Elaine Meinel Supkis
DARPA is asking for scientists to develop nano tech devices that can be inserted in pupas so the insect's nervous system will grow around these devices turning insects into human-manipulated cyborgs. This technology will end up enslaving humans too.
Courtesy of Daliwood, a faithful reader here--- Space War.com:
Facing problems in its efforts to train insects or build robots that can mimic their flying abilities, the U.S. military now wants to develop "insect cyborgs" that can go where its soldiers cannot.
The Pentagon is seeking applications from researchers to help them develop technology that can be implanted into living insects to control their movement and transmit video or other sensory data back to their handlers.
In an announcement posted on government Web sites last week, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, says it is seeking "innovative proposals to develop technology to create insect cyborgs," by implanting tiny devices into insect bodies while the animals are in their pupal stage.
Already, we train dogs and dolphins to do dangerous work for us. During Gulf War II, the Return of the Klutz, we used dolphins who nearly all immediately swam away instead of looking for bombs. This frustrates the military which wants mindless slaves who can still think but not have free will.
Nothing pisses off rulers more than free will. Except for maybe, free speech.
Right now, in order to con humans into fighting and dying for the rulers, they use propaganda. This is why an astonishing 82% of the soldiers in Iraq believe that Saddam orchestrated 9/11! The blanket of propaganda that covers the brains of these poor people is stifling enough to cut off all oxygen rendering them into nearly helpless slaves. Except even if they believe the false and deliberate lies the Pentagon force feeds them, they still think we lost the war in Iraq and they still want to come home.
To overcome this, the Pentagon wants to have total control. This way, they will mindlessly march forwards and die. Parasites are great at manipulating the minds and wills of their victims. They will allow the victim to go about its business until the parasite needs to have them self destruct in order to propogate the parasite. Sometimes the parasite even grows appendages that mimic the victim's shape while eating out the victim from the inside.
Sexual diseases spread this way, too. They stimulate the sexual pleasure sectors causing the victim to desire more frequent sex, merely producing itchiness will cause the victim to spread the disease further which is why humans are plagued by many different sexual diseases.
The Pentagon secretly dreams of human cyborgs. Perhaps to do implantations at birth or in utero or even to grow humans outside the female's body. The lust to do this is very intense. Then one can think of the poor cyborg as "nonhuman" like, 3/5ths human. They will look normal and might even be given the right to "vote" which would be meaningless since they will be manipulated from afar. They will be programmed to torture or kill citizens without qualm. They will hail only whoever runs the programming. Perhaps, only cyborgs will be allowed to run the system, too. Indeed, the chances of them taking over is very high, actually.
One paradox of absolute control is the controlling device always takes over, in the end. Especially if it is self-propogating. Many science fiction stories and TV shows are about this, the most well-known are the cyborgs in the Star Trek universe. Before that, Japanese animators did stories about mindless hive aliens controlled by the Queen, of course.
Nano technology holds many promises but many more dangers. I tend to feel that the danger side hugely outweighs the positive side simply because humans are devils and worship destructive gods that demand the death of all living things or at least, the annihilation of will. Since I view the animal world as one which I have to cleverly interact within, persuading animals and plants to cooperate with my various schemes because they benefit both of us, for example, requires cleverness and some plotting on my part but then I get to enjoy the wide variety of personality and the duel of wills makes me a better person since brute force or inattention is exploited or resisted by everything the plant or animal can muster.
To have something bad happen while using Sparky, the horse, for example, and to have him come running back to see if I am OK, nuzzling me, is marvelous. My dogs will fight fiercely for me and even better, will come and stand next to me when called. They can talk to me, for example. Ditto the cats.
Everyone cooperates because they enjoy cooperation. Not because I control them. This makes the household a joint enterprise which is spearheaded by the human. The psychological pleasure this brings can't be estimated. It is extremely high.
Humans manipulating slaves rot from the inside out. It always makes them hearless and psychotic. They end up destroying everything because they are bored and irritated. This is why allowing humans to run things is a dangerous proposition. Asking us to cooperate is good. Cyborgs are uniformly bad. They will end up ruling us because they can be ruled.
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