Elaine Meinel Supkis
My dislike of Hillary Clinton can't get much worse. But her talk in that flat, dead voice about how she must stay in the race because who knows? Someone might assassinate Obama! Well, there certainly is that terrible possibility. I pray it doesn't happen. When warmongers talk about death, I get very upset. Time to talk about geopolitics. For the oil/death/doom and destruction aspects are certainly moving rapidly towards things that won't make us happier. But then, after the Kennedys were assassinated, Nixon could safely run off to China to kiss communist dictators or Russia to toast cruel Kremlin dictators.
Russia and China Condemn U.S. Missile Shield Plan
President Dmitri A. Medvedev of Russia traveled to Beijing Friday to conclude a deal on nuclear cooperation and join Chinese leaders in condemning American proposals for a missile shield in Europe. Both countries called the plan a setback to international trust likely to upset the balance of power.Mr. Medvedev’s choice of China for an early diplomatic foray as president seemed to signal a desire to continue Moscow’s assertive foreign policy — particularly toward the United States — that was a hallmark of his predecessor, Vladimir V. Putin, during his eight years in office.
Many bloggers and others supported the insurrection in Tibet. I thought it was nuts. And now that it has fallen off the political map, the diplomatic fall out continues. The US played its CIA hand and lost. My family has been very involved in the Himalayan politics for half a century. I don't side with the Dalai Lama any more than with any other religious leader. He had an opening with the Chinese government who were anxious to settle affairs until the attacks on the Olympic flame carriers took all of this too far. China recoiled away from the West, and we lost a good opportunity to show support for China and reconciliation with the religious leaders of Tibet.
The US was much too eager to split China in two. It showed nakedly on our faces. And so we see in the news that Russia and China are now much closer than before. They have a genuine need to close ranks against the US. Obviously. This is survival.
I lost readers who thought I was cruel about Tibet. But alas, foreign policy isn't all about 'good' or 'evil'. It is about the rise and fall of empires. An empire's strength is in its ability to keep itself intact and to grow. Using the military or diplomacy, economic strength and cultural values, there are many ways an empire can expand. The US expanded this way, quite well, I may add. But once we reached our zenith, instead of consolidating our strengths and using diplomacy 99.9% of the time, after winning the Cold War, we launched a hot war against a billion+ Muslims. Now, we are alienating 1.5 billion Chinese. The Tibetans are around several million, if that. Which is less than .01% of China's population. To alienate the much larger group to flatter a tiny minority is not constructive.
For the Chinese have been liberalizing, step by step. If it is shown that liberalization bears good fruits, they would continue on this path. Instead, we tried to poison the liberal fruit. The US has had a very nasty past habit of parking offensive missiles on the doorstep of any nation that lets minorities revolt. We encourage revolts!
Europe figured a nifty way to have constant splits: countries like Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, England, Spain, etc can shatter into smaller units but they do this under the European Union umbrella. Germany, on the other hand, united. Ha. I see a funky thing going on here....note who dominates Europe more and more. The French get very angry if anyone in a province dares suggest leaving France. In Spain, bloody battles continue with the Basque uprising which has better reasons than the Tibetans, if we look through history all the way back to the invasion of Eurasia by other tribes across from Egypt 12,000 years ago.
Russia, China denounce U.S. plans for global missile defense
(RIA Novosti) - The presidents of Russia and China denounced in a joint statement on Friday U.S. moves to establish a global missile defense system, saying the plans threaten the global strategic balance.The declaration is one of several signed after talks between Russia's Dmitry Medvedev and China's Hu Jintao in Beijing.
"The parties believe that the construction of a global missile defense system, including the deployment of such a system in some regions of the world... does not contribute to maintaining a strategic balance and stability, and runs counter to international efforts to control arms and non-proliferation," the declaration said.
The plans also weaken "confidence-building measures between countries and the consolidation of regional stability," the statement said.
Russia and China have taken a shared stance on many global issues in recent years, often opposing the position of the U.S.
The U.S.-proposed European part of the global missile defense shield will see the deployment of 10 missile interceptors in Poland and a radar site in the neighboring Czech Republic. Moscow is opposed to the plans, saying the shield would threaten Russia's national security.
I hope that Obama is sensible. I pray that he will decide that provoking WWIII is stupid. He doesn't sing about bombing Iranian babies to death. He doesn't talk lightly about obliterating Iran's children while they are sitting in the classroom. He doesn't talk like an out of control warmonger. The warmongering talk of this election stands in stark contrast to public sentiment. People are dimly aware that Congress has just voted another $168 billion for these stupid wars. The idea that these wars are also very much responsible for high oil prices is beginning to crack through the walls of propaganda.
