September 1, 2008
Pregnancy Labor Day
Elaine Meinel Supkis
I grew up in a Born Again Christian family. My parents were nearly pulled into a Crowely Coven run by Jack Parsons in Pasedena. They knew Mr. Ron L. Hubbard before he wrote any books. My parents sought to escape all this by becoming 'Christians'. Then they had me. Unable to cope with my rather personal and upfront relationship with Thor and his gang of celestial buddies, they rejected me when I was only 5 years old. I used to go up to them and say, 'Why don't you put me up for adoption? To someone who doesn't mind the stuff that happens to me?'
Not joking, there were power-hungry guys out there who would have taken up the offer as I discovered once I was able to simply walk out the door. I honed my fighting and lightning-dodging skills to cope with this. The main thing is, I was raped by an astronomer when I was only 5. Thereafter, there was gossip and great uneasiness around me and I hung out at observatories across the planet, causing no small problems.
When I got to see TV, in the fifites it was all about outer space and aliens. My father used to joke that aliens wouldn't kidnap me [just humans, I suppose] but I thought, if any aliens did come, they would probably go looking for me since I am not exactly all too human, myself. Especially if they are 'mind readers.' Mind you, I have a dirty mind. I even told my father, 'The aliens would not want to be around people who don't have sex on their minds. Aliens probably would want to be around humans with an active imagination, no?' Well, the aliens I have met seem to be of this mind.
I called them 'Watchers' when I was 5 years old. They were startled when I suddenly fell into their dark cave. With a loud crash. I wanted to know who they were and they wanted to watch me. Indeed, when I managed to hitch a ride on the back of Pegasus who carried me back out of the Cave of Death, the Watchers followed me.
They are akin to vultures in many ways. Attracted to dead bodies but also interested in propagating their species. TV was just beginning to be broadcast in 1955. They thought it was such a delightful invention, they made a mirror TV system for themselves. They watch that. To find a channel, they tune in on various humans. They like to focus on humans who do interesting things. Another thing: their TV is the opposite of ours. Ours shows things that have already happened.
Theirs, being in the Outer Darkness and thus, opposite, show the future. They have several ways of sharing what they watch on their news shows. The easy way is for them to haul me into their Cave and I watch it with them. This isn't very difficult to accept. When, on the other hand, they have me either be part of or observe in person an event, this is agony. Then, there are special times when I must interfere with these TV shows. This is when the fireworks go off. And is immensely painful. The only times this is done is when people are dying.
I have learned the harsh lesson of accepting defeat. For the Fates and Furies are extremely powerful. The Watchers watch them because no one is more interesting and generates more dead bodies than the Dire Sisters, the Gorgons, the Furies, the Fates. The cruel ironies of these nine Ladies of the Night fill the pages of what we call 'history.' I figued long ago, they get immense laughs about all this.
In particular, they adore people who think they can 'talk to god'. People who believe they and only they have the Keys to the Kingdom of Everlasting Life. The idea that there is no such place is difficult for humans to grasp. They want to go on and on, whatever status quo they were birthed in. The ideal is the present. Not matter what bizarre rituals and customs, the point is not to change but to cling to the past. But cruel history always moves forwards. And the Ones who can see the Future know the futility of these belief systems.
This confusing, long posting is now going to burrow deep into this summer's news. We are witnessing the breakdown of whole belief systems. We are seeing the final rot of the Born Again Christian community. My parents are typical of this community: they are secretive, they hide things we need to know, they are totally and utterly unforgiving of anyone who doesn't match their belief systems and they are scared of death.
Here in the news is a true-life 'Cave of Death' story:
Portal to Maya Underworld Found in Mexico?
A labyrinth filled with stone temples and pyramids in 14 caves—some underwater—have been uncovered on Mexico's Yucatán Peninsula, archaeologists announced last week.The discovery has experts wondering whether Maya legend inspired the construction of the underground complex—or vice versa. According to Maya myth, the souls of the dead had to follow a dog with night vision on a horrific and watery path and endure myriad challenges before they could rest in the afterlife.
In one of the recently found caves, researchers discovered a nearly 300-foot (90-meter) concrete road that ends at a column standing in front of a body of water.
