Elaine Meinel Supkis
The present supreme leader of the Catholic Church is a thoroughly strange and I think, very evil man. He and I tangled in the past, in Germany, in 1968. To be exact. In Tübingen. Today, he wears a huge tiara and sits on a huge throne and he pretends he stands for good as he drips with jewelry and fine silks. He sits in his palace and talks about the need for exorcisms! HAHAHA. I would like to exorcist him but he won't cooperate. Perhaps we can do it long-distance? All I know is, he profoundly misunderstands how exorcisms work as well as how impossible it is for anyone living in a palace, asking people to worship him, to do exorcisms. This lifestyle makes one a demon.
Pope's exorcist squads will wage war on Satan
The Pope has ordered his bishops to set up exorcism squads to tackle the rise of Satanism.Vatican chiefs are concerned at what they see as an increased interest in the occult.
They have introduced courses for priests to combat what they call the most extreme form of "Godlessness."
Each bishop is to be told to have in his diocese a number of priests trained to fight demonic possession.
The initiative was revealed by 82-year-old Father Gabriele Amorth, the Vatican "exorcistinchief," to the online Catholic news service Petrus.
"Thanks be to God, we have a Pope who has decided to fight the Devil head-on," he said.
Either this man is totally insane or he has a wicked, wicked little demon inside that head of his. Aside from the fact that he looks like either the Sith Emperor of Star Wars or Uncle Fester of the Munsters, this former Hitler Jugend who ran off in 1945 from the town of Dachau, Bavaria is a queer and disturbing man.
When the NYT interviewed him about his life career and his turning points, he said the biggest turning point in his life was this meeting at the Universität in Tübingen, Germany, in 1968. We had taken over the campus and were holding loud and sometimes rather drunken meetings. Hey, it was legal for me to drink back then even though I was under 18 years in age!
Ratzinger wanted us to stop and we all began to talk back at him. Suddenly, I used my rather peculiar powers to 'see' into his soul. I accused him of being a former member of the Nazi organization and I asked him if he was ever near Dachau at the end of March, 1945. He flipped out on me and ran off, yelling about how I was demonic.
I said, 'Dein Teufel ist im Spiegel!' [Your devil is in the mirror]. The Pope claimed, this encounter changed his whole life. I'm sorry to say, not for the better. Instead, he ran off to make a deal with this Teufel guy in his mirror and thus, ended up ruler of millions of Christians. All my life, I have watched this man climb the ladder to the top. Sometimes, I would feel rather ill, seeing him rise ever higher. He is most certainly part of the Apocalypse machinery.
How can the Church elevate such a person as this? He makes my skin crawl and I am not alone. But just as the US born-again Christian community fall repeatedly for obvious frauds, so it is here. For example, when I explain to people that Bush can't both be a member of a Skull and Bones satanic ritual cult and also be a 'good Christian,' they shrug it all off.
For example, this noxious Pope loves Bush and is very happy to have meetings with him. He talks about the evil of black magic and then embraces a man who prays to the Devil That Is Death! Incredible. Of course, the Church itself is stained with blood and black magic doings. Not to mention, many of the rituals are from a host of other religions, all jammed together into this bizarre form it now has. One of the ways this religion has saved souls has been via torture and murder, after all. All cultures have religions and many of these concern themselves with the sex lives and eating habits of humans. The need to have elaborate rituals and rules seems to be very deeply embedded in human psychology. It is tremendously hard to step outside of one's system to see clearly, what is really going on. Usually, when people do this, the religious machine instantly attacks them and tries to kill or shove them back into line again.
Things that Catholics take for granted were hammered out by a series of emperors and popes as they created their machine for dominating the populace. For example, in 831 AD, an obscure, barely literate Abbot in Neustria [near the future Vienna] wrote to the Pope explaining this new concept called 'transubstantiation.' This meant, after a priest does a magic spell, the wine and bread at communion becomes the actual body and blood of Christ, not metaphorically, but in reality! Hither to, communion was for the masses. After the early popes decided to turn it into magic, only priests and higher official could have communion and they did this with their backs to the congregation, in deepest secrecy with all sorts of elaborate passes of the hands and spoken spells. This is rather amusing to me, considering that this is pure sorcery.
In 1050, a brave man named Johannes Scotus wrote a book explaining that it is wrong to do sorcery in the Church and communion, as it was practiced before the end of the Carolingian Empire, should be reinstated. This book was burned as heresy in Vercelli. An Arch deacon named Berenger, backed this book but the Pope excommunicated him and he was thrown in prison. Meanwhile, the papacy collapsed and there were two popes fighting each other and throwing magic spells at each other. I am rather amused by this. Papal magic=good. A third pope takes over and using arms, suppresses the other popes. He then turns to the issue of Berenger who won't denounce Scotus and his book. After torturing the poor arch deacon, he gets a confession and agreement. The magic spells of the Church are real!
