Elaine Meinel Supkis
Ron Paul gives a speech that nearly says all the dangerous things I harp on here at Culture of Life News. But as usual, Ron Paul stops short of doing the next step: resigning from the GOP and running an anti-war campaign for President! All the news in the world is about how both Russia and China are leaping forwards in their diplomatic and economic programs. OPEC refuses to bail us out of our own mess we created when Bush and the Europeans joined hands in menacing Iran and boycotting Iranian oil. So we pay through the nose for this. And Bin Laden's strategy of bankrupting the US continues and will totally succeed. And the Arabs know this and they are joining Russia and China in this enterprise.
Ron Paul in Congress on June 26, 2008, talking like we talk here!
Like Saunders of Vermont or Lieberman for that matter, Ron Paul should quit his party. He can vote with them whenever he wishes. His run for nomination in that party was an utter failure. He did bring in a host of new members to the Republicans who are not staying in the party. They joined only to support him. When he gave in to the media and the party leaders denying him and his supporters a voice or honest representation in the news, he should have packed his bags and departed. Instead, he remains but a gadfly that nips at the elephant who totally ignores him.
As a black sheep outsider, I found that being free of obligations to please people who are determined to go in the wrong direction is useful. One can tell the truth! Ron is trying to tell the truth. But it is worthless if it leads to no actions. In my case, my wings are very much clipped by the total 'Cone of Silence' that has fallen on me ever since Turner sold CNN. Bereft of even a small voice, I lurk online and pile up a historic record of what went wrong and why it went wrong. Ron Paul, on the other hand, built up a national movement that was about to take off when he strangled it in the crib so he could be buddies with a bunch of traitors!
I am willing to fight my own parents all the way down the line and Ron can't resist being the clown of the Republican Party? Good grief. He was handed this wonderful, historic moment to turn the conversation away from 'Bomb, bomb, bomb Iraq'. Obama would still be antiwar if Ron Paul were running. Since voters have zero choices now, Obama ran off to AIPAC to declare loyalty to the Jewish ethnic cleansing project even if this destroys America and re-enslaves all blacks here. For if ethnic cleansing is OK in the Holy Land and endorsed by 'God' then why not here?
So Obama betrayed his own race as well as America. McCain is a total traitor. Hillary's power base is 100% AIPAC. The last three choices become AIPAC #1, AIPAC #2 and AIPAC #3. If there were competition for the 65% of American voters who are sick and tired of spending trillions trying to militarily control the seething billions of angry Muslims, Obama would have the opportunity to be antiwar. But the mass of US voters now have absolutely no choices at all. All candidates are still trying to outgun each other's support of Israeli Jewish ethnic cleansing and nuclear domination of the Middle East. This is why Congress is silent about the connection of high oil prices to the Iran boycott.
Ron Paul isn't silent! But he doesn't go that one step further! I will write his next speech and ask this to be delivered to his Dream World: 'I cannot any longer tolerate the betrayal of the American People. Congress is working in tandem with the owners of the media most of whom are Zionists intent on sacrificing this great nation on the Altar of the Apocalypse. If oil goes up to $200 a barrel due to the misdirected Iran boycotts and the saber rattling aimed at Iran, the US economy will collapse along with world trade! This is an unacceptable price to pay! And with no debate!
Thanks to the media which supports Zionism before patriotism, this information is kept from the American People. This speech will not be in the news. At all costs, the news that Zionism is directly responsible for high oil prices, must be kept secret. But the people are being stripped of all savings and thrown into the streets to die! The American people will freeze to death this winter and have no idea, this is due to the Iran oil boycott imposed by the US at the behest of Israel's leaders!
I am dedicating my life to informing the US citizens of this fact! I have enough money from my campaign funds to tour the US and tell the truth! Even if the media refuses and my fellow Congress representatives refuse to let me be heard, I will still speak! I no longer fear death. I will tell the truth about the wars and how these wars are bankrupting us. And how the high oil prices from these wars are bankrupting us. And how Zionism has replaced patriotism in the Halls of Congress! For the US Congress no longer responds to the People's Will. Congress is owned by lobbyists of all types! Including a powerful lobby that has realigned the natural feelings of patriotism from focused on the US to focused on Israeli Jewish dreams of dominating the Middle East using military power.'
Then he tours the nation on a 'New Patriotism Platform' and this will explode in both Obama's and McCain's faces. It will FORCE THE ISSUES! But Ron, although bitter in this latest address to an empty House, is not ready to sacrifice himself for the truth. The pain is too great, he got right to the edge and then surrendered.
If I can live in a tent for ten years out of pure stubbornness, he can do the same! This is the difference between weakness and will power. Ron Paul has sparked a fire which he dampened himself because he was afraid. He is all hot and bothered about abortions?
