June 25, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
I come from a very strange family. Buried deep inside the creation of the modern secret society/secret state/top secret clearance world, my parents were builders of the New World Order. My mother died last night at the same hour when I was born, at the literal 'dead of night'. All her life, she feared me because I pried into the secret world which was the night world she and others who were building the New World Order were creating.
One of my brothers sent me a three sentence email to tell me about her death. He was an ordained minister in the Lutheran Church but I am assuming is no longer exactly that, I have no idea what he is. Her remains will be incinerated and then the ashes scattered in the desert in Las Vegas. I suggested ironically and with considerable rage, her ashes should be scattered where all those nuclear bomb testing grounds.
My mother was a great scientist and thinker. She also had seven children. She raised us in her home but kept us at arm's length when it came to things that were going on in the dark pools of US imperial rule. I grew up spying on my parents. Even with this, I missed a lot of important things.
A reporter several years ago revealed to me that my mother and father were involved with Jack Parsons, the founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California. The more I learned about Jack and my parents, the more freaked out I became. All sorts of things suddenly fell into place, things that puzzled me as I was growing up. Things that have a lot to do with the Outer Darkness and my birth.
Time to talk about the founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab, Jack Parsons:
Parsons and the OccultParsons was also an avid practitioner of the occult arts, and a follower of Thelema. He saw no contradiction between his scientific and magical pursuits: before each rocket test launch, Parsons would invoke the god Pan.
He was chosen by Aleister Crowley to lead Agape Lodge, the Thelemic Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) in California in 1942 after Crowley expelled Wilfred Smith from the position.
Sarah Elizabeth Northrup (aka 'Betty'), began living with Parsons after his wife, Sarah's half-sister Helen Northrup, left with Wilfred Smith. Sarah Elizabeth Northrup later married L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology and sometime magickal partner of Parsons. Parsons and Hubbard participated in a ritual known as the Babalon Working which is famous in occult circles — loosely, it was an attempt to summon a living goddess and change the course of history.[citation needed] They were aided in this work by Sampson Bennetts of the Rosicrucian Order and his wife Sara Melian Gabriel, a well known spiritualist from India.
In January of 1946, Parsons, Betty, and Hubbard started a boat dealing company named Allied Enterprises. Parsons put in a large sum of approximately $21,000—Hubbard put in $1,200, and Betty nothing. Hubbard eventually abandoned Parsons and their business plans, leaving a port in Florida with the boat and Betty. It is said Parsons retreated to his hotel room and summoned a typhoon in retribution (i.e. evocation of Bartzabel [2] - intelligence presiding Mars). A Florida court later dissolved the poorly contracted business, ordered repayment of debts to Parsons and awarded ownership of the boat to Hubbard.
Parsons set out to find another partner, his so called "scarlet woman", a magickal partner with whom he could sire a "Moonchild." The Moonchild is traditionally the incarnation of a god, as prophesied in Crowley's channeled script The Book of the Law. The creation of this Moonchild was covered in Crowley's novel, Moonchild.
When Parsons met artist and poet Marjorie Cameron, he regarded her as the fulfilment of his magical rituals. This same year he resigned his leadership of the O.T.O.
The Hubbard/Allied relationship lasted until 1947, when Hubbard defrauded Parsons of a sum of money and ran off with Sarah Northrup. Hubbard used much of this money from Allied Enterprises to promulgate and publish his book Dianetics, which later evolved into and was superseded by Scientology.
Jack Parsons died on June 17, 1952 in an explosion of fulminate of mercury at his home laboratory which is generally regarded as accidental — he stored many volatile chemicals and compounds in the lab. Though gravely injured, he survived the explosion, only to die of his wounds hours later. Considering Parsons' scientific expertise, it's considered suspicious[who?] that he would make such a careless mistake of mixing mercury with another compound known to be explosive. Distraught, Parsons' mother killed herself just hours after he died.[1]
My parents were born and raised near Jack Parson's house in Pasadena, California. My godmother lived very close to the Parson family, for example. Jack ran the rocket club at the California Institute of Technology where my parents went to school. At the beginning of WWII, they worked on several contracts with the Defense Department [called back then, the War Department]. There was a similar group in Massachusetts Institute of Technology, too.
When Von Braun defected to the Allies, the US began a big, very secret push to gain access to the secret rocket caves in what was to be the Russian Sector of Germany. Roosevelt goofed at the Yalta Meeting where Russia and the US divided up Europe between themselves. This meant US agents would have to rush into Germany before the Russians reached Jena and take the rocket plans and as many rockets as possible. The first team sent to do this died when their plane crashed.
