Elaine Meinel Supkis
As the West is all aghast about Tibet, it pays to take a peek a world news to see where else there are ethnic/religious struggles that strive to fracture the world's nations into smaller and smaller units. The biggest empire on earth is the USA that used its armed forces to prevent the South from separating, then turned them against the native populations, dispossessing them of their lands and driving them into ghettos. And now, is doing this in the Holy Land to the natives, there. And all sorts of religions and ethnic groups are turning violent and if they fight our empire, they are called 'terrorists' but if they fight our rivals, they are 'freedom fighters'. Meanwhile, the push to have confrontations between the Great Powers using these struggles as proxies endangers all humanity. For this can cause a world war.
Car bomber strikes Iraq army base
The day's violence began when the heavily fortified Green Zone inside the Iraqi capital was targeted by two waves of mortar attacks.There were no reports of casualties but at least 10 blasts were heard in the area in central Baghdad, starting shortly before 6am on Sunday, while helicopters were seen circling overhead.
Let's start with the US annexation of Iraq. Like the Chinese invasion of Tibet, the US took advantage of internal weaknesses within Iraq to launch this annexation. Unlike Tibet, the natives are resisting or manipulating the invading force so that the US has gotten dragged down in this literal hell. The pain and suffering caused by this illegal invasion based of spurious and ultimately, false charges, is now viewed by much of the planet as a war crime. The US, undaunted by this, still feels we have the right to criticize anyone imitating us. The 'surge' used bloody military force and bribes to bring a false peace. But that has collapsed and now, every day, 1 to 5 US occupying military forces die as the Iraqis break out a renewed resistance to US military domination. Sadr has thrown away his truce and now the sneak attacks are moving beyond a few bombings to outright military confrontations. The fact that Cheney, a rank war criminal worse than Saddam, just visited, means full-out assaults on the Green Zone which is where the US crouches on its haunches.
Pelosi joins with the representative of the former religious dictatorship of Tibet, the Dali Lama, to demand freedom from foreign domination for Tibet but this woman will not stand beside Sadr who has just as much religious and moral legitimacy as Sadr. She won't demand our own military withdraw from Sadr's homelands! Even if the majority of her own constituents demand this, SHE will not demand this. Her family makes money off of our military adventures so she wants more of the same. And forget asking this powerful woman to demand the Muslims in the Holy Land get their lands back from European and American colonial invaders!
Indeed, the problem with ALL the present ethnic rebellions is this: they all want to drive away colonialists from other ethnic/religious groups! And this is true everywhere. In Tibet, innocent Chinese who were Han, were mobbed and killed or beaten by mobs of Tibetans. Many Han stores were burned and looted. This sort of thing is a common feature of ethnic wars. Time to look at the news:
Here is the Google search for 'American soldiers killed March:
Note the sparse number of news media carrying this story. As we approach 4,000 dead as we try to do what China does a lot less violently, we don't even bother with publishing the continuing bloodshed anymore. Why is the US concerned about how many Tibetans died this month but not how many Americans? Is there some psychological glitch here? Or are our own dead an embarrassment? So we look away. We don't want to know that our own soldiers are dying. Chinese soldiers were being attacked in Tibet just like our own occupying troops. There is one gigantic difference: in Iraq, when our soldiers are attacked, we fly jets over Iraq and drop BOMBS on homes and kill thousands of innocent civilians.
We are doing this fighting the religious believers in Afghanistan, too. That is, killing innocent villagers because we want to subdue the natives who are religious followers of people we hate! And note that China allows us to do this. China isn't boycotting the US for doing all these military crimes. We can kill many thousands of civilians and China lets us do this without any moral hypocritical comments.
Dozens of Taliban fighters have been killed by Afghan and Nato forces in Uruzgan, a southern Afghan province, Afghanistan's defence ministry says.
The ministry did not give an exact number of those who died on Sunday, but released information stating that the man commanding the group was also killed.
The three war mongers running for President wave flags and shout fealty to Israel while no one, not in our media or elsewhere, shows any serious concern for the soldiers we are using as if they are Chinese military troops suppressing Tibetans. Only we are a lot nastier than the Chinese military. So far, they haven't bombed anyone with robot-controlled missiles or assassinated many resistance leaders and their families. Such as we tried to do in Somalia, Africa, recently. Killing some women and children and their goats.
Kurds killed in Turkey protests
Hundreds of Kurdish protesters have thrown stones at police and soldiers in southeastern Turkey, in the fourth day of clashes that have killed at least two people and injured dozens of others.
Authorities banned gatherings in several cities after celebrations to mark the Kurdish New Year, or Newroz, turned violent.One person died from a bullet wound in the town of Yuksekova, in southern Hakkari province, where riot police clashed with hundreds of protesters who took to the streets in defiance of the ban on Sunday, hospital sources said.