Well, killing living babies is always far, far worse! Even the Bible recognizes this stark fact! Fetuses are not baptized. Infants are. Clinging to the GOP because of abortion issues is stupid when the GOP is preparing us to be destroyed economically and militarily. When the US goes bankrupt, we are naked to the world that hates us. Even our allies hate us. They want us close only because we protect them for free from neighbors who hate them even more thanks to WWI and WWII. They want us close only so they can destroy our industrial base and buy us up and make us economic slaves. They don't want to FIX America! They want to CONTINUE THE BROKEN AMERICA! And the Europeans and Japanese love the fact that they get all the benefits if imperialism while not gaining all the HATE that comes from imperial progression.
So Ron Paul drops the sword and fades into the past. Unable to face the truth about where we are heading, even though he can plainly see it, he thinks his wretched family will do what in the future? Cower in a cave? Hide in a hole in the ground? Learn Spanish? Flee? This is the choice! The future is worse than his fears of losing friends today!
Opec shuns calls to produce more
Opec president Chakib Khelil has said the cartel of oil producing nations is pumping enough output, and that high prices are down to other factors.
He put the current price rises down to other factors outside Opec control, such as US pressure on Iran and the weak US dollar.
The Chinese, Russians and Muslim overlords all have one goal: to suck out all the wealth of the US and drive us into bankruptcy! Period. This is about as obvious as anything on earth which is why the media never talks about it. To sucker the US into Zionist support, the media lies about this just like they lie about economics or history! When at war and we are very much at war with the Muslims world wide, we have to understand the STRATEGY of our opponents. Just as trade is war, we must understand what the leaders of Japan and Germany really think about WWII. The Japanese, by visiting the War Shrine openly, slapped us in the face and told us very clearly, they still remember and want revenge. The Chinese slapped them down for this and note how they are energetically working with the Chinese now to define their relationships and borders! The Japanese are still slapping the Americans in the face over WWII. For example, they are suing us in court over Hiroshima but won't pay a penny to the civilians and soldiers they enslaved during WWII.
The strategy of the Muslims is obvious because Bin Laden thoughtfully made a video about all this and explained how 9/11 was conceived as a means to lure the US into Afghanistan where we would go bankrupt. Bin Laden's revolution, far from ending, is actually morphing and expanding. It is sucking in the rich rulers of the Middle East. His strategy is now their strategy. They whipsaw the West with promises of more oil then yank this away and watch the hysteria and despair. When the US demands Iran's oil be cut out of world markets, they joyously agree. They want no war, they want BOYCOTTS. They have enough wealth accumulated, they can even be the source of an oil boycott.
Think this will never happen? HA! It can and is frankly, inevitable. This is why, despite high prices, the US military and government are both hoarding oil like mad! The US public will eat dirt, of course. And the US government has refused to retrofit us with alternative energy for when this next obvious event happens. We have known this since 1974. And refused to change course. Now, it is truly very late in the game. The US is more, not less, dependent upon the Saudi Kings not boycotting us over the issue of the Threshing Floor in Jerusalem where King David stopped the Angel of Death! He wants this thing in his own hands. He has to want it or he loses legitimacy! So we have to take all of this very seriously. This week, the AIPAC addled candidates for President have endorsed total Jewish ownership of Jerusalem including this terrifying threshing floor! The push to destroy us economically has grown astronomically.
BBD: Russians and EU to seek new pact
Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev and top EU officials have announced the start of talks on a new strategic partnership agreement.The start of negotiations has been long delayed, amid strained ties under Mr Medvedev's predecessor, Vladimir Putin. But, at a meeting with EU officials in the Siberian city of Khanty-Mansiysk, Mr Medvedev said he was looking for a "new impulse" to relations with the EU. The talks will formally begin on 4 July in Brussels, he said.
They will primarily focus on trade - Russia is the EU's third biggest trading partner and half of all Russian exports go to the EU.
Russia is very intent on controlling Europe. They must. If we go to You Tube and type in the names of great battles triggered by European invasions of Russia, we can clearly see why. France, Germany, England: the great empires all invade Russia in sneak attacks. Russia has suffered tremendously from this! When Russia invaded Europe in retaliation for Germany invading Russia, they were far, far kinder than the Europeans were when they invaded Russia! We forget this important fact. Russia has not forgotten.
Russia is letting Europe know that they have only two choices: they can cling to the dying American empire which depends on Middle Eastern oil flowing or they can choose Russia who has the oil and gas flowing to Europe already. The Europeans dearly would love to triangulate in this matter. But they are supporting Zionism very heavily! So each hour they do this, they are in the cross hairs of the Muslim strategy of bankrupting all nations who support Zionism. They know all this! But can't help themselves because it is illegal to write about it, read about it or talk about this in Europe! People are put in prison if they discuss this.