But in 1061, Berenger, free from the prison cells, tells the world, he was tortured and he stands by Scotus' book: there is no magic! Meanwhile, the pope that tortured him dies and there are again, two popes fighting each other. So Berenger is free to think his own thoughts about the Dark Arts of the Church. St. Gregory wins this battle and turns immediately to this man who refuses to grant magical powers to the Church and hounds the poor man nearly to death. In 1073, the Arch deacon goes to Rome and prostrates himself to this rather vicious saint. The magic powers are safe yet again!
St Gregory battles the Holy Roman Emperor and Berenger appeals for yet another debate about this matter of the Church practicing obvious occult magical rites. in 1080, a major council, is held in Bordeux, France. There, it is finally decided that people can believe in the magic or not so long as no one stops the Church from pretending they are real magicians. This compromise means Communion can continue but Berenger dies in 1088 and from then on, it dwindles away to nothingness and the magic rites rule the roost.
Eight years later, the First Crusade is launched. A very bloody affair leading to many similar bloody messes. I mention all this because one of the key aspects of all religions is the belief in magic and the need to strong arm people into compliance with these magic tricks and all-too human schemes. For a man pretending to be a religious leader while sitting on a throne, to talk about magic and devils, this is exactly what the Pope and others like him, are. Indeed, the real magic here is how magicians have taken our need to have religion and used it to expand their own dominions on earth. I will note here that the First Crusade was not due to a unified Church but rather, a very fractured Church. In 1099, there were THREE popes cursing each other and throwing spells like crazy even as the devout Christians were storming Jerusalem and slaughtering every man, woman and child there.
Mysterium Fidei (Encyclical) issued in 1965:
Pope Paul VI in the opening of the letter declares the following teachings are impermissible:"to emphasize what is called the 'communal' Mass to the disparagement of Masses celebrated in private"
"to exaggerate the element of sacramental sign as if the symbolism, which all certainly admit in the Eucharist, expresses fully and exhausts completely the mode of Christ's presence in this sacrament"
"to discuss the mystery of transubstantiation without mentioning ...the marvelous conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the Body and of the whole substance of the wine into the Blood of Christ, speaking rather only of what is called "transignification" and transfiguration"
"to propose and act upon the opinion according to which, in the Consecrated Hosts which remain after the celebration of the sacrifice of the Mass, Christ Our Lord is no longer present."
"These and similar opinions do great harm to the faith and devotion to the Divine Eucharist. And therefore, so that the hope aroused by the Council, that a flourishing of eucharistic piety which is now pervading the whole Church, be not frustrated by this spread of false opinions"
See how this 1,000 year old debate is handled by the madcap popes seeking magical powers? They don't even want this discussed! And certainly, aside from the obvious scientific evidence, they don't want any discussion about the wisdom of practicing obvious Dark Arts for this is such a thing. Turning ordinary wine into human blood is closer to vampirism than some thing harmless or lighthearted. It is closer to the impulse for human sacrifice, not sane thinking about reality. A sane pope would discuss Berenger and his clear thinking in the face of thuggish threats on his life. And this, at the tail end of the Dark Ages! There was more maturity and serious debate compared to today.
He added: "People suffer and think that turning to the Devil can help solve their problems. We are being bombarded by requests for exorcisms."
The Catholic Church, troubled at night by doubts and thoughts of their own bizarre relationship with the demonic side of the universe, have worked very hard to deny their own demonic natures and how deeply embedded it is in their religion. This is true of all religions, by the way. The concept of someone being 'possessed' by a demon is usually in the form of some mentally ill person who can't talk like normal or act rationally. These poor people who suffer from psychological or physiological illnesses are considered to be possessed. As if a demon would want to spend five minutes in such a place! There is a very heavy cultural preference for people to go to priests or priestesses to be cleansed. They want to be petted and cared for. Even though this may not fix anything, it brings some small relief and happiness. Indeed, it can make a whole community feel better if an authority shows power by throwing magic spells which they all stand around in awe and amazement. This is why so many religions also do faith healing.
The pope and his minions all know perfectly well that real exorcisms are very difficult and they are not easily seen and the magic is totally interior. Indeed, the entire thing is a struggle with oneself. For when one enters the Outer Darkness which is really a series of time loops that might or might not coincide with the future or the past depending on many circumstances, one can get lost very easily. And the danger here is, if one passes through time, one is immediately filled with doubts, especially doubts about one's religious magical skills. For example, if one believes that Jesus rose from the dead, if one learns this is all pretend, the priest doing the exorcism will collapse and either go into denial or finds a new religion. Of course, none of these people want to do this so they pretend to do the magic even though they are not doing a real exorcism at all, they are going through the surface motions of doing this.
