Elaine Meinel Supkis
As usual, the hypocritical Pope can't resist talking to us about materialism from either balconies of the world's biggest, fanciest palace in Rome or from helicopters, etc. This naked clash of messages, the medium being tremendous wealth and power lecturing the 'little people' about the dangers of living like the Pope amuses me endlessly. Frankly, Ratzinger hates me and I torment him. Recently, someone was assigned to chastise me and teach me all about the Bible, a book I know inside and out. Once this poor man fell down my rabbit hole, we instantly grabbed him by the neck and charged him straight into my favorite issues: Heaven and Hell and who goes where and why as well as a short discussion about the Outer Darkness and how the Popes are really demonic slaves of the Death Gods in the Cave of Wealth. This probably gave the poor mad a very bad headache. I haven't heard back from him for a while. Discussing his 'God's' Jovian sex life or Jesus' incarnation as Dionysius is heresy to the Church. But that is the truth. The Pope can't evade this. Eventually, his own God will torment him about all this.
Pope warns of 'spiritual desert'
The Pope has urged young people to stay away from the "spiritual desert" he says is spreading across the world, at the end of his trip to Australia.
Pope Benedict XVI told a crowd of about 200,000 people at the Catholic Church's World Youth Day event that they should build a new age free from greed.
The Pope flew by helicopter over many thousands of pilgrims, many of whom had camped out in cold weather at Sydney's Randwick Racecourse in preparation for Sunday's events.
He then met some devotees at closer quarters, in the popemobile, before celebrating Mass.
I happen to have a dislike for all religious leaders. Even when they claim they don't want people to worship THEM, this is what they get and they go about the planet, seeking. They love it when people bow to them, hand over their money, and in general, treat them like gods. This is why the demonic forces tend to collect around religious leaders. The more they lead and the more they encourage idolization of their religious representations, the more demonic they become. Even if their followers are honest, good people, the leaders are all demonic. I have debated this truth with more than one religious leader over the course of my life. They greatly dislike this sort of interview and thus, do not want to be in my vicinity. One would imagine that representatives of the Gods would just itch to debate me on the darker, most interior issues concerning their front seat relationships with various gods.
Religious leaders love debating atheists because the atheist can't go off to the issue of Heaven and Hell, for example. Most people want to debate me about terrestrial issues but I very much prefer to to straight off to where these gods live and debate the unseen and the unknown. This is because the topic interests me greatly. When I was a small child, I tried and tried to figure out all this. It was rather important to me since the day I was hit by a lightning bolt. Something strange was going on and I was suddenly aware of the place I call 'The Gates of Death'. Therein are many queer forces which I try to turn into visualizations so people can better understand what has no shape or form but is a force of unnatural dynamics that mirrors this universe.
Even more than religion, I love to talk about cosmology and infinity. These concepts are not dry issues but rather literally life and death. Thus, the urgent need to understand how this operates.
The other day, someone was probably assigned to counteract my writings about Ratzinger. Ratzinger is a liar, a thief and a fool. He is so demonic, he LOOKS demonic! He is on par with the Popes who sat in Rome when the Church crashed and burned in the 1500's. Here are some emails I exchanged with a poor man who professed to want to talk about exorcism. I wish to do this to the Pope but he is not in my vicinity. So the Church hopes to do an exorcism on me. Which is really funny. I am not rich. They are grasping for money and are being hammered by lawsuits concerning priests raping boys.
Hello,I am emailing you about your article about the Pope wanting more exorcists. For someone smart enough to figure out the financial problems, it appears you had to resort to cheap rhetoric. First you state "he profoundly misunderstands how exorcisms work as well as how impossible it is for anyone living in a palace, asking people to worship him, to do exorcisms." True, but it is a straw man argument on your part. He wants to appoint more exorcists, not conduct them himself. Nice job tearing up the straw man. By the way, what are some chief characteristics the Church looks for in an exorcist? Humility and Purity. If you know anything, then you know this is correct.Second, you present him (Tübingen incident) as a peace maker and a leader who confronts a bunch of drunken punks and asks them to stop being destructive. It seems like he is a good man, no?
Then you claim that you looked into his soul. This is a lie. You saw (were told) that he belonged to a certain group and that he was at a certain town. That is not looking into someone's soul. Your "Watchers" are liars, which is no surprise. Of course having unusual knowledge is a sure sign of demonic activity and Ratzinger was upset by it and ran off. Again, why are we to conclude he is "evil" from this run in? Furthermore this one event was not what changed him, it was the whole unrest. Ratzinger was a marxist radical who did a lot of damage during Vatican II. The riots that you took part in opened his eyes to where radicalism ends (death and destruction), and it was this realization that changed him. It is a similar story to David Horowitz.
On his relations to Bush, keep in mind that the Catholic Church has opposed the Iraqi war from the beginning. On a personal level, the Pope is trying to convert Bush, but the Pope is dead set against the Iraqi war. I also imagine the Pope will try to heal the damage done to Bush by his demonic Skull and Bones stuff. The Church wants to save everyone, including Bush.
Your claim that transubstantiation was invented in 831 A.D. is ridiculous. We have clear records of it from at least early 300 A.D. The word is not used, but it is clearly described by quite a few Church Fathers. You have no expertise in discussing this. I am prepared to provide quotes if need be.
You claim that people who are possessed are mentally ill. However, this is not true. In order to proceed with an exorcism, you must first get a clean bill of health from a psychiatrist. Again, if you knew anything about exorcisms, you would not have said this. [Elaine: HAHAHA. I hope he means the guy doing the exorcism needs to get the OK from the shrink!]
You describe exorcism as something interior and not seen. You are close to the truth here. The word you are missing is "personal". A real exorcism is a personal battle with the demon, which is why you need someone humble and pure as the exorcist.
