Elaine Meinel Supkis
Four top generals release the game plan for WWIII: the Apocalypse. They are asking NATO to completely change its rules in such a way that they can unilaterally launch a surprise attack on Russia with no feedback from the majority of NATO nations. All this, for a 'nuclear free world': we bomb anyone with nukes in order to stop nuclear war. Also, the Jews Muslims of the WarsawGaza ghetto stage a break out. The Jews who have set this up are furious, of course. Maybe they will bomb the ghetto just like the Nazis did to stop the Jewish freedom fighters in 1944? The US should join the UN in condemning Israel's brutal occupation of Palestinian lands.
Pre-emptive nuclear strike a key option, Nato told
The west must be ready to resort to a pre-emptive nuclear attack to try to halt the "imminent" spread of nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction, according to a radical manifesto for a new Nato by five of the west's most senior military officers and strategists.Calling for root-and-branch reform of Nato and a new pact drawing the US, Nato and the European Union together in a "grand strategy" to tackle the challenges of an increasingly brutal world, the former armed forces chiefs from the US, Britain, Germany, France and the Netherlands insist that a "first strike" nuclear option remains an "indispensable instrument" since there is "simply no realistic prospect of a nuclear-free world".
Excuse me, guys with grand strategies, but who refused to disarm in the first place? As I recall, before I was born, the US dropped not one but two nuclear bombs on civilian populations, killing many thousands of women, children, elderly, babies, everyone enmass in one flash. Everyone was very brutal in WWII but this was a new weapon that can not only destroy but keep on destroying over time after the explosion. Right after the war, the US convened the United Nations. Only the victorious empires were allowed a veto. We call this 'the Security Council' even though it has nothing to do with peace or security except for one thing: to preserve the power of the nuclear nations which quickly was Russia and the US. The US was outraged that Russia succeeded in mastering nuclear weapons.
Instead of stopping and disarming, Russia and the US waged a nuclear arms race that the UN did nothing to stop. One by one, the Security Council imperialists all got nuclear weapons and clung to them with great ferocity. The US and Russia unilaterally decided to deal with the frantic calls for disarmament by disarming nations they wish to dominate and destroy!
As a child, I watched this up close with increasing disgust and rage. The entire machinery of the Disarmament Movement was co-opted into a scheme to cement the imperial power of Europe and the US over the rest of the planet. When China joined the nuclear arms race, the US and Russia were very alarmed. Unlike Europe which can be reduced to nothing in a flash, China is, like the US and Russia, very large and heavily populated, indeed, much more so than the US and Russia together.
Fast forward to today: the US and Europe, using NATO as a cover for imperial expansion, are setting up forward missiles on the borders of Russia in preparation for a future sneak attack. The trigger will be the price of oil, of course. Or the level of Russia's FOREX reserves. As US power collapses, Russia's influence rises. Right now, Europe is frantic, like Japan, to keep the US as the top military power. This way, they get a free ride and pay no taxes for the use of the world's biggest weapons arsenal including the very important nuclear missiles.
This document that got leaked is outrageous, of course. Russia has a long history of being the victim of sneak attacks. When the US first claimed the right to use nuclear bombs on nations that MIGHT have nuclear bombs, the UN should have forced the US off the Security Council for destabilizing the earth so grossly. But Europe wants this power. The US has never done any sneak attacks on Russia. Europe has, more than once. Note also the French and German support for these sneak attacks. The ghosts of Hitler and Napoleon are sneering in hell, aren't they?
And their worries about an extremely brutal world! Look at Iraq! Look at Afghanistan! Look at Gaza! Who is the brute here? The US has lost much of its charm since WWII. We didn't come in and destroy Japan and Germany after the war, we didn't steal their lands or raw materials. We were not sneak thieves. Now, we are and we are armed with nuclear bombs which these four horsemen of the Apocalypse want to use against the Muslims. We know this is their intentions. The Muslims and the 'commies' in China and Russia.
The authors - General John Shalikashvili, the former chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff and Nato's ex-supreme commander in Europe, General Klaus Naumann, Germany's former top soldier and ex-chairman of Nato's military committee, General Henk van den Breemen, a former Dutch chief of staff, Admiral Jacques Lanxade, a former French chief of staff, and Lord Inge, field marshal and ex-chief of the general staff and the defence staff in the UK - paint an alarming picture of the threats and challenges confronting the west in the post-9/11 world and deliver a withering verdict on the ability to cope.