Then Hillary comes along, talking about how she is staying in the race even though she has obviously lost. Why, look at what happened in 1968 when Kennedy was assassinated! So she has to hang around like a ghoul and if there is blood on the floor, she will leap into action and being a bloody obliterator, she can take command!
I feel like we are all in this nightmare and when we try to scream, only silence comes out of our mouths. As I keep pointing out, Obama's heart isn't into the warmongering thing. He even wants to end the stupid cold war with Castro! About time. We need more friends, not more enemies. But I fear for him because the war mongers who openly talk about how we need another 9/11, will not allow him to take control of our war machine. They need wars, they want wars and they will use the tools that launched WWI. We all know how that was done.
BREAKING NEWS: "Israel Arrests Outspoken Academic Norman Finkelstein"
(Democracy NOW!: "And the American academic Norman Finkelstein has been arrested and ordered deported from Israel. Finkelstein arrived in Tel Aviv earlier today on his way to the Occupied Territories. He was immediately detained and told he is banned from Israel for ten years. He's expected to be deported tomorrow. Finkelstein is known as one of the most prominent academic critics of Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. He was detained by the Interior Ministry and Shin Bet.") NEW! 05.23.2008
Finkelstein is haunting the ethnic cleansers in the Holy Land. Son of concentration camp survivors, he is being denied the Right of Return simply because he wants to see some rights for Palestinians. The mess there is a great trigger for WWIII. And all the US warmongers have been over there, mongering like crazy. Note that Democratic leader, Pelosi, was there, demanding we blockade Iran. I hope her subjects in California who think she cares about them, go after her. The remarks she made drove up the price of oil by over $6 a barrel in two days.
Fortress Israel is destabilizing the planet. If it isn't reined in, we will have a black rain here. Just as the temptation to put missiles in Poland, the entry point for more than one invasion into Russia, was pure insanity. I don't care if the Poles feel empowered by this. The US should keep in mind our real goals and who matters where. We have to look after ourselves. If we involve ourselves in every ethnic, petty plan on earth, we will go bankrupt.
This is different from international cooperation. I am all for this. It is part of diplomacy.
Pelosi denies Olmert proposed US blockade of Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert did not propose a U.S. naval blockade of Iran during talks with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat's office said Thursday.Responding to a report this week in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said the lawmaker and the U.S. delegation she led met only once with Olmert during a May 16-20 visit to Israel and Iraq.
"During the luncheon meeting with Prime Minister Olmert, there was never any mention of a U.S. naval blockade of Iranian ports," Elshami said in a statement. He declined to comment further.
The daily Haaretz Wednesday quoted Olmert as telling Pelosi "the present economic sanctions have exhausted themselves" and saying the international community needed to take more drastic steps to stop Iran's efforts to obtain nuclear weapons.
The prime minister's suggestions, the newspaper said, included a naval blockade of Iran using U.S. warships to limit the movement of Iranian merchant vessels.
An Olmert spokesman has declined to comment on the Israeli leader's meeting with the U.S. congresswoman on Monday in Jerusalem, calling it confidential.
Now that Pelosi is home, she is backtracking. I guess someone reminded her, there are consequences for when anyone talks about launching a war against one of the world's bigger oil exporters.
How Israeli fighter pilots threatened to blast Tony Blair’s jet out of sky
Tony Blair came within moments of being killed when two Israeli fighter aircraft threatened to shoot down a private jet taking him to a Middle East conference in the belief that it might have been staging a terrorist attack.The warplanes were scrambled to intercept after the jet pilot failed to contact air traffic control. Mr Blair, the international community’s envoy to the Middle East, was flying from the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh to attend a major conference on private investment in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem.
The Israeli aircraft used to intercept Mr Blair’s plane would have been versions of the F16 or F15, armed with Shafrir and Python air-to-air missiles. Both missiles have proved to be devastatingly effective and versatile. The Shafrir 2 missile shot down nearly 100 aircraft in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.
Israel is on hair trigger. When a nuclear power is this way, we are in danger of something terrible being launched. No one would probably mourn the death of this poor, useless poodle. But seriously, even Blair doesn't deserve to be killed like a Palestinian school girl in Gaza. On the other hand, maybe not. This story, by the way, was canned by the US Zionists. So Europe got to see it but not the US. Charming, as usual. Isn't it fun living in a clone of the Soviet Union?
Iraq's top Shiite cleric quietly hints at harder views against US forces
Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric has been quietly issuing religious edicts declaring that armed resistance against U.S.-led foreign troops is permissible — a potentially significant shift by a key supporter of the Washington-backed government in Baghdad.The edicts, or fatwas, by Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani suggest he seeks to sharpen his long-held opposition to American troops and counter the populist appeal of his main rivals, firebrand Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr and his Mahdi Army militia.