And now the shocker. You ask "Why on earth would some demon waste its time in this fashion?" in reference to the possessed girl who screamed at the Pope. This rhetorical question of yours leads me to doubt that you know anything about the occult. To look into a demon is to stare into an abyss of hatred. The problem with your agnostic or pagan belief is you miss a vital piece of information. A demon is only capable of doing what it is permitted to do. Given a free rein, the demons would destroy humanity in a heart beat. Furthermore, suppose the girl was involved in a Goth cult and had spent the night before in all sorts of horrible ceremonies? Do you think that might interest a demon? But to answer the question, the demon was permitted to assault this girl to rebuke the Pope. The Pope, JPII, was at that time weakening exorcisms. Note what the demon says to him and how he failed in exorcising it. This was a rebuke to the Pope, and that is why it was permitted to possess the girl.
And then it gets worse. You claim that the Church's concern with demonic activity is akin to Ouija boards. Aren't you the same person who claims to have been ritualistically abused at age 5? Is that playing with Ouija boards? Maybe this girl spent the evening before slaughtering puppies with an ice pick while cranking Marylin Manson? Or maybe violating innocent children? Do you deny that this sort of thing is happening and becoming more common? And do you deny that these actions opens oneself up to demonic activity? A demon is filled with infinite hate. When they cause pain and destruction, it only increases their future torment, which they know. In a way they like this since it confirms their hatred. It is infinite hate. And all around us more and more people are getting involved with demonic ceremonies. This is what the Church sees and is concerned with, not Ouija boards. By the way, Ouija boards are also dangerous.
You obviously know little about demons [ELAINE: HAHAHA] and you know less about the Catholic Church. A few facts: The Catholic Church was against the Zionists. Pope St. Pius X, when asked if he would support the formation of Israel in Palestine, to paraphrase, basically laughed and said yeah, right, then I'd be known as the Pope that brought on the Apocalypse. It was the continued opposition by Pius XII against zionism which is the
real reason why he was tarred as "Hitler's pope", even though he saved 800,000 Jews. The Catholic Church today is the only real power that
cares for the poor people of Gaza. The Palestinians recognize the Catholic Church as one of their few friends outside the Muslim world.The Catholic Church was one of the few voices that opposed the Iraqi war from the beginning. The Catholic Church does not want the Apocalypse to come and does not worship death. It was the Catholic Church that coined the term "Culture of Death" for what it opposes. Unfortunately, it is pretty much too late. The Jews and the Protestants have almost guaranteed its arrival. The time to stop it was in 1960 and has everything to do with Fatima, something you know nothing about. It is no coincidence that the Second Vatican Council and the unrest of the late sixties quickly followed.
At this point you better be getting ready for it. The Protestants will be surprised when they find out there is no Rapture and they get to watch their families tortured and killed in the coming wars. The Church has seen this coming and tried to fight it since the 1700's and before. This is all extensively documented. What we are going to be hit with exceeds the most evil times of the past. Only a madman would try to usher it in.
I leave you with a few points to ponder. The Satanists call their primary ceremony "The Black Mass", not the Black Lutheran service. The OTO calls its chief ceremony "The Gnostic Catholic Mass", not the "Gnostic Baptist Revival". The Freemasons curse the Pope and have their own "sacraments". The devil is the ape of God, the Catholic Church is the Lord's Church.
In closing, I recognize you as someone with a good heart. I have offered up a Mass and a rosary for you. You seem to care for people and want to stop evil. Also, I have had discussions with agnostics before, and actually prefer it to dealing with Protestants. If you would like to discuss these items, I would be happy to continue to have an email debate.
Yours in Christ,
James DePrisco
Dear James,
OK: here is the scoop. According to your Bible which I assume you imagine is God's word, it talks about how Jesus will come thanks to the Apocalypse and we will mostly die miserable deaths. This shocking business should horrify everyone, of course. The worst part being how Jesus, A HUMAN, will come out of the Land of the Dead and act like he is Libra, a concept of justice and order. She, in turn, is actually part of some stars in the Zodiac.
Jesus was a mere human being who was 'moved upstairs' so to speak and became part of Pisces when the constellation of Pisces rose in the east at sunrise on Easter. Got that? In other words, you worship a human who was transformed into a 'god' via the concept of this other 'god' having illicit sex, similar to Jove, with an unmarried woman who then got married immediately to cover up this violation of her virginity.
The Church fixed this little detail by having her NOT lose her 'virginity' since gods don't penetrate with the thing guys use to get women pregnant, I suppose. This sounds pretty demonic to me but never mind. It makes other people feel happy when they worship a human being who was installed in Heaven via hook and crook.
The idea that any dead human can come back and do a judgement after I assume, we are all incinerated in nuclear war, is totally bizarre and utterly hideous. Why can't you believe in an invisible goddess who carries scales and who impersonally weighs your soul against your sins? And what are these sins?
We all know that we are all sinners. Except the Christians lie about this and have decided that the parties involved in Mary's pregnancy and other oddities are NOT sins but wonderful things. Reversing morals also allows believers to imagine 'god is good' when this same god takes credit for murdering all humans except for Noah according to one of the more imaginative fables. I do say, this god sounds rather demonic to me.
The Pope can't do exorcisms nor can anyone operating within this belief system for the simple reason is, the god being invoked to clean up a demon is.....A DEMON HIMSELF!!!!
Oh my. When I did a major exorcism in 1967, this news was intended to shock me. But I accepted this information and decided to dig further. This is why understanding the connection of human god creation with the stars and how humans classified these stars and how the movement of the planets plus the mysterious shifting of the constellations over thousands of years due to the earth's wobble on its orbital poles, this is the roots of all religions! This is the creation force that keeps making new gods every 2,000 to 5,000 years!
As we shift from Virgo through other signs like Taurus, Aries and Pisces and now move towards Aquarius, the gods die. The religious systems shatter. New gods have to be born one way or another. Note that the three major middle eastern religions today were all born of humans: Moses, Jesus and Mohammed. They replaced the older gods that were purely celestial. Why humans were able to usurp the powers of once-invisible gods is due, I suspect, to the creation of writing. Starting with the pharaohs of Egypt and onwards, more and more humans desired to usurp ancient celestial powers.