Many, many cultures sought to find or build 'Caves of Death'. All believed that eternal life and eternal wealth was there just for the finding. This is a very powerful force in humans going back to the evolution of humans. It is our dream world transplanted to the waking world. Where dreams and waking rationality meet, we get religion. Rationalizing what we see in the dream world fuels religiosity. I often talk about the Cave of Death and note how it is, in many, many cultures, tied to wealth. Understanding the underlying dynamics of this is very important if we want to 'see' into the future. For the rules, laws and regulations of this entity is what makes our financial systems as well as religious and political systems 'tick'. It is the beating heart of the whole Matrix.
I have born again sisters. They all have multiple divorces, their children have children out of wedlock after unprotected sex, they have absolutely no discernible morals as far as I can detect. Jesus, according to them all, forgives everything! How nifty is that? We have watched in horror as born again Christians elevated a pair of divorced actors into the White House. Then had the nerve to howl like demons about the idea that gays might kiss and get married?
Not only that, these same believers in 'whatever we do, Jesus loves' have elevated an outright SATANIST who uses Geronimo's skull to summon demons from the Outer Darkness. They give him power, they grant him his wishes. They want to utterly destroy America and are succeeding wonderfully. And we know this! We know about the Skull and Bones and some of the rituals which call upon the Devil That Is Death. Willfully blinding themselves to the painfully obvious, the born again community skipped merrily after the Bush Pied Piper. Into hell.
Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant
(CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.Republican presidential candidate McCain was aware of Bristol Palin's pregnancy before he chose her mother for his running mate, the aide said.
"Senator McCain knew this and felt in no way did it disqualify her from being vice president," said the aide. "Families have difficulties sometimes, and lucky for her she has a supportive family."
The 17-year-old, a senior in high school, is about five months along, in her second trimester, according to the aide.
The aide said it was decided the campaign would reveal this information now because of rampant Internet rumors that Sarah Palin's 4-month-old baby, who has Down syndrome, was actually Bristol's.
Now they are at it again. When the Huckabee minister was discovered to be raising a family of sadists, many of us went, 'Yuck'. I assure everyone, the born again community is VERY sadistic. Cruelty is their middle name and never forgiving in their last name. They are demonic. Now, the born agains wanted McCain to swear fealty to them and their demented god. So McCain's advisor who was sleeping with a 16 year old girl, told him to choose her mom to be his running mate.
This is very typical of this demonic political pressure group: when the young lady reached 17 and was still well-underage [the man who did this is much older!] so people began to suspect the recent baby claimed by the governor of Alaska was really the daughter's baby. This proved to be false. But the resulting story about the Christian nut daughter is far more evil: she is PROUD of getting pregnant out of wedlock! As her mother rages about gays, she smugly laughs as she diddled with an older man. Why sully her purity with birth controls?
Instead, she decides to be a teen mother. Few mothers are more destructive than teen mothers. In the past, when the Christian church ruled with an iron fist, this maiden would have been stoned to death. Certainly, she would have been removed from the family until the inconvenient baby was pulled out and then she would return a faux virgin. WHEN I WAS A TEEN THIS MOST CERTAINLY WAS STILL THE CASE. The mothers of these wild-sex daughters denounced us hippies who frankly, didn't care much about the church prohibitions. We kicked over the traces. We used birth control! The born again female Whores of Babylon were and still are very much against birth control or teaching their little witchy, wild sex daughters to use them. Yet none of these glorious dwellers in Sin City want to be punished if they don't follow their own goofy rules they make up, themselves.
I have literally stood between a murderous born again Christian father from murdering his son when his son said he was gay! I have seen the blinding hate in these pig-like eyes of these believers that Jesus, a bastard child, loves them if they persecute others for doing what Mary did with the demonic desert god of the Middle East!
So here we are, seeing the so-called Christians trooping after this family that is far, far, far more immoral than my hippie family. We learned today, the husband of these goofballs who have ancestors going back only 6,000 years to the mythological Adam and Eve, caught driving while intoxicated. Bush, the Satanist, did this many times. Cheney, the left hand of Satan and the right hand of Beelzebub, also tooled around while drinking with satyrs and sinners. His openly gay daughter was no bar to public office, the fake Christians happily voted for THAT!
They did this because they thought these satanists would make them rich. Cut taxes and punish 'evil sexual women'. They want a world where they can sin till the cows come home but the rest of us must walk their tightrope over the burning abyss.
