Now where do Nazis and other war criminals go when they have destroyed much of civilization? How about Paraguay or Argentina? Heh. Well, guess what? The Bushes are buying up huge hunks of Paraguauy! The map above explains why.
First comes this very odd news article that is 'minor' news but I think it is hideously significant.
Buenos Aires, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) An Argentine official regarded the intention of the George W. Bush family to settle on the Acuifero Guarani (Paraguay) as surprising, besides being a bad signal for the governments of the region.Luis D Elia, undersecretary for the Social Habitat in the Argentine Federal Planning Ministry, issued a memo partially reproduced by digital, in which he spoke of the purchase by Bush of a 98,842-acre farm in northern Paraguay, between Brazil and Bolivia.
The news circulated Thursday in non-official sources in Asuncion, Paraguay.
Isn't that odd? Extremely odd. I keep explaining that the ruling elites plan to exit this country suddenly when they set off their great project, the Magic Number Minute, aka, WWIII or the Apocalypse. They are willing to destroy civilization because frankly, the Bushes and their ilk hate culture. Unlike Hitler, they hate classical music, opera, ballet, great novels, Shakespearean plays, poetry.
Bush likes to fart and run over people. So does his killer wife. And these charmers like to pick their noses in public and make signs of the devil for fun and in general, revel in torture and death. They make Hitler look positively civilized. The Bushes hate French painters and Italian sculptors. Anything requiring hard thought and a philosophical eye, they hate. These petty people also are all for ethnic cleansing. They want to eliminate most humans, I am guessing.
I remember this 2002 Washington Post article really well.
By David Nakamura
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, December 8, 2002; Page A01One man thought the noise was a sonic boom.
Another guessed he was hearing rolling thunder.
When a woman feared it was a bomb or an earthquake, she called the police. But they had no answers, either.
Nicholas Friendly and ANC Commissioner Rosalyn P. Doggett say there are two or three blasts a day at Vice President Cheney's home in Northwest D.C. (Marvin Joseph -- The Washington Post)
No one in the Massachusetts Avenue Heights neighborhood of Northwest Washington knows what is going on at the house of their neighbor, the vice president of the United States.
But one thing is certain: They're tired of the daily blasting at the Naval Observatory that has shaken houses, rattled windows and knocked mirrors off the walls.
"None of the neighbors object to any construction that is necessary in the Navy's view," said Nancy Nord, a community activist who lives on Observatory Circle. "What we do object to is that there is no sense of the magnitude, no warning about something so intrusive to our lives and no clear sense how long this is going to go or when it's going to stop."
The blasts, which last three to five seconds apiece, have been going off two or three times a day -- as early as 7 a.m. and as late as 11 p.m. -- for nearly two months, residents say. But neighbors have received so little information from government officials about the top-secret project that speculation is running wild.
When Bush and Cheney took over our once great nation, the first thing they both did was begin to get money, $600 million + (I am assuming $666 milliion) to build new bomb shelters for themselves. This went along with putting up a fake missile system that could be used to pretend they intended to protect Amerca when provoking nuclear exhanges. This Potemkin Star Wars system is like all the other protections they set up for us: ergo, nothing at all.
Staffed by hostile people who don't give a hoot if all of New Orleans dies in a hurricane, they are the same people who did absolutely nothing to protect Americans for hours during 9/11/1. These guys are very fond of fake fronts. Their entire operation is a fake front. Like any criminal organization, the protections as well as the assets of their victims are all fake. Just like the Social Security Trust Fund has been thoroughly looted and filled with fake IOUs that can't be cashed.
And they are preparing for WWIII with a vengence. Here is another example of the great systems they have set up for themselves in an emergency and as a sop to all the saps who will man the system while the rulers fly away to South America.