Jack celebrated this because he thought that the government would now send him to Germany. You see, the plan of Jack and his fellow coven mates was for them to go into Germany and get the Great Power there and use it to terrorize and rule the world in the New World Order. But before Jack could go to Germany, he had to pass inspection by the OSS and FBI. Because of his ALTERNATIVE magic society activities, he was turned down. My father was chosen, instead.
So my father married my mother and that month, set out to Europe to tangle with the Nazis and Soviets in a quest to retrieve the Holy Grail and the Spear of the Cave of Death. He mostly succeeded but the forces of history led to the rocket technology being evenly split between Russia and the US. Literally, as the Soviets fought their way into the secret caves in Germany, my father was frantically coming out of these caves carrying important information.
This was the Ultimate Cave of Death and Wealth. While he was doing this, the Nazis tried to prevent anyone from going into these caves by blowing up part of it. The lights went out. My father had a crisis of the soul. He began to pray the Lord's Prayer and then shot his gun and listened to the echos to see here the cave exits were. He crawled out. The US got its missile program and so did the Soviets. Six months later, the US blew up first, Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, an obvious war crime, one we committed so we could end WWII before Russia could join in the attacks on Japan.
The nuclear bomb instantly migrated into the emerging rocket program.
Jack Parsons and Ron Hubbert hated my parents because of all this. Jack, in particular. My mother began to have children starting in 1945. Every year and a half to two years, she had a child. I was born in 1950. Both Jack and Ron wanted to find a female who would give birth to DAUGHTERS who would be able to move in and out of the Outer Darkness with ease. They wanted to have a GIRL who could 'change history' and meddle in the affairs of the CIA which was founded by equally satanic ritual cultists of rival secret societies. They wanted a girl who could 'see through walls' and 'see the future' and do other odd things like get hit by lightning and not even be scratched by it [an unfortunate and difficult life proposition, by the way]. Three times, Ron and Jack went to Death Valley to pray for this female. The last ceremony was right before my mother became pregnant with me.
Both Jack and Ron's females were utterly unable to conceive during all this crazy magic spell making. Each time, Jack would learn from his mother that my mother had yet another girl. He decided he should kill my parents and probably kidnap me. This sounds totally insane and it was. Gossip within the people who knew him hinted at that. My dad even said, when I confronted him about this information, 'It is all over with. He blew up. He couldn't hurt you.' I was raped by an astronomer who was involved in yet another ritual satanic circle when I was only 5 years old. These things were all connected. People wanted to see if they could tap into the Outer Darkness via my sexual powers.
During my youth, more than one famous person came to me privately, seeking this. Each time, I simply said, 'I will show you the Outer Darkness. Come with me.' And always, always, when they come, they see a MIRROR and this they cannot penetrate. Because they seek power, the vision they see destroys them. So they flee. It is all rather depressing, actually. The CIA hoped to find someone who could do this and then recoiled when they discovered the paradox of power and the Cave of Death.
My parents became Christians and thought this would protect us and them. It failed utterly, of course. Instead of leading to a happy world, it led them down into the Valley of Death for it caused them to pray and work for the APOCALYPSE. A thing I strive always to prevent! For the magic spells of Jack and Ron back in the 1940's were aimed at creating the WHORE OF BABYLON. She was supposed to drive people mad and get them to bring the End of Times. And then Ron and Jack would rule the planet using their rockets, nuclear bombs, etc.
OTHERS HAD THIS NIGHTMARE DREAM TOO. They are our rulers today. They have rival magic circles. Such as the Skull and Bones which was founded by one of my ancestors. Most Americans, fooled by the veil of 'Christianity' and 'Judaism' or 'Islam', are unable to see the darker underbelly of these belief systems. All three are focused on creating the Apocalypse. All three are ultimately death dealing religions with one of the nastiest gods ever conceived by humans. And humans have hauled many a violent, cruel, bloody demon out of the chaos of the Outer Darkness! Anyone praying for power, religious control, control over humanity, control over death ends up praying to demons from the Outer Darkness. These, in turn, come here and work tirelessly to kill all humans. Humans have managed to reproduce faster than the demonic killing efforts. But the ability to kill all humans draws ever closer. The US, for example, has spent trillions of dollars building death machines that can kill all humans. The lure, of course, is the promise these things won't kill us here at home.
But they will! Just like my parents, seeking to escape rather than confront the death machine they were directly responsible for building, instead, they thought, if they read the Bible every day and prayed to Jesus, all their deeds would turn to goodness and kindness. Then I would show up and harass them about what they were doing every day! Stop it! Stop! Please, go to the press. Denounce the Pentagon! Denounce the CIA! Denounce the nuclear programs!
