Elaine Meinel
Four communication cables are cut in four different places this week in the Middle East. The US/Israeli push to re-isolate Gaza continues. Israeli generals order Jews in Israel to prepare WWIII bomb shelters. I put up a Canadian news video showing the hideous abuse of the West Bank Palestinians. Abbas doesn't care, he gets his $US billions. Iran demands we apologize for accusing them of building nuclear bombs. The US Security Council Unaligned nations stop the US/EU/UK resolutions attacking only Iran, not them for being nuclear bombers. And I ask, how can we have guns and butter when deep in debt? The butter is going to vanish anyway. And Ron Paul is the ONLY one left in the race who is anti-WWIII.
Iranian Official Says Bush Administration Should Say It Made Mistake on Nuclear Issue
Iran's foreign minister on Saturday called the Bush administration cowardly for not saying it had made a mistake after a U.S. intelligence report concluded Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003.U.S. attempts to keep up international pressure against Iran over its nuclear ambitions were complicated last month by the report saying Iran had not restarted its weapons program.
The Bush administration should "take the brave step to be honest for the first time with their people and to tell them, 'We were in doubt,'" Manouchehr Mottaki said on the sidelines of the African Union summit in Ethiopia's capital.
The U.S. government should say "'We had concern about Iran's nuclear activities, but based on this report, it has removed our concern, and we do not have any problem,'" he said.
The dark shadow of false US accusations concerning WMD in Iraq falls over the equally fake accusations being thrown at Iran. Many of us who were against the war in Iraq had to hold our breaths while UN inspectors came back in to see if the US accusations were correct. It turned out to be all lies, as we expected. The next step: the arrest of Bush, Cheney and all the dual citizen neo-cons working for them, didn't happen. The lack of even a single WMD turned the US invasion into a war crime. And this was before all the other war crimes we have committed there ever since. The death rate of civilians in that sad land has been over a million. Children are going hungry. There are over 3 million refugees. Certainly, all this comes right under the heading, 'Nüremberg War Crimes.'
Even as we learn that 630 specific lies were told before that illegal invasion, there are no arrests. The GOP made a huge thing about Clinton lying. Clinton does lie, of course. I can tell because it sounds like he has two throats when he lies. I hear a 'second' voice vibrating behind the louder, lying voice. I can tell when Bush lies, too. He opens his mouth. The ONLY time he tells the truth is when he says his infamous 'Bushisms'. Like when he claimed he, too, like bin Laden, wanted to spread death and chaos. Well, duh.
But no one is impeached, no one is arrested. This criminal response to crime comes on top of the US conspiring with Israel to attack Iran. When the Palestinians broke down the ghetto walls last week, the only Muslim nation to support this was Iran. This irritated the Israeli Jews no end. The are very frustrated by their inability to get everyone to attack Iran illegally. The UN has been a useless organization so far as dealing with wars.
For example, the Western media, heavily influenced by Israeli/Jewish political and international operations, made a big deal about Darfur. They preened themselves with the notion that this was a 'genocide' even as the Jews in Israel worked hard to set up the Warsaw Ghetto starvation of the Palestinian people who defied the US led coup run by Abbas and the PLO. The salvation of the Africans were supposed to coincide with the elimination of political power of the Palestinians, as I suggested long ago.
But no nation wanted to send troops to invade Sudan. This was due to Russia and China refusing to allow yet another invasion of yet another former French or English colony. The UN has been used as a naked tool by the French/English/US sector of the Security Council to keep control of their former or existing empires. But China and Russia are throwing sand in the gears. Thus the need to have totally ILLEGAL invasions.
The US is demanding Germany send troops to Iraq and Afghanistan and to kill people there. We want the Nazi war machine to be resurrected in Europe so badly, we can taste the sweet wine of illegal wars, sneak attacks and the full-scale slaughter of populations pushed into concentration camps. The madness of the ongoing slide into fascism is obvious. We can see where this leads: to a world war.