On top of all this, the demonic forces which are actually ourselves, our own selves, use temptations as a tool to gain the upper hand. The only way to deal with this is to not be bribed. So, by definition, no rich person can do an exorcism! Only someone who is poor or 'innocent'. Certainly, no pope can ever do this. Especially a vain one who likes to dress up in gaudy clothes.
Pope performs exorcism over teen-age Italian girl
Pope John Paul II performed an impromptu exorcism on a teen-age girl who flew into a possessed rage at the end of an audience in St. Peter's Square, said the chief exorcist for the Diocese of Rome.The Rome exorcist, Pauline Father Gabriele Amorth, told Catholic News Service Sept. 11 that the pope spent more than half an hour praying over the girl and ordering a demon to leave her, but failed to fully cure her.
The girl, identified as a 19-year-old Italian with a history of possession, was in the front row at the pope's weekly general audience Sept. 6. As the pope prepared to leave, she began screaming incomprehensibly and speaking in a ``cavernous voice,'' Father Amorth said.
As security personnel struggled to restrain her ``superhuman'' efforts to break free, Bishop Gianni Danzi, a top Vatican City official, alerted the pope.
In an area away from the square, the pope ``hugged this poor little girl, tried to console her, and promised that the next day, Thursday morning, he would celebrate his Mass for her,'' Father Amorth said.
Why on earth would some demon waste its time in this fashion? The cosmology of the Church must explain this. Demons want to control powerful people. And they love talking about things that matter to them, not this sort of beastly incoherence. Many a religious magician has desired to 'cure' people who are raving like this because it is good theater. But in this day and age, for a man of Ratzinger's checkered past, playing this sort of infantile proto-medievalism is pathetic. The people in the Church in 1050 AD were more sophisticated and concerned with really figuring things out. In other words, they were more sensible and adult. Even though Berenger was abused, the fact that the Church debated him over the course of his long life, for nearly 50 years, over an issue brought up by others, this sort of rigor is missing.
During that exorcism, the priest said, the demon mocked the pope, saying, ``Not even your (church) head can send me away.''``This is a case where the possession is very, very strong,'' said Father Amorth, founder and president of the International Association of Exorcists.
``From what can be foreseen by us exorcists, it will take years of exorcisms'' for the girl to be fully cured, he said.
I wish there could be a court order to prevent these ghouls from toying with this unfortunate young woman! Perhaps all this can be harmless but the Church's history isn't benign. This looks more like the Church is filled with young teenagers playing with OUIJA boards and writing spells on paper and then passing them around the school classroom. The fact that the highest officers of this Church are acting this juvenile should alarm all Catholics. If they all want to believe in spell casting and magic, then they should recognize that they are all witches. It is no coincidence that witch-hunting in both the Protestant and Catholic Churches happened right after the collapse of humanism.
For example, Shakespeare had amusing scenes about witches in his plays but right after he died, England went on a massive witch hunt. Indeed, all over Europe, thousands of people were tortured and burned or drowned for this cause. Meanwhile, the churches of all stripes merrily devised and carried out a wide variety of magic spells. When this deadly mania faded, so did belief in the magic of the Churches. It is very disturbing to me to see this rising again. For it is madness, the mirror stares back at us and it is filled with fear and fury.
Pope's top exorcist says Harry Potter is 'king of darkness'
"Magic is always a turn to the devil," said the Roman Catholic priest, according to Britain's Daily Mail newspaper.Amorth, who is also the president of the International Association of Exorcists, said the series contains many positive references to "the satanic art" of magic and makes no distinction between black and white magic.
The Church couldn't figure out the difference between black and white if it hit it between the eyes. I would like to have the Pope and all his priests who believe in this nonsense they are doing, to a debate. We will discuss what a real exorcism looks like. We can talk about magic and how religions try to create magic and how this connects with forces within us that we can barely understand and definitely fear. These men like to talk to each other because they can reinforce their pre-existing beliefs. The Harry Potter books are, I think, rather stupid because the magic there is not connected to anything. And the issue of good or evil isn't really probed all that deeply, either. The Vordemort character is too obvious and too pathetic. He isn't Santa Claus. Real demons come with lots of goodies, lots of money. They offer tiaras made of gold and pearls and pretty dresses and thrones. They don't snarl and talk in cavernous voices. They talk in pleasant, soothing tones.
Only if one refuses these things and pursues a real exorcism, do they get nasty. So far, no pope has ever defied them or succeeded in exorcising even the smallest of demons. Instead, they made a deal with the demons: if they throw a magic spell at the altar, the wine turns to blood and the bread to flesh. And their hearts turn to stone. The only pope in recent history that decided to sell off all the fabulous wealth of the Vatican suddenly died after only a 33 days in office.