The post 9/11 world, aka, the New World Order has seen increasing violence in the Middle East as the Jews there push with increasing brutality, all the other ethnic and religious groups out of their homes. This colonization effort coupled with the cruel decrees aimed at destroying the wills and lives of the natives penned up in ghettos, is the post 9-11 world. Iraq in ruins wracked by ethnic cleansing and political violence, Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 and stands out as a case of war crimes which should see the rulers of Britain and the US swinging from the gallows just like we hung Saddam, a total innocent in this case, and the Nazis and Japanese after WWII. The alarming picture is the imperial nuclear powers pounding down anyone who has no power. The innocence of the Palestinians who are paying the price of the Holocaust by reliving it under the vicious rule of the Jewish invaders is also alarming. But the nuclear powers of the West don't see it that way. They see the struggles for their homes and lives in the Muslim territories as brutal and cruel towards the Western Crusaders who come wielding the sword of the New World Order.
The five commanders argue that the west's values and way of life are under threat, but the west is struggling to summon the will to defend them. The key threats are:· Political fanaticism and religious fundamentalism.
· The "dark side" of globalisation, meaning international terrorism, organised crime and the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
· Climate change and energy security, entailing a contest for resources and potential "environmental" migration on a mass scale.
· The weakening of the nation state as well as of organisations such as the UN, Nato and the EU.
Jewish and Christian fundamentalists certainly do menace this planet! And is the Mafia mostly Catholic or am I hallucinating here? And who are the biggest weapons sellers on earth? Oh, the US! And who has the most WMD on earth? Ditto, again. And who invaded without even the fig leaf of the UN, Iraq, illegally? After the UN disarmed Iraq? Ditto, same people again! When do we get nuked in retaliation? Eh?
And the 'dark side of globalization'? HAHAHA. I will laugh darkly, laugh to death. HAHAHA. So, are we going to nuke Davos? The headquarters of the Basel group? The UN that let the US attack a disarmed Iraq? Nuke the Federal Reserve? Nuke London's central banking? Globalization is what is destroying many people which is why the WTO can't hold meetings except in remote resorts surrounded by goons.
Climate change: HAHAHAHA. Who are the biggest polluters on earth? Nuke America! Eh? And what about environmental migration? Nuke refugees? Good holy goddess, these men who came up with this plan are not human, they are the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse! And the environment: how will nuking refugees save the environment? Are these men slaves of the Mighty Cockroach Kingdom? Our future rulers?
And the weakening of the nation-state. Good gods. What is the European Union? Right now, Labour is telling the subjects of the Queen that they cannot vote on the constitution for this new empire, the EU, because it is a TREATY and not a document supported by the people! And in the rest of the EU, the rulers are shoving this same cruel story down everyone's throats. Seig Heil! Seig Heil!
And is NATO weaker? Compared to what? The Martian Invasion Forces?
· A shift from consensus decision-taking in Nato bodies to majority voting, meaning faster action through an end to national vetoes.· The abolition of national caveats in Nato operations of the kind that plague the Afghan campaign.
· No role in decision-taking on Nato operations for alliance members who are not taking part in the operations.
· The use of force without UN security council authorisation when "immediate action is needed to protect large numbers of human beings".
So, if the German forces, let's call them 'Der Wehrmacht', decides to do a sneak attack on Russia with the help of the American forces, aka, 'Der Sturmtruppen', then they can do this using all of NATO's facilities and bases without telling anyone they are going to cross the Polish frontier? HAHAHA. Good grief. Already, by the way, the US operates with no UN permission when we want to steal land or raw materials. Europe craves this power and don't want some namby-pamby people interfering with their future WWIII.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians have surged into Egypt from the Gaza Strip after masked militants destroyed parts of the border wall.Gazans rushed to buy food, fuel and other supplies that have become scarce because of an Israeli blockade - aimed at stopping rocket attacks from Gaza.
Egyptian police took no action to stop people crossing.
Egypt's President Hosni Mubarak says he allowed Gazans in to buy food, but Israel urged Egypt to restore security.
To quote Reagan, 'Bring down that wall!' And they brought it down! HAHAHA. I am SO happy. The Egyptian rulers put over the people using US money to keep their own people in slavery, has seen the writing on the wall. They know that if they machine gun the Palestinians the way the Jews running this ghetto do, the ruler of Egypt might end up stretching his neck on a lamppost. So the people defied the moral, nuclear armed rulers of the planet. This move has set back the Jewish plot to 'put them on a [starvation] diet.' That dark joke made the Jews ruling the Holy Land chuckle.
I keep using the hyper-secret word, 'Jews' to describe the ethnic and religious identity of the people who are committing grave crimes against humanity. Shame on them all! And this goes back to 9/11: not one Palestinian was involved from top to bottom. None at all. But their plight inspires many a Muslim into doing daring deeds. If we want peace, we must stop this madness. There is NO EXCUSE.
