When the UN was supposed to protect the poor Iraqi people from invasion and death, during the debates to allow the Axis of Evil, the UK/USA/NATO to invade an innocent country, they first coverd up Picasso's famous painting showing the first bombing of European civilians (the real first bombing was the UK bombing Iraq in the 1920's!). In the US, we have this stupid addiction to weeping at walls with the names of dead soldiers even as we butcher civilians all over the earth. I say, tear down those walls and replace them with the names of CIVILIAN dead!
Congress already has run out of space on a memorial created last year to honor all of the U.S. service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.In a grim sign of the times, the "Wall of the Fallen," set up by House Republican leaders in June, is almost full. The mounting death toll from Iraq has forced U.S. House staffers to study how to reconfigure the display in the lobby of the Rayburn Building - the largest office building for members of Congress - to squeeze in more names.
Dan Beard, the House administrative officer recently appointed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, will look at ways to "reformat the wall" to include all names, said Brendan Daly, a spokesman for Pelosi.Like Ehlers, Rep. William Delahunt, D-Mass., walks by the wall often on his way to his office in the Rayburn Building. He said the names of fatalities filling up the display "just tears at everyone's heart."
"This is so sad," Delahunt said. "This states so poignantly and ironically that we never thought about needing extra space. The concept of the wall is laudable, but no one wanted to think about how many more soldiers would die."
If Congress is so upset and moved by the many dead soldiers, they can easily bring those poor men and women back home and then ask them to get real jobs making exportable goods. Right.
Congress is 100% responsible for these soldiers being dead. Not a soul would see their name as a brick in a stupid wall if stupid Congress didn't want to invade other nations based on lies and greed. Maybe if we lined up and shot a politician each time a soldier dies in an illegal and illegitimate war, we wouldn't have to build wall after wall covered in fine print with the names of soldiers uselessly killed in imperial adventures.
But it is much worse: we executed the war criminals who launched WWII. We executed them because they killed civilians. Well, isn't that loverly? The children, the women, the old men, the birds and trees of Hiroshima and Nagaski cry out for us to honor them! Just the other day, the mayor of Nagasaki, like the previous mayor, was assassinated by the same gang that killed the previous one. This gang represents Japanese who want empire! So, did we see wall to wall coverage of this? Did we hear politicians denounce this?
Ha. No! The uselessness of all the deaths in WWI, WWII and all the other imperial wars has to be expresseed and a Spanish painter did exactly that: Picasso with his epic painting that hangs in the United Nations, the world's most useless organization since it not only doesn't prevent or stop wars, it actively creates them. A reproduction of this painting should be erected not in the halls of Congress but right behind the Speaker's podium! And when our Congress debates murdering civilians, they must be forced to look at this painting. And better still, the Speaker's podium should be splashed with red paint and signs attached in big, black letters: 'Wars Create Red Ink!'
Then have Cindy Sheehan make a speech in between each speech by a politician. Or maybe have someone standing there, reading the names of all the dead. In a monotone. Or maybe we could hire a thousand devils with pitchforks and they can poke the polticians in the butt every time they open their mouths.
For NOT ONE OF THEM is suffiently upset about their damn illegal and immoral war to stop it. They may talk the talk sometimes, but they are not SCREAMING. I have taken the trouble to go to DC to yell at them about this and one thing they hate more than anything is someone like Cindy Sheehan coming down the hall lined with the names of the dead only there is no room anymore for them...and yelling at the politicians.
Indeed, I suggest we build a huge wall all around DC just like the walls we are building all over Baghdad. And this wall should be 12 fee high, have barbed wire on top and East German guards. They can shoot any politicians trying to escape.
Monticello native Wesley Stiverson is being honored on Memorial Day in Washington, D.C., as his name and the names of two other soldiers are unveiled as the newest additions to the Vietnam Memorial Wall.SP4 Stiverson, who was drafted into the Army in 1970, two years after graduating from Monticello High School, served in Vietnam until April 6, 1971, when his unit came under fire. A mortar shell exploded, and fragments caused penetrating wounds to his head, his right hand and right thigh. Although he survived, his injuries were so severe that he was unable to care for himself and he spent the remainder of his life – more than 32 years – at Veterans Affairs Illiana Health Care System in Danville. He died on March 30, 2005, at the age of 54.
