November 3, 2007
Elaine Meinel Supkis
Thanks to Hitler and 2,000 years of persecution of the Jews by the two other religions they gave birth to, we can't talk reasonably about the Jewish people. I was Mrs. Levy for many years plus I come from, on my father's side, a German/Jewish background. Hitler would have killed me if he could. So I have a right to talk about the Jewish situation in the United States. The sudden reversal over the Jewish Attorney General nominee by two Jewish Senators, Feinstein and Schumer, shows clearly how Jews in our government are sticking together even in the teeth of severe disapproval of the voters at large in their own states over any issue concerning power of Princes.
I got this email this morning that is moot since last night, these two Jewish Senators suddenly threw in the towel:
From the ACLU: Mukasey has not only refused to state whether waterboarding is torture when authorized by the U.S. government, but he also refused to say whether it is illegal for foreign countries to commit acts such as waterboarding, electric shocks, beatings, head slaps, and induced hypothermia on Americans.
The attorney general is supposed to enforce the law, not equivocate and dance around clear-cut legal issues. Yet Mukasey has evaded straight answers -- not only on torture -- but on government spying as well. Under his theory, any restrictions on unfettered spying that Congress passes may be meaningless, since Mukasey believes the president has power to engage in domestic wiretapping without a warrant and outside the law.
Take Action: Tell your senators Mukasey can't dodge torture and spying questions.
Over and over again, the Democratic party which is mostly run by the Jewish sector in our national politics, for example, Hoyer is a dual citizen of Israel, the constant betrayals by this sector of everything the voters flocking to the Democratic party want, is classic. Let us go backwards in time here: Katrina. The head of Homeland Security is, like Hoyer, a dual citizen of Israel. He wrote up big parts of the Patriot Act before 9/11 and was ready to fight to put in place these draconian laws and was rewarded for helping cover up the 9/11 complicity crimes of Rice and Bush. He got to run the internal Soviet controls he helped set up in the former United States of America.
When he failed miserably to protect anyone during Katrina, his non-Jewish underling in FEMA was fired after the media, heavily controlled by other Jewish interests mocked and abused Brownie while Chertoff was allowed to skate free and suffered no consequences from that disaster. Universally, people react to pictures of this man negatively because he looks like Darth Vader or Skelator, two evil cartoon/movie characters. He is so frightening, he is kept out of the news and few pictures appear of this glowering, glaring monster. No matter how necessary it is for the head of Homeland Security to appear in public, he is kept under wraps like the statue of Justice when Ashcroft was Attorney General.
During all the hearings about 9/11 and Katrina, etc, I kept expecting Chertoff to be raked over the coals and then, like the Catholic Hispanic Attorney General, removed. But he felt no pressure and continues to haunt the halls of Unconstitutional Authority with hardly a whisper of dissent from the Democratic leadership which is very Jewish considering that Jews are only 3% of the population.
I get in my emails, daily appeals from these same leaders asking me for more money so they can stop the bad things in our Imperial Government. They want me to imagine, if I give them more power, they will be able to stop the bad things from happening. Many Americans in the Democratic Party are very angry about torture and imperial power of the Presidency. Pretending they want to stop all this is the Big Lie these Zionists are pulling on me now. I am not a Zionist despite my Jewish background and this irritates me greatly. They have the votes to filibuster monsters like Mukasey. Mukasey is for torture for the simple reason, this is necessary if the Zionists need to do something very nasty to Muslims in this huge war they are now waging as they colonize Muslim lands in the Middle East. They torture in Israel, not that the tiniest news about this ever appears in the US media, and they NEED to torture here, too. Thus, the anxiety about this issue.
A classic Friday data dump from Zionist supreme, Schumer of NY:
I will support Judge Michael Mukasey for Attorney General.
I have spent the last nine months doing everything I can to get new leadership at the Department of Justice and I believe the job will not be finished until we get a strong and independent Attorney General. I believe Judge Mukasey is that type of person. Should we reject him, it is almost certain that an acting, caretaker Attorney General will take office without the advice and consent of the Senate. Inevitably, that would enable those in this administration, who do not believe in the rule of law, and have done things that caused even former Attorney General Ashcroft to threaten resignation, to have the complete upper hand.
