February 16, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
The Saudi Royals are not nice people. King Faisal was a hard man but he also was a leader. The present crew are fat dumplings who are very treacherous and devious. As well as tremendously corrupt and we have no idea how evil their private lives are. In Britain, the row over the government killing an investigation into bribery and fraud concerning Saudi contracts to buy weapons systems as well as other things is growing. I am not surprised by any of this. The Saudis always were like this just like US leaders or the prime ministers of Britain. The corruption of all these parties are intertwined and growing greater by the year. They are all criminals.
BAE: secret papers reveal threats from Saudi prince
Prince Bandar, the head of the Saudi national security council, and son of the crown prince, was alleged in court to be the man behind the threats to hold back information about suicide bombers and terrorists. He faces accusations that he himself took more than £1bn in secret payments from the arms company BAE.
The judge said he was surprised the government had not tried to persuade the Saudis to withdraw their threats. He said: "If that happened in our jurisdiction [the UK], they would have been guilty of a criminal offence". Counsel for the claimants said it would amount to perverting the course of justice.
Wardle told the court in a witness statement: "The idea of discontinuing the investigation went against my every instinct as a prosecutor. I wanted to see where the evidence led."
But a paper trail set out in court showed that days after Bandar flew to London to lobby the government, Blair had written to the attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, and the SFO was pressed to halt its investigation.
My family has had many dealings with the earlier King of Saudi Arabia, King Faisal. Let us review the history of the particular Saudi in this story today: Bandar. He has been the jolly public face for this grim family that resembles more the Mafia or the Bushes...their good allies. There is a lot of back stabbing within this family that often erupts into tremendous violence. Literal shoot outs, assassinations and betrayals. Since time immemorail, the clans that challed themselves sons of Sa'ud restlessly roamed the deserts of Arabia. They were bandits and raiders with a very high death rate and due to their harsh living conditions, they were thin and cunning. Like all desert families, they were honorable and generous to all visitors but the minute you left their tents, the urge to revert to banditry would rise the more they thought about it. Various Pashas of the Ottoman Empire vacillated between trying to force alliances via marriage to military incursions to clip the Saudi wings.
We have to now review Lawrence of Arabia's relations with the future kings of Saudi Arabia: The Wahhabi movement which the Ottoman Empire had repressed 100 years earlier retreated to the deepest parts of the desert and clung to life there. Think of this period as identical to the Jews wandering in Sinai only ten times worse since the Sinai has some life. This desert is as barren as the Sahara where similar tribes of bandits who are very religious, live. Indeed, the birthplace of many religions is in such areas. When people own virtually nothing and are face to face with death on a daily basis, they commune with the gods more than civilized people who have some regularity and security.
Indeed, I can say from my own experience, one cannot see the Gods unless one is at the Gates of Death. Only when despair is at its greatest do we lay our own souls bare to the influence of these invisible forces. This is why all religions flourish under persecution and wars.
1735 - The Wahhabi movement to purify and reform Islam began in Arabia.
1744 - In the Arabian peninsula, an alliance is forged between the Muhammad Ibn Saud and Muhammad Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, the leader of the Muwahidun ("those who advocate oneness"), better known in the West as the Wahhabis.
1773 - In the wake of weakening Ottoman influence in the Arabian peninsula, the tribe of Saud captured Riyadh. The Saudis drew their inspiration largely from the puritanical Muslim sect known as the Wahhabis. The Saudi-Wahhabi alliance began to spread a political and religious reform movement throughout the Arabian peninsula.
In 1802, the Wahhabis captured Karbala in Iraq and destroyed the tomb of the Shiite Imam Husayn. In 1803 the Wahhabis captured Mecca. The Ottoman Turks became alarmed and dispatched Muhammad Ali, the Ottoman ruler of Egypt, to challenge the Wahhabis in 1811. He succeeded in reimposing Ottoman sovereignty in 1813. Nearly a century later in 1901 with Wahhabi help, Saudi amir Abd al-Aziz al-Saud recaptured Riyadh. Saud's sovereignty over the Arabian peninsula grew steadily until 1924 when his dominance became secure. The Wahhabis went on a rampage throughout the peninsula at this time smashing the tombs of Muslim saints and imams, including the tomb of the Prophet's daughter Fatima. (see Wahhabi raid of 1924) Saudi Arabia was officially constituted as a kingdom in 1932.
1803 - Indian Muslim resistance to British rule manifested itself in a fatwa ("religious opinion") issued by Shah Abd al-Aziz declaring India dar al-harb ("a house of war") and calling for a holy war against the British. His student, Sayyid Ahmad Barelwi, following a pilgrimage to Mecca (1821-24), returned to India and started a puritan reform movement resembling Wahhabi puritanism in the Arabian peninsula. He called for the destruction of polytheism, including prohibitions against Sufi shrine worship and Shiism. These developments along with the appearance of the reform Fara'idi movement laid the foundations for the Sepoy mutiny of 1857. (see Ira Lapidus, A History of Islamic Societies (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1988), 720-722)
1820 - The British concluded pacts with Gulf region Arab sheikhs.
1902 - The Saudis recaptured their home town of Riyadh from the rival Rashidi tribe.
1905 - The Saudis under King Ibn Saud (reigned 1901-1953) secured control over the Arabian peninsula by signing a peace treaty with the Ottomans.
1916 - France and Great Britain conducted secret talks (Sykes-Picot Agreement - excerpt at Yale's Avalon Project) carving up the Middle East into zones of influence. France was to oversee the affairs of Lebanon and Syria, while Britain was to do the same for Iraq and Transjordan. Palestine was to have been under dual control, but France subsequently ceded all rights to Britain. On June 5, unaware of the Sykes-Picot agreement, Sharif Husayn of the Hijaz initiated the Arab revolt against the Ottoman Turks.
1917 - the British captured Baghdad.