It is worse: they want the APOCALYPSE so their bizarre incarnation of Jesus can come and pull their dainty asses out of WWIII while the rest of us get to die painful deaths. This is the most demonic, ugly part of a very ugly, nasty religion. Personally merciless, they all expect and anticipate total mercy and even love, no matter what they do in the real world.
Praise the Lord and pass the business plan as God embraces Mammon
God wants you rich, and as if to prove it His golden forefinger is pointing down through the stage ceiling at the Excel exhibition centre in east London.This is the International Gathering of Champions, one of the largest worship meetings of Pentecostalists ever held in Britain, and the three-metre (10ft) digit hanging above the preachers is a sign that they and the 80,000 who will come to hear them are, in the words of Deuteronomy, "empowered to prosper".
Many believe that Jesus wants them to be rich. Not their neighbors, god forbid! No, they are to be rich. Recently, Market Watch featured a couple I called 'Mr. & Mrs. Thrifty'. They were childless born again Christians. Who were very smug as they ran up half a million in debts. They were held up as examples of proper spending care that was superior to us schmucks who are not Christians. Yet, when I went over their finances, it turned out they were reckless, careless and indulgent!
The nature of this system of demonic possession is to be the exact opposite of reality. This is why the magazine chose this demonic couple: they were totally NOT thrifty at all! Not even slightly thrifty! They were careless and foolish wild investors. Jesus, of all religious leaders and very much like Buddha, was anti-wealth. He was a communist. The irony of the born again Christian demonic belief system is, they hate, above all things, 'communism'. The last thing they want to do is share with others. They will share with each other but not outsiders.
They want a communist Jesus to share all the bounty of the earth with them and only themselves. They hope to take over Heaven itself and hog it. They resent the idea that anyone who isn't one of them get even the slightest 'goodies' in the afterlife. Instead of leading good, sober lives and then sacrificing themselves so OTHERS go to Heaven, the born again community wants to party like it is Spring Break and they are auditioning for 'Girls Gone Wild' and then be angels in this Heaven which is supposed to be only for good people who don't party.
This is most intimately connected with the whole 'Santa Claus' tenor of modern politics: these goofy, demonic party poopers who party hard want to pay no taxes while running a very violent, hateful, difficult empire that is failing in all its wars! They want tax cuts and spending, over spending like crazy. They want more and more goodies. Each wants a McMansion and lots of sex. Then they hound the rest of us for wanting to be civilized.
Now we go on to Iran Kitty himself. He runs a web page. I lurk there. Here is an interesting exchange Kitty had with a bereaved American mother whose son was yanked into the Cave of Death so the oil barons, the Bush satanists, the Santa Claus Christians could all get richer:
Mr. PresidentI am writing you this letter as a mother who her son was sent to Iraq forcibly and has been taken away from her for ever.
You may know it or not that most of the Americans do not like Bush. He is (….). We do not recognize him as our president. He entered the white house by cheating. He is not a legitimate president. Even a great number of American mothers who their sons were not sent to Iraq, are agree with me. They know Bush as (….).
Mr. President! As much as we hate war, we hate Bush and his gangs! I want you know that if you intend to attack U.S., most of the people are like me here. We can’t stop his stupid acts for now, but I am writing this letter, because I know you as a pious and logical man.
I am not scared of Bush and his gangs or his security forces, but since I do not want them to interrupt my battle and my fellow Americans’ struggle against this administration, please keep my name and identification anonymous.
With best wishes
In the Name of Almighty God, the All-knowing, the Most Lovingly CompassionateVenerable mother
First of all, I apologize for the delay of answering your question. This is due to my heavy schedules. So far, I have received many letters – with the same type of messages - such as yours.
If your son opposed to go to Iraq and impose pressure on the people of that region, and then was forcibly taken there, certainly Almighty God would help him. And those who have forced your beloved son to go to the war are responsible for his blood and the bloodshed that they have caused. They should answer Almighty God in the Day of Judgment.
In regard to statement you have made, since I did not want my reply lead to any problem for you, did not send it through e-mail, because if some agents are getting into private life of the American citizens and eligitimatley control them, may create problem for you. Instead, I decided to post the reply on the web log that those who may have the same views such as yours, get the answer.