Is this Bush's secret bunker?Mount Weather is a top-security underground installation an hour's drive from Washington DC. It has its own leaders, police, fire department - and laws. A cold war relic, it has been given a new lease of life since 9/11. And no one who's been inside has ever talked. Tom Vanderbilt reports
Monday August 28, 2006
The Guardian
It seems pretty obvious to me that if there were a nuclear war, if Bush wasn't off in Sarasota hanging around the stomping grounds of many CIA agents and their terrorist friends, if he were caught unawares, he could jump into his spider hole and when the bombs are done, fly off to South America. But I am assuming these bunkers are very much in the crosshairs of the Russians, Chinese and North Koreans. So it is just one more stunt to keep people from stopping WWIII.
Namely, the paper pushers and the idiots in Congress will rush to this shelter and then be turned to liquid goo when the vast majority of bombs hit them dead center. The need to keep people from panicking when voting for war is very important. None of these clowns own vast estates with peasants attached! Nope. So they will lose everything in a wild gamble for world domination.
Here is a very odd story from last year.
12-29-05, 12:00 pmThe Bush administration has sent troops into Paraguay. They are there ostensibly for humanitarian and counterterrorism purposes. The action coincides with growing left unity in South America, military buildup in the region and burgeoning independent trade relationships.
In a speech on July 26 in Havana, Fidel Castro took note of the incursion and called upon North American activists to oppose it. In that vein, an inquiry is in order as to why the US government has inserted Paraguay into its strategic plan for South America. In addition, we should look at factors that favor Bush administration schemes for the region and others that work against US plans.
Bush is setting up his base camp there. I keep saying, our rulers plan to depart and leave us holding the whole bag of burning shit they created. When everyone was demanding the spawn of the Bush clan sign up for war, gads, even the British royal brats do this!---not one of them even bothered with the fiction of signing up.
The Pentagon secretly begged Bush to push at least his male nephews into the military. But he refused. Not a single member of any of the GOPredator's sons or daughters or nephews or nieces signed up. They all are Potemkin Patriots. This is true across the globe. Only a few old empires still manage to get their royals to do service.
Reverend Moon who wants WWIII and the End of Times bought a giant hunk of land in Paraguay.
The residents of Puerto Casado, in Paraguay, have demanded that their town be handed over to the local council after it was purchased by the sect known as the Moonies.The Unification Church of the Reverend Sung Myung Moon acquired more than 300,000 hectares of land in the northern department of Alto Paraguay.
The land was sold by an Argentine company and includes the town of Puerto Casado which has about 6,000 inhabitants.
The Bushes and the Moon man are very, very close to each other. Rev. Moon gives the Bushes money and generous press coverage. He also condemns America and its democracy and prays for our destruction. He also got some Congressmen to hold a semi-secret ceremony in the House, Crowning him KING!!!! And the press didn't cover this until after we bloggers tore into the story. Even today, the mainstream press plays 'hands off' with the Moonie mess.
Indeed, the newest disclosure about Moon funneling money to a Bush family entity bears many of the earmarks of Moon’s business strategy of laundering money through a complex maze of front companies and cut-outs so it can’t be easily followed. In this case, according to an article in the Houston Chronicle, Moon’s Washington Times Foundation gave $1 million to the Greater Houston Community Foundation, which in turn acted as a conduit for donations to the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library.The Chronicle obtained indirect confirmation that Moon’s money was passing through the Houston foundation to the Bush library from Bush family spokesman Jim McGrath. Asked whether Moon’s $1 million had ended up there, McGrath responded, “We’re in an uncomfortable position. … If a donor doesn’t want to be identified we need to honor their privacy.”
If there is a nuclear war, the northern hemisphere will be a very nasty place to live. Or rather, not live. There are few targets in Africa or South America. Prevailing winds will block anything flowing to South America when it hits the giant Andes mountain system. In the shadows of that, life will be good for anyone who has money, power and control of the military.
This is one reason why American spooks and the elites want total control of the governments down there. The Argentinians get out of hand but can be crushed by the military since they are not as well armed as the pesky Iraqis. That is the hope, anyway.
If our media doesn't corner Bush and grill him about all this, don't be surprised. They refused to do this concerning 9/11 or the Iraq War, for that matter. Murdoch has hidey-holes, too. So no questions from Fox tv news, either.