This timeline is quite important for understanding the forces at work here. They have very deep roots and the flower has yet to bloom. The war against the Shi'ites was, from the very start, part of the Wahhabi revolution. This flew right into the rebirth of the Shi'a. As the Ottoman Empire ceased growing outwards into Russia, Africa and Europe, its grip upon the many tribes and religions of its own backyard rotted due to imperial overreach and corruption which was connected to the high debts. Also, the Europeans who used to feed this empire money because it straddled the gateway between Europe and China and India's tremendous manufactured goods bases, the money that flowed via this trade vanished in the 1600s when European sailors figured out how to both go around Africa and then, around the world. They began to wrest away from Ottoman control, many major ports in Africa, the Mediterranean and the Arabian Sea. Sheikhs and potentates began to play the Europeans off of the Ottoman empire in order to gain control.
But the deep desert people in Arabia, sensing the weakness of the Empire, began terrorist attacks and exactly like the Taliban, took over cities. These were regained by the Empire over and over again. But the pressure grew, it never vanished. Note also how the religious force launched deep in the desert communicated itself to very distant lands. This was via example as well as traveling preachers. These people moved about under the radar, usually on foot or camel and mule. Since they traveled slowly, they could influence many, many people, one or two at a time, over a course of many years. The distress caused by the European invasions was and still is, a very great motivating force within the religions of the East. The more the Crusaders sought to impose their values and civilization upon the natives, the more the natives resisted this by re-energizing their religious roots. This is the same process that bedeviled the Romans when they sought to control these same regions the same way.
Note how the British Empire moved around within the Ottoman Empire, undermining it constantly. Just like the US likes to do, they were busy luring tribes and local satraps to betray the empires they belonged to and defy their authorities in the hopes of gaining economic powers under the cover of the British Flag. Like today, they also discovered the British were very hard to get rid of once they were let in. And the British, like the Americans, were very keen on expanding their military dominance. This led to spectacular and ugly rebellions and uprisings when the populace discovered they were wearing a new yoke.
The Sa-ud of Arabia hardened themselves in the deserts while Russia, England and France ravenously tore the Ottoman Empire apart. Even as huge hunks of the empire fell into European hands, the Ottoman Empire was able to suppress the Sa-udis. But by 1905, they finally ceded control to the desert religious fanatics. Without the fierce rules of Wahhabist beliefs, the Sa-ud tribes would not of succeeded. But even with this victory, they were very poor. They didn't control any major ports which still remained in the hands of the Ottoman empire. The railroad was not in their control, either. Nor were they allowed to interfere with shipping in the Suez Canal. But they were a good buffer against the Europeans who took over Egypt and were trying to take over Persia and Mesopotamia.
Lawrence of Arabia was sent deep into the desert to assist the already ongoing revolt in Arabia. While he toiled to win over the trust of these very suspicious desert renegades, he was betrayed by this super-secret conspiracy hatched by two major empires. Even as they struggled in vain to defeat Germany, they were busy as bees trying to expand both of their empires. France and England, far from being tamed by the near-total collapse of the security of their own home bases, were spending precious blood and money they were borrowing from America to fight in very distant corners of the earth, seeking to enlarge their already bloated empires which they were obviously unable to hold onto. Especially since they were rapidly going bankrupt, fighting in Europe itself. This continued in WWII, by the way. All the way up until NATO was formed, they struggled to keep these empires running.
The Sykes-Picot agreement
The Sykes-Picot agreement is a secret understanding concluded in May 1916, during World War I, between Great Britain and France, with the assent of Russia, for the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire.
The agreement
It is accordingly understood between the French and British governments: That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognise and protect an independent Arab states or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.
That in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.
That in the brown area there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other allies, and the representatives of the sheriff of Mecca.
That Great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and Acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the Tigris and Euphrates in area (a) for area (b). His majesty's government, on their part, undertake that they will at no time enter into negotiations for the cession of Cyprus to any third power without the previous consent of the French government.
That Alexandretta shall be a free port as regards the trade of the British empire, and that there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards British shipping and British goods; that there shall be freedom of transit for British goods through Alexandretta and by railway through the blue area, or (b) area, or area (a); and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against British goods on any railway or against British goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.
That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards French shipping and French goods. There shall be freedom of transit for French goods through Haifa and by the British railway through the brown area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the blue area, area (a), or area (b), and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against French goods on any railway, or against French goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.
That in area (a) the Baghdad railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (b) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad and Aleppo via the Euphrates valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two governments.
That Great Britain has the right to build, administer, and be sole owner of a railway connecting Haifa with area (b), and shall have a perpetual right to transport troops along such a line at all times. It is to be understood by both governments that this railway is to facilitate the connection of Baghdad with Haifa by rail, and it is further understood that, if the engineering difficulties and expense entailed by keeping this connecting line in the brown area only make the project unfeasible, that the French government shall be prepared to consider that the line in question may also traverse the Polgon Banias Keis Marib Salkhad tell Otsda Mesmie before reaching area (b).
For a period of 20 years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (a) and (b), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversions from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two powers.
There shall be no interior customs barriers between any of the above-mentioned areas. The customs duties leviable on goods destined for the interior shall be collected at the port of entry and handed over to the administration of the area of destination.
It shall be agreed that the French government will at no time enter into any negotiations for the cession of their rights and will not cede such rights in the blue area to any third power, except the Arab state or confederation of Arab states, without the previous agreement of His Majesty's government, who, on their part, will give a similar undertaking to the French government regarding the red area.
The British and French government, as the protectors of the Arab state, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the red sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression.
The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab states shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two powers.
It is agreed that measures to control the importation of arms into the Arab territories will be considered by the two governments.
Note with this secret accord to steal the Middle East, far from lifting the yoke of tyranny, the Europeans vow to keep all the customs and tariffs and fees of the Ottoman empire! And the money stream simply switches from going towards Ankara but to London and Paris! It pays to read these historic documents in full. This is because the buried material is quite important today. Many histories gloss over these things. Just as timelines are very important, so are these documents! Note carefully how the KING of Saudi Arabia is called a 'Sheriff'! The Sheriff of Nottingham in the Robin Hood legends was a baron who swore fealty to the King of England. He wasn't even a Duke or a Peer of the Realm. He was only one step above a bailiff.