Respectable lady
We respect all people of the world- including the American people. We think highly of all human’s life, dignity, reputation and also their properties. Our religion – Islam- does not allow us to disturb the peace and tranquility of human beings. Even those Iranian mothers who have lost their children due to American atrocities in Iran or those children, who their parents have been martyred, do not concur that the American people be immolated for the wrong-headedness and arrogance of their Statesmen. Even the Iranian girls and boys, who have lost all their family members in U.S. warship attack against Iranian passenger airplane in Persian Gulf, do not assent that Iran initiates any war. For eight years, we defended ourselves against all-out invasion of Saddam who was supported by the world powers. And any type of weaponry, intelligence and supplies that he needed was provided to him immediately. Our people were not even safe from Saddam’s chemical bombs. When the green light was given to Saddam by the big powers - including U.S. government - he tested the most lethal chemical weapons – produced in the west – on the innocent people of Iran.
This is so interesting! It shows how even cruel despots who murder innocent gay lovers because of a totally demented god can still put on the robes of charity and love! One thing: the VP choice for McCain has NO differences with the Iranian mullahs except for one: THEY would punish her wanton, wild daughter. Not praise her for becoming a teen mom! They would annihilate her with stones if she ran around, having sex! They, unlike the US Santa Claus Christians, take their own belief system most seriously. They don't treat it as a joke.
The lack of honesty and integrity of the American Christians continues to amaze. They are STILL running on the anti-gay issue long, long, long after it has been shown to be a totally fake irritation. They really don't care one way or another. They just want to hate. And hating the Shi'ia who embody EXACTLY the morals and depravities blessed by these same lying bastards: this is beyond idiotic.
One hopes this is the last of the Christians in America. They should crawl back under a stone and not come out until they grow up and assume responsibility for their past debts, their wild overspending and their crazy sex lives. Shame on them all.
I agree with the pulse you are taking of the sick fundies, and most of what you post.
Dog gone it.... you only get things 90% right. I value your writing (blogging) a lot. I'm set up to feed your posts to the 9/11 Truth room at
I do this in spite of the fact that you really don't get the truth about 9/11 at all.
(Hint: Neither Flight 11, nor Flight 175 crashed into the WTC 1 and 2. The details of the hijackings, if they happened, are all dubious.)
Here's one snipet that might help you rethink the Pentagon attack:
I don't expect the above link to change your mind. However, you simply can't have researched the probable facts of 9/11 and do the posts that you have done.... (not unless you are disinfo). For now, I hope that you just haven't dedicated the time.
I include your posts because you provide analysis of the geopolitics and world economics that can't be obtained anywhere else. Your illustrations are great as well.
Now, getting to the my gripe about this post.
Here's the reason I'm commenting now. I 100% disagree with you when you say that the original allegations that Trig was not Sarah's baby have be disspelled.
As a skeptic, I say we simply don't have enough information yet to know who was/is pregnant when.
I'm disappointed that you would breezily go along with the latest probable lie.
Posted by: bill giltner | September 01, 2008 at 08:55 PM
CNN: Evangelicals rally behind Palin after pregnancy news
CNN) -- Key evangelical leaders rallied to Sarah Palin's support Monday amid news that her 17-year-old daughter, Bristol, was having a child.
"Before, they were excited about her, with the Down syndrome baby," conservative, anti-tax activist Grover Norquist said. "But now with this, they are over the moon. It reinforces the fact that this family lives its pro-life values."
Palin and John McCain oppose abortion and have supported promoting abstinence in schools, which would seem to make Bristol Palin's pregnancy an inconveniently timed development.
But she is keeping the child, a fact that could make the Alaska governor -- whose candidacy has been enthusiastically embraced by evangelicals who regard her as one of their own -- even more popular among that key GOP voting bloc.
HAHAHAAHA. Gads! We DEFINITELY have reached a point where inside is out and up is down!!!
To celebrate this is NEW. When I was a teenager, this was a sign of moral degradation heavily condemned by the Church. Now, they are proud of older men getting girls pregnant and then convincing the poor babies to have babies....and even out of wedlock?
Wow. The 'Pro-Lifers' murder doctors, harass and cause great pain to women seeking abortions but all is well if THEY have sex with young girls. Isn't this too bizarre. Now, the right wingers are trying desperately to spin this sorry mess as a problem for the Democrats.
This, from the damn party that tried to impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob from an adult woman?