Israel is demanding Egypt put these women and children back into their ghetto and don't throw them bread over the ghetto walls or the guards will shoot the people feeding the starving masses trapped inside! How do the Jews doing this live with themselves. I am very disgusted by this whole thing.
Whining about how these trapped people are fighting back is exactly identical to the complaints of the SS and the Nazis that the Jews were having an uprising against their occupation! And then all of Warsaw had an uprising. This is why committing crimes against occupied people is forbidden. You can't steal their homes, pen them up and then murder them. This rule was set up because people considered the Nazis' behaviors to be 'crimes' and 'immoral'. Can anyone tell NATO this little detail, by the way? Shall they nuke Jerusalem?
President Mubarak said he had allowed the Palestinians to come in.He said he had told Egyptian troops to "let them come to eat and buy food and go back, as long as they are not carrying weapons".
Israeli foreign ministry spokesman Arye Mekel said his government was concerned about the chaos.
But in a BBC interview, he added: "It's the responsibility of Egypt to ensure that the border operates properly according to the signed agreements."
US State Department spokesman Tom Casey said Washington was concerned about the situation, as was Egypt.
In recent months the border has been mostly sealed, in an understanding between Israel and Egypt.
The Egyptian agreement which is very unpopular at home, was imposed by the US who is the paymaster of Egypt. We abuse this by using our financial power to force the Egyptian Muslims to participate in the Holocaust, Part II. This led to 9/11 when angry Egyptians like one named Atta, attacked the US. The hope was to set us into attacking Muslims and thus, going bankrupt.
And we are going bankrupt. Egypt can see this. China can see this. Saudi Arabia rubs its hands over this. The Jews running this Apocalyptican monstrosity know this. They figure, they will get money somewhere else. Maybe they could have a sneak attack on Russia! Russia has lots of land, oil and gold! And many of the Israelis running this dangerous show come from Russia!
So here comes WWIII: hatched in some of the screwiest heads on earth. May Pegasus throw lightning bolts at all of them.
Sorry Love, but there were 5 authors of that ghastly work.
1. John Shalikashvili
2. Klaus Naumann
3. Lord Inge
4. Henk van den Breemen
5. Jacques Lanxade
Apart from that keep up the good work
You don't fancy writing the odd article for the The Bastard do you?
I am thinking of adding a financial section called, "Thieving Bastards". Your insite would make an excellent addition.
Posted by: Suusi M-B | January 23, 2008 at 02:55 PM
In regards to the Mafia, you are indeed hallucinating ;-) The Italian Mafia is increasingly being pushed out by the Chinese Triads and the Japanese Yakuza. Yes, there is the Columbian (i.e. Catholic) mafia, but they are also losing their world dominance. In that context also consider that none of the Western crime syndicates are active in Asian countries. Just my 2 cents - you are mostly brilliant but I needed to correct you on this one.
Posted by: Michael | January 23, 2008 at 03:18 PM
Gosh I feel like I've met a new friend.
Posted by: liberal white boy | January 23, 2008 at 05:44 PM
Suzi, I see no email address. Go to [email protected] and we can talk.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 23, 2008 at 05:48 PM
So they have updated Dr Strangelove's Plan Romeo.
Posted by: Bokonon | January 23, 2008 at 06:21 PM
"The US has never done any sneak attacks on Russia."
In 1918-1919, allied forces (including the US) invaded northern Russia, seized the ports of Murmansk and Arkhangelsk and penetrated into the Russian interior. In 1919, allied forces, including 5,000 Americans, occupied the area around Vladivostok. Here is a web site dedicated to the 8th Army Division -- http://www.militaria.com/8th/WW1/siberia.html -- describing the 8th division's incursion into Russia. Included is an interesting photo titled "American Troops on the March in Siberia".
I'm not sure if those qualified as sneak attacks or not. But I'm sure every Russian and Soviet child learned about them in school. The same is not true of American children.
Posted by: shargash | January 23, 2008 at 07:21 PM
Yes, I knew about that. But it wasn't a full invasion like the famous ones from both France and Germany. There is way too much wild talk about WWIII from our rulers.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 23, 2008 at 10:17 PM
Elaine, you may enjoy this. A description of Hamas' weapons posted at Wake Up From Your Slumber:
Posted by: Al | January 23, 2008 at 10:53 PM
"...am I hallucinating here?"
I can't say for sure, but one must always be prepared for that eventuality.
I think the NATO generals are talking about Iran, not Russia. You're stuck in a 60s time-warp.
"Also, the JewsMuslims of the WarsawGaza ghetto stage a break out. The Jews who have set this up are furious, of course."
Not half as furious as they'd be if the Pallies came flooding into Israel.
"Tens of thousands of Palestinians have surged into Egypt from the Gaza Strip after masked militants destroyed parts of the border wall."