Turkey is an ally of the US, part of NATO and a friend of Israel. So we don't notice this news. The US supported Kurdish uprisings when Saddam was the target of their ethnic ire. But now, we don't want them to do things in Turkey so we allow the Turkish army to invade Iraq and attack the Kurds. Who are doing exactly what the Tibetans are doing. Of course, many European as well as American political pundits will make fun of the Turks acting like American and European invaders of Islamic countries. They are barbarians, of course, unlike the US and European empires! We kill because we are good!
Suspected Tuareg rebels have ambushed an army patrol in northern Mali, wounding at least four soldiers, according to a Mali military official.The attack triggered fierce gun battle on Sunday in the northern sector of the Kidal region close to the Algerian border.
All over America, people are convinced that we have to save Darfur. But this isn't as simple as demanding we save Tibet. Note that the Tuareg are an ethnic/religious group that also wants to do exactly what the Kurds want to do. The Tuareg are raiding/herding tribalists who roam huge areas that used to be open range but now are chopped up BY EUROPEAN IMPERIALIST INVADERS into four countries. The tribal conflicts they have with farming tribes and trading tribes is ancient and legendary. But in the US, many a liberal is all agog about this. While we do NOTHING to stop our own raids, bombings and military crimes against a host of tribes, nations and ethnic groups, these liberals want us to stop the various tribal wars in sub-Saharan lands?
ETA bombs police barracks in northern Spain: authorities
A car bomb exploded Friday at a police barracks in northern Spain's Rioja region following a warning from the Basque separatist organisation ETA, injuring one person, authorities said.
The blast in the town of Calahorra came as hundreds of people were in the streets for a traditional Easter Holy Week religious procession, which had just concluded.
And the Basque are like the Kurds, Tibetans and Tuareg: they are tribes who lived in the mountains and were herder/hunters, etc. I knew Basque shepherds. They taught me all about sheep. The Kurds were great shepherds, too. So are the tribes in Palestine who are being driven out of their lands by invaders. The invaders always claim, 'They had no lands, they are not a people, they have no cities.' And if they have cities, then these are declared, 'They aren't civilized.' Or perhaps, the cities shun foreigners and have to be opened up like the way the US opened up Japan! Talk about a can of worms! Heh.
The Japanese didn't want foreigners. They wanted to be a pure tribal/religious community. We came with guns and told them to open up or we would kill them. They then figured out how to arm themselves very rapidly. This is the dream of all ethnic groups: to become very armed like Isreali Jews and then to use this to intimidate all other ethnic groups and thus be able to seize whatever they want!
Serbia Proposes Ethnic Division in Kosovo
The Serbian minister for Kosovo says Belgrade has formally proposed dividing ethnic Serbs and Albanians in the contested Kosovo territory.The Serbian newspaper Politika quoted Slobodan Samardzic Saturday as saying that the proposal submitted to the United Nations Mission would create "the functional separation of Serbs and Albanians" within Kosovo.
Here is yet another flashpoint. Another clash of religions. Another ethnic background. The common theme here is, all minority groups dream of domination and control. All want to have a home base and then move freely in and out of other people's enclaves while no one can flow in and out of their own enclave. This desire is very close to the desire to have one-way trade whereby all advantages flow to the ethnic enclave at everyone's expense. This sort of thinking leads to severe break-downs in civility as well as trade. Think of Europe when the Roman Empire and then the Holy Roman Empires fell. Or Japan during the Oni War years.
Sri Lanka bombs Tiger rebels after navy boat sunk
Sri Lankan air force jets bombed rebel Tamil Tiger ground positions on Saturday after a navy patrol boat was sunk by a suspected rebel mine off the northeast coast, with 10 of the 16 crew missing and feared dead.Pro-Tamil sources said the Dvora fast attack boat was destroyed by a suicide squad of so-called black Tiger fighters, with three rebels killed in the sea clash.
Buddhists versus Hindus, Muslims versus Hindus, Catholics versus Orthodox versus Protestants. Muslims versus Muslims. There are endless combinations of religious and tribal associations that can cause things to collapse. The desire of the empires to weaken other nations this way is a great temptation. But alas, this is one force one should fear. It is why our Founding Fathers clipped the business of religion and state, forging a wall between the two. This is why America lets anyone of any ethnic background to enter and become a citizen. This precious policy is always endangered by these ethnic wars raging elsewhere.
Armenia: Skirmishes Taint First Day After State Of Emergency
Scattered skirmishes broke out when hundreds of people gathered in downtown Yerevan to mark the end of emergency rule.RFE/RL's Armenian Service reported that a heavy police presence greeted people who turned out to honor eight people killed when security forces dispersed opposition-led protests three weeks ago.