I remember that time! The Focus of the Fetus group run by 'I love storm gods' Dobson kept calling 26 year old Monica, 'A young girl' as if she were 17 years old. Now, they smoothly switch gears and claim a little UNDERAGE girl is an adult and it is OK to pump her full of semen.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 01, 2008 at 09:03 PM
I get the impression that every single soap opera writer in the world is going through Sarah Palin's life for story lines.
Sarah is already pure comedy gold. In spite of all this, is she supposed to be a serious candidate?
Posted by: Bokonon | September 01, 2008 at 09:09 PM
Her family is my family: utterly messed up. I grew up ruling class. When I did my hippie thing, I was condemned. When my fundie sisters all got whacked up, that was OK!!!!
How's that for infuriating? This is why I am pissed off at all the blather from the right. I know these clowns. I was raised by such as these. They are all nuttier than drunk squirrels hanging upside down with bats, playing vampire with nuts.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 01, 2008 at 09:13 PM
An older sister of mine is a founder of The Family of God. They are epic child abusers. One abused boy, owned by the other founders, murdered his nanny because he went crazy from all the sex abuse.
These sorts of weirdos are hideous humans. I wasn't invited to my mother's funeral because the fundie members wanted to do it their way. They are beyond creepy.
I can't express my annoyance enough. Seriously, these people are a grave danger to the entire planet earth since they control NUCLEAR BOMBS. And trust me on this one! My family has been deeply involved in the missile side of the nuclear systems.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 01, 2008 at 09:17 PM
THE CAVE in a previous lifetime of long ago i was in a tribe of barbarians who were exstremely barbaric and was a great pleasure for me to kill people and to leave thier bodies in the open for the wolves to day i got sick with a fever and my tribe took me to the earth mothers womb a cave in which to die.into the labrinth i was taken and deposited onto the inner cave floor i realised i was dying i could feel my spirit riseing up and down in my body.the torch bearers started to go and i wanted a light to be left for me but they heard me not .so there i was in this pitch black darkness completely alone and scared .oh i thought here i am here now dying with no one to comfort me and inside i wept .when suddenly i heard a very faint voice look to the light what i said to myself i see no light .look to the light the voice said.ah there it was a very tiny pin prick of pure white light.come to the light of love the light was growing so bright i could barely see.come to the light of love said the voice .no i cried i sobbed i cannot come to you many people have i killed.then from this light swirled all of those i had killed and supreme love compassion and forgiveness was in there hearts.come to the light of i wept i cannot .then all of those i had killed came and kissed my feet my hands my heart and my forehead come our brother to the light of love did you really think your brothers and sisters of the light of love would leave you alone in this darkness and so i swirled out of my body into the ecstacic light of love
Posted by: geoffery battams | September 01, 2008 at 09:37 PM
A bit early for the sauce, Elaine...
Posted by: Master | September 01, 2008 at 09:41 PM
I can't talk about reality when the entire US is drifting down a river of denial. It is very, very strong. For example, the US public is told over and over again, 'The economy is strong' when it is very, very weak.
Just as we are told that our military is strong when it is utterly ineffective.
The morals issue has been the #1 bed bug for many, many Americans. They honestly wanted a more moral world. But then were side-tracked by bribes and offers of 'EZ money/$0 down game. THIS is the essence of modern America: a desire to have our cake and have sex too and then be 'moral' to boot.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 01, 2008 at 09:54 PM
Your right about the river denial and its strength. I feel increasingly isolated as it is near impossible to have a conversation of any substance with anyone that I know. The world I see has lost it's sanity and can't bear to look. What does one do when even their immediate family just does not want to hear much of anything you have to say?
Posted by: Joe | September 02, 2008 at 12:12 AM
Ow that was quite an article. I don't even have strong feelings about any of the subjects discussed, yet reading through gave me a headache
Elaine you should at least post a cartoon to balance out the gloom!