Now, we have the power to murder all humans via nuclear war. This is truly, maliciously god-like. And this is why we are in grave danger. For we are, in total, insane. Humans are the insane apes.
I know there is 0% chance of you wanting to understand this because going naked into the religious universe is scary and difficult. In my case, I grabbed a hold of Pegasus purely by chance because I liked to play on the mosaic of Pegasus at Yerkes Observatory when I was young. When I was first hit by lightning, I had to grab at something out there and this is what my mind chose to 'see' at that critical moment.
It was with great satisfaction that I discovered Pegasus, under another name, Zug, was one of the first gods of the City of Ur. And was a lightning god, too! Also lucky for me, he makes few demands on followers aside from eat, drink, be merry and give the horse apples.
About your astonishing attacks on me: first off, you can't accept the fact that I can see through people's masks to see into darker interior parts of the mind. Doing this also means I can 'time travel' and see the past of this person. I can't help it. It began with that lightning bolt at Yerkes Observatory. One danger of talking to me is, and I always warn people of this, eventually you will say something about yourself that you don't want me to know. So if there are things you are unable to share, beware.
And what I know about the Pope: HAHAHAHA. Gads. I can't tell you how this interfaces with me. It is too bizarre. And much of it transports its information via the Dream World. Most humans have no idea they are cut loose at night in this Other Realm. We spend nearly half of our lives there. This is why we go mad. It also happens to be where we can 'see' gods. And see the magic of words and numbers and why they are magical.
And if the Pope wants to be probed again, he can feel free to ask me to do this. We can then throw exorcisms at each other. I am betting that he and all his Jesuit friends will not enjoy this at all.
True story: after I did the exorcism in Kansas in 1967, my minister who was a Lutheran came to me to talk about it. As he approached, I got angry with him. 'You are cheating on your wife and doing other bad things. You will be defrocked,' I told him. He got mad at me and I left.
He was cheating and got defrocked just 2 years later. The head of the church sent to investigate all this and check in on my own business was arrested that same day for sexual deviance. Heh. This reminds me about why the Catholic Church is short on funds, by the way.....
And so it goes: at the bottom of all this is some rather deviant sexual beliefs and practices. Sprinkling holy water can't fix this. We are by nature, sexual deviants.
Especially, all the gods who are our mirror image.
Another fable for you:
The Pope died. He had to fall down that long, dark tunnel of death. He came to this little wicker gate and into a cool garden. There, on a chair, sat Jesus.
'Oh, I am so happy to see you at last, Jesus! I spent my whole life worshipping you!' yells the Pope as he wheezed towards Jesus. Jesus said gravely, 'I am here to judge the dead. This is where I decide if you go to Heaven or Hell.'
'I can't wait to go to Heaven where I can praise you forever,' said the Pope.
'Here is my little test. See this needle?' Jesus held up a very slender silver needle.
'Yes, my Lord God,' said the Pope.
Jesus then whistled loudly. From far off, a grazing camel looked up and loped over to where Jesus was sitting, testing the Pope. 'Do you see this camel?' asked Jesus in a low voice.
Troubled, the Pope scratched his head. 'Yes, anyone can see that camel. It is really big.'
'Excellent,' said Jesus. 'Now for your test: you are to make this camel go through the eye of this needle. Good Luck. You have all eternity to try doing this.'
Jesus then got up and left while the poor Pope struggled with an increasingly furious camel which spat on him and bit him and kicked him. They are still at it, I heard.
He is fortunate. He could have been judged by other gods. Such as female deities.
We are in 100% agreement with regards to the moral of your story. You are insinuating that I believe in Sola Fide and "Once Saved, Always Saved". It is obvious that you know nothing about the Catholic faith. If you were to tell the parable below to a Protestant, they would accuse you of being a Papist! This is THE dispute between Catholics and Protestants. Let me explain:A Protestant believes a one time justification by having Faith in Jesus. By saying the Sinner's Prayer, you are saved and that is it. End of story. It is summarized by Sola Fide and "Once Saved, always saved.". Sola Fide is very big with Lutherans (Luther coined it), so I see how you were exposed to it.
Catholics believe in an initial justification followed by a lifetime of justification. To put it simply, there is an initial, Gracious forgiveness by which you are born into a new life. However, that is just the beginning. From there you have to cooperate with God. There is a positive side and a negative side. On the positive side you have to be Charitable to your neighbors, love God, and help others. On the negative you must avoid sin. Since it is a gracious relationship vs. a legal relationship, you don't have to get it 100% right. On the other hand, when you screw up, you have to confess it and commit to trying again. It is a relationship with God.
It is funny, because Protestants say they have a "personal relationship with Jesus", and yet it is the Catholics who actually have this relationship. Sometimes you get it right, sometimes you screw up.
Now here's the kicker. If you don't cooperate, e.g. you don't look out for the unfortunate, then you go to hell, even if you are a Christian. Lutherans reject this, but this is the teaching of the Catholic Church, and obviously your belief also.
Also, the main point of the parable of the camel and the needle was that a strict merit based religion can't save you. You have nothing to "trade" God for. So the INITIAL justification is a gift, the greatest gift there ever was. I was in no way implying that after this justification you can go on in your sinful ways.
In summary, there are three systems here. First is the strict merit system by which you earn salvation and put God into an obligation to save you. Second is a legalistic, Protestant salvation, whereby God credits your account with the Passion of Christ, and you are saved. Third is the Catholic system, whereby you receive an unearned rebirth in Christ, i.e. infant baptism, and then you must live a sanctified life under a Gracious system. Failure to live this life ends in hell.
By the way, it is very difficult for the rich to enter heaven, I don't deny that. Try 1 Tim. 6, vs. 6-12. For a great parable on the Catholic system, see Matt. 18, vs. 23-35. Here is the key phrase: "Then his lord called him; and said to him: Thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all the debt, because thou besoughtest me: Shouldnt not thou then have had compassion also on they fellow servant, even as I had compassion on thee? And his lord being angry, delivered him to the torturers until he paid all the debt." I would bet your Lutheran ministers never preached on this reading.