Only a strong and independent Attorney General can return the Justice Department to what it once was, and should always be. Under this administration, that nominee will certainly never share our views on issues like torture and wiretapping. The best we can hope for is someone who is independent, has integrity, will put rule of law first and, above all, will clean the stench of politicization out of the Justice Department. I believe Judge Mukasey will be that type of Attorney General.
Kucinich should call in aliens to abduct Democrats like Schumer who have gone schizophrenic. Kucinich has been trying to impeach Cheney and Bush for...hold onto your hats, everyone....VIOLATING THE CONSTITUTION! When Schumer talks about 'not believe in the rule of law' he is refering to things that are IMPEACHABLE TODAY. Will Schumer support this? No?
Of course not! He has zero interest in fixing the Constitutional mess we were bequeathed by the Supreme Court in 2000 when they voided counting of votes in Florida! And Mukasey, is he 'independent'? I would suggest, he isn't even serving the USA. And indeed, at the very root of many of our impending disasters there are people who don't care about the USA all that much, they consider this a home base for other loyalties, other agendas that often are not in the public interest. This is a problem not just with Jews but with many people. Indeed, the problem of the US is partially the entire concept of being an immigrant nation. Are people here for short-term, self interest or are they CITIZENS who, and I assure everyone, my ancestors were quite clear about this, do they throw aside allegiance to former rulers or powers?
For the citizenship ceremony is all about swearing fealty to this nation and giving up serving other powers! Otherwise, we would have closed our borders centuries ago. The independence of this judge who has jailed lawyers for representing Muslims in terror cases, is fake. He serves the Jewish nation before this nation which is why he is so glib about basic Constitutional powers and RESTRICTIONS. Like Chertoff, he is OK with the end of our basic human rights which our founding fathers thought were of primary importance.
To have a fair and OPEN trial and NO TORTURE is one of the TOP things in our government, not the BOTTOM. The fact that this Jewish radical squirmed and lied when under direct questioning about torture means he is planning to torture, not restore our civil liberties he and his gang took from us after 9/11. In my mind, he is a terrorist bent on destroying America itself for America is the Constitution, not the flag.
This is an extremely difficult decision. When an administration, so political, so out of touch with the realities of governing and so contemptuous of the rule of law is in charge, we are never left with an ideal choice. Judge Mukasey is not my ideal choice. However, Judge Mukasey, whose integrity and independence is respected even by those who oppose him, is far better than anyone could expect from this administration. He is recommended by and reminds me of Jim Comey, another Bush nominee who—while he didn’t agree with us on the issues—showed the kind of independence and integrity this department needs.
I would also like to say something about torture, particularly waterboarding. I deeply oppose it. I supported Senator Kennedy’s amendment in 2006 and am a co-sponsor of his bill in this congress. Unfortunately, this nominee, indeed any proposed by President Bush will not agree with this. I am, however, confident that this nominee would enforce a law that bans waterboarding as I hope it will.
What did the financiers of Schumer say in NYC? Did the big guns in AIPAC and the many rich contributors to the Democratic Party who are Jewish here in my state call Schumer and tell him they were OK with this Jewish guy, hey! One less Goy to deal with while running things? That they will secretly do things by plotting behind everyone's back since this guy is one of them and not an outsider.
I lived deep inside the Jewish community in NYC and knew many Jewish politicians. I was their liason to the black community. Fights over civil issues led to a complete breakdown between myself and Mayor Koch to the point that he would call me names or run away if he saw me approaching. After the Dinkins mayorship, the other minorities of NYC have been pretty much cut out of the political scene by the Jewish operators. This is so naked now, when a Hispanic Catholic ran against a Jew, the media turned their backs on any actions of the Catholic while singing the praises of the Jewish candidate to the heavens. Guiliani was a Catholic and they figured, we had a black then a Catholic, time to reassert control which they had from Beame to Koch, over 20 years.