RFE/RL's Yerevan bureau said opposition figure Arakel Semerjian -- a relative of opposition leader Levon Ter-Petrossian, who claims his presidential bid was thwarted by official fraud in the February 19 election -- was detained by police in one of the confrontations.
Ter-Petrossian remains under de facto house arrest, his movements restricted by security forces around his home.
A senior U.S. official, speaking ahead of the lifting of the state of emergency, highlighted international concern over the risk of a collapse in that country's political dialogue, warning that Armenia still has work to do to "get back on the democratic path."
Outgoing President Robert Kocharian declared emergency rule on March 1, when fatal clashes left at least seven civilians and one policeman dead in the worst civil violence in Armenia's post-Soviet history
Here again, a remnant of the Ottoman Empire that flares into violence. I was reading a National Geographic magazine article about Bhutan which is next to Tibet. My parents were stationed there once upon a time when it first opened to the West. I have a guardian Pegasus statue from the King gave me back in 1966. Today, there is fierce anger in Bhutan over the presence of Nepalese peasants moving in. This is on the verge of turning into riots and violence. Just like in Tibet. The flames are burning in Nepal, itself. And Kashmir. As well as further south, deep into India. And we should beware of this force. It can come here with a vengeance. Look at this election and how we see the raging fires around Obama!
Because of a little thing called geography (the Himalayan Mountains), the Tibetan Plateau is virtually surrounded by China. How many people on the Plateau? Maybe 6 million. How many Dalai Lama Lovers? Almost certainly less than 2 million. How many Chinese are at hand? A little over 130 billion. Already looks like the Lama Lovers are outnumbered AT LEAST 650 to one. Plus the Chinese are a nuclear superpower that now regularly launches "manned" satellites.
As a matter of fact, these 130 billion Chinese can read a fair amount of what we can, and they are rather angry at us. I am seeing all these American bloggers rant and rave over the horrible injustice done to the dear Dalai Bin Laden! They are now the bank. And most of these Americans owe them their house. These ranting fools are so obviously a bunch of (bad name here)*. China is not all free and open, of course, and I dare anyone to tell the FBI that they are. By the way, how are the Lakota doing? Then again, maybe they get a reprieve for the moment.
Posted by: blues | March 23, 2008 at 10:27 PM
When the Israeli's desire that the US media create a distraction for them, Darfur heats up editorially ( Spielberg was the latest to try that move -- all it availed him was that the Chinese Olympic organizers basically said "Here's your hat, don't let the door dent your ass as you leave."; when the USA needs its media to create a distraction Tibet heats up or we suddenly get a spate of articles about the "poor, put-upon" Falun Gong. All the usual suspects can be guaranteed to do their sheep bleat editorials about evil Sudan or evil China.
Posted by: CK | March 24, 2008 at 05:40 AM
Blues said...
"How many people on the Plateau? Maybe 6 million. How many Dalai Lama Lovers? Almost certainly less than 2 million. How many Chinese are at hand? A little over 130 billion."
130 billion? Blues, you may want to check your math on that one. There is, currently, 6 - 7 billion on the whole planet. Where is China hiding all those 'extra' people? I believe you meant 1.3 billion. :)
Posted by: Blunt Force Trauma | March 24, 2008 at 08:05 AM
Another pot-stirrer in China?
Confirmed - Obama Is
Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet
Posted by: Blunt Force Trauma | March 24, 2008 at 08:10 AM
Yeah, Blunt Force. It's more like 1.3, not 130 billion. I hope the rest of the math is okay. I'm using a software calculator that's so quirky it's driving me bananas. I can't believe they can't develop a damn calculator.
Anyway, this Tibet thing is so screwed up it's pathetic. Everything is falling apart around us, and these goofballs want us to worry about a bunch of rioting demented, provably fake monks in China. Meanwhile, the 1.3 billion Chinese (and their neighbors) watch us make fools of ourselves. This is just going to make all of us Westerners look like raving bozos to the populations of the rising Eastern world. Which is just precisely what we do not need.
Anything to get us to discredit ourselves. This is really getting me annoyed.
Posted by: blues | March 24, 2008 at 11:15 AM
Ethnic cleansing is like washing clothes in blood. The Romans, for example , were against ethnic cleansing but very much for annihilating insurrections. The early Christians and Jews both refused to tolerate anyone who was outside their own religions. This irritated the Romans no end.
Posted by: Elaine Supkis | March 24, 2008 at 05:47 PM
wow. CK, Blues, Blunt force - you guys know the subject. just reading some whiny-asses ganging up on Elaine on another one of her posts, slandering poor Rachel Corrie. I came by here and all of a sudden....intelligent commentary ! how refreshing.
Posted by: Al | March 24, 2008 at 11:15 PM
"As the West is all aghast about Tibet..."
Isn't that something? And I thought Bhuddists were such a peaceful sort!
Posted by: JSmith | March 25, 2008 at 10:01 AM