The office of sheriff . . . was a development that began over 1000 years ago in England . . . simultaneously with the development of the local form of government [that] allowed early English people to be divided into smaller units subject to the considerations of a national interest and central authority of the king. The formation of the units was crucial to the central authority because the population was scattered and Saxon kings had no large standing armies, a centralized court system, or the ability to finance a government appropriately. The small unit management therefore became crucial to a national development of government.
In about the seventh century, groups were formed into "tuns" (later called towns), which were the basic unit of smaller society. Groups of ten families of freeholders or frank-pledges formed units called tens or tithings. The frank-pledges were persons that had to pledge surety to the sovereign against any infractions of good behavior for the benefit of the collective good of the group. Groups of ten tithing became an administrative unit known as a "hundred". Each hundred was responsible for the defaults of the individual freeholders or frank-pledges. The collective liability of the group made for a corporate form of government.
The social groups of these hundreds became useful for census and resource assessment. The hundreds became the basic unit of tax appropriation for the Crown and they provided for much of the development of English common law. The hundreds existed until the nineteenth century, when a more modern form of assessment and census taking developed. Indefinite numbers of hundreds existed throughout early English history.
A sheriff was the local armed guard of the peasants working for the King of England. The King of England or Queen in today's rule, expects all the provinces to show fealty to him or her. They are the Sovereign in name and deed. This document drawn up by the representatives of the Crown make it utterly clear, the King of Saudi Arabia was a mere factotum for the British. He had NO SOVEREIGNTY AT ALL. The movie, 'Lawrence of Arabia' is full of lies concerning this matter. It makes it look as if the Arabs were not a force seeking sovereignty and power but rather, raiders who got out of control when they entered Damascus. The movie shows them riding their horses around the negotiating table and screaming at EACH OTHER. Then it shows Lawrence falling apart, emotionally. But this is fake, pure propaganda to make us misunderstand the betrayals and schemes of the Western Crusaders.
The truth is, when the kings and the revolutionaries seeking independence and sovereignty discovered these agreements to tear apart their nascent nations and put them into the European yoke, they rioted. Not only that, they were very upset about the 'international zone' for Palestine. They suspected the Zionists of Russia were behind that business and were extremely angry about that. Russia very spectacularly went up in flames right at this same time. The Communist revolution sent shock waves throughout the Middle East and inspired the cities to emulate this new philosophy. The three-legged European stool become not only two legged but both England and France were now facing the full fury of the Germans right at home.
Then the Crown of England had a nifty idea: an even more secret agreement with the powerful Jewish bankers:
When the British originally created the Balfour Declaration they were just looking for support in the World War I, but also had some long term affects in mind. "The immediate purpose was to win for the Allied cause in World War I the support of Jews and others in the warring nations and in neutral countries such as the United States."("Balfour Declaration," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2000) "In long-range terms, the motive behind British policy rested on the importance of Palestine as a strategic point on the land and sea routes to India and, above all, as the terminus at the Mediterranean Sea of pipelines from the rich oil-bearing regions of the Middle East."(same site) They knew that the only way they could gain support from the Jews would be to show sympathy to the Jewish cause, and find some way to get Jews to sign an agreement that was going to ultimately benefit the British, but would still leave hope in the Jews minds.
"The British government hoped that the declaration would rally Jewish opinion, especially in the United States, to the side of the Allies and that the settlement in Palestine of a pro-British Jewish population might help to protect the approaches to the Suez Canal in neighboring Egypt."("Balfour Declaration" Encyclopedia Britannica Online) They made a similar agreement with the Palestinians. They signed an agreement saying that they supported the Palestinians movement in keeping the Jews from forming a homeland within Palestine. The British obviously knew that this would cause some turmoil, so they kept it under the table for fear that they would lose Palestinian support. The British had no consideration for anyone else but themselves, because they would do whatever it took to win the war, even when they knew that it would do more harm then good.
The Balfour Declaration was well written. It never really said the British would create a Jewish home state, but that they would support the Jewish movement. " His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in the Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other."
The bankruptcy of Britain led them to making many promises that trouble us to this very day. I have to review the long history of Britain and the Muslims in the Middle East so we can understand the emotions and schemes of all sides in this mess. The Jews have a long history of expanding contracts from small beginnings to stretch like rubber over all sorts of things. For example, despite being nomadic, they used the 'purchase' of Abraham who was an outsiders from Ur in the region of Baghdad, when he bought a burial cave for himself and his wife, this is the supposed foundation of Israel. They even admit to wandering around Egypt and other parts of Africa before wandering back in and fighting the natives with greatest ferocity. They then 'bought' Jerusalem via various tricks including killing lots of natives of that site. They paid in gold for the Threshing Floor where the Angel of Death was stopped by King David, just for example.
With this agreement by Britain who did NOT have ANY sovereignty over ANY parts of Palestine AT ALL, they claimed the right to this land, via the money they gave the King of England. The rage of the Arabs in the Saudi family over this issue is indescribable. They were expecting to be sovereign over Palestine as well as the empty zone as Arabia was called back then. There is an old saying, 'Hold your friends close and your enemies closer'. This applies to the Saudis: they decided the only way to gain some control over Britain was to embrace Britain in a death grip. This seemingly impossible task wasn't as hard as it appeared on the surface. The Crown has a long and inglorious history of wanting to gain gold and wealth without much work. They are always going bankrupt. They always need money. And they don't particularly like Jews. They have a very ugly history in this regard. The Jews will fund their wars but they would then attack the entire Jewish community and steal everything back. Then the Jews would rebuild their shattered relationship with the Crown until this happens again.
In WWI, the British didn't have very many Jews they could despoil. They had to 'sell' them something and the Jews wanted 'sovereignty.' But the Barfour Agreements didn't dare give this so they gave only the hope of sovereignty. The Crown needed money from Jewish bankers but they needed the political support of the House of Saud as they struggled, after WWI, to control Iraq and Iran. This balancing act leaned increasingly towards supporting the Arab Wahhabist regime as WWII approached. The British knew that Hitler would aim straight towards the Suez Canal and if they pushed for Jews to invade Palestine and drive out all the Muslims, this would drive the 'Sheriff' of Mecca into Hitler's eager arms. Especially since Hitler's beliefs were much, much closer to the Saudis than British plans. After Hitler's defeat, the Saudis and the Palestinians were horrified to learn that the Barfour Agreements were going to be endorsed by the new United Nations which was an undisguised front for European and now, American imperial pretensions. All warnings that this would cause serious problems in the future were ignored. So the very first act of the UN was to set the stage for WWIII.