All my life, I tried to turn the Wheel of History in a new direction. All my life, I tried and tried to get my parents to denounce the Death Machine. And I couldn't move them or the US or anyone to stop anything. This failure is not total. I have managed to persuade people without power to ask for a change in direction. But not one soul who had actual control of the Levers of Power has heeded any of my warnings or listened to any of my explanations or my accurate predictions.
One of my brothers and my father are going to incinerate my mother's body and secretly spread her ashes in the desert near Las Vegas. They aren't even aware of the irony of all this. They are doing this right at the center of where the Death of All Living Things is located! The place where the US government worked to create the Apocalypse. This lack of awareness is epidemic in my own family. And the ruling elites in general! Just as the media refuses to cover ANY stories concerning the satanic ritualist activities of the ruling elites, they also refuse to talk about the Apocalypse, the Christian revival's demand for this, the takeover of our nuclear air force and submarine forces by Death Wish Christians is nearly finished and they itch to blow up humanity.
And then there is Zionism. This expands on Hitler's mad dreams of Götterdämmerung. Wagner's epic opera inspired many Europeans. Including the Jewish founders of Zionism. This is because all religions, all things in general have a yin and yang. Black and white. And in the moment of being hit by lightning, this is when up is down, in is out, right is wrong and all other opposites merge in one big explosion. The Guardians of the Cave of Death, the Gates of Death, are Libra. Balancing everything in the end. Libra means to bring things back into order, to turn chaos into absolutes. Libra is justice. When we all pass by Libra, She sees all the hidden things.
Most magicians and power seekers think they can fool Libra. They can bedazzle or blind Her. But She can see no matter what. For She is the Outer Darkness itself. The reverse world is Her inner world. Which She rules. All we can do is seek to find some point of centering in all this. We humans are prone to all sorts of mischief. We mess up everything because our desires don't always match what reality allows.
The US is entering a very dangerous stage: we are very tempted to attack Iran and thus, gain more power. This is foolish in the extreme. Just as I went to DC before the invasion of Iraq to warn everyone not to do that, I say it again: what we will reap will be suffering and pain. It is a bizarre and rather horrible fact that when Jack Parsons was blown up, he was loading a mercury-based explosive in his car. He was heading towards the rocket testing site where my parents and I were. And the place where the nuclear bombs were tested was Mercury, Nevada. Such a strange world it is. How things twist and turn, yet come to the same places in the end!
In Roman mythology, Mercury (associated with the Greek deity Hermes) (pronounced /ˈmɝkjəri/, Latin: Mercurius listen (help·info)) was a messenger, [1] and a god of trade, profit and commerce, the son of Maia Maiestas and Jupiter. His name is related to the Latin word merx ("merchandise"; compare merchant, commerce, etc.). In his earliest forms, he appears to have been related to the Etruscan deity Turms, but most of his characteristics and mythology were stolen from the analogous Greek deity, Hermes.Mercury has influenced the name of a number of things in a variety of scientific fields, such as the planet Mercury, and the element mercury. The word mercurial is commonly used to refer to something or someone erratic, volatile or unstable, derived from Mercury's swift flights from place to place.
He was also, like Hermes, the Romans' psychopomp, leading newly-deceased souls to the afterlife. Additionally, Ovid wrote that Mercury carried Morpheus' dreams from the valley of Somnus to sleeping humans.[1]
In occult circles Mercury is given primary rulership over things magical. This may in part be due to Mercury's association with Odhinn by way of the days of the week.The name Wednesday comes from the Middle English Wednes dei, which is from Old English Wēdnes dæg, meaning the day of the Germanic god Woden (Wodan) who was a god of the Anglo-Saxons in England until about the 7th century. Wēdnes dæg is like the Old Norse Oðinsdagr ("Odin's day"), which is an early translation of the Latin dies Mercurii ("Mercury's day"), though Mercury (the messenger of the gods) and Woden (the king of the Germanic gods) are not equivalent in most regards.Odin is the magical god, and also the head of the Norse pantheon.
Mercury, Nevada was not chosen accidentally. It was picked out to be the headquarters for bringing the Apocalypse exactly because of its name. This was due to the Black Magic being practiced by our dear Real Rulers. Who are very, very occult in more ways than one. Note that Mercury is all about MONEY and commerce! This is because he flits in and out of that stupid Cave of Death, the portal to the Outer Darkness that I keep talking about. All of these things are very, very connected.
My mother passed through the Gates of Death and didn't want me anywhere around when she did this. All the members of my family will try to do the same thing. They make their money by supporting or being part of the New World Order. They belong to various cults and have their own belief systems. They all want to have things 'work' but don't want to understand the ultimate workings of things. This is the basis of irrationality that infects everything we see today. Understanding religions, understanding the past, understanding the economy, understanding the nature of power and above all, understanding death: this is what we all evade out of fear. Fear that we have to change to avoid dangers. Fear that our greed and desires will end with bad things happening to us. We want those things, not the bad things, but all the goodies that are lures. We want to be deceived.