Interesting that they surged into Egypt, not into Israel. I note from other reports that when Israel gave the Sinai back to Egypt, Gaza was a piece that Egypt specifically DID NOT want. The Pallies have been treated as badly by the surrounding Arab states as they have been by the Jews (there's that hyper-secret code word, by the way.) The Arabs don't like them any more than the Israelis do. From today's Guardian:
"Armoured vehicles flying the Egyptian national flag began patrolling the border and police used batons to beat the hoods of private cars, pickup trucks and even the donkey carts of Palestinians visiting from Gaza."
Back! Back, I say!
So they've gotten some much-needed fuel, cigarettes, and rocket parts.
"A description of Hamas' weapons posted at Wake Up From Your Slumber"
PhotoShop, and plenty of spare time. Whatever keeps you off the streets, I suppose.
Posted by: JSmith | January 24, 2008 at 09:30 AM
Bytheway... while I was running the other night I was musing on one of your earlier articles (hey - I have to do something as the miles roll by!)
You were on about the ID number of some memo, and how it (sort of) encapsulated the Skulls-n-Boneses magical number "322". So, where's the magical part, exactly? In the quantity 322? In the string of Arabic numerals "3", "2", and "2"? Or what?
Do "101000010" (322 binary) or "142" (322 hexadecimal), or the English words "three hundred twenty two" have the same magical force? Why, or why not?
Posted by: JSmith | January 24, 2008 at 09:41 AM
Smith, the day democracy died in ancient Greece didn't matter to you because you didn't care when the Supreme Court killed it again on 12/12/00 at midnight.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | January 24, 2008 at 01:37 PM
"the Supreme Court killed it again on 12/12/00"
I guess 1100/1100/11111010010 (12/12/2000 binary) just doesn't have quite the same "ring" to it, does it?
Back on topic... y'know what? If the Gaza/Egypt barrier came down, the "Jews" may not be all the "furious". Then the Gaza Pals would be Egypt's problem - Israel and the US would lean on Hosni to stomp on Hamas, which he'd do without hesitation because he doesn't like Hamas any more than the "Jews" do, and people would stop blaming the "Jews" for keeping the Pals locked down in Gaza - which, we can't help but note, Egypt has also done. From yesterday's Zionist Daily (aka New York Times):
"A senior Israeli official, refusing to give his name because the minister who heads his department is away, said the [barrier breach] might solve a problem.
"This may be a blessing in disguise," he said. "On the level of smuggling, weapons and so on, it makes no difference. But if it continues like this, it will ease tremendously the pressure on Israel on the humanitarian level. The humanitarian organizations will get off our backs. There won't be any shortages. So that is a good thing. We don't care if people buy food in Egypt. And terrorists come in anyway."
But what do the Egyptians think of all this? Not much, apparently:
"'This is a wrong assumption,' Hossam Zaki, the official spokesman for Egypt's foreign ministry, said of Israeli hints that it was thinking of giving up all responsibility for Gaza, including supplying electricity, now that the territory's southern border with Egypt is open."
Posted by: JSmith | January 25, 2008 at 09:24 AM
Dear JSmith,
Allowing Egypt to annex the Gaza Strip will open a huge can of worms. Israel since 1967 has been trying to nail down its post '67 borders in Law. It would mean everything from Camp David onwards is back up for re-negotiation.
The border fence that HAMAS destroyed, just in time for the Arab Foreign ministers meeting in Cairo on Sunday 27/01/2008, was built by the Israelis and funded by the taxpayers of the USA. What is in it for Egypt to re-build the fence? (Any offers less than $1 Billion would be a waste of time).
Posted by: Bokonon | January 26, 2008 at 08:38 AM
>Allowing Egypt to annex the Gaza Strip will open a huge can of worms.
Israel returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in 1979, following their 1978 treaty.
Gaza was supposed to be part of the deal... but Egypt didn't want it.
And who can blame them?
Posted by: JSmith | January 26, 2008 at 11:44 AM
Prior to 1967, Egypt administered the Gaza strip. It was never claimed to be Egyptian territory.
The Camp David accords fixed the Israel-Egypt border. The Sinai peninsula was stolen land, it had to be returned.
I would suspect that the Israeli Generals argued that the strip stayed under Israeli control. When you see how close the northern border of the Gaza strip is to Tel Aviv, does it make sense to have the Egyptians so close?
On the other hand the Israelis even had settlements in the Gaza strip.
Posted by: Bokonon | January 26, 2008 at 04:18 PM
"When you see how close the northern border of the Gaza strip is to Tel Aviv, does it make sense to have the Egyptians so close?"
Israel would much rather have Egypt there than the Palestinians they have there now.
Posted by: JSmith | January 28, 2008 at 08:54 AM