Elaine Meinel Supkis
In total contravetion of the founding of the United Nations, the USA, the world's biggest and nastiest empire has just reaffirmed our dictator has the right to launch an invasion based only on his beliefs that another nation might possibly have weapons he doesn't want them to have. Arrest Bush.
U.S. President George W. Bush on Thursday released second national security strategy report, claiming that Iran may pose the greatest challenge to the United States and reaffirming strike-first policy.Right on the heels of Israel illegally invading Palestine after forcing the UN troops out in order to kidnap a prisoner so they could illegally torture him, the sponsor of all this, the USA, yaps about the threat from Iran which is around zero at this point. Iran isn't invading anyone.In the 49-page report, Bush reiterated pre-emptive policy he first outlined in 2002. He said that diplomacy is the U.S. preference in halting the spread of nuclear and other heinous weapons.
"If necessary, however, under long-standing principles of self-defense, we do not rule out the use of force before attacks occur, even if uncertainty remains as to the time and place of the enemy's attack," Bush wrote.
"When the consequences of an attack with weapons of mass destruction are potentially so devastating, we cannot afford to stand idly by as grave dangers materialize. ... The place of pre-emption in our national security strategy remains the same."
On Iran, Bush said, "We may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran. For almost 20 years, the Iranian regime hid many of its key nuclear efforts from the international community, yet the regime continues to claim that it does not seek to develop nuclear weapons."
They do support the Palestinian state which the USA and their puppet masters, the Israelis, don't want to exist. The fear that any nation with nukes might side with the Palestinians keeps DC and Tel Aviv awake at night. Already, Russia and China are toying with an alliance with the Palestinians. They are waiting for the right moment.
This is all so insanely easy to predict what will happen next. Already, China has used American aggression with great deftness and has pulled Iran closer and closer and now is openly telling us to can it. This news item wasn't in the Imperial New York Tel Aviv Times. It wasn't front page in the Washington Imperial Post. It was a top feature in the official Chinese news service.
Tracking what is bugging Beijing is very important and this is my window to their collective bee-minds. Tells me what is important to them and they are very agitated by Americans screaming at them about their military. They slapped us down on the Human Rights issue and rightly so. The bloody kettle calling the bloody pot bloody is just beyond stupid, it is irritating.
Bush openly sided with Japan when he passed through Asia, acting like Japan's puppet, he forgot that China is the one to court, the Japanese have been riding on us for a long time and to keep balance it would pay for us to triangulate but instead we chose to strangulate and this is why Congress is running around in circles today, screaming because they can't balance the budget at all and they can't ask China for another yuan.
Meanwhile, Russia and China launched their official website. Bad banner text. Gah. They should hire me to fix it. Anyone who wants to hire me for artwork feel free to email me (heh).
Meanwhile, Putin is busy courting China ever more intensely. Xinhua Net:
Russian President Vladimir Putin will discuss the possibility of building an oil pipeline from eastern Siberia to China, Russian Ambassador Sergei Razov said here Thursday morning.Remember, it isn't just the information, it is the ability to predict the future that is key to all analysis. I told the CIA eons ago, teasing out what is going on is fairly simple. One goes to many sources and then one assumes the people one is riddling out are as smart or smarter than oneself.Razov told a press conference that discussions on the feasibility of constructing an oil pipeline extending from Russia's Skovorodino to the Russia-China border are underway between Transneft of Russia and China National Petroleum Corporation, which are to take charge of the pipeline construction.
The proposed pipeline will be a branch of a planned oil pipeline that runs from eastern Siberia to Russia's Pacific coast.
Razov said Russia-China cooperation in the field of energy is "very important." He expressed the hope that during President Putin's visit to China from March 21 to 22, the heads of state of the two countries will reach new agreement on energy development.
Except for Bush. He is remarkable. One can't underestimate his stupidity. He is surrounded by a huge gang or right wing screamers who can deafen the populace and mislead millions but there is nothing clever about this. If I were published on the NYT editorial page, and years ago, they occassionally carried my stuff, I would be heard by millions, too.
Right now, I have to hope some wayward readers stumble across my blog. This doesn't make me stupid or the mainstream media loudmouths clever. It simply is due to the size of our operations, mine being extremely small and and theirs incredibly huge.
Using the official Chinese news service, propaganda and all, I simply treat is as if it were the NYT since is it just as truthful and fair as the Times or WP are. All carry the water of the rulers. In the case of our papers, the pretence they are investigating something is what is so pathetic.
To know what is happening here, I read foreign press. To learn what is going on in China, I read the Times here. But they fail me now since they carry only really poorly researched stories since they need to make China look weaker than the feeble, dying USA empire. This is plain silly at this point.
China is rising. We are falling. We better figure out the facts of life: empires bleeding red ink from every pore are dying. It is called "bleeding to death from a thousand cuts."
"In total contravetion of the founding of the United Nations, the USA, the world's biggest and nastiest empire has just reaffirmed our dictator has the right to launch an invasion based only on his beliefs that another nation might possibly have weapons he doesn't want them to have."
Well. The nerve.
The sporting thing to do, of course, is to wait until we actually get nuked, and then we can nuke them right back!
Posted by: JSmith | March 16, 2006 at 04:06 PM
Um, Smith, hate to tell you this, but Russia had lots of nukes when we were at "Cold War" with them. What if Eisenhower decided to "pre-emptively" strike them or China?
WWIII:Easy to start. The end is pretty quick, too.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 16, 2006 at 04:31 PM
Smith, try READING.
I can appreciate that ignorant is easy for you, but at least TRY to keep em guessing...rather than opening your mouth and removing all doubt.
Posted by: Liberal And Proud | March 16, 2006 at 09:46 PM
No, Smith, the sporting thing to do if you're the Bush crowd is to ignore real threats and evidence of threats ("Bin Laden Determined to Strike US"), sit on your complacent behind and wait to be attacked, stand idly by looking stupid while the attack happens, and then unleash the full fury of the US military on a country that had nothing to do with the attack, while you play lots of golf and take naps after sending American soldiers to die for nothing. You then torture and kill innocent civilians, alienate most world governments, and bark at anybody who disagrees with you. So any hostile intentions Iran may show toward the US will probably be countered by Bush lobbing nukes on Finland and Lichtenstein. And don't forget to build a global gulag of "detention centers" where you can keep "detainees" away from the prying eyes of those pesky human rights organizations that don't understand your right to kill anybody on earth, anywhere, anytime.
Posted by: DaliWood | March 17, 2006 at 04:58 AM
Lichenstein has lots of bankers and is a tax haven so I expect FRANCE or GERMANY to bomb them.
We will be goofy and bomb Lithuania simply because the CIA can't update their maps (a dig about bombing the Chinese embassy "accidentally")
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | March 17, 2006 at 08:34 AM
I am with Dali and Elaine on this one.
Smith, you have absolutely no concept the damage your Cowboy President and his posse of morons have done to the image of the United States. You have no concept of the damage this idiot you elected is doing to the country that is the United States. The U.S. is unrecognizable at this point. The U.S. of today is certainly not the U.S. that I grew up knowing and loving. It was always my dream to visit parts of the U.S. or to take a year off and visit the U.S. and backpack my way through. Being a Canadian and having you right next door made this dream attainable. Now, I refuse to visit until that toad is out of office. Long gone, and if you elect another war mongering, bible thumping neo-nazi in 2008, The U.S. will lose what little credibility it has left.
Posted by: Amal | March 18, 2006 at 04:34 PM