Pope John Paul I refused to be crowned or live like an emperor:
Despite being a critic of communism and socialism, he nevertheless believed that, to one degree or another, wealth should be redistributed and great disparities of wealth discouraged; on a practical level, this meant advocating that richer churches help out poorer churches financially. He eschewed lavishness and in fact refused to be coronated like a traditional sovereign - instead, he only allowed himself to be to be invested with a simple palladium, worn around the neck as a symbol of the archbishop's pastoral duties, and a miter.
This episode is ignored by the Church which is now led by this horrid man who believes he must deal with demons and devils. Well, ghosts haunt the Vatican and I bet if we did a seance, we might ask to talk to John Paul I. But then, this would mean looking into a very dark mirror.
Culture of Life News Main Page
How dare you insult Uncle fester!!!!!
Posted by: greg | December 30, 2007 at 11:33 PM
The Post-Bush Regime: A Prognosis
By Richard K. Moore
Posted by: greg | December 30, 2007 at 11:38 PM
I also need the following answered
Now here is a delicious and dangerous question - how to publicly disclose the names and structure of the owners of the US Fed... lets see a few rats dragged kicking and screaming into the light!
Posted by: greg | December 31, 2007 at 12:39 AM
I thought maybe someone was having a wee bit o jest here. Looks like they are serious.
On the other hand, today I was strolling through these intertubes and found the complete text of C. S. Lewis's Screwtape Letters. If you accept the basic premise, it is a fine and run read; if you don't accept the basic premise it is an even better read.
The Screwtape Letters is going to be made into a movie by the same folks who brought you the Narnia film last year.
Posted by: CK | December 31, 2007 at 03:26 AM
A very interesting article you posted above Greg. Seems like a likely agenda!
Posted by: Neuro Artist | December 31, 2007 at 04:33 AM
Be careful what you wish for. Enjoy.
Posted by: Carli | December 31, 2007 at 05:36 AM
Btw, Uncle Fester is a member of the Addams family. Not the Munsters.
Posted by: Ratz | December 31, 2007 at 05:46 AM
Pope Benny the rat and his Prada red shoes are due in Australia next year, I wonder if he will bring his "wife" Monsignor Georg Ganswein.
We will have to be polite, after all the Catholic church is bigger than BHP in Australia.
Disclosure, I was badly raised as a catholic and have done the same to my children to ensure they remain healthy skeptics.
Posted by: Bokonon | December 31, 2007 at 05:47 AM
Pope Benny the rat and his Prada red shoes are due in Australia next year, I wonder if he will bring his "wife" Monsignor Georg Ganswein.
We will have to be polite, after all the Catholic church is bigger than BHP in Australia.
Disclosure, I was badly raised as a catholic and have done the same to my children to ensure they remain healthy skeptics.
Posted by: Bokonon | December 31, 2007 at 05:47 AM
Yeah i thought it was a good article Neuro,
thanks for the reading Carli, will give me something to do during the wee hours of the morning.
Same here Bokonon good policy mate!!!
Posted by: Greg | December 31, 2007 at 07:01 AM
Perhaps if you put a picture of a silver hammer on your site?
Posted by: Old Ari | December 31, 2007 at 08:50 AM
the Nazi Pope said some really stupid things when visiting Latin America several months ago, pissed a lot of people off. He tried to backtrack on statements supporting the spanish conquest but sounded even stupider.
Every time I go to mass the priests say prayers for the troops and I get angry and leave, then months later try to alleviate depression and go to mass but the priests say the same things. it's a vicious cycle but the Catholic church are big war supporters.
Posted by: Al | December 31, 2007 at 11:54 AM
I'd be interested to hear what role you think Opus Dei, and the current pope's membership in same, plays here?
Posted by: LibraLady | December 31, 2007 at 09:26 PM
Opus Dei! HAHAHA. Oh, yes. Once, two nuns came to me to tell me, the Opus Dei people ordered them to never talk to me.
Opus Dei are fascists. They are pure evil. They are very much involved in trying to bring back the Dark Arts of torture and note how our own leaders are happily doing exactly that! Killing our Constitution and pretending that it is OK to torture. This is very disgusting. Note how the Opus Dei Supreme Court justices are voting for torture and suspending the Constitution. Few Americans know that the GOP has put Opus Dei conspirators in the Supreme court. But then, no one talks about all the Skull and Bones guys lurking at the apex of America.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | December 31, 2007 at 11:23 PM
You are a nut - try and get some rest.
Posted by: Harvey | October 08, 2009 at 08:05 AM
You are a very sick and disturbed little man!
Posted by: alex hammer | October 12, 2010 at 09:55 PM
A bad blog spot!!!
Posted by: joy | October 01, 2011 at 05:40 AM