Posted by: WG | September 02, 2008 at 01:00 AM
people do not want the truth for some strange reason people love to be lied to .i personally like the truth no matter how much it hurts .alastair darling for reasons i suspect out of anger has spoken the truth about the worlds economy .on doing so he is hated despised and spat upon .it did not annoy me at all that he spoke the truth.but what does annoy me is that he then lost faith in himself and tried to backtrack.if i ever say something i know to be true i do not recant.jesus was crucefied for speaking truth people in power bush brown etc are such liars georgia was attacked first yes matey i belive you weapons of mass destruction yes mate i believe you.the weapons inspector did commit suicide honest.i was in my local pub the other day speaking to someone i have known for a while and spoke the total truth to him about the world suddenly this sane rational being turned into a rageing member of the sheeple society and wanted to severly bite i reluctantly say usaully nothing now to anyone because i have realised that speaking the truth to people will generally get you a good kicking or is a sad state when people are generally so corrupted and in such denial that they cannot accept the truth of course it is safe to speak the truth on here honest? my advice is always speak truth to those you love who trust you enough to take it. but dont speak anything to others. tho i find it very hard to lie or to remain silent.if i lie i am lying to myself and if i say nothing i am dishonest to the other person especially if the truth is to be spoken for the other persons welfare and not my ego
Posted by: geoffery battams | September 02, 2008 at 03:53 AM
Forget the "Christians", Elaine. They cannot even amongst themselves agree on Scripture, which is why there are at least 212 versions of the Bible!
Further, half the "Christians" today are clueless ROMANS, who do not even know their own history. The balance are followers of ex-Romans who put up their knocked off version of the original, lacking any originality themselves.
The real Christians were massacred by Constantine in 300 A.D. The were called Essenes. I am not aware of any surviving Essenes today. Although a few creative types have put up Essene church franchises of late.
The religions today are predominantly more priestcraft than religion. It's just another a racket, like war, like banking, like government. No need to stress Elaine.
Celebrate the fact that you are not asleep, not blind, not stupid, and that you are speaking the truth to those who are willing to have an open mind and listen.
As for the rest, well, they have made their bed, let them sleep in it! It has been said, "Some people change when they see the Light, others when they feel the Heat."
Posted by: Carli | September 02, 2008 at 05:08 AM
Every once and a while, I talk about my own rather creepy little world because I am really curious if people are interested or want to understand a rather strange human...since I do hold the world's record of being struck by lightning INDOORS, I have the qualifications for 'weirdness.'
There are many, many religions out there in the world. They have many, many features in common. I love exploring this common features and one of the more mysterious features is how the entire concept of 'money' is very, very, very intimately attached to these common religious beliefs especially the business about deep caves leading to 'the other world'.
I see the Christians in the US merrily going into the Cave of Death thinking they are holy and good and not going into the Cave of Death even as their own Bible talks about how the anti and real Jesus will clash in this horrible electrical mess and destroy everyone except for true believers who join the 'right side' only the Bible itself says, most will be FOOLED and go to the 'wrong side' because they are greedy and self-indulgent!
And here we have, in America, on full display, exactly this sort of thinking! Totally bizarre. How human!
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 02, 2008 at 06:16 AM
I have never understood the broad concept
of "Born Again Christian" or today I am
Gay but yesterday I was straight? I look at
our role models in the sports industry who
have paternity suits in every city to
politicians who have so many Sexual Skeletons in their closet to the ones on
K-Stree (lobbyists). A few years ago I took
abnormal psychology in college and the concepts of what was right or wrong in that
publication would have the authors rolling over in their graves !!!!!!! We dont have a base in todays society, just abnormality of a confused society. When Britney Spears sister covers the front of people magazine
for being pregnant, we have a problem.....
Posted by: Don | September 02, 2008 at 07:49 AM
When the Roman Empire grew big and fat, suddenly they had 'morality' problems. These were solved by starting the Dark Ages. The severe poverty of that period meant everyone could be moral again.
People can't understand this dynamic, of course. They want to be rich AND moral but also this means going into the Cave of Death and stealing the wealth there, metaphorically speaking. The idea that this causes a collapse in morals is not part of people's belief systems.
This is why everything is so hysterically funny on the right: they are totally insane. They want to be babies, to have Santa give them Chinese toys and to never be responsible for their own behavior. This is why our empire is going bankrupt.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 02, 2008 at 08:04 AM
Elaine-your words are so beautiful..........
One Eg. I dont understand.................
Joe Liberman:
Democrat>Independent>Republican (artificially) now he is attending the
Republican party in Minn??????????????????
So Backwards..............................
Posted by: Don | September 02, 2008 at 08:16 AM
Hmmm... I was sort-of expecting you'd eventually get around to the wild GOP sex parties. Alas... no such luck.
On Bristol Palin, I have two remarks:
1) That's what abstinence-only sex education gets you, and
2) Leave the kid alone.