I feel generous. Here's 1 Tim. 6, vs. 10: "For the desire of money is the root of all evils." Also Matt. 19, vs. 23: "Then Jesus said to his disciples: Amen I say to you, that a rich man shall hardly enter in the kingdom of heaven." Followed by the camel and needle.
Yours in Christ,
James DePrisco
The Pope tries to trick Jesus with tricky talk.
Tired of being trampled and beaten up by the very irritable camel, the Pope wailed to Jesus, 'You tricked me! I was told that the parable had nothing to do with rich people sharing stuff with poor people. All we rich people had to do was say magic words to you and you would let us in Heaven anyway!'
'HAHAHA,' said the Lord Jesus. 'You have a great lawyer there. Bezelbub always has excuses. I make things perfectly clear to even small children and you flub it totally.'
'But I am not a materialist!' yelled the Pope wringing his lace and velvet robes embroidered with gold.
'Good,' said Jesus, fingering the tremendously expensive robes the Pope wore. 'We will now talk about the meek inheriting the earth and the part about the lilies in the Valley and the birds upon the wing.'
The Pope frowned. He was beginning to wonder if he made a mistake trying to get to Heaven. 'My clothes mean nothing to me,' he said. 'It doesn't matter what we wear.'
Jesus looked at his rough rags he wore. 'I agree. You don't need your robes.' Suddenly, the Pope was naked.
'Hey, give me back my fine robes!' yelled the Pope.
Part III of the Pope's Purgatory:
After the Pope had finished running around naked to the amusement and horror of everyone, the Angels complained to Jesus. 'Jesus, please forgive him and give him a fig leaf, at least,' said Gabriel.
So the Pope was given his fig leaf. 'Now,' said Jesus, let's go on to the next section of this lesson. You lived in the biggest palace on earth. You wore expensive and fancy robes. You did all this while lecturing the poor about piety. You made a big thing about praying to me when you were really working for the Devil. Do you understand this?'
The Pope said, 'I was not rich! I lived in the palace but this was to protect me from adoring mobs! And I had to sleep in a fine bed so I could work harder for you, Lord! And I wore a crown because I was next to you in goodness and power! But I didn't own anything! I was a poor as a church mouse.'
Jesus then said, 'How did you travel? Did you walk in sandals or barefoot and preach? Tell me how you got around.'
'Oh! I had this private jet! It was huge just like the palace. It carried not only me but my chef, my aides, my nurses, everyone. Lots of people serviced me so I could be clean, well fed, happy and comfortable for my work on your behalf. And I had these bullet proof cars so no one could kill me! I needed to live to serve!'
Jesus examined his palms silently. The Pope suddenly had a chilling thought that he said something unpleasant.
'Um, I know you were executed when only 33 years old, Jesus. But I can't die! I have to live to make your reign glorious!' said the Pope, sweat breaking out on his brow. Jesus fingered his brow and blood was flowing from it as well as his hands. Shaking off the blood, Jesus said, 'I have your next test. You are to travel like I did the week I was arrested, tortured and then executed.'
Jesus whistled and a small donkey trotted up on tiny sharp hooves. 'This is the very same donkey,' said Jesus, petting it and giving it a golden apple. 'You must persuade the donkey to carry you to the Gates of Heaven,' said Jesus. The camel stopped grazing nearby and snorted with derision.
'Oh, this is easy,' said the Pope, picking up a short rope. He walked towards the donkey. But the donkey kicked up her heels and brayed. Off she ran, traipsing lightly over the ground. 'Come back here, donkey!' wailed the Pope, huffing and puffing as he tried to keep up with her. But she turned her head and glared at him and then spreading her wings, she took off.
The Pope looked up and saw her fly to Pegasus who flew out of the Great Square which is also called 'Paradise'. Suddenly he realized, this was the Gates of Heaven.
End of Story
By the way, fools and frauds love to 'explain' away simple lessons. People sincere in understanding the Truth don't play word games. They strive to look beyond the obvious. Anyone who tells me that Jesus didn't care if we share or are good are fools. If all is required is magic tricks then we are all MAGICIANS who are doing evil with the idea that we can then turn around and fix our messes magically. This is 'satanic' thinking, you know. This is why, if the Pope and any of his followers go into the Outer Darkness to do exorcisms, they fail because they are demonic creatures, themselves. If they succeed, they die in a puff of smoke, see?
It is rather sad that few dare try to understand this truth.
But I don't care. I happen to like the idea that Pegasus and the donkey that carried Jesus are flying in Heaven, enjoying themselves. Makes me feel good. It should please you, too.
Not quite. People believed, and then gave up the Faith. That is what is known as the Great Apostasy. The remarkable thing is that it has been predicted for over a thousand years. And now it is upon us. The cause was 1960, which resulted in Vatican II and all of the troubles since then. The Church no longer fought communism or Zionism. There was even a poem written about it. I recall something about "the center will not hold." Anyhow, when you give up the Faith you'll believe anything and anything is possible. Observe the results and confess thy folly.As far as your story (actually it was more of a parable), I am surprised that with a Lutheran background you missed it.
The key is that Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to pass through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter heaven. Now here is the clincher. The Jew's respond "then who can be saved?". Most people blow by this phrase, and it is the main part.
The Jews were hyper materialist. Therefore, if you were rich, it meant you were a really good person and God was blessing you. Hence their response, since if a super blessed rich man can't be saved, then ipso facto, no one can be.
The point of the parable is that the old Jewish system of works in trying to earn your salvation can not save you. You will always fail, since we all sin. However, Jesus replaced this system with a system of Grace. This ties into the Mass where we re-present the sacrifice of Calvary to propitiate the Father. Besides the Mass part, as a former Lutheran you should have understood the parable.
On to another subject. Did you realize the Tolkein (spelling?) was a Catholic and that the Lord of the Rings is actually about the Catholic Church? He even said it was.
