Elaine Meinel Supkis
The rise of Sarah Palin and her clutch of wild-living family are the perfect mirror of the collapse in morals that is rapidly destroying families. Far from being a traditional conservative, she is a radical sybaritic secessionist which seems to be the prevailing culture of a great swath of the 'wrong side of the railroad tracks' American landscape. This is where much of the battle for hearts and minds is now being waged as we saw in the Democratic Party's nightmare primary.
During the primary, since we saw for the very first time in American history, a 'black' man running strongly in a major party, this historic event provoked a strong movement from below: concern about WHITE working class stiffs and what we often fondly call 'trailer trash'. This new narrative about the habits, morals, tastes and tendencies of the large underbelly of the US populace has excited many commentators. The GOP has studied this new force and come up with some amazing and extremely destructive ways of wielding this latest racist tool.
Namely, the concept of labeling a man who was born to the former victims of Jim Crow, a man that who would have been denied a seat on a bus if he was born in his father's day, a man who would not have been allowed to go to school with white children if he were my age, a man who would be lynched if he looked at a white woman in the Deep South if he were my father's age: in other words, the total outsider, the man who would have had absolutely no privileges at all if he were born just one generation earlier, is being cast as the 'elitist' because he knows how to hold a knife and fork. He is polite and pleasant. He is well-spoken and well-educated. And he is smart and handsome.
In stark contrast, we have the Bushes: members of the US ruling class for 200 years. All born with the proverbial silver spoon in the mouth. Make that an entire 12 piece setting in the mouth. They don't even go to public schools as children, they go to exclusive private schools. They are 100% dyed in the wool Eastern Establishment ruling elites. To disguise themselves, they pulled the same trick Teddy Roosevelt played: pretend to be cowboys.
This narrative was to use the mythology of the cowboy as icons of the brave and free inheritors of the earth as he kills off or drives out the native population so ranchers and miners could exploit the vast riches of the North American continent. Just like the mythology that Africans kidnapped from their homes and enslaved here, loved their masters and not the other way around, imperialist impulses are wrapped up in the mythology of the weakest, poorest members of white European colonial power. Just as the major slave owners of antebellum South cynically used the teeming poor in the back country and mountains to support the very same slavery that was making the lowest class whites poorer and weaker, so it is today: the common root problems plaguing poor US whites and poor US minorities is exactly the same.
The collapse of the family and personal morals afflicts all levels of what the Germans call 'the Lumpen Proletariat.' Often, the only thing these people have is their sense of dignity and race identity politics. We call the white sector of this underbelly, 'White trailer trash'. They tend to live in rural slums more than say, Hispanic, Asian or Black underclass populations. We saw these people in great numbers in this last primary when they trooped outside to cast their votes against 'that uppity, elitist black guy' which was not under their collective boot heels.
The only way most poor white Americans can live with their degraded condition is to look down on someone else and that someone is nearly universally the grandsons and granddaughters of former slaves. In the Deep South, the poorest 'white trash' living in a hovel could scrape together a few dollars and buy a young black slave. Once they did this, they could begin production of human chattel by forcing her to have sex with the owner who then sold off his children to work in fields or estates of the richer slave owners. This was seen as the ticket to easy living.
One didn't have to plow a field or harvest crops. One could go out hunting caribou or deer. One could scavenge for left-overs or raise a few pigs and chickens. Mostly, one could have a small income while lolli-gagging about the front porch, drinking booze and talking politics. This Garden of Eden lifestyle was destroyed by the Abolitionists and the emergence of the Republican Party which was based on honest labor of free farmers working their own lands.
The socially degraded life aspirations of antebellum 'trailer trash' haunts the white lower classes to this day. I know from interacting with them, they are very enthusiastic about the idea of slavery being a good thing. Once, a white guy who was on welfare was talking big about how he loved the dear Old South and thought slavery was great. So I observed that my own ancestors heartily agreed with that. This is why they would tear into communities on their dragon-headed ships and slay, steal or enslave everyone. They then interbred with their captives who they called 'serfs' and became 'Normans'. Norman-stock still rule in parts of Europe.