Iran resolution hits snag at U.N. - French envoy
Several non-permanent U.N. Security Council members are holding up agreement on a new sanctions resolution against Iran over its nuclear program, said France's envoy to the United States Friday.Ministers from the five permanent members of the Security Council -- the United States, China, Russia, France and Britain -- as well as Germany agreed on the draft text of a new resolution last week in Berlin.
That draft, a watered down version of what Washington wanted because of resistance by China and Russia, has now been circulated to the entire 15-member Security Council in New York before going to a vote.
Americans who don't understand cynicism can be forgiven if they find all this news very confusing. Russia and China will vote for increased restrictions. But this news story leaves out the fact that both are assisting Iran including sending over nuclear materials. The votes were promised to the US for totally cynical reasons: to lure the US out on a limb in this matter! The Iranians have private conversations with the Russians and Chinese and in turn, both talk to each other. None of them talk to us about these interior, secret conversations.
The US once gave the Chinese leadership a jet which they paid for. But then, the Chinese went over their Boeing with a fine tooth comb and found all the spy equipment embedded inside it. Boeing had to take it back. But the US spies as hard as they can. A waste of time. All they have to do is think like me. It is easy. But neo cons can't think like me. It is impossible. So they run around, clueless but clever.
The US has really awful UN staffing right now. Bolton is gone but his minions remain. I will explain to the Sate Department and Condi, what is going on here: both Russia and China knew the other, smaller nations were very happy to twist the tail of the US in the UN by holding up the things the Chinese and Russians agreed to. Why is that?
Both want it to look like they are cooperating in 'disarmament' but also really want to disarm the US. They also do NOT want all the smaller nations to have nuclear bombs, either. But both know that if we keep demanding full disarmament while increasing our own arms, they will have the ENTIRE world on their side in disarming the US. China also has the biggest trade surplus with the US. So they vote for us in the UN and then undo this behind our backs. How can they do that?
HAHAHA. They 'be bank'. The US used the IMF and World Bank to put the third world in hock. Then we forced them to 'privatize' and hand over all trade and resources to the US/UK/European empires. This caused huge riots and insurrections. But now they all have a new banker: China. China's FOREX sovereign fund is now being used to lend to these same nations who follow China's lead in the UN. Japan's FOREX funds are mostly tied up in keeping the yen weak vis a vis the dollar. So they don't have a fraction of China's international influence. And the whole world knows that Japan and China are the bankers for the US!
This makes us weak. Now on to the darker conspiracies going on here:
Middle East Undersea Cable Cutting A Zionist-NeoCon Covert Operation
In the Middle East in the last three days, there have been several undersea, international communications cables that have been cut. On Wednesday, 30 January 2008, two major, undersea communications cables were cut off the Egyptian coast, in the eastern Mediterranean. (1) The story has received prominent play in the international news cycle. Various explanations have been floated in the mainstream news media as to the cause - the most popular culprit being a "ship anchor". In any event, communications in the region have been severely disrupted, all the way from Egypt to India, and most points in between.
Then on Friday, 1 February 2008, an undersea cable in the Persian Gulf, running between Oman and Dubai, was also cut "causing severe phone line disruptions and compounding an already existing Internet outage across large parts of the Middle East and Asia" according to the International Herald Tribune. (2)
There was also a report on Friday, 1 February 2008, of yet another undersea, fiber optic communications cable between Suez and Sri Lanka that has been cut. The reporting is a bit confused; however, given that the Persian Gulf is geographically distant from the Suez, this appears to represent a fourth undersea cable that has been cut. (3)
Boy, all those ships dragging all those anchors! Before this, there were no anchors aweigh. Then, when the Wall fell in the Palestine, internet connections are suddenly severed! The many dictatorships there don't need to have the cables severed to keep out news, they directly censor the news. But if the Israeli Jews and American imperialists want the news censored, this is the best way. But the news is out, anyway, the Hamas victory is obvious. Egypt has been strong armed into refusing to negotiate with Hamas but this has fatally weakened the dictator of Egypt who is an American dog on a very short leash.