Frankly, ethnic/religious politics is at the root of politics in mega-immigration NYC and in meetings behind closed doors, we discuss these realities all the time. It is part of the plotting for alliances and deals, I know this presonally, having played the game at the very top of the pyramid when I was Mrs. Levy and therefore, allowed inside these deals. Now that Jewish politicos have a grip on nearly all levels of power in NY including the gov. as well as other high offices such as Senator, etc, they don't want us to talk about religion, ethnic power and block voting by minorities to keep control. This is VERBOTEN for obvious reasons. They hope no one will notice.
This is happening in California too. The same mechanisms and schemes are being used to cut into Hispanic power while playing ethnic politics. This is why, this month, NY's govenor has been peddling the drivers licenses for illegal Hispanics [and a host of illegal Israelis, etc]---it is a sop thrown to a rising ethnic group that might grow restive and run off to the GOP if the Republicans weren't so difficult, themselves, about illegal immigrants! Note too, the GOP leaders also want to coddle illegals but are forced down by their own supporters at home.
Note how Hillary suddenly supported making illegals legal via driver licenses, too. She was told at the top meetings in Manhattan, this was a sop to throw to the Catholic voters. Even as their political power is clipped, the Jews doing this will like to keep the base happy enough so they continue to vote Democratic despite the lack of real representation.
Back to Schumer's two-faced lies: So what if Bush sends one Darth Vader after another to be Attorney General? Can them all! Throw them out! But I suspect that Schumer is hinting that there will be a deal somewhere. Backroom deal, of course. The American people won't know a thing about who is doing what or why. I will assume that many of the most odious parts of our new Soviet System will remain firmly in place when AIPAC Hillary takes over or even if Catholic Guiliani gets the top position.
By the way, AIPAC is still in legal trouble. Rice and Rumsfeld will have to testify about all this and this is important to the Jews and I strongly suspect that the sudden rush to put a Jew in charge of the government's prosecutorial team is very much part of this AIPAC trial. The Jews involved in the outing of Valery Plame got away with that crime thanks to nice judges and nice people protecting them as they did the dirty work for the Prince who happens to be Bush. And Bush is a very good Prince, note how he has made it possible for Jews to stomp all over the Middle East with total impunity.
Note how they are unable to impeach him. Bet that if he reversed himself on this issue, he would go down instantly just like Nixon.
This afternoon, I met with Judge Michael Mukasey one more time. I requested the meeting to address, in person, some of my concerns. The Judge made clear to me that, were Congress to pass a law banning certain interrogation techniques, we would clearly be acting within our constitutional authority. And he flatly told me that the President would have absolutely no legal authority to ignore such a law, not even under some theory of inherent authority under Article II of the Constitution. He also pledged to enforce such a law and repeated his willingness to leave office rather than participate in a violation of law.
Judge Mukasey is a lawyer’s lawyer. He will not leap to quick judgments. When we want him to do so, such as on torture, we will be disappointed. But when he resists those in the administration who want quick and facile answers, so they can get their way, so they can roll over civil liberties and blot out separation of powers, it is they who will be disappointed.
I realize that, should he become Attorney General, Judge Mukasey and I will disagree on many issues. I have told him that I will battle just as fiercely against him as I did against previous Attorney Generals when we disagree.
These are troubling times at the Justice Department. We cannot afford or allow the department to languish and limp along for the next 14 months. I deeply esteem those who believe the issue of torture is so paramount that Judge Mukasey’s views on it should be the sole determinant of our vote. But I must respectfully disagree. The Justice Department is a shambles: politicized and demoralized. The belief and hope that Justice Mukasey, with his experience, independence and integrity, can restore the department motivates my vote.
Posted by Andy Zajac on November 2, 2007 4:39 PM |
Waterboarding has been recognized as cruel and unusual punishement for over 100 years in US courts. Holding Padilla [a Catholic] without trial while torturing him for years was totally and utterly and completely illegal and unconstitutional since 1789. Did this Jewish judge rail against these things based on AMERICAN history? Why does Congress have to pass a law saying that torture that was illegal 100 years ago is still illegal?
IT IS ALWAYS ILLEGAL! It never was 'legal' at all! And if Congress passed a law making this legal then the Supreme Court should have chucked it out the door.