This guy was greatly offended when I told him idly that yes, enslaving white guys is a great idea and perhaps I should take my rifle out and begin my 'enslave all pro-slavery whites' agenda. First job for him was to clean my ox stalls out. Of course, the guy stormed off, yelling that I was crazy. I didn't shoot him, of course. But if I was a slaver, he would not have gone more than three steps before my Mastiff [biggest breed of dogs used to control serfs and slaves for the last 4,000 years] would have pulled him down.
Here we are today: the ruling elites are aping trailer trash morals, habits, talk and mentality not because they think this is a good idea but out of NAKED FEAR. They fear that if they show up looking and acting civilized, they will be noticed as ruling elites. They certainly do act and aspire to being 'civilized' when at various social events which excludes the teeming, sweaty masses. But they know that if these stellar elite events are noted by the increasingly enslaved, poor white masses in Europe and America, there might be these unfortunate events we call 'revolutions.' This is when the poor masses kill the real rulers.
For 2,000 years even up to 20th century Germany, the Jews were the main population used by the elites to protect themselves from 'poor white trash'. They would toss this religious minority to the raging mobs and say, 'Kill them, not us!' This worked about 90% of the time. When civil rights were finally and extremely belatedly handed over to religious minorities and former slaves in the USA when LBJ signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the army of arrogant white racists exited the Democratic Party in a group huff. They milled around a while. One pro-white trash racist, Wallace, tried to launch his own racist/fascist party but he was conveniently shot and thus, prevented from interfering with the new Republican program.
After the failure to launch an all-racist-all the time party, this great mass of disaffected, lower class whites flowed like a sea into the Republican Party which embraced them with open arms. This is the 'Southern Strategy' which the money interests used to corral a herd of bewildered human cattle into a pen where they could moo and moo and be milked while money could flow into the coffers of Eastern Establishment bankers like the Rockerfellers.
I.e: the Real Rulers latched onto the very same population that normally would be after them with pitchforks when things go bad. When the Real Rulers needed to herd this lowly population into sorting pens so they could be either milked or killed for dinner or skinned for leather, the rulers had to become Cowboys. This is why granddaddy Bush encouraged his spawn to spit food while talking at the dinner table. Ma Bush imitated Ma Kettle by having her spawn run riot, torturing small animals, skipping school, teasing weaker children, bullying the servants, etc. Each generation of the Bushes are cruder and crueler. They are nearly universally cowardly but entice the real trailer trash to strut about arrogantly while killing brown skinned people who are of different cultures or religions. The US Indian Wars have moved to the Middle East and are pretty much identical. The natives there live on top of mineral wealth we want so we go cowboy our way into their lands and 'tame' them by killing millions of them.
Back to today's convention: the GOP has become the White Trailer Trash Party. When Reagan was running for office, the white masses claimed they wanted a return to 'morals' and the 'Moral Majority' wanted to stop wild teen sex. Instead, this took off. Teens became increasingly sexualized by the media and merchants who supported this and still support this. They need out of control teens to make lots and lots of money. Once the religious leaders of white trailer trash decided abortion was evil, they had to put on this campaign to support pregnancies. Being basically cruel and basically wanting slavery, seeing former slaves happily having babies out of wedlock and then living on welfare infuriated white racists who wanted welfare...FOR THEMSELVES. They wanted to sit on the porch all day and order a few slaves around while spitting into the spittoon and then ordering the slaves to have sex with them.
So, the punish the out of control slaves who were also now doing this, the white trailer trash agreed with the greedy wolves of the Real Ruling Class to sever the lifeline that kept many white trailer trash happy having sex and goofing off. Welfare was ended. Suddenly, the financial condition of these poor, deluded people began to collapse. Since most of them refuse to associate with unions because they are collective and require some understanding about race, class and the Real Rulers, the US mass of white trailer trash thrashed about mightily.