But he lost face. As well as rear. The revolution forseen by bin Laden is on track. And doing very well, actually. The flood of wealth pouring into the Middle East is making the rulers there very strong but it is also destroying the US/UK/EU empire. Fatally. And killing that is the whole point. Bin Laden knows that even corrupt rulers of Islam will change if the West falters and falls for they are too close to the imperial Christians and Jews in the West. So it is his hope the western crusaders will fall and then, the corrupted rulers of Islam.
By the way, Israel has subs. And can cut cables. The possibility that they did this is very high. It also may mean they plan a sneak attack on Iran. They have a long history of sneak attacks. Like Europe. So this is a great possibility.
Israelis told to prepare 'rocket rooms' for war
Retired senior officers told Israelis on Saturday to prepare "rocket rooms" as protection against a rain of missiles expected to be fired at the Jewish state in any future conflict.
Speaking on radio as part of a military propaganda offensive, retired general Udi Shani said: "The next war will see a massive use of ballistic weapons against the whole of Israeli territory."
The Jews in Israel are preparing for WWIII. The fact that the retired generals gave this warning right on the heels of all the above news should put us all on alert. They won't go quietly. Many a world war has been launched this way. The US acting as a global military invader in the teeth of condemnation and illegality of 'causus bellus' is the leading edge of this world war.
Russia sends bombers, fighters to Atlantic, Arctic
Russia sent fighters and long-range bombers to the Arctic and North Atlantic on Friday to take part in manoeuvres demonstrating revival of some of the military power and reach it lost with the collapse of the Soviet Union.Vladimir Putin, set to hand the presidency to a chosen successor after an election that will gauge his own popularity, tapped feelings of national humiliation in rebuilding forces left to decay in the 1990s. The navy had lost the global role it had grown to in the 1970s, aircraft and ships lacked fuel.
The US has been, despite high world prices, madly filling our national oil reserves in preparation for WWIII. The US has increased military spending every year the last 10 years and this, despite being very far in the red in government spending. Right now, our government is madly cutting social services as they struggle to prepare for WWIII prematurely. Both the US and Israel can see the numbers leading to mutual bankruptcy. Like all desperate empires, we will try to solve all this via force of arms. Just like social services vanished and the population put on both starvation rations while doubling the work load during WWI and WWII, so it is here: the guns and butter will end and it will be all guns, all the time. And this was done not once but twice in Europe by the leading civilizations, the leading economic powers!
Think this isn't being planned for us? And a note to all gold buyers hoping this will save them: it won't. The government breaks into homes to catch drug dealers and tax resistors. They will very certainly do this for gold holders! It always happens. Even if you hide cash, they can claim you are a drug dealer and drop a packet of drugs on the floor when arresting you! They can and do this. Or they can simply break down the door and shoot you dead. They did this in the past.
Methodists Renew Push For
Divestment From Israel
Tensions are re-emerging between Jewish organizations and some mainline Protestant churches in the wake of a renewed drive for churches to divest from companies doing business with Israel.
The United Methodist Church opened discussions last Friday on a resolution calling for divestment from Caterpillar, the tractor manufacturer, because the company supplies Israel with bulldozers used in building the separation barrier and in demolishing Palestinian homes. The divestment resolution comes only months after the publication of a church-sponsored report referring to the creation of the State of Israel as the "original sin."
This story is from the Foward, a pro-Zionist newspaper. It didn't make any of the other news media owned by Jewish publishers. But it had to make the news so the Jewish leadership knows what is going on. The fact that some church organizations are pushing ahead in this matter is most amazing. This is one of many reasons Huckabee has been sidelined by the media even more than Ron Paul. Buried inside the right wing of the GOP is this desire to pull out of Israel and cease supporting it. This terrifies the mostly-Jewish neo cons. They want to use our right wing in a push for wars of conquest. This alternative force is one they wish to eradicate. They don't worry about the American left, it is totally divided and disorganized and easily misled via the promises of 'butter' along with the inevitable guns.
Both left and right do have common cause here. If they don't push the issue of Israel as a leading edge to wars we can't win, we will continue on this impossible road to WWIII. Right now, the triumph of the pro-war imperialists are triumphant. The ONLY people leading in the polls are the warmongers seeking total annihilation even if they won't admit this even to themselves. But they are leading us to the Cave of Death, no to Happy Valley. This is why I cheer on Ron Paul, for example. Social programs will vanish if we go to more wars! So worrying about them is stupid if we have only crazy war mongers running for President!