And Chuck Schumer knows this. I know he knows this, I know him. This enrages me more than anything else he wrote. How dare this recent immigrant [less than 100 years in this country] tell another fairly recent immigrant [whose family wasn't here when my family chased out the Tories for being traitors] tell me that Congress must forbid specific tortures? HELL'S BELLS! These men are aliens who don't understand the Constitution of the United States and BOTH should be impeached along with war criminals, Bush and Cheney.
Here is a little bit of history of my German/Jewish side of the family and my feelings about Mittel Europa and how all this impacts on the US today:
My father's side of the family comes from the forests and mountains of a very troubled and complex part of Europe, the birthplace of some of the most conflicted and disturbed people on earth: the borderlands where Bohemia, Bavaria and Österreich converge. The name 'Meinel' is the Austrian/Bavarian version of the name, 'Meine'. I grew up playing the insutruments made by my relatives in Germany, I visited some of them many years ago on the border of Germany and Austria. The intersection of the Protestant/Catholic/Jewish/Orthodox and Muslim religions in the history of the fascinating and bizarre Empire/Duchy/Kingdom of the Hapbergs and like a wellspring, the culture of this central turning point of culture, art and historyreaches across 100 years of bloody history to dig its talons into our minds even today.
From the Jerusalem Post:
It's a list of "the world's most powerful people," 100 of the bankers and media moguls, publishers and image makers who shape the lives of billions. It's an exclusive, insular club, one whose influence stretches around the globe but is concentrated strategically in the highest corridors of power.
More than half its members, at least by one count, are Jewish.
It's a list, in other words, that would have made earlier generations of Jews jump out of their skins, calling attention, as it does, to their disproportionate influence in finance and the media. Making matters worse, in the eyes of many, would no doubt be the identity of the group behind the list - not a pack of fringe anti-Semites but one of the most mainstream, glamorous publications on the newsstands.
Yet the list doesn't appear to have generated concern so far, instead drawing expressions of satisfaction and pride from the lone Jewish commentator who's responded in writing.
For many years, the only Meinels in the USA were my great grandparents and my father's brothers and their families. The family came to America because of a marriage that crossed cultural lines: my great grandfather married a Jewish woman who changed her name and dropped her identity and both came to the US during the great European migrations just before WWI. Both were artists, musicians. Everyone in the family has leanings towards science, art and music.
But the Jewish connection was concealed carefully from my father and his siblings because of fear of racism and religious bigotry. We were raised in a classic Viennese household. Everyone played more than one instrument and sang. I played the violin, cello, pipe organ, harpsichord and piano. A brother played French horn, a sister played the flute, piano and composed music, another sister played the 12 string guitar and the sitar and so on. We grew up with operas playing at many opportunities and were encouraged to participate in performing in operas or going to them.
We were drenched in music from the golden era of Middle European arts and music. Anything having to do with the misty, murky world of Vienna and that era tugs at me like the distant moon rules the emotional tides of mighty oceans that froth and crash on the rocky shores of the soul. The cultural attainments of the Jewish minority is directly connected to that far away time and place even today. The fear that the Jerusalem article refers to is, of course, the Nazis whose leader came out of this same region and who turned into a monster quite rapidly at the conclusion of the terrible end of this empire: WWI.
This article in Israel won't get any mention in the US media. Indeed, it is an article of faith that no one is supposed to notice the very heavy influence a very tiny minority of Jews have on our cultural and financial affairs. If anyone mentions that Jews control a great deal of our media, for example, Sumner Redstone is very Jewish and has changed his name to hide this. Hollywood is utterly dominated by Jewish individuals who control booking and financing movies, etc. Directors, actors, script writers, etc, have many Jewish representatives. Secretly, they are all very pleased with this but out front, extremely paranoid.
This leads to a horrible situation whereby, if anyone mentions the obvious fact that Jews have tremendous influence in our cultural and financial lives, they are called 'anti-semitic' and if anyone points out that Jews pour in huge sums of money into our political system or that they are only 3% of the population but are nearly 30% of the holders of higher offices, one is called and 'anti-semite.' Even this frank Jerusalem Post article dances away from that fact, falsely claiming that Jews don't openly seek political power. Even as many Jews work hard to control world politics so they can get away with blatant ethnic cleansing, they need to think that this is all rather accidental and the world is on their side and wants them to do the horrible things they are doing in Palestine.