We need all this history in order to fully understand today's news about Bandar and his role in the latest series of scandals involving British and US ruling elites and their various business and spook dealings with the Muslims.
Back to the Wikipedia article at the top:
Faisal's daughter, Haifa, is married to his nephew Bandar ibn Sultan, the former long-serving Saudi ambassador to the United States and current Saudi national security advisor. Bandar, the son of an African concubine, had been all but disowned by his father Sultan at the time, due to his perceived inferior lineage. Faisal, however, forced Sultan to recognize Bandar as a legitimate prince by giving Bandar his own daughter's hand in marriage, thus breaking a major taboo in Saudi society at the time.
King Faisal was a most amazing man. He reformed Saudi Arabia to a great degree while keeping the Wahhabist religious powers going. This was dangerous and tricky for him. He, himself, was a very austere man. Thin and tall, he practiced his religion with deep devotion. His policies made Saudi Arabia much richer. The previous king was thoroughly corrupted by money and power and was degenerate. Saudi Arabia was nearly bankrupt when Faisal had his palace coup. Faisal then had to turn around and face the fury of the situation in Palestine and he was disturbed by the revolutionary powers of the Ba'ath party that took over both Egypt and Iraq. Battling the Ba'ath parties drove Faisal into the arms of the Americans who exploited this to expand Jewish possessions in the Holy Lands. This broke out in full fury when the series of wars from 1967 to 1973 broke out.
At the end of which, the Jews gained total domination of the Palestinian people. The grinding horror of the New Holocaust now commenced. The King of Saudi Arabia asked for my parents to come over and help him deal with all this after the 1973 defeat. He was very anxious for more modern technology especially in the fields of lasers, optics and energy systems. My dad talked earnestly with the King about the Hubbert Oil Peak which was finally just beginning to be felt in the US within the oil industry. My dad had access to the statistics via the CIA's tracking of the pumping of oil. He persuaded the King to prepare for Saudi Arabia's future Hubbert Oil Peak. Putting money into education and especially engineering and energy research, he got the King of Saudi Arabia to fund US solar energy research. The US and England were all big on pumping more oil in the Gulf, the North Sea and Alaska. But the King of Saudi Arabia threw his energy into preparing for solar energy and other systems.
My parent's visit was very controversial within the Saudi royal family. Not only that, my mother's demands for more women's rights was agitating more than one royal. She insisted on walking around the campus of the university there without any coverings demanded by the ummah. Also, my marriage to a Jewish man was frowned on. Sounds crazy now, but back then, this agitated the King to a great degree for he feared that his friendship with my father would open him to attacks due to this marriage [I know this sounds stupid today but back in 1974, it was very real]. Right after my dad left the Kingdom, the King was killed and replaced with a half brother who was corruption impersonated. The present ruler of Saudi Arabia is a cynical man who is extremely corrupt. As is all his co-conspirators within the Family.
They take bribes. They spend like crazy. By 1995, they nearly bankrupted Saudi Arabia yet again. The only thing that saved them again was the Ba'athist party in Iraq. Saddam's actions meant that all the other sheikhs and rulers in the Muslim world would cooperate with the Saudis. And the US and Britain would have to do this, too. The Saudis have unleashed al Qaeda on the West in order to force us into negotiations over Jerusalem as well as taking pressure off of themselves at home. Even as they, themselves, became increasingly hypocritical to their own religious revolution, the purity of the Osama bin Laden revolution would rub off on themselves, insulating them from public anger over their complicity with the destruction of the people of Palestine.
Only the sword turned against themselves! So they ended up fighting al Qaeda at home. The financial needs of the corrupt members of the House of Saud are endless due to wild spending and having endless children from multiple wives and concubines. So the West takes advantage of this by giving bribes to the Family and then charging the STATE of Saudi Arabia a fortune for arms, oil equipment, infrastructure, etc. Everyone wants to make a buck off of the oil pouring out of Saudi Arabia and the royals need to make a buck, too. They do this via bribes as well as skimming the oil profits. They have to have a huge welfare system going which was started by King Faisal, in order to keep in power. Or someone in the teeming masses in the desert will come and dispose of them.
This corruption is destroying the US and Britain. Our military/industrial complex makes a lot of profit off of two sources: sales to foreign powers like Saudi Arabia and Japan and through ripping off the American taxpayer and in turn, running up gigantic debts to foreign powers who buy US war bonds. This snake and eagle relationship is at the heart of the destruction of our imperial sovereignty. Saudi Arabia is GAINING sovereignty while the US and Britain are LOSING sovereignty. Just as the Ottoman Empire lost it: via corruption, bribes and overspending on military matters while other traders and manufacturers run circles around the empire!
Bin Laden's plans to bankrupt the US and England are part of all this. He knows that forcing us to rush from one uprising to another, putting out fires that only start up elsewhere, as we do this, we gain only enmity as well as exhausting our resources and patience. And the gains from controlling the oil in the Middle East turns to dust as we go deeper into debt to the states we wish to control. Like the teeming masses in Saudi Arabia who are on welfare, the plan is to run up so many obligations within the Muslim dictator's kingdoms and countries until they can't be contained and this all blows up in a massive series of uprisings, wars and the Apocalypse. The sword of Islam will be unsheathed and the kings who are corrupt will fall.
The outrage that Bandar, a fat little quail of a man, was feeling enough sovereign powers to threaten Tony Blair, the US poodle, with terrorist attacks via bin Laden, is misplaced. The US and Britain created all the monsters who are coming home to attack us! The Saudis contain them and cooperate with us in fighting their own revolutionaries because they are scared of them. They know they are filthy and will fall. But they also know that the hatred of the Crusaders is far, far stronger and all they have to do is stand out of the way and let bin Laden's people wreck the West. And Tony Blair had to bow to their wishes because Britain is NO LONGER SOVEREIGN. The Queen allows pirates to remove money to islands where economic activity isn't taxed or controlled at all by Parliament. And the US has followed suit. Both need the King of Saudi Arabia to buy our war bonds, to fund our governments. So the rulers of America and England kiss him literally on the cheeks, they sit on stools at his feet and in other ways, act as if they are our SHERIFFS rather than he, our sheriff. And this is how the twists and turns of history work! History is a bitch who writes in blood and then pauses to laugh sardonically as she regains her composure and writes some more. She never stops.