Posted by: JSmith | September 02, 2008 at 08:54 AM
What I love about this site is that Elaine, and other commentators here to a degree, hold up a mirror to society. Elaine understands about the Shadow aspect of humans, and human unconscious side overall. Unlike other commentators she take these aspects into account when she analyzes trends and political actions. And this is no small part in why she gets it so right more often than not.
As Geoffrey points out few people dare admit the truth to themselves. They spend all their energy holding their facade together and if that facade is threatened they lash out. For this reason many Born Again Christians are very rigid, stiff, hateful and unforgiving people, the polar opposite of what a Christian is supposed to be. They cannot relax because that invites the, in their eyes, personal 'disaster' of having to face their own self.
Elaine is tremendously courageous.
Posted by: Christian W | September 02, 2008 at 09:40 AM
As the governor of Alaska, Ms. Palin sole constitutional position is to uphold the rule of law. Her underage daughter is protected by underage/child-rape statutory laws. The perpetrator under due process charged, trial and sentenced under the law. As the Governor and parent of the underage child, Ms. Palin has decided to ignore her sworn oath of office to uphold the law, and as a parent for not swearing out a warrant for the rapist, she should lose custody of her daughter.
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | September 02, 2008 at 10:13 AM
A must see on Sarah Palin video when "7 months" pregnant. She's wearing high heeled boots, drinking coffee, and walking fast with a journalist. This is not a 44yr old pregnant woman with a fifth child! Check out the daughter in the 2006 photo with a tummy bulge. Daughter Bristol was out of school for several months with the "mono." HAHAHAHA.
"[Governor Palin’s] oldest girl is rumored to have actually been the one who had the last baby, the one with Down’s Syndrome. She was taken out of school the last 4 or 5 months of her mother’s pregnancy.
On March 5th, 2008 Alaska’s Republican Governor, Sarah Palin, announced to the media that she was 7 months pregnant with her 5th child. She is currently 44.
Palin’s daughter Bristol is 16 and attends an Anchorage high school. Students who have attended class with her report that she has been out of school for months, claiming a prolonged case of mono.
Palin does not appear pregnant in any recent photographs. The announcement came as quite a shock to people who had worked closely with her, and have been quoted as saying that she did not appear pregnant whatsoever during the prior 7 months."
Alaska Statutory Rape Law:
The age of consent is defined as 16 years old, according to Alaska statutory rape laws. If a person who is at least 18 years old engages in sexual activity with a person who is 16 years old or younger, he or she will be charged with sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree. This charge is a felony in Alaska. And remember, it does not matter if you did not force or threaten the other person into performing this sexual act with you. It is still a crime under Alaska statutory rape laws.
Any person who is 16 years old or older who has sexual intercourse with a minor who is 13-, 14-, or 15-years-old will be charged with sexual abuse of a minor in the second degree. Again, this charge is also a felony.
Is it possible that the daughter is not pregnant. Rather recovering from her last pregnancy, explains the "belly bump and enlarged breasts"?
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | September 02, 2008 at 11:08 AM
The "Church" is nothing less than what
Jesus warned us about in the Bible. He said,
"my kingdom is not of this earth". But yet
the core function of the church is earthly
power. And power loves to link up with other
powers, esp political ones.
The Church exists to basically hide the
true meaning of Jesus from his potential
followers. They then follow the Church
instead. Thus we always get the church
howling about having the 10 Commandments
put on public display but nary a word about
the Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes)
Posted by: G | September 02, 2008 at 11:25 AM
"Check out the daughter in the 2006" Oops, photo from 2007
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | September 02, 2008 at 11:25 AM
(CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
The above poorly worded sentence implies that the father of Sarah Palin's baby is a senior aide to McCain. You misunderstood.
Posted by: Mark | September 02, 2008 at 09:39 PM
magic incantation
Elaine, I just read the MOST TRUE THING I HAVE EVER READ ON THE INTERNET and the guy who said it just got run out of government.
You understand magic incantations.
"September 11 is being invoked as a kind of magic incantation to stifle debate, disparage critical analysis and persuade us that we suddenly live in a new world where the old rules cannot apply."
-Canada's Privacy Commissioner George Radwanski
magic incantation
magic incantation
magic incantation
magic incantation
Posted by: GK | September 03, 2008 at 07:40 AM
Excelent Elaine !
Don't forget the book next winter !
Posted by: PJSV | September 03, 2008 at 07:43 AM