was thrown by Pegasus and the when Phaethon, urged by false pride, drove Helios' Sun Chariot, he also crashed before reaching the West where the Graces live.
All the new gods born during the star change of the Piscean age claimed they could do what previous adventurers could not do: reach godhood by flying up into the Heavens. Mohammed didn't claim godhood exactly, he was a mere prophet like Elijah and Buddha never claimed to be god but merely a route to the lands of the gods which he thought was basically nothingness of eternity (going outside of the sidreal plane and outside of the entire universe time/space continuum!). And Jesus claimed to be merely a new road to Heaven, not a god, just the son of god just as Phaethon claimed he was, too.
Just as Minoan religions were basically liberal and cautionary, these new religions are intolerant and self-serving. Their dictatorship is driving us all into a joint confrontation that could end all life on this planet as fears fill the followers of these religions. They rush about, in a total panic that people will notice the Age of Pisces will end!
They are already frightened because of the confluence in 1950. In the Occult satanist community, they did a series of spells surrounding that date. The founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Devil's Canyon, Pasadena, knew my father and mother very well, extremely well.
And so it is: the confluence of forces led the founder of the Scientologist cult and Jack Parsons to Death Valley to pray for a woman to be born in 1950 and she was going to destroy humanity.
Pegasus laughs about that one. Heh. He has a great sense of humor which is why he hangs out with the Graces and gets drunk with those slutty girls and he eats his golden apples and grazes. He loves liberalism, he loves freedom.
And part of our agony today is how the stupid battle for 'freedom' is really the machine locking chains on us! The Devil that is Death enslaving humanity! The Antichrist ruling the Christians.
I suppose the reason why I also fret about volcanoes is due to the harsh fact that a volcano destroyed Minos. Perhaps it is the itch of an ancient memory.
So peace and love! Drink a glass of red wine and thank Pegasus for the sun and the stars and lightning bolts. Attend orgies and make love, not war. Sigh. I loved things in the sixites. Far from hating that time, I flung myself literally into the Pacific's embrace, the Ocean of the West! Peace and Love in 1967.
Sigh. Love you all. Thanks for plowing through this long posting, this is what I really am.
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