Unbaptized children go to Limbo, which technically is a level of hell, but is not a place for suffering, it is a place of happiness. Lutherans don't believe that.
You have one story of a man going to hell, and then later on, you say you can't believe in hell. Which one is it? Be consistent.
The Catholic Church teaches that we are a fallen race. We don't deserve heaven, we deserve justice for our sins. What happens to Moslems who aren't baptized? They go to hell by default. What happens to them there? I don't know. But why do you think man "deserves" to go to heaven? Even the Greeks had all men going to Hades.
As far as being hit by lightning and seeing a vision, I believe you. One gigawatt of electricity will do that. But why should anyone believe it is real and not just a vision? How long were you unconscious?
You accuse God of murdering His Son. The last I checked, that act was carried out by Jews and Romans.
A famous Catholic general once said, "We can not guarantee success, we can only deserve it.". I like to believe that bad people get what they deserve. There's two sides to that coin.
A Catholic can not say any one in particular is in hell. We don't know, and we are not allowed to judge. We know of one way to get to heaven. God can have others. One example, probably not correct, but not impossible, is that God can have people baptized such as Moslems. Maybe in the blink of an eye. I'm not saying that is what happens, I am saying that God has thousands of ways to accomplish His will and stay consistent. In the end it will be Just.
On the sex statement at the end, what a softball question. Let's see, why don't you go into the ghetto and ask a boy who his father is? 90% are bastards and probably half don't know who their dad is. No? Ok, check out the stats on white high school girls. I believe we are now up
to 30% illegitimate births for whites. Let's ask women who get abortions how happy their life is. Check into a hospice for dying AIDS patients. Let's look at the amount of anti-depressants that are being prescribed. Let's look at all the broken families and fatherless kids being given Ritalin to keep them sedated. Let's look at how girls dress and tell lies about how women really respect themselves now adays. Let's ask all the divorced men and women how happy they are. But let's NOT go back 50 to 100 years and read the Catholic Church's concerns about the sexual revolution, and we certainly don't want to read their predictions about broken families, divorce, abortion, abused women, and the complete break down of society. No, we can't admit that they predicted it. You sum it up. Look at the animals, that is where we are heading. We are already there. And that is the Godless culture. Men reduced to animals. Worship of death (you seem to like to talk about it a lot). I prefer Catholicism and joy. True joy. The Catholic Church has a higher view of mankind.You need a dose of Oscar Wilde. Have you read de Profundis? I just read part of it last night. Amazing. Here was the worst sort of sinner who converted on his death bed. And he was converted by art, which makes sense since he was a quintessential artist, but is completely unpredictable. In de Profundis he writes amazing things about Jesus, but he still can't believe. In fact he fantasizes about a religion for those without Faith. Seriously, you need to read it. Discover real joy.
Another reading assignment. Radical Son by David Horowitz. [ELAINE: David Horowitz sent me his autobiography that was full of lies. I sent back to him my side of the story of each of our encounters...my former father in law was one of Horowitz's Ramparts publishers! When reminded of our encounters, Horrorwitz flipped out on me and went on a screaming rampage. At Salon.]
Have a good weekend. Yours in Christ,
James DePrisco
P.S. These emails are too long to be very meaningful. I would prefer to tackle only a few topics at a time.
*NOTE: This learned man suddenly cannot write more longwinded replies! He wants us to slow down. I tell simple stories, he has to talk himself into ever tighter circles to justify his bizarre world view. Instead of taking this bull by the horns, he is tiring of his evasive answers and wants things to be easier. Instead, I decide it is time to plunge into the depths of Hell itself.*
A 'Christian' died. He went to the place where judgement is made by Jesus. Jesus said, 'I will test you. If you pass this test, you go
to Heaven.'
The Christian said, 'I am a sinner but I prayed to you every day and I believe that you want me to go to Heaven because I was devoted to you.'
Jesus said, 'This is a very simple test. I hope you pass it.'
Just then, a small child came up, crying. Jesus took this child in his arms and soothed it with kind words. He then turned to the Christian and said, 'This child is not a Christian. Does she go to Heaven or Hell?'
The Christian was abashed. 'If someone dies and doesn't know Jesus, they go to Hell. But I hate to send a child to Hell.'
Jesus told the little girl that Heaven was open to her. All that long day, the Christian had to choose for Jesus. Each time, he chose to send the dead to Heaven. It was heartbreaking. Then along came an angry Muslim cursing because he was at a wedding and was blown up by an US Hellfire Missile. 'I don't want to go to your Heaven,' he told Jesus. They are all infidels there. '
Jesus said, 'That's OK, you get to go to the Islam section anyway. I don't know why you were sent here.'
The Christian said, 'Wait, he should go to Hell!'
Jesus said, 'That's odd, I never sent anyone to hell and my first miracles was at a wedding. I hate seeing people killed at weddings, they are supposed to be joyous occasions! Besides, didn't you know there is no Heaven or Hell? There is only you looking at your mirror image. You see what you think you see. After all, why would a celestial god be all hot and bothered about your sex life, your mannerisms and what you mumble to yourself or in public?'
'That's blasphemy,' huffed the Christian.
Jesus laughed. 'Isn't it blasphemy to believe that mere humans could, via mass delusion, be turned into celestial beings? Didn't you know that celestial beings are all elemental. They are forces of nature, destiny, evolutionary power and other interesting things. Anyone who imagines a human is a god is deluded by definition.'
'I don't believe you, Jesus!' yelled the Christian, his face getting all red and splotchy.
Jesus looked sad. 'Alas, when people don't believe what I say, they go to Hell. Sorry about this. I hope you change your mind.'
Here is another story you won't like:
A little girl came tumbling through the Gates of Death. There, she saw the gods. One of them was Jesus because her mother and father and minister told her, he lived forever and was a god, not a man. 'I was hit by lightning, ' she wailed to Jesus. He didn't answer because he was dead. This annoyed the girl so she looked about the place for someone to rescue her. Along the way came a roaring wind as an alert and very translucent flying horse came tearing past like a comet going around the sun.
