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D. F. Facti

Time for another flat earth story:


I had no idea...


D.F., One of the things I noticed in that story is simply this: The NYT does absolutely nothing when one of its most famous writers admits, essentially, to lying by writing about a subject he knew nothing about. Was there ever more glaring proof of the total collapse of journalistic ethics in the US?

Speaking of the press, I file everything the Pentagon says under little lies, big lies, or whoppers. From the CNN story on the Pakistan school bombing: In Afghanistan, U.S. military spokesman Maj. Matt Hackathorn denied the U.S. was involved in the strike. "It was completely done by the Pakistani military," he told the AP.

Not DONE by the US is probably one of those truths that tell a lie. We planned it, provided mission details and intelligence, armed the attackers with weapons and bombs, ordered the launches, etc. We were the finger pushing the finger on the trigger. It's irrelevant if US planes and helicopters were used. In addition, the Pakistani people aren't going to be duped by the Pentagon's transparent lies. They'll know who issued the kill command.

The same story talks about blood and body parts being blown all over the countryside. Your "hearts and mind" reference is exactly right, Elaine. The loathing, the all-consuming hatred that many Middle Easterners understandably feel toward us will now be directed not only at Americans but also at leaders like Musharraf. Come to think of it, he ought to read a biography of Benito Mussolini.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

As I predicted, the fires of rage are now out of control in Pakistan!


Total insanity.

Elaine Meinel Supkis

As for Friedman: I have done many savage cartoons about that creep.

I truly hate him with a passion. The rich twerp. Note how I talk about his stupid flat earth all the time. He should be flattened by a steamroller.


I used to call it the 'Corporate Media System'. Now I call it the 'Rathole Media Conspiracy'.

This Friedman character can obviously afford to have a Rathole constructed to save his scabrous ass when we all upchuck our lungs in the Apocalypse he and his neocon friends are foisting upon us. What will they do when I pop out with a flamethrower and a tank of gasoline? They will have guards. But if they have too many guards, they will eventually have mutiny. I need to start building the right surveillance technology to sort out the Friedman types.

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