SFO was 'powerless' to resist Saudi pressure over BAE investigation
To persistent questioning from Lord Justice Moses, Peter Sales, a lawyer for the SFO, said: “We in the UK can't compel the Saudi Arabian Government to adopt a different stance. It may be a matter of regret that the UK doesn't have the power to ensure that other states, big or small ... don't do what we want them to do. The world doesn't work that way.”
Lord Justice Moses had asked: “You're saying that nothing can be done, it's out of our control ... it's a friendly powerful state and nothing can be done?”
Although Mr Sales said that security had been the only issue, Mr Justice Sullivan, who is sitting alongside Lord Justice Moses, said that the court had 500 documents that showed other issues had been taken into account.
Note the hysteria here. The Brits consider the Saudis to be a 'friendly' state. There is no friendship here. There is a struggle for domination. The Saudis are clutching the Brits as close as possible and will use them as a tool and a shield when necessary. The Brits still like to imagine they are in control and this news shows that the Saudis control them. On many, many levels. Up until 2000, the British DID control many states and forced them to do things that were good for the British and bad for themselves. But in the last 7 years, the tables have finally turned. The finances of both Britain and the US have deteriorated to the point, we are now beggars at the gates of the Forbidden City in China and the Forbidden Palace in Mecca. Both the Chinese and the Arabs have a list of historic grievances they need to set to rights with the West. It won't be pretty and we will not get off, scot free, either. The British can jolly well punish Blair and others and save some face. But the fundamental power relations will remain. And if pushed too far, Saudi Arabia will go to Putin and Hu for military deals. Big time.
Let's go visit BAE Systems and the guys running this organization that has corrupted our governments from top to bottom as well as the Saudis.
BAE Systems Inc.
In 1999 by far the most significant part of the newly created BAE Systems North America was Tracor, which was acquired by Marconi North America in 1998. Since 1999 almost all of BAE Systems' growth has been concentrated in the US. BAE Systems North America has grown to the point where its sales to the (American) Department of Defense have surpassed those of its parent to the (British) Ministry of Defence. BAE Systems is now by far the largest foreign investor in the US defence industry.
With the political and military ties that exist between the US and the UK, BAE Systems has faced little opposition to acquisitions of important US defence contractors. The biggest test to date was the purchase of United Defense Industries (UDI), completed in 2005.
In April 2000 BAE purchased Lockheed Martin Control Systems (LMCS), a manufacturer of electronic controls for aircraft, space vehicles and the transportation industry for $510 million USD. LMCS was renamed BAE Systems Platform Solutions. In November 2000 BAE Systems purchased Lockheed Martin Aerospace Electronic Systems, a defence systems company which encompassed Sanders, Fairchild Systems and Lockheed Martin Space Electronics & Communications. Following an internal reorganisation the division became BAE Systems Electronics & Integrated Solutions (E&IS).
In December 2002 BAE Systems completed its acquisition of Condor Pacific, Inc. for $58.5 million. Condor Pacific was a manufacturer of sensors and guidance systems for the aerospace industry. [1]
In 2003 BAE Systems acquired Advanced Power Technologies, Inc (APTI), a data exploitation company and provider of communications and networking solutions, for $27 million. APTI was merged into E&IS. In March 2003 BAE Systems acquired MEVATEC, a provider of "professional technical services", which was renamed BAE Systems Analytical & Ordnance Solutions.
In 2004 BAE Systems purchased STI Government Systems which provides "photonics, information technologies, system integration ...and a variety of services to other government agencies in areas such as pollution mapping and search and rescue." [2]STI is now part of the CNIR division of BAE Systems E&IS. In August 2004 BAE Systems acquired Boeing Commercial Electronics (now part of the Platform Solutions unit of BAE Systems E&IS).
Typical of all the military/industrial organizations. Not only has the British Empire totally melded with the US empire, the underpinnings are thoroughly mixed up now and all are very, very dependent upon the US overspending our budget to expand and consolidate these organizations that are pure leeches on our tax revenues. In order to make themselves richer they must make Americans poorer. And since this is our one last remaining industry since the auto industry is rapidly shutting down and ruining the finances of their own workers, the support base for our industrial military rests increasingly on selling their weapons to our future enemies. For the US is the main supporter of Israel financially as well as militarily and the Ummah, the revolutionaries and the ruling families in the Middle East all itch to punish us for 250 years of nasty history! So they buy from us and then they turn around and are now buying up our military/industrial complex, bit by bit. First, by ripping a page from the Jewish history of funding Crowns: they are rapidly taking over our banking sytems. Note how all our financial houses are now reduced to begging the Muslims and the Chinese too, who also have a few historical bones to pick with us, we now are going to them for financing? Ouch.
Back to the BAE:
Members of the board of directors of BAE Systems North America as of 16 April 2007 are:
Marshall Banker, Sheila Cheston, Bob Fitch, Curt Gray, Bob Hastings, Walt Havenstein * **, Mike Heffron, Galen Ho, Linda Hudson, Bob Murphy, Mike Rouse **, Allison Wood **
It always pays to look at the biographies of these people.
Walter P. "Walt" Havenstein is an American businessman, engineer and former United States Marine.