'Maybe if I hitch a ride, this flying horse will take me back to the earth again,' thought the girl. So she grabbed at the mane and was pulled upwards and outwards, back to the Land of the Living. When she came home, her parents were weeping over her body. 'I'm alive,' she said in a shaken voice.
The parents rejoiced until she told them what happened. Then, being good Christians, they were appalled and hated her and avoided talking to her about anything, in particular, the Gates of Death. When they, in turn, were dying, they were full of fear and terror and even went insane. During all of this, they avoided the lightning struck daughter because they were terrified that her story was true. Better to go insane and die, screaming, than to accept a child's honest story.
Indeed, at no time in her life, did she find any religious person who could believe her story. What ever religion they were, they were convinced there was only ONE way to the Gates of Death and only ONEjudge, not many and only ONE rule, not chaos. The human desire to control the gods at the Gates of Death is very intense. This is due to fear.
The sad thing is, the child had the wit to understand that what she saw there was what was in her own mind, unfettered. Being a child, she felt no fear of the ancient gods. But she was scared of the concept of exact opposites suddenly switching with each other so hot was cold and up was down and in was out. She figured, 'That must be Death.' For some reason, she didn't die.
But death comes to every living thing. And the magic of the Veil of Death is simple: we are pulled there, willy, nilly. We don't control it during life or afterwards. We are helpless and there is nothing to do but to accept what happens next. There are no magic spells or special belief systems that nullifies death.
There is only one thing: to accept the fact that when we are gone, we are also still here since time and space is very warped and we have no idea how it is shaped and the past is always somewhere in the time/space continuum. If we view death as an interesting experience that happens, we will suffer less than if we imagine some poor human before us was magically turned into a god just so he can choose to send us to various points on his own compass. What a silly notion that is! Utterly ridiculous.
Not to mention, MALICIOUS. For a major feature of all the gods on earth, in particular, the humanoid ones, is their nasty natures and their desire to stomp on anyone who doesn't want their pathetic magic tricks! Gah! Fie on them all! Every one of them.
As you can see, if any of these half-human/demented god creatures do question me at the Gates of Death, I am ready to dispute absolutely everything with them and will pull in all the information about the stars and planets as well as comets and other celestial objects to do this. By the way, the hideous god who messed with Mary and then deliberately had his 'son' murdered for the hell of it...IS A CREEP.
There is no way I would desire to be anywhere near this crazy creature. My parents were bad enough, but to go live with something that ugly and malicious....I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. As far as I am concerned, the 'Heaven' you aspire to is really a HELL ruled by a nasty, irritable, mean spirited and very ugly DEMON. And if you think this is a god, good luck to you! Enjoy your eternity with His Nastiness.
I far, far prefer to hang out with Pegasus and his sort. We can gallop through space and maybe take a jog around a sun or perhaps we can go to Animal and Plant Heaven where there are no death god worshippers praising despotic demons but instead, all sorts of plants and animals living innocent lives. I would rather live with dinosaurs than your concept of a 'god.'
Indeed, I hope my god is the Goddess who is the Cat Goddess of ancient Egypt. That would certainly be much more fun and much more pleasant. Who knows? No Christian can prove Heaven exists. So the more Heavens, the merrier, I say.
By the way, no Christian wants to dispute all this too long. You have little imagination. You talk about hell and I bet, like a demon, you lick you chops and think ugly stuff about 'what will happen to THEM.' You are so besotted by this, you can't see your image in a mirror. It is beyond sad.
Your heart should break, you should be very strongly against ANY god that invents a torture place like this! How dare they! Then the thought should occur to you that these inventions were demonic and created to turn humans into slaves...on earth. To toil for masters living in huge palaces. To build the Pyramids. To starve while the religious rulers eat. The fear of death is used as a tool to enslave.
And I defy all this. Away with it all! Hell is for BELIEVERS IN HELL. See? You believe in Hell, you go there. For Hell is inside your head. It is where you locked your poor soul. Trust me on this. Or not! I really don't care what you do to yourself. I will only feel sorry for you.
But as I say all the time, 'NO ONE listens to ME!' Except perhaps, Jesus. Ha.
PS. I hope you also have the ability to figure out, your demonic god is a sick puppy because he has to control your sex life. Why is this RAPIST god so interested in what we do in bed? Eh? All those bedroom rules are bizarre, to say the least. If you doubt me, go watch animals and plants playing Mother Nature's lively game of sex that evolved so many hundreds of millions of years ago! Gads. This is so pathetic.
*This was the end of the exchange of views so far. I haven't heard back from him. I suppose he ran screaming from the room. The desire to spend eternity with a malicious god is the main focus of Jame's life. He can't believe that this is demonic. He wants me and others who refuse the advances of this creature to burn in hell. The Christian concept has gone from the idea that the Devil is as strong as God in a Manichean universe to being the servant of God who uses terrible punishments to drive us to worshipping this God: how demonic a love is that? Do we say to people we love, 'Love me or I will make your life hell'? Of course not! If this bizarre and I feel, rather evil entity really wanted us to just love Him, there are various gentler, friendlier schemes like He could send me a box of chocolates with a Valentine. Or shower kisses on me. Since the Gods shower lightning bolts, I am wary and suspicious of these guys. Frankly, I have to somehow deal with them directly. So love is out of the picture. Instead, we must come to some sort of resolution or truce.
But most people who have religious faiths really don't try to see what they are really worshipping. They want to be SAVED and don't look too closely at who is rescuing them. Usually, these various gods end up wanting us to kill each other, torment each other and hate each other. This means they are obviously dangerous and demonic! And trying to get to the bottom of all that means going straight to where these gods live: inside our own brains! Where we get all mixed up and have dangerous, ugly feelings and fears.
I welcome anyone who wishes to talk about belief systems and how they operate in the human 'real life' world. But even more, I welcome debate about the spiritual and celestial side of things. It gives great opportunity for talking about magic, demons and the outside of this universe.*
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Elaine, We become what we think about. We control our own destiny, and have free will. Organized religion is a brutal scam, and your are right to point it out! The coming Aquarian age will be a wonderful, pleasant time. We will learn to inhabit the air.