Which takes me back to Austria and the End of Empire there: before WWI, Germany was fairly uniform, France had very slight differences in language, culture and history, ditto, England. Many countries to the west of Austria were settled along fairly reasonable lines concerning language and culture except for a few hot spots like where Germany, France and the Low Lands converge or the Irish and Scots versus England. But Austria was a wild patchwork quilt of severely different languages, cultures, histories, ethnic types, writing systems, all of whom were products of thousands of years of wars, invasions and migrations and massacres.
And deeply embedded in all this was a large and fairly free Jewish community that was invited in and more or less protected by the Babenbergers, the founding rulers of Austria. There is even a place called 'Judenberg' which was favored by Leopold the Glorious who granted them many legal protections including the very important one concerning collection of debts for the Christians would be tainted by handling gold as loans and could not charge interest but Jews could, being considered demonic and doomed to hell, anyway. Europe sent out wave after wave of crusaders to the Holy Land and most didn't make it there or did much fighting against well-armed and quite fearsome Muslim warriors. Instead, they contented themselves with ravaging Jewish communities that were thoughtfully scattered all over the entire former Roman Empire by the Roman authorities a thousand years earlier.
But the Jews in Austria were not ravaged. If they were menaced, the Duke would protect them and the Liechtenstein family was set in charge of doing this and they kept their watch as best they could. So Jews in Austria were not like the ones in England, for example. The Romans sent Jews there, too. But King Edward I confiscated everything they owned and kicked them out. Some went to Spain and others went to Amsterdam, another place, like Austria, that protected Jews from many of the horrors of Christian rule. Indeed, just like Muslims today try to oppress religious minorities such as the Shi'ites in Iran are doing to minority religions there, Europe did this too. The places that protected Jews became the centers of banking over the centuries due to the curse laid upon bankers.
And the habit of making money, using money magic and understanding how these things operate, things like compound interest, for example, is very much connected to the Jewish world to this very day. All this is quite accidental since before the Roman diaspora, Jews were not known for their financial skills or wealth at all. the Phillistines of Palestine were known for this. The Phoenicians, in other words. They sailed from India to England long before the Roman Empire. Many 'Jewish' beliefs and systems of magical thinking come from the Phoenicians of Palestine. The Jewish desert tribes who came originally from the earliest of cities, Ur, lived uneasily cheek to jowl with the Phoenicians in that narrow valley. And the Phoenicians not only were sailors, unlike the Jews, they were astronomers. For they needed the stars to sail to distant lands, they didn't just hug the shores, they were quite fearless sailors.
The words I write here were invented by them. They also believed that the letters they used were magical and so were the numbers. And when they played with both, they not only communicated information and tracked stuff and made contracts, they also could warp reality and change the course of events in various ways. This is why we use the word 'spell' when talking about writing and doing magic. The combination of chants, random chance throws of various things like knuckle bones with dots on them and lining up numbers and dates of events is a deep part of magic for them and it is all over our present religious systems. This is why the Bible is filled with magic numbers, for example.
When Christians ended paganism at the beginning of the Dark Ages (great name for that time) they became very superstitious and at the same time, lost much of the pagan magic knowledge including understanding money and how it can be made to work beyond a very constricted fashion. In other words, money was used in the simplest way possible: as decoration or as status symbols. Coins nearly vanished and the same was true of writing skills and a host of other things. But NOT in the Jewish community! For the diaspora forced them to cease being farmers and city people in one small corner of the Middle East. It forced them to stretch their connections and to pass information and trade with each other over great distances.
They became Phoenicians, in other words. The need to pass on information via books became very important. So learning didn't die in the tiny Jewish communities. They read books avidly and worked on using numbers and on figuring out how to do business in a very hostile atmosphere filled with ignorant thugs out to rob and abuse them. This changed the Jewish culture significantly. And to this day, that firey crucible still creates a powerful minority of Jews who are very intent on making sense of magic, music, art and the political skills one needs to survive by their wits.