Video Israel Doesnt Want You to See
From the CBC Website
This is a must-watch clip. It will NEVER be seen in the US. Our propaganda machine will not allow much real news from the Middle East to come here. The frustration of people who see the real news here is great. We can't even TALK about all this with our fellow citizens since they are totally clueless and utterly brainwashed. But I note here a harsh reality: when the economic situation degrades and the media doesn't deal with it, people will turn to others for help and you can bet, many of them will be people seeking power like Hitler during the post-WWI disorders in Germany!
The Nazis put out their own news papers and ran their own radio shows. People sought information where ever they could. Thus the need to control the internet. In Europe, there is no debate about the hard facts of WWII due to grotesque censorship which, incidentally, never ever makes the mainstream news here. There are desperate attempts to pass similar, unconstitutional laws here, too.
A January 21st Los Angeles Times Iraq piece by Ned Parker and Saif Rasheed led with an inter-tribal human bombing at a gathering in Fallujah in which members of the pro-American Anbar Awakening Council were killed. ("Asked why one member of his Albu Issa tribe would kill another, Aftan compared it to school shootings that happen in the United States.") Twenty-six paragraphs later, the story ended this way:"The U.S. military also said in a statement that it had dropped 19,000 pounds of explosives on the farmland of Arab Jabour south of Baghdad. The strikes targeted buried bombs and weapons caches.
"In the last 10 days, the military has dropped nearly 100,000 pounds of explosives on the area, which has been a gateway for Sunni militants into Baghdad."
On April 27, 1937, in the midst of the Spanish Civil War (a prelude to World War II), the planes of the German Condor Legion attacked the ancient Basque town of Guernica. They came in waves, first carpet bombing, then dropping thermite incendiaries. It was a market day and there may have been as many as 7,000-10,000 people, including refugees, in the town which was largely destroyed in the ensuing fire storm. More than 1,600 people may have died there (though some estimates are lower). The Germans reputedly dropped about 50 tons or 100,000 pounds of explosives on the town. In the seven decades between those two 100,000 figures lies a sad history of our age.Arab Jabour, the Sunni farming community about 10 miles south of the Iraqi capital that was the target of the latest 100,000-pound barrage has recently been largely off-limits to American troops and their Iraqi allies. The American military now refers generically to all Sunni fighters who resist them as "al Qaeda," so in situations like this it's hard to tell exactly who has held this territory.
We have been bombing Iraq now for nearly TWENTY YEARS. Just like we bombed Vietnam for over 20 years. And this costs a fortune. As the US went bankrupt bombing Vietnam, we made all sorts of moves to keep doing this while bankrupt. The final deal was for the US to destroy our entire economic base and lose our industrial base. This deal has led us from being the world's creditor nation to the top debtor nation. In all things, we are deep in the red and falling deeper into the red and NOT ONE candidate for President left running is saying A PEEP about this EXCEPT FOR RON PAUL.
And pray tell, how many social programs will we have in the future if we have no economy? Eh? This is the issue we should all be talking about. Not gold. Not stocks. Not housing values. But war or peace. And we can't get peace by disarming the world while arming ourselves even more.
WE must disarm. WE must retreat. WE must stop fighting. Time is running out.
"Ron Paul is the ONLY one left in the race..."
If someone has been lapped several times, it's dificult to say that they're "in the race".
"All they have to do is think like me."
No one else on the planet thinks like you, Elaine.
Posted by: JSmith | February 03, 2008 at 11:02 AM
That video ...
Elaine, they ARE Nazis. Judas priest, you could take the dialogue and splice it into a WWII era movie - - -
I have been thinking along the same lines in re a Hitler-type figure emerging from all the probable chaos. Most people are clueless - but, believe me, they are starting to catch on. But they think the financial meltdown is something happening to banks, or mortgage companies or foreigners - not to THEM. Except prices at the pump and at the grocery store - - - and empty Treasuries everywhere you look.
