Elaine Meinel Supkis
Our media has gone crazy over the tattered affairs of the lastest child actor/adult mess up with the perennial Britney Spears. Like so many of her previous fellow child actors, she was launched by the odious Disney machine. This horrible organization that destroys the childhoods of many children who are selected to be turned into icons of corporate pleasure, often go insane.
The most dangerous time for children stars is when they transit to adulthood. The twins used by the Disney machine for many years are now nearly totally insane. One of them is starving herself to death. They grace the covers of gossip rags that chronicle their ongoing deaths.
The recent death from drug abuse of one of the richest whores on earth has also gripped the press and the public. This former Playboy bunny was, like many of her cohorts, objectified and used as an icon for a corporate entity. The death rate of these poor young women barely out of their teens when picked up and turned into objects, is rather horrific.
The public and rich men need to devour an endless supply of supine or insecure young people. This empowers the users. Nothing like elevating a captivating young person and then turning them into the Whore of Babylon crossed with John the Baptist without his head, Salome is the mother of all these creatures.
She dances for us and sings her heart out and then is ripped to pieces and dies. And we are satiated and moralized at the same time. 'Look at her miserable death!' we all crow, dancing for joy at the downfall of these slutty, for sale sex objects.
Maria Callas was a high-class example of this, she died younger than I am today:
Maria Callas (Greek: Μαρία Κάλλας) (December 2, 1923 – September 16, 1977) was an American-born Greek dramatic coloratura soprano and perhaps the best-known opera singer of the post-World War II period. She combined an impressive bel canto technique with great dramatic gifts. An extremely versatile singer, her repertoire ranged from classical opera seria, to the bel canto operas of Donizetti, Bellini, and Rossini, to Verdi, Puccini, and in her early career, the music dramas of Wagner. Her remarkable musical and dramatic talents led to her being hailed La Divina.
Unlike the more feeble talents of many of the sex symbols we destroy in the pop culture, Maria had a very serious talent and astonishing, historic abilities. She sang difficult roles too early on and ruined one of the century's finest voices when she should have been hitting her stride. I knew a Greek shipowner who worshipped her and he hated Onassis, a rival of his, for dumping her.
Even with her voice in tatters, she still was a person to watch. And the media watched her collapse with rapt attention. So here are two recordings of her great singing.
La Traviata: Verdi made one of the greatest operas based on the life and death of a whore. A merry young woman who rose to power through her undeniable sexual abilities. And she died terribly young, worn out from all that celebratory passion. Like with so many of these commercial sex objects/young women, on her death, the estate is ripped apart by ravening wolves seeking to regain her wealth, pitiful as it might be.
Mad Scene (Part II) from Donizetti's Lucia di Lammermoor, sung by Maria Callas live in Berlin in 1955
Callas sings with amazing skill and beauty in this very old recording. As she lost her voice, she lost all reason to live. She had to drug herself to sleep and like Marilyn Monroe, she made it eternal. The allure of fame seduces many innocents to enter the Temple of the Whore. And there, they are decked out and given new names and new reasons to live and then are thrown into the pit to fight bulls and elephants. They always end up trampled to death or torn apart by the lions, tigers and bears the press release later on.
The madness of Blanche in 'A Streetcar Named Desire' is a good analogy for our endless need to gape at cute children on various Disney cotton-candy shows---then to enjoy their discomforts with real life. The Disney business always likes the Dark Shadows aspects of their fantasy realm, just like much of Victorian child literature has a very strong strain of sexual preversion from men lusting for young boys and girls.
Just as Blanche is hauled off to the clinic/funny farm, so are all these broken adults whose childhoods were set aflame so Disney could pocket some more cash or Hugh Hefner could pretend he was sexually powerful and in control of his own libido. Unlike the secure and serene priestesses of ancient Crete handling snakes, baring their breasts while wafting around in frilly skirts, these new goddesses are insecure and unhappy. They feel a need like all those concentration-camp fashion models, most of whom are under 23 years old, to starve themselves to death. This helps them feel in control as well as singular unlike ordinary women. And it prevents them from becoming real women.
Just this week, the men who clothe and abuse fashion models had some pose in front of blown-up photos of concentration camp victims. This echoing of a serious charge was meant to be a cynical attack on concerned adults who want to stop this evolving style of starving models literally to death.
So it is interesting seeing the Disney girls either starving themselves to death or shaving their heads to look like what they really are: victims of fascism.
I find none of this funny or edifying. May they all find peace without dying. And I hope they all sue Disney like the heirs of Milne sued to regain control of the Pooh business.
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And the parents live well on the money, and when the child grows up it has no skills and no money. The Jackie Cooper story of how they got him to cry, is dreadful.
Posted by: Eric Bloodaxe | February 22, 2007 at 09:29 AM
"Britney Spears. Like so many of her previous fellow child actors, she was launched by the odious Disney machine."
Really? Is that where she came from? As I pay no attention to the popular music world (I listen to mid-century jazz these days), I had no idea where she came from. It suddenly seemed that I was no longer able to go to the grocery without seeing tabloid headlines at the checkout about someone whose parents weren't clear on how to spell "Brittany".
"The most dangerous time for children stars is when they transit to adulthood."
Wasn't Shirley Temple a pretty heavy drinker?
Posted by: JSmith | February 22, 2007 at 09:51 AM
Mrs. Black survived Shirely Temple by changing her name and going private. She married an ambassador and ended up doing wonderful work across the world. She turned into a very sane, very wonderful woman.
She is against the exploitation of children.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | February 22, 2007 at 11:28 AM
Happy George Washington's birthday to you. I am sure he is spinning.
As to La Divina - - - I would love to have seen her. Someone just gave me a couple of CD's of some bel canto arias. Nothing like her. She was a force, but so vulnerable. What's the aria from Andrea Chenier? Too tired to think. Chills. Visi d'Arte, indeed. And that bastard Onassis.
Posted by: D. F. Facti | February 23, 2007 at 12:06 AM
It was from Norma! No one sang with her fluidity and lightness before she lost her voice, and I have heard many great sopranos.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | February 23, 2007 at 03:16 PM
well unless the child actor starts drugs and alcohol and dies from it when they are kids it is not the responsibility of disney to take blame for adult decisions made by the actors that are no longer child actors but adults brit is brit not even human but im refering to ALL the others that ARE ADULTS and therefor must take responsibility for their own actions!!!!!!!
Posted by: matt | January 25, 2008 at 01:03 AM
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Posted by: Beats by Dr Dre | December 15, 2011 at 09:09 AM
Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
Posted by: Canada Goose Jakker | December 20, 2011 at 07:41 AM
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Posted by: Canada Goose | December 27, 2011 at 07:52 AM