They then collectively decided that their condition was deteriorating badly not because of their crazy belief systems but because they were not moral. So they decided to 'go to Jesus' for help. Only they didn't want Jesus, they wanted Santa Claus to come down the chimney with a bag full of black slave girls they could enslave and have sex with! God willing, this is not to be talked about in polite society! But I grew up in the Deep South! I know what everyone really talked about behind the backs of their victims!
The freedom granted the grandchildren of slaves meant that blacks could go about America, being proud and not stepping aside for white trailer trash. Worse, black men and women could go about setting up cultural values! The offspring of the white trailer trash is extremely attracted to this lifestyle. Doing sex, drugs, drinking, fighting, boasting, stealing, all the fun activities of any urban lumpen proletariate has been happily embraced by white trailer trash children who ape the dress, talk and music of the black inner city underclass.
So here we are today: the once proud white middle class Republican as the Nixons were, for example, are now being all turned into white trailer trash aping black inner city urban poor! And they hate this but this is their legacy! These sad people want desperately to be 'moral' but don't want to be 'civilized'. They want a primitive notion of moral that allows them to have sex, drugs and drink and not work but do this under the mantle of being superior because they own slaves.
It is that simple. This is why they fear and hate Obama. He clearly shows how one can be civilized and follow the social codes of the Ruling Elites while starting life very poor. When I was growing up, I was trained to be 'civilized.' I went to the opera at age 6, for example. Read the right books, learned all the right skills for proper conversation, proper decorum in church, proper dress, etc. But I threw it all out and became a crazy hippie. Heh! It was fun! Even had trailer trash and inner city urban black boyfriends!
It was immense fun. This underclass is where many of our arts and our culture comes from. But the hatreds come from these sectors, too. The conflicts brewing here are extremely explosive. Back to the GOP which seeks to exploit these divisions and dangers so the bankers can get richer and not pay taxes and enslave the teeming masses: as the Real Rulers wrestle with herding these very dangerous and very heavily armed white trailer trash mass, they are themselves, turning into white trailer trash. The Bushes are very degraded at this point and are barely distinguishable from the population they targeted for political control. Rather than riding to power on the back of the white trailer trash, they have become trailer trash, themselves.
Money is nothing if it leads to this result. The lack of sense and 'good taste' in political families in the GOP who are struggling to reinvent themselves as white trailer trash is destroying the families of the white ruling elites doing this. The big slave owners of the estates in the Deep South worked very hard to elevate their own children above the mass of slaves and poor white trash that surrounded them. Absent a true middle class, the white estate owners tried desperately to ape European royalty but always had to struggle with the idea that their own children, raised by slaves, were increasingly falling behind the attainments of middle class whites in the Northeast. The tendency towards careless sex coupled with lazy attitudes was weakening the ruling class in the South.
Just as it weakened it in Europe! The greatest cultural attainments of what we call 'high culture' such as opera, ballet, classical music, painting, sculpture, etc are nearly universally the output of the growing European middle class. The people who were industrious and who worked hard to master difficult arts and skills. Science is part of this middle class, too. Note how the GOP, as it attracts and enables the worst of the white trailer trash mentality and morals also hates science. Mrs. Palin isn't just the mother of teens doing wild sex rather than going to school. Her husband is a classic drunk dreaming of hanging out on the porch, having sex as his job. She and he hate culture and science and want to strangle it and enslave anyone who is doing these yucky things.
Closed minded but not closed mouthed, they yell about the need to force women into the Kinder/Kuchen/Kirche lifestyle while NOT living this entirely or rather, wanting to have their cake and eat it too. Pulin is a fraud. She wants Women's Rights as well as all the freedoms and rights of liberalism while at the same time, she wants to be 100% White Trailer Trash from Hell. She wants to throw garbage out the windows while braying that she is civilized.