“The Wall That Heals” Coming to Marked TreeOn Veterans Day 1996, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund unveiled a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., designed to travel to communities throughout the United States.
Bringing The Wall home to communities throughout the country allows the souls enshrined on the Memorial to exist, once more, among family and friends in the peace and comfort of familiar surroundings. The traveling exhibit, know as “The Wall that Heals,” allows the many thousands of veterans who have been unable to cope with the prospect of “facing The Wall” to find the strength and courage to do so within their own communities, thus allowing the healing process to begin.
That pointless Vietnam memorial wall continues to roll. I remember everyone saying, 'Why, we will NEVER do THIS again!' because the stupid wall was going to shame people, especially politicians and AWOL Bush, into never ever doing an equally stupid imperial venture like that illegal war that was launched based on lies.
Of course, barely had this wall been set up and everyone got all weepy-wailly about it then off we go, replicating it. On every level. The fact that they have now decided this wall is HEALING us, pisses me off more than anything. I used to counsel young men as to how to evade the draft. This included helping them flee the empire or sadly, trying to prevent them from going to prison. Some had to go and some died.
I bet they would far rather we not cry at a wall but instead, stop the madness. The Vietnam memorial, far from teaching people the truth about that war, has become an icon for justification of that war! Since there isn't a single Vietnamese name there, no representations of our deeds there, it is false. I, personally, think a statue of a naked girl bathed in an eternal flame, would be much more appropriate. Add the sounds of her screaming and this would be a very effective memorial to that war. People approaching this would have to clutch their ears and cry. Indeed, include a red fountain splattering red colored water and a big neon sign: 'The Vietnam War Destroyed The Dollar And Weakened America' and maybe, just maybe, someone will figure it out.
And this memorial should be in front of the White House. I particularily want the screaming as part of it. Then the President's sleep will be disturbed.
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Remember - they covered Guernica when Conman Powell made his WMD speech - some say the US demanded it - others that the UN did it to defy BushCo.
The frigging politicians knew that W would veto the Democrats' war spending bill - what a dull show they put on -
That odious Dick Morris - the former Clinton guru - was blathering away the other night about how Edwards will end up the candidate - and how the smart set would speak of the "greater war on terror" instead of that icky mess in Iraq which - um is so-o-o-o unpopular on Main Street.
When you know what's really going on behind the iron curtain in Washington, D. C., listening to that bull could really drive you right over the edge. It is so trashy - like a really bad knock-off Vuitton bag - pretty ugly in the original - grotesque in the pretend version.
I like Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich - anti-imperialists who'd get assassinated if they ever got cloe enough to be nominated, much less elected.
Posted by: D. F. Facti | May 06, 2007 at 11:08 AM
Both Ron and Dennis want to fix the mess with Japan, too.
They will be assassinated if they became popular.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | May 06, 2007 at 02:14 PM
You're such a fucking liberal. War is war. Fuck off and go rant some more.
Posted by: Ted Nugent | May 23, 2010 at 08:21 PM
I am a proud citizen of the United States. I am also very proud of my uncles and cousins that have served our military. I, too, have and currently serve. To know first hand of my sacrifices and the sacrifices of my family, for my service. To those of you, that seem critical for a memorial to those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for you to openly show your ungrateful stupidity in hopes that someone will agree and console you in your beliefs. Find something else to cheapen, to insult, or to disgrace. You want to make a difference with your unlabored, effortless blog. Then I challenge you to go to Iraq. Help them to stable their economy, and become self sufficient so that they no longer depend on US funds. Teach them to be tolerant of those different from them, that believe differently. Teach them about peace and love. Do this while wearing/carrying another 100 pounds of weight, (just to make sure that you sweat at least a drop of sweat) in the 100+ degree temps. Then you will have EARNED your right to be critical. Comeback and I will console you. If you do not want to stand behind our troops, then feel free to stand in front of them.
Posted by: 28 year vet | October 13, 2010 at 03:27 PM
Pleasure has a sting in its tail.
Posted by: Cheap Red Bottom shoes | January 16, 2012 at 04:12 AM