Posted by: Ralph | July 20, 2008 at 06:36 PM
Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction.
-Blaise Pascal-
When we blindly adopt a religion, a political system, a literary dogma, we become automatons. We cease to grow.
-Anais Nin-
I do not believe in the immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern without any superhuman authority behind it.
-Albert Einstein-
Posted by: JT | July 20, 2008 at 08:39 PM
Maybe heaven is here on Earth. In my daily life, I know I do experience heaven with moments of my soul/spirit living in peace, contentment, love, and pure heavenly joy in the gifts of Mother Nature. The challenge is perception. If God has created us in her image and blessed us with life here on Earth, aren't our life's journeys joyous gifts to be cherished?
In the words of Auntie Mame, "Life is a feast, and most poor suckers are starving to death."
As for organised religion, I'm in agreement with Thomas Paine:
"All national institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish, appear to me no other than human inventions, set up to terrify and enslave mankind, and monopolize power and profit."
"My religion is based on truth and non-violence. Truth is my God. Non-violence is the means of realising Him." Mahatma Gandhi
Just wondering Elaine, have you read the Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell? Bill Moyers did a series of interviews with him. Here's a link to Bill Moyers on Faith & Reason
I'm not a Pollyanna and at my age life's experiences have challenged me many a times. But, I get back up on my horse and search for God's gifts in my daily living. The colors of Mother Nature, breathtaking flowers, cloud formations, and blue skies, clear star filled night skies, soft rain. love...... Geez, now I sound like Julie Andrews in Sound of Music. Speaking of music, or a good book...Now I'm getting giddy!!!!!!!
I figure it's people who get confused and forget to enjoy God's greatest gifts; life, love, and Mother Earth. When you worry too much about death and sinning you forget about what life is all about. God, why can't people just say thank you and love life?
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | July 20, 2008 at 10:23 PM
I am not a Catholic (thank God) and the Catholic Church has a lot of innocent blood on its hands (inquisition). Many of its belief and practices are extremely unbiblical. Jesus said" I am the way the truth and Life, NO man (or women) can come unto the father but by me! Elaine, your sarcasm will mean a stick of beans in front of Jesus in the day of Judgement
Posted by: Greek God | July 20, 2008 at 10:45 PM
Wow. You keep outdoing yourself, Elaine. I love how you keep goring everybody's oxen, and now you just went after the biggest ones in the whole blinkin', stinkin' world!
But I also feel your pain and outrage at the internalizations and beliefs that have caused so much pain for so many for so long.
There are so many ideas in your post to react to and think about, but I will try a couple of reactions. I apologize for being long-winded.
1. Hell - you are right- I completely rejected "conventional" Protestant Christianity for that reason. The Catholics are no better at explaining the "schizophenic God" - who, in the Old Testament, for two examples, orders the the Jews to genocide, and sends bears to tear children or young men (translation issue) to bits for making fun of one of his prophets.
This same bloodthirsty God, in the NT, magically morphs into the God of Love who loved the world enough to send his Son, who, if you believe and obey Him, will save you from eternal torture in Hell by the selfsame loving God. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
Most Christians are either in complete denial or encounter severe cognitive dissonance when this is looked at logically.
However, I still consider myself a Christian, albeit one who doesn't accept the idea of eternal torture, or Hell in the conventional sense.
2. Eternal punishment - Part of the fundamental issues with Xtianity, Hell, and eternal punishment IMHO are that the NT has been mistranslated from the Koine Greek. The key word and its adjective form are "aion" and "aionios". They mean age and pertaining to/of an age, respectively. Because of early pre-Catholic and Catholic theologians, "aionios" took on the meaning of "forever, eternal." The Catholic church used the threat of eternal punishment to scare the rubes for 1700+ years, and the error was not corrected in Protestantism. Eternal punishment is NOT spoken of by Jesus, or anywhere in the Bible.
You are absolutely, dead-on correct IMHO in implying that Hell and eternal punishments of God are projections of humans' desire for control and revenge.
3. Evil created by humans - The next best thing to eternal punishment by God, evil-wise, is to have an organization which lasts for more than the lifetime of any number of individuals, which can create misery and death at times for multiple generations of finite human lives. We humans have been quite inventive in this area, and we can point to several sterling examples in the areas of Big Government and Big Religion. Just a few are: totalitarian fascism, radical Islam, modern Israel, and the Catholic Church in the Dark and Middle Ages. The USA is unfortunately becoming a good recent example of this type of organization, in spite of many of its well-meaning and good but deluded citizens.
3. Doctrine vs. spirituality - To me, true spirituality erases or overcomes doctrinal psychological pathology. There are many people, including Christians, that are "nominally" of some or no religious persuasion, who don't necessarily believe in any party line on these issues, who in fact are good people, good citizens, good, loving fathers and mothers. You know. You've met them too. There aren't that many of them. But they are there. Some of them are under protection from the other side. You are probably intuitive enough to tell that in some of the people you meet. I am not sure how they escape the Matrix; it is a mystery.
4.Your gods and demons on the other side seem to be huge and impersonal, Elaine. I will go out on a limb thinking that you have some more stories to share about the little epiphanies and the healing, growing, creative light and magic which can be seen sometimes in this world. And how Love is connected to all that.
That being said, I'd love to meet or at least see Pegasus. The big guys seem pretty impressive and I'd like to hear more about them too.
Love the "Jesus and the Pope" parables. You rock.
Posted by: CR | July 21, 2008 at 12:32 AM
"Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. Trouble no one about his religion. Respect others in their views and demand that they respect yours. Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all
things in your life. Seek to make your life long and of service to your people. Prepare a noble death song for the day when you go over the great divide.
Always give a word or sign of salute when meeting or passing a friend, or even
a stranger, if in a lonely place. Show respect to all people, but grovel to none. When you rise in the morning, give thanks for the light, for your life, for your strength. Give thanks for your food and
for the joy of living. If you see no reason to give thanks, the fault lies in yourself.