But — unlike al-Sadr's anti-American broadsides — the Iranian-born al-Sistani has displayed extreme caution with anything that could imperil the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
The two met Thursday at the elderly cleric's base in the city of Najaf south of Baghdad.
So far, al-Sistani's fatwas have been limited to a handful of people. They also were issued verbally and in private — rather than a blanket proclamation to the general Shiite population — according to three prominent Shiite officials in regular contact with al-Sistani as well as two followers who received the edicts in Najaf.
For the umpteenth time, Bush and his crew of no goodniks have declared premature victory in Iraq. The game won't end until we leave. We think we can build a Disneyland in Bagdad and thus, get to stay there forever as rulers. This is the height of delusional thinking.
In Iraq, a Surge in U.S. Airstrikes
Military Says Attacks Save Troops' Lives, but Civilian Casualties Elicit Criticism
From an Apache helicopter, Capt. Ben Katzenberger's battlefield resembles a vast mosaic of tiny brown boxes."The city looks like a bucket of Legos dumped out on the ground," the 26-year-old pilot said. "It's brown Legos, no color. It's really dense and hard to pick things out because everything looks the same."
He uses a powerful lens to zoom in on tiny silhouettes, trying to identify people with "hostile intent" among hundreds of ordinary citizens in Baghdad.
In recent weeks, Katzenberger and other pilots have dramatically increased their use of helicopter-fired missiles against enemy fighters, often in densely populated areas. Since late March, the military has fired more than 200 Hellfire missiles in the capital, compared with just six missiles fired in the previous three months.
The military says the tactic has saved the lives of ground troops and prevented attacks, but the strikes have also killed and wounded civilians, provoking criticism from Iraqis.
On Wednesday, eight people, including two children, were killed when a U.S. helicopter opened fire on a group of Iraqis traveling to a U.S. detention center to greet a man who was being released from custody, Iraqi officials said.
We have turned Iraq into Gaza. And will reap the whirlwind. It is almost too depressing to even think about. I have raged about this for years. But we are far down the dark road, I warned about back in 2003.
Wow, I just read the news. Hillary Clinton is making a public request for any decent folk to do the right thing and get rid of her elitist rival, Hussein Obama, the Usurper.
This is turning into Colombia. I knew these Clintons played hardball, but this... Words do kill.
Posted by: B.A. | May 24, 2008 at 01:43 AM
The world is really not insane, it is just another rerun of Monty Python, this time reformatted for HD:
A little list:
Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, Kennedy, J.,
Roosevelt, T., Roosevelt, F., Jackson, A., Truman, Nixon, Ford, Regan,
Kennedy, R, King, Malcolm X, Evers, Wellstone, Heintz. Turning into Columbia indeed, it is more the fact that Columbia is imitating the USA.
Posted by: CK | May 24, 2008 at 06:54 AM
Excellent! We've tried years to warn the Chinese the threats from the West. The threats from the West have finally opened my fellow Chinese's eyes. They are united ever than before. We need more threats from the West. We need the West to push China even further more. My fellow Chinese citizens will now open their pockets for new spending on weapon researches. They will not say no when we ask for more money to develop better and more powerful weapons. China is going to develop next generation weaponry, next generation ICBMs (mobile, land, and sea based), next generation thermal nuclear war heads, long range bombers, and new long range nuclear subs. With fast and more accurate ICBMs and cruise missiles coated with stealth materials, we can break any missile defense. This is wonderful! This is exactly what we have dreamed of for a long time. By the way, don't you think you West can do another cold war on China. We are smart and we know the history well. This time it is you going bankrupted, not China or Russia.
Posted by: visitor | May 24, 2008 at 08:30 AM
Buried in my work at the moment, but had to come up to see what this was all about.
I am on an email list - God knows where they got my address - but it's supposedly from the Democrats/Obama - and it's poorly written, bad grammar, etc. Probably a totally set up deal from the Hillary crowd. Jennifer Granholm was such a Hillary backer - probably they got my email from Granholm's PAC.
Hillary is completely calculating: she knows that the white, racist voter who's been abused by the R's now for 8 years, and who knows it, might vote for her. And disenchanted Hispanics.
I have NEVER liked the Clintons - - - but it's the Property Party: One Party divided by abortion.
I do have slight hope for Obama - but only slight I don't see how anyone can get to be President without owing some awfully big favors to some awful people.
Posted by: D. F. Facti | May 24, 2008 at 09:21 AM
Dear visitor,
The people who are running the U.S.A. (whoever they may be) appear to have gone insane. A lot of us are doing as much as we can about it. I think there are good things, and bad things about Russia and China. That could be said for nearly any place. It is certainly true of the U.S.A. The people here have much more to fear from the people running things than even the Chinese have.
