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Well written and fascinating information. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Thank you, Salvatorem, thank you very much. I don't share my thoughts all that much. When I start sharing my thoughts, look out!


Hello Elaine,

Your comments, especially the last paragraph summarize almost precisely the dilemma of Queen Isabella of Spain at the end of the 1400's. I learned the real history of her age while living in Spain and France in 1997.

Members of the Jewish community in Spain were playing the Moors and the Spanish Court in politics and finance.

Other members of the same community were even engaged in dark Kabalic religious practices that included animal and even human sacrifice.

Isabella initiated the Inquisition to investigate and root out these groups and their corruptions, some of which were also identical to the money magic and greed you regularly report in this column.

In the dozen years of the Inquisition almost 3,000 persons were found guilty of capital crimes and executed.

Thousands more were stripped of their ill gotten gains and fled to other nations of Europe, most notably the First Polish Republic, where Jews were allowed to live under Talmudic Law in various enclaves throughout the country.

Oddly, in this very column some of my suggestions to solve our present dilemmas have been unfavorably compared to the Inquisition.

How sad to observe the fulfillment in America of an ancient Talmudic verse:

"For lack on knowledge my people perish."

Kindest regards,

Elaine Supkis

The Spanish Inquisition was religious war. There were no human sacrifices, ets. The Kabala business is all intellectual and is important towards understanding how wealth flows from the Cave.

Indeed, the Christians of Spain launched this hideous violent raid on world wealth, they stole everything in South and Central America, killled or enslaved the natives, attacked Asia and Africa and looted everything they could grab!

This is the older 'loot and loot some more' methodology of the Roman Empire, for example. The Jews wanted to do BUSINESS and not LOOTING because they are a minority and must survive by their wits not by the sword. Of all humans on earth, Jews should be ANTI TORTURE. As well as against princely control. The princes ALWAYS betray the Jews if anything goes wrong.

Anti-semitism is very real and quite ugly. It prevents anyone from talking sanely about all these things. Indeed, the Jews themselves, practice a new form of anti-semitism. They support European Jewish power over Palestinian semitic power and use all the ugly tools of antisemitism to do this.

Like all the paradoxes driving us into the Apocalypse, the Jewish desire to have great power and to carry the SWORD into looting expeditions is leading to the destruction of the entire Jewish community when WWIII happens.

Many writers are so despairing about all this, they have decided to ignore it totally. Hope it all goes away. As a person whose main interest is to halt progression towards WWIII and the Apocalypse, I have to dig down into this whole matter no matter how horrible it all is. I have to look at this Beast in the eye.

It is nearly impossible to explain how hard it is to look at the Beast if one has passed through the Chambers of the Outer Darkness leading up to the Apocalypse. We want to look aside.

But all humans are being politically and economically driven towards the illogic of WWIII. Note that Bush was not impeached for talking about WWIII. The 'human sacrifices' that were done in Spain in 1600 were the hideous auto de fes run by the Princes of the Realm, not the Jews nor the Muslims. The crimes of the Christians are deep and abiding, The demonic behavior of the Church is at the very root of the looming total evil of WWIII. Christians in the US pray for this event, by the way.

Which is utterly evil. And Jews in our government hope to milk this in order to steal some olive trees in Palestine! This is pure insanity but then, human history is all about insanity.

We are, by the way, the Mad Ape.

Elaine Supkis

Indeed, the Bible itself is a meditation on the destruction of all living things. God is motivated to destroy the planet due to it not pleasing him. Then he promised Noah, he wouldn't do it again but a short while later in geological time, god decides he will, in the future, kill off all living things in order to sort out the good and the bad.

This painful and violent processs whereby the supposedly peaceful Jesus who refused to fight back, the person who is supposed to love us all, etc, returns as Durga Kali and a sword, slaying mercilessly, is all about total reversals which is the core of magic.

All things become their total opposite. So at the foundation of Christianity lies this paradox of the loving Jesus killing everyone in an extremely violent spasm...and the Bible admits itself that the instigator of all this will be the Antichrist who will be someone the Christian believers themselves will hail as the real Christ! And the amazing thing about the Bible is, when people read about the Antichrist battling the real Christ, many readers think that the Antichrist IS the real Christ and so they pray for....the Antichrist to come because this will bring the REAL Christ!

Which makes them enablers and followers of the Antichrist! When I figured this all out as a very young person, I was horrified and told both my Rabbi and my Pastor, I was studying to be a religious leader back in 1968, by the way and was studying both Hebrew and Latin as well as theology.

Neither teacher had an answer to this paradox. As I increasingly challenged all my teachers about this fundamental business, they grew increasingly wary about even discussing this Thing, the Apocalypse. In rising despair and frustration, I tried to get them to see this paradoxical mess and understand it is the main issue, the biggest thing to discuss and figure out and the more I did this, the less capable they were of articulating all this or understanding the nature of paradoxes!

So I saw clearly that understanding paradoxes without accepting the concept that paradoxes buried inside of religions are the basis of all religions and this is connected to the crimes of humans climbing the evolutionary ladder.....eating an apple didn't eject us from the Garden of Eden, it was eating EACH OTHER that got us thrown out. Humans are flesh eaters. Even if we are vegetarians, we still kill other humans for financial gain, we still enslave other humans.

The frightful mess of the idea of the Apocalypse troubles me no end. Watching the world slide towards this is frightful. I wish there was a quiet, easy way to prevent this but humans raised inside of a cultural/religious matrix are very stubborn. Nearly impossible to change. Our brains are trapped inside of whatever cultural framework our ancestors created.


America is the Constitution, not the flag

that's a keeper. it should become a motto.


Many Jews who fled the Spanish Inquisition went to the Muslim lands where they were welcomed.

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