Since 2007-01-02 he has been president & CEO of BAE Systems Inc., the US subsidiary of BAE Systems plc and a board member of BAE Systems plc.[1]
Havenstein graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering and received a master's degree in electrical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School. Havenstein served in the US Marine Corps from 1971 to 1983 and also continued to serve in the Marine Corps Reserve until 2001.[2]
Havenstein began his career in the defense industry at ITT Corporation's Aerospace and Communications Division. Havenstein has held executive roles at Raytheon, including vice president and general manager of the Strategic Systems Division, director of business development for the Communications Manufacturing Division, vice president and general manager of the Surveillance and Control Division and vice president for Tactical Data Systems.[2]
Havenstein joined BAE Systems in 2000 when the company purchased Lockheed Martin Aerospace Electronic Systems, including its Sanders subsidiary of which he was president.[2] Aerospace Electronic Systems was renamed BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration and Havenstein was named president. From 2003 to 2005 Havenstein was executive vice president for BAE Systems North America. In a major reorganisation in 2005 BAE Systems North America was renamed BAE Systems Inc., BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration was merged into the newly created BAE Systems Electronics and Integrated Solutions and Havenstein became president of this new operating group.[2]
Our military swear fealty to the military/industrial complex. They all move from one to the other seamlessly. The Pentagon of Power needs to keep this going and they will do things like sit totally idle during the 9/11 attacks, secure in the thought that these attacks they allow to slip through and ravage our cities will mean Santa Claus will give them more fat contracts and lots of goodies in the future. This desire for attacks to succeed and thus unleash trillions in US spending on weapons and military adventures was so delightful, Rumsfeld didn't bother to leave his desk or even make any inquiries about the course of the attacks on New York City. Only when a jet slammed into the Pentagon itself, did the military suddenly throw themselves into high gear. Note that they didn't let the last plane attack Washington, DC. It was probably aimed at the CIA headquarters, not the White House. After all, Bin Laden was a CIA brat. He knew where to strike.
BAE SYSTEMS North America has announced the appointment of Sheila C. Cheston as Corporate Vice President and General Counsel with responsibility for the company's legal affairs.
Cheston joins BAE SYSTEMS from the Washington, D.C., law firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, where she served as chair of the firm's Aviation and Defense practice, and represented BAE SYSTEMS during several acquisition initiatives over the past years, including the 2000 acquisitions of Lockheed Martin Control Systems and Lockheed Martin Aerospace Electronic Systems.
During the 1990's, Cheston held key legal positions in the Government including General Counsel of the United States Air Force and Special Associate Counsel to the President of the United States.
Robert J. Fitch
Senior Vice President, Government Relations
Robert Fitch is Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Regional Managing Director, U.S., responsible for all legislative affairs and government relations activities for the company’s U.S.-based operating groups, which collectively employ some 45,000 employees in the U.S., U.K., Sweden and South Africa, and generates annual sales in excess of $10 billion. He is also a member of the BAE Systems Inc. Board of Directors.
Fitch has more than 33 years of experience in the intelligence field, serving in management positions in the military, industry, and legislative branch of government.
He previously held the position of Vice President, Government Relations with Marconi North America and Tracor, Inc. Prior to Tracor, he served as the Vice President, Corporate Strategic Development for GDE Systems, Inc., a subsidiary of Tracor.
During the 1970’s, Fitch served in the U.S. Army. His assignments included the Pentagon as the Army’s functional officer for tactical intelligence programs; Germany as the aide to an infantry division commander; the Cryptologic School as a company commander of 300 men and women; and Vietnam as an advisor. His awards include the Legion of Merit and the Bronze Star.
From 1984 to 1993, Fitch was the Senior Professional Staff Member and Director of the Program and Budget Authorization Staff of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. His responsibilities included oversight and coordination of staff reviews of national and tactical intelligence activities. Specific areas of specialty included space and airborne reconnaissance, industrial base, acquisition reform, and support to military operations. In December 1992, he served on the Intelligence Transition Team for the new administration.
The Shadowlands guy: all the military/industrial organizations have a host of CIA and Mossad agents inside at the top. They have their own joint as well as personal agendas. These involve preparing us for WWIII. They want this war to be carefully arranged so the select populations to survive can survive. But this is foolish. Their wet dreams won't happen. They have to figure out this little flaw in their plans but try as I may, I can't get through to them to explain this any more than my explanations about bin Laden are understood by the people online who think they understand conspiracies. This occultation of vital information is part of the problem of the Apocalypse. It is pretty clear how this operates yet few people want to really understand how this operates. The rulers driving us into this don't want to understand. Nor do people who think they want to stop the, understand. The truth is, the more the US arms itself to protect itself, the more the Jews seek to build a rock-hard state in Palestine, the richer the Arab rulers are, these things all drive us to WWIII, not protect us from this. The fact that a spook is high up in the same military/ industrial company at the heart of this latest scandal which clearly shows us how the Saudi royals can threaten us with destruction is most instructive!
President Land & Armamaments
Linda Hudson is president of BAE Systems Land & Armaments Operating Group. Land and Armaments, with headquarters at Arlington, Virginia, is a global leader in the design, development and production of combat vehicles, artillery systems, naval guns and missile launchers with nearly 11,000 employees at 13 primary locations in the U.S. and locations in the UK, Sweden and South Africa. The group is a leader in the design, development and production of combat vehicles, artillery, naval guns, missile launchers and precision munitions. It stands at the forefront of research, development and design technologies for a wide variety of technological solutions for survivability, lethality and mobility.
Dr. Marshall D. Banker
President, Customer Solutions
Dr. Marshall D. Banker is President of the Customer Solutions Operating Group of BAE Systems. BAE Systems Customer Solutions is headquartered in Rosslyn, Virginia, and employs more than 13,000 people. Customer Solutions provides the full-spectrum of support and service solutions for current and future defense, intelligence, and civilian systems, driven by its customers’ needs to ensure their operational requirements are supported and maintained.
Dr. Banker began his career in 1966 at Bell Telephone Laboratories, where he was a member of the technical staff. In 1972, he joined Hughes Aircraft Company where he became Technical Director, Israeli Air Defense System, a major program consisting of radar, communications, display and data processing equipment with associated software/firmware. Marshall also held various leadership positions in the areas of communications and surveillance systems. From 1981 to 1991, he was with Loral Electronics Systems in New York, where he started as an Engineering director and ultimately became Vice President, Programs, responsible for development programs.