Heck, I would like to see a reporter pester the GOPredators about Moon. And a bunch of Democrats, too, who take money from him.
And then there is the Airforce Academy, surrounded by End of Times Churches, relentlessly driving out anyone who isn't a confirmed Apocalypic believer dreaming of inflicting WWIII upon the planet.
Does US have extradition agreement w/ Paraguay?
This is jaw-dropping news.
I mean - - - stunning.
Posted by: D.F. Facti | October 16, 2006 at 10:48 AM
Isn't this too weird? When Bush bought his 'ranch' not one reporter remarked that it was suspiciously close to the Waco compound which I consider to be a major Portal to the Outer Darkness.
When I saw the news that July, 2000, I looked at the map closely and then was shocked. What pissed me off was how everyone ignored this information and didn't ask any questions.
Since Bush is a satanist and the Waco thing was a major human sacrifice coupled with broadcasting the screams of rabbits being torn apart by dogs and satanic ritual music, well!
See? Isn't this all such fun.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 16, 2006 at 03:52 PM
I too am just speechless. I have never heard of anything like this.
When you add the cartoon-like "Jericho" TV show about nuclear war to this news, well...
it just strikes fear in my heart.
Posted by: DeVaul | October 16, 2006 at 06:11 PM
I don't know if there's any importance to it, but James C. Cason is the US Ambassador to Paraguay. Formerly, he was a loyal player in the State Dept. office involved with Iran-Contra, and he was Chief of the US Interests Section in Cuba, where he was diligent and obvious in his attempts to overthrow Castro.
Posted by: DaliWood | October 17, 2006 at 06:29 AM
Thanks for the info, Daliwood!
This could be called 'Sarasota, Florida, SA'.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 17, 2006 at 01:24 PM
I just read in my local newspaper that they are closing down the Cherokee Mountain Nuclear Bomb shelter because of the, and I quote: "end of the Cold War". The new warroom will be moved to a nearby airbase that has no shelter of any kind.
This is Orwellian. The Cold War ended almost 20 years ago, but we kept this base staffed 24/7 anyway. Now, suddenly, it is no longer considered useful. Could it be that the recent Russian military excersises over the arctic made clear they could destroy this mountain easily?
By the same token, would it not be better to be "in the air" when the bombs start to fall? Hence, the warroom that can lift off in minutes from Peterson Airbase and fly to Paraguay.
I am not a coincidence theorist. I do not believe the government just realized the Cold War had ended. This is just one more disturbing piece of a puzzle that I dread to think may actually come to life.
Posted by: DeVaul | October 17, 2006 at 05:04 PM
James Cason went to Johns Hopkins U., den of neocons, including Eliot Cohen and Paul Wolfowitz. These people just can't get enough of each other, can they?
Posted by: D.F. Facti | October 17, 2006 at 08:47 PM
"In Paraguay, where the [Unification] Church has already purchased 20 hectares in the frontier city of Ciudad del Este with the intention of building an industrial complex, the "Moonies" also plan to operate an assembly plant for trucks and to exploit a marble factory."
Quote from here:
Now we're getting someplace.
Posted by: D.F. Facti | October 17, 2006 at 09:29 PM
Correct, DeVaul. And yes, Facti, the puzzle pieces come together.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | October 19, 2006 at 10:22 PM
The Associated Press
Tuesday, October 3, 2006; 10:27 PM
ASUNCION, Paraguay -- Paraguay's decision to refuse diplomatic immunity for U.S. troops and not to renew a military cooperation pact sparked debate Tuesday, with analysts calling the developments a blow to U.S. attempts to improve regional ties.
Foreign Minster Ruben Ramirez said Monday that Paraguay and Washington would not renew a defense-cooperation agreement for 2007 over the South American country's refusal to grant U.S. troops inside Paraguay immunity from prosecution by the International Criminal Court.
Ramirez said the government determined that under international treaty law, exceptions to immunity can only be made in cases of foreign diplomats and administrative personnel.
Posted by: Alison | October 20, 2006 at 09:28 PM
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