She is a fool and a danger to herself and her family. And if the US white underclass continues to think that exploiting the environment and belittling science is the key to a golden future, they should remember who their ancestors were: my family's slaves. They, themselves, are but one step away from slavery. They should be praising liberals for saving them from this.
in the uk we have people who watch big brother chanell 4 eastenders coranation street etc they read the scum paper oh sorry the sun paper or even worse tits and bums the daily sport these papers have no real news in them .all they have is tittle tattle when they do have something of importance to say it is so small you have a job to see it.millions of people buy these papers everyday and most of the millions have not got a clue about anything that is going on in the real world .like most americans they are woefully ignorant. if you go out to the pub it is pointless trying to talk to anyone about anything of importance all they think about is football darts and you stand at the bar and they say oo did you watch bigbrother last night ? next thing you hear is everyone roaring in the pub because thier team has scored .it is like being a alien who has just popped into the pub for a quick drink and he discovers he is on the wrong planet .society has been dumbed down and all want to fit and be sheeple.i think that trying to interact with these people can be very mind numbing and dangerous to ones mental health but god it does get lonely down here
Posted by: geoffery battams | September 04, 2008 at 09:42 AM
Years ago I started a long online battle when I correctly observed that all communist nations have higher cultural values than the so-called capitalist West.
Russia, for example, promoted classical composers, ballet, opera, poetry, chess, all sorts of high arts. In the West, we got Britteny Spears and her sorts. People don't want to accept this reality,
The high culture of the West is an odd creature which is when the middle class, the former ghetto Jews and the ruling elites interacted in an amazing way for 200 years.
A rich, rich cultural achievement we cannot match today. There are no more Beethovens because there are no more middle class consumers of new 'high culture' anymore, not in sufficient numbers to keep any of this alive.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 04, 2008 at 09:49 AM
This is a brilliant article.
Posted by: BK | September 04, 2008 at 10:30 AM
Dear Elaine,
USA tomorrow is your ticket to stardom!!! Im getting you all the info. At Ron Pauls rally the paper made its debut. I read it. Its really really innovative and impressive, national distribution etc... When I spoke to the rep, I immediatly thought of you and your excellence in journalism. Im going to do my best to distribute it, and get you IN. You MUST BE HEARD!!! You are the only one who sees through Sarah Palin the warmonger. You Rule. I love you!!!
Posted by: ralph | September 04, 2008 at 10:30 AM
The Anglo Saxon ruling elite dominated & had complete control of this country since 1776 the way I see it that power is now evaporating
rapidly and their leadership is going from bad
to catastrophic
Posted by: roger | September 04, 2008 at 10:54 AM
Within 20 years, the USA will no longer have a white ( anglo-european ) majority population.
Fertility is a right bitch.
Posted by: CK | September 04, 2008 at 11:07 AM
It is falling apart at the center. Barbara Bush, a dragon of ancient ruling elite privileges going back every step as far back as my own, wore pearls and prim dresses just like my stiff upper lip mother who looked and sounded like Queen Elizabeth.
The Bushes are NOT racists, for example. Most of their best servants have been black people like Condi and Powell. Their daughter was married by a black minister. Yet look at the GOP convention: whiter than bread made with pure starch. And dressed badly, behaving badly and thinking badly.
The Bushes are actually rather PRIM and STRAIGHT LACED but since they had to pretend to be trailer trash, the kiddies became...trailer trash.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 04, 2008 at 11:09 AM
Elaine, I like your writings and am shocked that you are capable of producing an absurd screed like this one. Can you possibly be serious? If you wrote a column like this about any other race or ethnic group, you would rightfully be catching flak. Do you really think these white people you write about are inferior to all other races or do you believe in racial equality and refrain from writing the same invective about everyone else so you can avoid repercussions?
Posted by: Sean | September 04, 2008 at 11:11 AM
Hi Elaine,
People need to study history! The "ghetto jews", of which is 90% the population of all jews, are from the tribe of Noah who were never in the Holy Land. It was tribes who were descendents of Noah's brother, Shem who's son was Abraham, that were in the Middle East.