This isn't accidental. The many religious fanatical powers are intersecting with technology and high finance and this is a growing situation where all the forces are, thanks to the rising value of oil, the looming global Hubbert Oil Peak, to create conditions that menace us all. The individuals who are at the top of this machinery are all cogs in the Apocalypse machine. They don't know this, of course. Of if they do, they imagine they will skate over this hell that will freeze for them while the rest of us don't make it through this incredible nuclear war. I spent my whole life, pondering this matter and worrying about it. I remember in my youth, the divisions within the scientific community about surviving WWIII. Half were extremely fearful and half were utterly brazenly confident. Today, this has been transferred to the idiotic idea that we must fear a nuclear terrorist rather than full-scale nuclear war between empires. Yet all the indicators are pointing towards that, not terrorists. Putin has made this very clear. This month, the US is talking about using missiles to blow up a CIA spy satellite that has poison and nuclear materials onboard. Putin rightfully claims this is really cover for a test of the Star Wars systems.
US spy satellite plan 'a cover'
Russia has accused the US of using a plan to shoot down a broken spy satellite as a cover for testing an anti-satellite weapon.
The US said last week that it would use a missile to destroy the satellite, to stop it from crash landing.
Officials say the satellite contains hazardous fuel which could kill humans.
But Russia's defence ministry said the US planned to test its "anti-missile defence system's capability to destroy other countries' satellites".
"Speculations about the danger of the satellite hide preparations for the classical testing of an anti-satellite weapon," a statement reported by Itar-Tass news agency said.
"Such testing essentially means the creation of a new type of strategic weapons," it added.
"The decision to destroy the American satellite does not look harmless as they try to claim, especially at a time when the US has been evading negotiations on the limitation of an arms race in outer space," the statement continued.]
A US general said on Thursday that exposure to the hydrazine would have similar effects to inhaling chlorine or ammonia - a burning sensation in lungs and, if too close and too much, then possibly death.
And he is demanding the US open the books on this. The Chinese agree. The US won't share information. The US is also still pushing for these same missiles to be stationed around Russia and China's borders. This is so we hope we can stop them from counter-attacking if we launch a nuclear war. Or it will allow us to use nukes on non-nuclear nations without retaliation from Russian or Chinese allies. This way, we can cancel our debts to Russia and China and they can't retaliate. We can then merrily go about the planet, looting everyone and refusing to pay anything and telling everyone to 'stuff it.' This is why, despite looming bankruptcy, military spending by the US is INCREASING. These guys are very frantic to build as massive a military war machine as possible for the day when the Sheriff of Mecca comes here to demand we pay him the rent.
By Charles Swift
Because the issue of water-boarding will not be subject to a protracted legal battle. To the extent the upcoming military commissions address the issue at all, it will happen—as it is happening now—in a black box, cloaked in assertions of secrecy. For one thing, the Military Commissions Act passed by Congress permits the government to assert national security privilege where sources and methods of obtaining information are concerned. They can keep this evidence from the defense, so long as the military judge finds the sources and methods are classified. In Hamdan, the government has already asserted that this prohibition extends to the interviews of the detainees themselves concerning their interrogations, and as such, the government has already erected a wall of silence around the high-value detainees extending even to their interviews.
Without the testimony of their clients, any effort by the defense to pierce this wall of silence will be further stymied by the fact that the tapes of these interrogations were conveniently destroyed. Moreover, the defense won't be able to call the agents who questioned them to probe the interrogation methods used. They are barred from doing that both by the congressionally created national security privilege, and because the agents will undoubtedly take refuge in the right not to make statements that might incriminate them.
This is a gag order. This attacks the very basis of our Constitution. Everything to do with both the military/industrial complex and our illegal wars as well as Gitmo, all this destroys our Constitution as well as possibly the Planet Earth. This is why these guys don't care about global warming, for example, the End of Times people think nuclear bombs will cleanse the earth of 'evil' and the technocrats who think they will survive WWIII think the Nuclear Winter that Carl Sagan [my father was his advisor at the University of Chicago] warned us about will neutralize global warming. And I suppose the birth defects will be OK since the plan is evidently to keep females in the future protected from radiation via harems? Like in Saudi Arabia, I guess.
Slate magazine:
While the office of the chief defense counsel at Guantanamo has always had significantly fewer assets than the prosecution, the passage of the Military Commissions Act left the office with even fewer resources. During the first round of commissions, the office's policy was to assign at least one full-time military counsel to each case and, wherever possible, an associate counsel. Current staffing decisions provide that counsel may carry multiple cases along with their new high-value clients. Just by way of contrast, the ABA standard for death penalty defense—adhered to in military courts-martial—is two full-time death-penalty-qualified counsel.
This story shows us exactly how our ruling elites think. The Jewish Zionists think this way, too. Clever games that tilt the game board in their direction is what it is all about. Morality, history and justice are meaningless. Winning is everything. The Saudis agree with this and so do the Chinese. And if everyone does this we get free-for-alls. The feeble attempts at stopping this with the League of Nations and the United Nations has been set on its head by these same ruling elites. Who used these tools humanity wanted to protect themselves from tyranny and world wars. Instead, these organizations pushed forwards, world wars.
Iran's Oil Bourse Set to Open this Sunday
Today, most oil trading takes place on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the London-based International Petroleum Exchange (IPE). Since the 1970s, OPEC countries have all agreed to sell oil for US dollars only. This means every country that wants to buy oil must first acquire enough US dollars to buy what it needs--creating a huge worldwide demand for the US dollar and any excess dollars eventually get recycled back to the US.
Year after year, America imports much more than it exports and it must pay out that difference (its current accounts deficit) in printed dollars. In 2006 that deficit was > $850 Billion; 2007 was > $700B; this year, we will see similar figures.
From 1999 though the end of 2006, the United States financed a string of large current account deficits by borrowing $4.4 trillion from other countries -- a sum amounting to 85 percent of total net borrowing worldwide (in other words: we sucked up 85% of the worlds excess savings).
Every few months, the Iran Kitty meows that he is going to open this oil bourse. Russia just announced they will sell energy only in the form of rubles. So Iran is doing the same, finally. They know the US and Britain will blow a gasket when this happens. For obvious reasons.
Iran's envoy: Iran and Russia can rid world of dollar's slavery
Iran's Ambassador to Moscow said here Friday Iran and Russia, as major energy suppliers, can rid the world of US dollar's slavery by promoting oil and gas deals using different currencies.