I know the people of China are upset about the circus around the Tibetan monk uprising and the Olympic games in China. That was all fake. I have been protesting U.S. wars all my life, and various elements are always planting moles in political groups. I now avoid political groups for this very reason. The moles become totally obvious after a person protests for 20 - 40 years. They shriek, and make unconditional demands, wear bright colors, and destroy everything in the end. The people protesting this monk uprising were probably 70% moles. Intelligent people know that protesting China's relations with the people in Tibet is exactly like protesting WW-II. Our policies have nothing to do with that, in any individual or collective sense. The only result here is that the 30% of the protesters here who are not moles will become disillusioned with politics after having protesting something that our whole society cannot possibly affect.
It seems like we are going bankrupt. The smart ones here are very fearful. I wouldn't build too many missiles. You never know who might be in control of them in the future.
Posted by: blues | May 24, 2008 at 10:02 AM
Before Jack was killed in Dallas, there were
billboards openly calling him a traitor. The
place was such a booby hatch of crazies he was warned away from going down there by a lot of his own people. Wheather one thinks he was killed by a conspiracy or not --personally most of the time, I think he was--- does not matter. What matters is that the
atmosphere was chummed with so much stinking verbal offal, that assasination was inevitable wheather by conspiracy or "lone nut". The curtain hiding this cast of goons
that have run this country has finally rotted away for all but the most blind to see.
Obama will probably end up carrying the bag
for the big boyz upstairs. But its just the tiny tiny wee chance that he may betray them
that sets the Pit Bulls into baying for blood. I'm afraid these shitbags have such
a strong network,that the potential for another Roosevelt is next to nil. The whole system will have to collapse first but then
that too does usually not bode well for enlightened leadership as history illustrates. Several generations may have to go by before enough good joss helps to build back up a decent leadership network.
Posted by: Gary | May 24, 2008 at 10:22 AM
"The parties believe that the construction of a global missile defense system, including the deployment of such a system in some regions of the world... does not contribute to maintaining a strategic balance and stability..."
Especially one that works. When the Navy shot that satellite down, it gave many people something to think about.
"Israel is on hair trigger."
Since 1948!
"This is exactly what we have dreamed of for a long time."
Maybe time to retarget a few sub-launched systems. The Chinese target the Us, the US targets China, and the Rest of the World lives happily ever after.
"I know the people of China are upset about the circus around the Tibetan monk uprising and the Olympic games in China. "
Olympic games are always a circus - why should these Games be any different just because they're held in China?
Posted by: JSmith | May 24, 2008 at 05:05 PM
Hey Smith,
You just are not up to speed on the latest news. That's all for the best, I assure you.
Posted by: blues | May 24, 2008 at 05:30 PM
Hillary is the HULK! Or a hulk.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | May 24, 2008 at 06:33 PM
If Hillary is still in the race two to three weeks from now, something is really up.
Posted by: Yusef | May 25, 2008 at 12:23 AM
McCain accused of accepting improper donations from Rothschilds
...As if $1000 here or there matters when you own the Federal Reserve. Or if the US follows any laws... Or if this article might in a million years show up in the US media.
A US campaign watchdog has accused presumptive Republican president nominee John McCain of violating election laws by accepting campaign contributions from two prominent Londoners.
At issue is a fundraising luncheon held in March at London's Spencer House, during McCain's swing through the United Kingdom. An invitation to the event lists Lord Rothschild and Nathaniel Rothschild as hosts, and indicates the event was made possible with their "kind permission".
Judicial Watch, a Washington organisation instrumental in the March release of Hillary Clinton's White House schedules, has asked US election monitors to investigate whether the Rothschilds improperly sponsored the fundraiser. US political campaigns are forbidden from accepting contributions from foreign nationals.
"The question is whether or not the Rothschilds paid for the event, the venue, the catering, or any other related costs," said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton.
Tickets to the event cost $1,000 to $2,300, and the luncheon dress code was "lounge suits," the Washington Post reported in March.
The McCain campaign did not immediately return a call seeking comment.
Judicial Watch also complained to the US election authority, the federal election commission, about Elton John's involvement in Clinton's campaign. The group alleged the British rocker broke US campaign laws by performing at a fundraiser for the New York senator. The Clinton campaign argued US law allowed the British musician to volunteer his time and solicit Americans for contributions.
Posted by: GK | May 25, 2008 at 07:13 AM
The old Empire wants to control the newer empire.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | May 25, 2008 at 04:16 PM
"China is going to develop next generation weaponry, next generation ICBMs (mobile, land, and sea based), next generation thermal nuclear war heads, long range bombers, and new long range nuclear subs."
How about some next-generation building codes??
Posted by: JSmith | May 27, 2008 at 08:31 AM
He is a good friend that speaks well of us behind our backs.
Posted by: moncler doudoune | December 24, 2011 at 05:11 PM