Abuse no one and no thing, for abuse turns the wise ones to fools and robs the spirit of its vision. When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their
time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home."
by: Tecumseh -(1768-1813) Shawnee Chief
Posted by: GK | July 21, 2008 at 05:10 AM
Bottom Line:
Posted by: don | July 21, 2008 at 06:36 AM
"The key is that Jesus says that it is easier for a camel to pass through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter heaven. Now here is the clincher. The Jew's respond "then who can be saved?". Most people blow by this phrase, and it is the main part."
Isnt´t it widely accepted now that this was just an error in translation and that "needles eye" is a narrow gate in Jerusalem. So a camel can enter if it unloads its cargo.
And people have been wondering about that for thousands of years. Uups no sorry just a typo :). I wonder how they`ll adjust their teachings accordingly.
Posted by: JT | July 21, 2008 at 06:59 AM
Religions and belief systems are very rarely evil. Ethics have been around for all humanity. Religion is not the source of ethics, even though it so often so claims, it is a reflection of it. This is why religion often stands in the way when ethics evolve.
It is where religion is interpeted and humans claim to have divine powers or knowledge where evil truly spawns.
Pope being a prime example of this.
Posted by: JT | July 21, 2008 at 07:24 AM
Actually, the concept of all the gods are at TOTAL ODDS with morality! Every god created by humans violate ALL social systems! Without exception!
This paradox is very close to the heart of the matter: the gods are all totally out of control! We then try to stop their rampages by praying to them to STOP IT. Damn it, stop doing whatever they are doing.
This is why, when we are spared whenever Mother Nature, the cruelest of all the goddesses, hammers us. 'The mercy of god saved me!' yell the survivors. HAHAHA. I used to say, 'Why didn't your god not hammer you in the first place? Eh?'
No answer to that one. The other goddess of creation is Lady Luck. She is the mother of Miz Risky. She loves to play with the demon bone dice and rolls them endlessly. Whether something drops on your head or you suddenly get rich is all up to her. She is, by far, the most popular of all the gods. Everyone prays to her even if they give her majesty different names.
She existed BEFORE Mother Nature. She is Mother Nature's mother. She we there when there was no Big Bang and no universe. She is the Outer Darkness. She has many interesting and frightful aspects that even astronomers, when they are aware of her, are frightened. Indeed, she is also Medusa, mother of Pegasus.
I like the elder gods not because they are better than the new ones but because they describe astronomy better. They are the star systems! And our relation to them and this planet is strong, hammered out over the eons by curious humans.
About Jesus: he was a cool dude. I like Jesus, the human being with a big, big heart. He was a revolutionary who was turned into Pisces and became a 'god' which ruined his humanity entirely. But he didn't do this! His followers did this. Especially Paul, a guy I despise.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | July 21, 2008 at 08:13 AM
"This learned man suddenly cannot write more longwinded replies!"
I've no idea who this DePrisco individual is but he doesn't write very well; a Jesuit-trained theologian would be able to sustain a much better argument. I'm guessing he's some random wanderer on the Net.
Posted by: JSmith | July 21, 2008 at 08:57 AM
You people are so lucky. You have managed to get all the way to the New Testament.
I am still stuck in Genesis. I still trying to work out how koalas got from Mt Ararat in Turkey to Mt Ararat in Victoria.
I have also been warned that when I get to Kings that no archeological evidence has been found for Solomon and all his glory.
Posted by: Bokonon | July 21, 2008 at 09:25 AM
Hi Elaine,
You write that you were 'scared of the concept of exact opposites suddenly switching with each other so hot was cold and up was down and in was out' and figured that 'That must be Death.' These comments trigger a deep resonance in me that I don't fully understand, reminding me of some traumatic experiences I went through over 20 years ago. I suspect that I might have a lot to gain from further understanding of this issue, and it might even help me to access the mine of information I felt was buried within me during the events referred to. Have you written elsewhere about this? Also, I'm interested in hearing a bit more about your views on Libra/Maat. Do you think that the world will have to wait until precession of the equinoxes takes us to Libra before any semblance of justice can be established 'down here', or does somehow Maat transcend the normal cycle of the zodiac, representing a level of cosmic harmony that is always existent, regardless of the fact that our little minds tell us otherwise while the dimensionally-limited story of history plays itself out? I realize that these two views are not mutually contradictory, but I'm struggling with some of the implications of all this. Any light you can shed may help! With love, JC (not the Palestinian Jew of 1st Century fame, of course)
Posted by: JC | July 22, 2008 at 01:48 PM
The old joke about the Unitarian Church
goes like this...
The fundamentalists call one of the books
of the New Testament, "The Epistle of Paul"
The Unitarians call it the "Appalling
Posted by: Gary | July 23, 2008 at 12:22 PM
Hey Elaine. I found your site trying find something else, and though I haven't read everything you've written, but I'd still like to stop w/ some quick thoughts.
First off, I just want to apologize on behalf of anything any Christian/Catholic has done to give you a negative skew of Christianity. I'm the first to admit that Christians/Catholics are hypocrites. They'll *never* be perfect, and yet they still call others (as well as themselves) to perfection.
But of course, "calling" others to perfection is all they can do, because one can only control themselves. So it's with primary focus that they work on their own salvation. First off, to get right with God, but secondly to be a good example of what living in this faith means. I think Christianity gets it wrong, that it should be about attraction and not about marketing. And...uhmm...I wish I had something profound to say.
But instead you get that blah.
anyhow. Take care, peace.
Posted by: Peter | August 07, 2008 at 01:02 AM
Every time you come to mind, I realize I'm smiling.
Posted by: cheap jordan retro | May 05, 2011 at 10:20 PM
Don't judge others because you think you are just, only a just can judge. Dont wait for the time that you will be judge because you will suffer in eternity.
Posted by: edward | October 11, 2011 at 12:00 AM