Gholam-Reza Ansari further emphasized in an interview with 'Echo Moscow Radio', "We have been trying to launch an Oil Stock Market in Iran and also trying to find substitute currencies for Iran's oil sales, that can be Russia's ruble."
He appreciated Russian Prime Minister's First Deputy Dimitri Medoviv's Friday remarks on Russia's intention to sell its oil using rubles, saying, "That was a brave move."
Iran is egging Saudi Arabia into cutting the dollar lose. The Saudis use the dollar as a leash to control the Americans. But this gets harder and harder to do as the US simply turns this leash into a rubber band which stretches more and more. Eventually, when it snaps, the US will denounce the currency and replace it with a new currency! And laugh at Saudi Arabia. And China. But again: the nuclear bombs. China has these as well as an increasingly more powerful military. And the alliance with Russia grows. And if Saudi Arabia goes to these two nuclear giants due to the dead dollar...WWIII happens. So the US can't play the weak currency game while forcing everyone to hold dollars for oil.
President: Muslim thinkers can introduce independent monetary, banking system
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Saturday that Muslim world thinkers are capable of introducing a monetary and banking system independent of the current system dominating the world.
President Ahmadinejad told head of the Islamic Development Bank Ahmad Mohammad Ali that any decision and activities for establishment of a banking and monetary system being based on Islamic injunctions would have an impact on colonial approach of some states towards Muslim states.
Stressing that the monetary and banking system regulates relations among countries and is the basis for economic activities, Ahmadinejad said Muslim states have been facing some restrictions in acting on the monetary and banking system governing the world.
All I can say is, 'MEOW.' Just like with bin Laden, the US public is encouraged to minimize, demonize, laugh at or ignore Iran Kitty. Ahmadinejad is constantly in the news as the Crusaders breathlessly shout that he is going down in flames due to our malice and our machinations. We do this concerning Hu of China. And Putin, of course. Even as all remain more popular than either the leaders in the UK or US, we still imagine they are unpopular and will fall or vanish into smoke if we push them or ignore them. This is foolish thinking. Wishful thinking. Dangerous thinking. Underestimating the powers and scope of people seeking our ruin is fatal. This includes above all, our own rulers plotting to destroy us. And, do we want to do something? From Mark Crispin Miller, an author I have worked with in the past, comes this invitation:
(and not a moment too soon!)
Saturday, Feb. 23,
10:00 a.m.—10:00 p.m.
4th floor, Kimmel Center
60 Washington Square South
Sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences Student Council of NYU
We cordially invite you to attend the FIRST NATIONAL TEACH-IN ON FREEDOMS AT RISK IN AMERICA, hosted by the College of Arts and Science (CAS) Student Council of New York University on Saturday, February 23, 2008.
This all-day event will be an interactive forum featuring numerous renowned academics and intellectuals both from within and outside of the NYU faculty, and will be open to the public and to the press throughout the day.
FREEDOMS AT RISK will be kicked off in the morning with two classic-style teach-ins: our TEACH-IN ON FREEDOMS AT RISK IN POLITICS, and our TEACH-IN ON FREEDOMS AT RISK IN ACADEMIA. Both will begin at 10:00 a.m. and continue through 5:00 p.m. Following a two-hour recess, FREEDOMS AT RISK will resume with our evening PLENUM, which is set to run from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
At FREEDOMS AT RISK, student, professional, and public attendees will be encouraged to take an active role in the Conference by posing questions on the topics covered and engaging in discussion and debate with our guest speakers.
Those guests who have so generously agreed to join us and speak at our PLENUM include: NORMAN FINKELSTEIN, whose academic controversy at DePaul University in Chicago has made several headlines over the last year. He has held faculty positions at numerous higher-learning institutions, and is the author of five books including international best-seller The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering; LYNNE STEWART, a political activist and attorney who is noted for representing unpopular clients, and has experienced extensive recent political oppression. An advocate of the constitutional right to due process of law, she fights to see that right extended to anyone who is tried within the American legal system; ELLEN SCHRECKER, an outspoken advocate of academic freedoms and a professor of American history at Yeshiva University who has also taught at a number of other institutions. A successful author, she has written such books as Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America; MARK CRISPIN MILLER, a professor of Media Studies at NYU who actively supports democratic media reform. He is also an accomplished author, having written Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections and Seeing Through Movies; and MICHAEL SMITH, a New York City Attorney and author who sits on the Executive Board of the Center for Constitutional Rights and co-hosts the WBAI radio program Law and Disorder with Michael Ratner and Heidi Boghosian. He recently edited William Kunstler’s noteworthy piece, “The Emerging Police State.”
And for the TEACH-INS, we welcome among others: JOHN GERASSI, a renowned professor of political science at Queens College, who has written several books on politics and international affairs including an official biography of Jean-Paul Sartre; PETER N. KIRSTEIN a professor of history and author from Chicago‚s Saint Xavier University, and a nationally recognized advocate of academic freedom and free-speech rights. He has been profiled in conservative writer David Horowitz‚s book, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America; and LORIE VAN AUKEN, a “Jersey Girl” and winner of Glamour Magazine’s 2004 Woman of the Year Award for her work with the other “Jersey Girls” in successfully lobbying for an independent investigation into the events of September 11th, 2001. She has been interviewed several times on national television and appears in the documentary 9/11 Press for Truth.
These and other notable speakers are sure to make the TEACH-IN ON FREEDOMS AT RISK IN AMERICA—the first of its kind in the nation—a truly monumental and memorable event.
FREEDOMS AT RISK will be hosted on the 4th floor of the Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for University Life at 60 Washington Square South, New York, NY. An entire floor has been reserved, and refreshments will be provided for all. We are excited and honored to have the occasion to host this TEACH-IN Conference, and we sincerely hope to have you join us for what promises to be an intellectually stimulating and precedent-setting event!
Jenny Shen, President
([email protected])
Matt Van Auken, Student Relations Chair ([email protected])
Meni Marinakis, Secretary
([email protected])
Student Council
College of Arts and Science
New York University
If all goes well, I hope to be able to go to this meeting. And hope to report on it.
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