The Jews in America and Europe lived in ancient Khazaria, in the Caucasus regions of the Caspian Sea and Southern Asia. They adopted Judaism in 740 AD from exiles from Constantinople, Turkey who fled to Khazaria around that time. Then spread throughout Hungary, Poland and the rest of Europe in the Middle Ages. They had sent out splinter groups into what is now, Russia, and its territories even earlier on.
The claim on Palestinian land is a hoax and so is the term "anti-semite" which could only be applied to the real semites, the Palestinians,Sephardic Jews, or the Judean tribes, from which the name "Jew" derives.
Judaen Tribes were from the Kingdom of Judah and were not even part of the Kingdom of Israel and, in fact according to the Bible in Genesis, were at war with them.
The mystery surrounding the origin of "jews" is well known in various circles but is gaining much attention in current affairs.
Read history below by Jewish scholars and self-perscribed ex-Zionist, Benjamin Freedman.
They really should give the land back to its rightful owners and appologize for all the blood shed in Israels beautiful name.
Posted by: CEO Nutcracker | September 04, 2008 at 11:14 AM
Gosh, what can I say about Palin? Anyone who says "our national leaders are sending US soldiers out on a task that is from God" when talking about the war in Iraq is insane! And don't even get me started about her declaring that her teenage daughter is going to marry the guy who got her pregnant.....talk about a 1950s mentality!! Do people really want this type of person running our country? Does Palin actually think she is ready to deal with Russia or be taken seriously by China? Gosh!!! I am afraid she is the female version of DUBYAH!!!
Posted by: Jeremy | September 04, 2008 at 11:27 AM
Elaine is a truly objective thinker ,one in a million, to see the world the way it is thats no easy feat.Prejudice comes with the milk of our mothers and we are all to an extant or the other subjective to our environment.Bravo Elaine
Posted by: roger | September 04, 2008 at 11:34 AM
THE FATHER SPEAKETH....."Christians" my ass!
Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin’s high school sweetheart, and father of her unborn baby may not be ready for fatherhood just yet.
Bristol, the 17-year-old daughter of Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, is five-months pregnant.
Palin announced the pregnancy in a statement to Reuters on Monday. She also used the occasion to reveal Bristol and Levi’s marriage plans. She said, "Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family."
The New York Post reports that although Levi admits to being ‘in a relationship’ on his personal My Space page, the teen hockey player makes the candid revelation that he does not want to be a parent stating, “I don’t want kids.”
The teen also uses the site to talk openly about how he likes to spend his time. He boasts, "I'm a f - - -in' redneck who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes. But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in' chillin' I guess.”
He warns, “Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass."
Posted by: G. | September 04, 2008 at 11:35 AM
HAHAHA... his own web page proves me right. The average 'red neck' doesn't want babies he has to PAY for. They always wanted babies they could SELL.
Look, the Civil War re-enactors are extremely heavily tilted towards guys who dream of the good ole slave days when the white dudes were armed and had slaves. They WANT THIS BADLY. I am a white female so they confess this to me!
The kid in this shotgun wedding scheme with the Palin wench is obviously unfit to be a father and hopelessly immature. Not to mention, foul mouthed and arrogant.
Perfect for the New GOP's Southern Strategy's success.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | September 04, 2008 at 11:53 AM
"Teens became increasingly sexualized by the media and merchants.."
Elaine, IMHO, "teens" should be replaced with "young teenage girls." The media and GOP consider women as property, sex objects to be used and impregnanted. You've been blacked-out for two reasons; a woman who believes in equality and two intelligence. Notice how the media has blacked out feminists and has taught the current generation to slander women who speak up as feminazis? They want all of our daughters to be docile, and dress sexually and be "bad" sexy girls to attract men. The current role models Brittany Spears, Paris Hilton and her heroin sidekick Nicole Richie, DUI Lindsay Lohan and let's not forget Bristol's role model 16yr old Jamie Lynn Spears.
Where's the Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and Eleanor Roosevelt's of today? Blacked out.