In the Fourth Century the anti-establishment monks could escape to the desert - only to be murdered by their fellow monks.
Ever wonder why we are here at this point in history? If there is a Grand Plan ...?
Posted by: D. F. Facti | February 03, 2008 at 12:21 PM
I've been reading alot of international articles about the 'cable cutting' in the MiddleEast and parts of Asia. Most think that it's an attempt by the USrael imperialists to stop the Oil Bourse Stock Exchange launch, planned during the Islamic Revolution, Feb 1-12. Go figure, Iran has a 100% loss of transmission. This, as an attempt to save the Dollar.
Tehran Times:
"View Rate : 1215 # News Code : TTime- 160651 Print Date : Saturday, January 5, 2008
Iran to open oil bourse
TEHRAN (IRNA) -- Minister of Economy and Finance Davud Danesh-Ja'fari here Thursday said that Iran will open oil bourse during the Ten-Day-Dawn ceremonies, marking the 29th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution.
Danesh-Ja'fari was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a one-day conference on opportunities and challenges of oil, gas, and petrochemical industries of Iran and Iraq.
""Ground has been prepared for inauguration of oil bourse. It will start working during the Ten-Day Dawn festivities,"" he said.
Posted by: CEO Nutcracker | February 03, 2008 at 05:42 PM
Here are some technical details regarding undersea cables.
Inside A Submarine Cable
Internet Traffic Report
(This is a live feed, so it won't be available for too long)
Submarine Cables Typically Buried As They Approach Shore
((----- Copy & Paste - W/O The Line Breaks -----))
This could be a sign of an impending attack. But it is utterly stupid. These cables are owned by consortium of corporations that profit hugely from their use. So this only means that nations will stop relying on these cables and start using tightly focused microwave links to geosynchronous satellites. Who will provide the satellites? Russia and China.
Posted by: blues | February 03, 2008 at 06:13 PM
30 years ago I was building a nursing home and, as I was the general contractor as well as the owner I knew exactly what I paid in wages and what equipment and materials cost. At that time we paid the brick masons on the job $12.00 per hour. Most of these guys had a truck, a car, a wife at home and 3 or 4 kids. They lived pretty good, could take a nice two week vacation, go hunting, fishing, send their kids to camp. They could buy that used truck for less than a grand, I bought a brand new Chevy, 3/4 ton, air cond, heavy duty, for less than $3500.00, 8 years prior I bought another one for $2700.00 with less accessories. I was making $1000.00 per month in 1969-70, so it took about 3 months wages to pay for a truck. Now, how many working guys make enough to pay off the $35 to 40grand truck in less than 4 to 6 years, which is the average contract on them, where from the day you drive away you are 'upside down' and you will stay that way til you trade to get in even deeper. I doubt many make even close to 10 grand a month nowadays.
So what has this to do with Israel, money, gold, stock markets, etc.? It means that we, the working class have had it shoved up our 'kiester' by the elite money masters, the Jewish lobbies, the media, the corporate moguls and mostly, by the dirty rotten, self serving politicians and bureaucrats who have allowed this destruction of a people and a country because they bought into the ultimate lie of fiat money and the Jewish pushed 'shame on the white man' mentality. In other words, those in power do just what the hell they want....they don't ask us....they tell us.....which is impossible if you don't 'own' the media.....those who own the media have divided loyalties at best.....and at times show an outright animosity towards the founding principles of this nation, as well as the working stiffs who brought us as far as we came....on their backs. They will be stiffed again when they try to retire.....it [the money] will all go up in smoke [or to offshore accounts] as they approach the 'pay window'. Paybacks are a bitch....all will suffer immensely.