In my financial writings, I talk alot about magic. Sometimes people think I am totally insane about this but I seriously do believe that the connection between magic and money is very great. A famous Jew born and raised in pre-WWI Vienna, Dr. Freud, got that half-way when he said that money is connected to the anal functions of the body. The religious outcast status of the Jewish community of Europe is outstanding. Not only were the only ones allowed to do even the most primitive forms of banking, they were unable to carry gold about in big chests like the knights and kings and Christian merchants who could hire merenaries. If a Jew hired Christian mercenaries, the chances they would rob their employer and get away with the murder was very high.
So using the magic of writing and numbers, Jews were forced to do financial business long distances using pieces of paper that held promises and suggested types of payments and schedules of payments and since money couldn't be deposited directly with the Jews doing all this but had to pass through some very unreliable hands, the Jews developed all sorts of clauses of protection in the hopes this would cut losses somewhat. To riddle these things out required skills which we call 'lawyer' skills which were quite unlike the 'lawyers' of Medieval Europe. Namely, instead of reciting old Roman laws and Christian customs which was mostly memorization, the Jews had to remember and think through various potential problems and then circumvent them or render them 'legal' or 'illegal' within their growing banking system they were forced into.
The Christians would write rules and have trade deals but whenever they went bad, the old system of 'loot, rape and kill' would reappear with shocking suddeness. This even happened after WWI. The Jews neither caused nor prosecuted this war any more than any other minority group but the need to loot someone after the war was lost was very great and of course, when the Great Depression came, the Jews became obvious targets for refreshing the treasury by looting, raping and killing the Jews. The fact that this happened in Austria was a real shock. For the Jews there came closest to full legal and social civil rights than any other nation including the USA at that time! They didn't have to be seen as open agent of destruction, the mere idea that they have a magical connection with the creation of money and were therefore, demonic and connected with dark forces little understood, was sufficient.
The news today from Turkey depresses me. Jews were, for over a thousand years, the money bridge between Islam and Christian worlds. Whether in Venice or Seville, Amsterdam or Constantinople, since they were not part of the two battling giant religions, they could pass through walls, they could drink from both cups and they could make deals. Which again, causes suspicion and a belief that Jews are manipulating people for their own ends. Which is true, by the way. Of course, they were forced to do this!
But Jews today want to prevent people from thinking this even as they madly manipulate everything they can get their hands on! This is why the media cannot and will not and will even attack anyone who suggests that Jews who are rich are also powerful and wield great power for their own ends! Yet the end which they seek is to own the Holy Land and also, control all the empires so the empires protect them like Leopold the Glorious of ancient Austria. One of the many actions taken by the greater Jewish community today is to close off all venues for plays like the Rachel Corrie play about how the Israeli Army murdered her, for example. Or preventing a former President, Jimmy Carter, from talking about Jewish Israeli Apartheid policies. The repression of anyone mentioning anything about the increasingly fascistic and anti-humanist activities in the Zionist adventure is driving the entire Jewish community straight to where the darkest cave of all is: the Holocaust.
As Jews work frantically to stop any expression of anti-semitism, they end up endorsing and enforcing no freedom of speech or assembly. The imprisonment of Irving, the writer who questions details about the Holocaust, is just one example of the destruction of the freedoms we should protect, not end. His martyrdom makes things worse, not better. Imprisoning young German males for singing 'Happy Birthday, Hitler' isn't going to decrease hatred of Jews. Stealing olive trees from Palestinian farmers won't make things friendly for Jews in distant lands nor does this protect them from future dangers.
The atmosphere of danger coupled with increasing freedoms that created the amazing cultural community of the Fin de Siecle Mittle Europa Jews is so strong, the Jewish creative community still has power from it but as they cling to the notion of being landlords of the Middle East, the more they lose this tremendous cultural knack, this great gift. It is passing rapidly as they turn from drawing up laws that are fair and protect business to drawing up regulations that helps them loot everyone and destroy the economic base of any country sheltering them.
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