As for the trailer trash Palins, what's up with the odd names of their children; Girls: Piper, Willow, Bristol. Boys: Track, Trig.
If you're trying to sway the Christian right would'nt they look for a running mate with more bibical sounding names?
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | September 04, 2008 at 12:12 PM
Demographically-the hispanics will be the ruling party within 5 years. It was nice
to see the LPGA (ladies golf) designate
English as the official language of the tour. If you dont speak it by 2010, you lose your privlage to play. I was thinking
if congress could adopt a new policy for
the running of the high office and negate
stupid cowboys and white trash. Ms. Palin,
please give us your foreign policy experience in the Pakistan and Afgan regions? That is what I thought..a blank...
I notice that the RNC party keeps bringing
up 2 forms of policy, John's POW experience and a women who is the new VP nominee. No
policies have been introduced to help this failing economy.
Posted by: Don | September 04, 2008 at 12:19 PM
Don .i must agree with you that the politicians on both sides of the pond are ignoreing the most importants issues
Posted by: geoffery battams | September 04, 2008 at 12:53 PM
"Mrs. Palin isn't just the mother of teens doing wild sex rather than going to school. Her husband is a classic drunk dreaming of hanging out on the porch, having sex as his job. She and he hate culture and science and want to strangle it and enslave anyone who is doing these yucky things."
Pure slander...This will have its consequences, politically.
Of course I got my salacious lil jollies as I read this post,start to finish...I'm as depraved as anyone else.
Posted by: Yusef | September 04, 2008 at 01:25 PM
From Asia Times: Slave trade heads to Israel
By Mona Alami
JERUSALEM - Israel continues to be a favorite destination for the trafficking of women for the sex industry - also known as the white slave trade - and for a form of modern slavery where migrant laborers from developing countries are exploited.
... "Israel is no longer solely an importer of prostitutes but has become an exporter of them too. Last year we discovered a new business where Israeli women were being trafficked to the UK and Ireland to work in the sex industry," Lewkowicz said.
Prostitution has also gone underground in Israel.
Nice. My taxpayer dollars aiding Sodom and Gormmorah.
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | September 04, 2008 at 01:26 PM
Bill Gross is calling for outright nationalization of entire mortgage sector. Resolution Trust!!! THIS IS A DISASTER!!! Bill Gross talks Congress listens
Posted by: Ralph | September 04, 2008 at 02:12 PM
I think the PPT has run out of "pump cash".
Wall St interventionists need some Viagra right now.
WOW! What a crash!
Posted by: CEO Nutcracker | September 04, 2008 at 02:18 PM
See this from someone who knows Palin
Posted by: peace | September 04, 2008 at 02:30 PM
Oh, I think I hear a helicopter in the distance. I see Bernanke greenbacks dropping all over Wall St. Up we go!
Posted by: CEO Nutcracker | September 04, 2008 at 03:06 PM
See this from someone who knows Palin
Posted by: peace | September 04, 2008 at 03:14 PM
Two points for the Zionist-controlled-media.
First, they diverted everyone's attention to a two bit whore and her dirty laundry list of scandals, while a major attempt to start WWIII is being waged by Israel and US criminals in Georgia. Israel just slaughtered 2,000 more innocent lives in S. Ossetia with cluster bombs given to Georgia.
Second, the irony of all of this is the dumb war slut will be voted in by Deibold in November!
Another successful victory over the sheople of America by our Zionist Masters.
Posted by: CEO Nutcracker | September 04, 2008 at 04:18 PM
The Keating $50,000
Individuals at a law firm founded by Charles H. Keating, Jr., who symbolized how political influence contributed to the collapse of savings and loans in the 1980s, have bundled at least $50,000 to John McCain's presidential campaign since June...One of the firm's longtime clients, Cincinnati billionaire Carl Lindner Jr., is listed as a McCain bundler who has delivered $50,000 to $100,000 to the campaign, and his son, Carl Lindner III, has bundled $250,000 to $500,000
Posted by: rockpaperscizzors | September 04, 2008 at 05:30 PM