I was mining in Mexico in 1985-6 when inflation was destroying the remaining middle class. I saw first hand the terrible effects of a falling currency. I was in Russia in 1992, when I arrived the Ruble was 100 to a dollar, [down from $1.78ea]
when I left 3 weeks later, the exchange rate was 600 to 1. Do you think I saw fear and poverty on a scale which 99% of Americans can never imagine? You bet I did....it isn't pretty when you see veterans trying to sell their sacred medals and family heirlooms for a pittance...or young women prostituting themselves for $5.00 a trick....old women selling radishes as they sat almost frozen on a wooden box on the streets of various towns across Russia. I don't know if many Americans are tough enough or smart enough to survive this form of hardship without lashing out against any perceived or imagined enemy. I pity the minorities if this comes to our country....as democracies fall more violently than most forms of government, someone will catch the blame, while those in authority will, as Pilate did, wash their hands of 'it'. One other thing.....those who lived prudently, saved, prepared and sacrificed will appear to be in good shape as the coming crisis unfolds....but they will find that the ones they must fear are not just the 'have nots' or criminals but those in authority as 'the authorities' [they will own the microphone] can easily point to the prepared and call them "selfish hoarders" who are depriving the masses of their due. Kunstler may have it nailed in his 'Clusterfuck Nation' website.
Sorry for all the good news.......Elaine seems to have an influence. While on the subject of Elaine, we all owe her a great 'THANK YOU' for all she does for her fellowman. The time spent, the acumen required is a superhuman task. We are very fortunate to have this voice...pray we lose it not.....and be prepared to come to her defense when the time arrives.
Posted by: EOBarlow | February 03, 2008 at 07:23 PM
4th internet cable cut.
4th ME 'Net Cable Cut?; Report Of No Ships In Area
Could it be that the Neocon have decided it's now or never..
Posted by: OC | February 03, 2008 at 09:01 PM
Will we be finding the irradiated bodies of babies floating on our shores in the near future? There has been one million deaths in Iraq already from conventional warfare in 8 years of G.W. Bush. (Again, how many have died on his side?)
Now that there is no internet link to the middle east, who will tell us when the devil descends from his home? His home in the air.
A witness is needed. Please apply within. (the USA.. your country PEOPLE!)
Posted by: adobe | February 03, 2008 at 11:39 PM
Correct, all of you! Wow.
And yes, the Bourse finally opens and golly, gee whiz, ALL connections to Iran are severed just as the Palestinians are penned back into Gaza!
Like I said, this mess is just beginning. I watch the news with a lot of annoyance. Don't they know this won't work? This war is much more illegal than the Iraq invasion. As if that isn't 100% illegal, itself.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | February 03, 2008 at 11:48 PM
Working folks have been cheated out of their retirements for ages. The thieves behind these actions are 'money masters'within the various companies. Some of these may be Jews, the others are not. Russia in the '90s was 'run' by Yeltsin, and the resources and funds were sucked out by the 'money masters'. Some of these were Jews, and some not. When things really get bad here, it will be because of speculation and commodity manipulation by the 'money masters', some of whom will be Jews, and some not. Of course the press is largely malicious in these endeavors. And some of the owners/publishers/managers are Jews, and others are not. I have never laid a guilt trip on a white man, or any other person, regarding the religion/culture of my ancestors. Because I might share an abrahamic covenant with a criminal does not alter my perception of their crookedness. To focus on the foreskin really distracts from a useful solution to the problem.
I have to say that my encounters with bureaucrats has almost always been positive. I've been given a great deal of information and help from both local and federal bureaucrats. My experience has usually been that they want to do their job, which is to help me with my problems. Indeed, the sacking of the Russian economy in the '90s and the raping of ours has been because of a lack of regulation. Again, the problem is not with the bureaucrat, but with the agency heads. And of course, many of the politicians in this country are rotten bastards, and some are Jews, and some not. I'm usually a big fan of Jerrold Nadler. And I can't stand joe lieberman. I like Maxine Waters, not so much tom lantos.
Posted by: larry, dfh | February 04, 2008 at 01:05 AM
"4th internet cable cut."
The fourth wasn't cut - it was taken offline on purpose.
Posted by: JSmith | February 04, 2008 at 08:48 AM
Internet Traffic Report shows Teheran router unable to be pinged, 100% packet loss.
Posted by: Al | February 04, 2008 at 04:19 PM
That would be THE Tehran router? THE ONLY Tehran router?
How inconvenient. Now we can't read President Ahmadidgeridoo's blog!
Posted by: JSmith | February 05, 2008 at 12:02 PM
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