All occult magicians imagine they want to know things. This is why they worship the Great Owl every summer in California at the Bohemian Grove, just for example. This is why they study the stars or run research institutes and why we were able to create rockets and atom bombs. But studying the obvious outcome of all this: a brick wall! Discussion of vital elements of this wall are forbidden. Mention of the various cults and their plans is mocked or the people talking about this are eliminated. The desire to keep all of this occult even as it is all very easy to explain is why we have such a fractured news media service, why Congress won't hold hearings about their own occult fascinations and beliefs, why there is no ruckus about the dreams and prayers of a host of obvious magicians who wish to manipulate the Guardians of the Gates of Death and steal into this cave and grab infinite wealth and total power.
The reason why my father groped around the secret rocket caves of the Nazis was so he could bring out of this place rockets which he wanted for exploring the universe. This was the lure! Both of my parents dreamed of star travel.
But instead, he pulled out of the Nazi caves the instruments of our destruction. Note how we have barely any scientific space flights anymore. 90% of the money goes into building the Apocalypse tools. This is all so very sad. All those splendid dreams of flying to the stars born in the 1930's as my parents read science fiction magazines! All, turning to dust. Just as the US itself has gone from cheering Luke Skywalker and the Jedi into becoming Darth Vader and the Evil Empire. We look into the Mirror and see our true selves. Our dreams become nightmares. All because we want to rule the planet earth! Instead of flying free, in the heavens as Pegasus does at night! Right now, the glorious Square of Pegasus flies between the two Fishes of Pisces.
The Square of Pegasus is also called 'The Garden of Eden' or 'Paradise'. This is obviously easy to understand: Pegasus hangs out with the Goddesses of the Arts, Music, Dance, Poetry and Love of Learning. And Pegasus loves golden apples and grazing when not flying around, having fun. Paradoxically, due to the nature of reversals, Pegasus is also the God of Lightning before the birth of many of the ancient gods. He was this when the First Cities were founded. Just as this aerial god is in the middle of a watery Zodiac sign, Pegasus is full of opposites and contradictions. This is probably why I am rather fond of Him.
He isn't going to come here and kill all of us. He feels sort of sorry for us. Can't understand why we don't just want to eat, drink and be merry and love each other. I had to live a rough childhood devoid of love while being attacked by power-crazed magicians seeking the door to the Outer Darkness. Yet, none of them wanted pure love. It still bugs me a lot, reading about Jack Parsons. My mother's name was Marjorie. The woman he selected to give birth to the girl who would ride Pegasus was named Marjorie. This was not a common name, by the way. And Ron L. chose a companion that had my aunt's name, Helen! This was NOT accidental at all! Not at all.
And so I was born. I want to love my mother for this. It is dangerous to carry a child to birth! I wanted to love my mother. But this was impossible due to the fact, she had to live in this Dark Tower of Power. Even if I flew over the top and jumped down into it, all she would do was flee. Love involves sharing and this includes sharing the truth. When someone has the truth, when Libra comes demanding an accounting, one cannot lie anymore. And the truth doesn't hurt! IT DOESN'T HURT! The truth actually frees us so we can fly on Pegasus who has no patience for lies. After all, the only way people can be creators is to cease lying and to seek the truth! This is why poets and story tellers are closer to the truth than scientists or reporters!
The truth sets us free! We can then honestly look the gods in the eye and survive passing by Libra and her scales. Once, long ago, when I had to pass through the Gates of Death while dealing with a demonic problem here on earth, as I came back, while in a trance, I encountered the Guardians. 'We decided you can have a wish come true,' They told me. I said, 'I want a baby.' This startled me because I was in college. I had plans! I was not married.
I didn't want a baby at all, not intellectually! Having a baby would turn my life upside down! Yet, this is what my heart blurted out. So I ended up having a lovely baby who I love all the time except when she was naughty, of course. But even then, I loved her. She is wonderful. And was truly a great gift! And this is the moral tonight: Life is a gift. Love is a gift, too. Both are from the Light, not the Darkness. Yet both come out of the Darkness. As does Hope. And Sacrifice.
All the blessings are really painful or difficult. This is in opposition to the Temptations that are easy and alluring. And appeal to our worst natures. And this is why we struggle in the grip of History: we just won't follow the loving, kind, life-giving, sacrificing for the future road. We want to follow the easy money, greed is good, self-indulging path to Hell.
I hope my mother has passed through the Portals and was carried off by Pegasus. This is my desire and hope and comes from a need to love my own mother. And I wish this on everyone, even evil people. For if we wish for hell, we go there, ourselves.
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