Russian FM: Russia's nuclear cooperation with Iran based on int'l laws
The Russian Foreign Ministry referring to the news on survey over a Bill on halting US-Russia peaceful nuclear cooperation at the US Congress due to Moscow's nuclear cooperation with Iran, argues that Washington's accusations against Russia are totally baseless.Russian Federation's peaceful nuclear cooperation agreement with the United States is devised in a way to serve the interests of both countries, adding, "Neither side should therefore be seeking to punish the other side for any excuse, whatsoever."
Russia's nuclear cooperation agreement with United States that was signed in early May, 2008, was forwarded to the US Congress a few days later by the US President for confirmation.
Russia is writing its own rules here. North Korea surrendered to CHINA over the nuclear matter when China decided to take things in hand. The end of the NK nuclear program is hailed in America as an American success. It was NOT. It was China showing real power. Japan knows this! In Japan, the end of NK menacing Japan was due to CHINA and the Japanese are rewarding China for this. The diplomatic relations between the two Asian giants has shot forwards. Increasingly, they will be in alliance. Japan can reject this and watch China ally itself with Russia! Or they can move closer to the Chinese. I am betting they are moving closer to China.
U.S. Settles Scientist's Lawsuit in Anthrax Scare for $5.85 Million
The Justice Department signed a $5.85 million settlement today with Steven J. Hatfill, the former Defense Department scientist who sued the government five years ago over the disclosure of his name in connection with a nationwide anthrax scare.The agreement ends an arduous legal saga. It ensnared federal investigators and several news organizations which published Hatfill's name after then-Attorney General John D. Ashcroft labeled him a "person of interest" in the law enforcement investigation of mailed anthrax powder that killed five people shortly after the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
Roehrkasse said the investigation into the anthrax mailings, which also sickened more than a dozen people, "remains among the department's highest law enforcement priorities."
The anthrax assassin is never mentioned in the news. The Cone of Silence over him is nearly as total as the one that covers me! I am amazed by this. But then, we are both creatures of the dark side of the CIA. The American people are supposed to forget this episode. To all the 'bombs in the WTC' people: NOTE THAT YOU ARE NOT WORRIED ABOUT THIS! The DARPA/CIA misinformation crew wants you guys to forget about this little matter! They tried to fake things and frame this poor man, Hatfill. So, shouldn't we all be immensely annoyed that professional assassins with access to the most restricted and may I add, ILLEGAL bio-weapons is STILL RUNNING LOOSE?????? Gads. He can kill whoever he wants! And for all we know, is hard at work today!
Scientists calculate the exact date of the Trojan horse using eclipse in Homer
Scientists have calculated that the horse was used in 1188 BC, ten years before Homer in his Odyssey describes the return of a warrior to his wife on the day the "sun is blotted out of the sky".
Now Marcelo Magnasco, head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Physics at Rockefeller University, New York, and Constantino Baikouzis of the Proyecto Observatorio at the Observatorio Astronómico in La Plata, Argentina, report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that they have traced the eclipse to April 16, 1178."Not only is this corroborative evidence that this date might be something important," Magnasco says, "but if we take it as a given that the death of the suitors happened on this particular eclipse date, then everything else described in The Odyssey happens exactly as is described."
An ancient war that troubled me in my youth. 'How could they fight for 9 years?' I asked. Then I learned of the 30 Years War and the 100 Years War and the Crusades. Oh! People can fight for decades without batting an eyelash! The Cold war was only 10 years old when I asked this vital question. Troy was the tail end of the Minoan civilization. The Minoans were an amazing pinnacle of civilization. The explosion of the island Thera and the following tsunamis destroyed not only the Minoan empire but many of the cities surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. The waves rushed all the way to Spain and back again! It was probably worse than the ones we saw a few years ago with the Boxing Day Quake.
This sentence got my eye:
However, findings rely on a major assumption: Although the association of planets with gods, such as Mercury, was a Babylonian invention that dates back to around 1000 BC, there's no evidence that those ideas had reached Greece by the time Homer was writing, several hundred years later.
The understanding of the Stars of the Zodiac as well as all the other constellations is tremendously ancient. These were launched during the Ice Ages! This information predates civilization by thousands of years! The Babylonians didn't 'invent' the business of gods being planets! Nor did they invent the Zodiac! The Zodiac was ancient when the first city-state, the first Pharaoh was born! The gods in Homer's epic are the gods of the Age of Aries. But the battle was from the end of the Age of Taurus. Minos was Taurian. Greece was the Sheep.
Which takes us to today: the Israeli tribal warfare took off when the tsunami destroyed the Caanan culture! Shepherds invaded the rich lands of the Holy Land. The battles of the gods mirrored the wrenching changes on earth! The seeds for today's mischief lies in this matter: the changing of the Zodiacal stars that rise in the East on the Vernal Equinox shifts and over time, the wrong stars rise. This always, always, always causes violent religious contentions! Which lie at the heart of the business today in the Middle East, the business that is bankrupting the US. And driving us into WWIII.
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