April 24, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
The news today is, the Village Idiot, Mr. Senile McCain attacked BUSH about Hurricane Katrina. But those of us who have memories of that horrible storm remember very clearly that McCain had Bush visit him during the hurricane. And they celebrated this jerk's stupid birthday. And during this, they AND THE DAMN PRESS pretended this was funny as hell. And no one then asked either lunatic about the many hundreds and hundreds of people who were drowning in New Orleans and bloggers like myself were screaming ourselves hoarse. Arrest McCain. Put him in an insane asylum.
McCain, in New Orleans, Says Katrina Response `Disgraceful'
John McCain toured a New Orleans neighborhood still reeling from Hurricane Katrina and issued a new and scathing critique of the ``terrible and disgraceful'' failure of the Bush administration's response to the disaster.McCain, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, said that had he been president he would have immediately visited the area after the storm hit in August 2005. While he's been critical of the administration's Katrina response before, the Arizona senator's remarks today were some of the sharpest he's used.
``Never again will a disaster of this nature be handled in this terrible and disgraceful manner,'' McCain said after a walking tour of the Lower Ninth Ward, a predominantly black neighborhood that was devastated by Katrina. ``History will judge this president,'' he said. ``This was an unacceptable scenario.'
This news is the bottom of the barrel. Both McCain and the clueless, stupid idiots pretending to be 'reporters' all flubbed today's story. On the internet, people who know how to use search engines can clearly see the truth. Why does our media act this way? HAHAHA. They are always this stupid. Every once and a while, the mainstream media owners must be saying, 'Oh, oh, we better put out some real news or even idiots will figure out we are a bunch of lying bastards!' But today isn't one of those days.
So time to go back to the early days of my bloghood: I was on top of Hurricane Katrina news from when it was still a tropical storm. And I demanded to know why the National Guard was wallowed in Iraq. I remember Iraq, too. This week, over a dozen soldiers were blown up for no good reason. The death toll is now a daily 3-5 poor souls. Not that the media notices THAT, either.
Since Katrina has reared her ugly head in the news and because Bush and his minions and fellow criminals like Chertoff who should be deported, it is time to review what happened in the past and what these criminal people did, their attitude, their words, their lack of deeds!Hurricane Marti GrasI talk about not only the hurricane but the lacksidasical attitude of all the officials who aren't taking it serioiusly, seemingly, since no body is evacuating New Orleans. People are beginning to escape. This is Aug. 28th.
If you click here, the entire month's worth of stories shows up from August, 2005.
What even the top bloggers have forgotten, all riled up over senile McCain forgetting he and Bush spent Katrina's destruction, singing 'Happy Birthday' is this wretched little story that happened the day after:
a href="http://culturelifemedia.blogspot.com/2005/08/press-pool-party-dudes.html">August 27, 2005:
Bush throws a fun pool party right after Katrina and while people in New Orleans were still dying without ANY rescue or help.
Bush had no time to spare to talk to Cindy Sheehan or anyone really important to America but he obviously has plenty of time for throwing parties. From Editor and Publisher:
More than four dozen members of the press corps accepted an invitation to a barbeque at the Bush ranch in Texas last night, even though it was off-the-record and they had to ride a bus past the Cindy Sheehan-led antiwar camp site.The party was pool side, though no one stripped and swam. The president wore jeans and served Texas beer.
Well, according to my secret photo you can see above, they did swim and they did strip! This is why they were sworn to secrecy. Like in a typical Skull and Bones bash, they had to worship the Devil of Death and dance around naked. Sounds like a typical Bohemia Club party, for that matter.
This is so stupid. The press poodles knew perfectly well, what they were doing back then: having a blast while ignoring the real news. This wretched condition of our media is deliberate. Anyone who does seek 'news' and then reports it is fired! So they continue lying and lying. As our political leaders lie. This life of fabrication kills people. Look at Iraq! And when more horrible natural acts happen, expect the same stupid response.
And we will have more. The 9 mag earthquake that is just waiting to spring in California is another opportunity for this sort of mindlessness. Not to mention, more hurricanes.
Here is my news from August 29, 2005:
From the AP: Heavily armed state policemen stood watch Thursday as tense, exhausted and angry crowds struggled onto buses that would deliver them from the miserable conditions of the Superdome.As buses were being loaded for the trip to the Houston Astrodome, a crowd broke through a line of National Guardsmen and rushed the glass doors into the Hyatt Regency complex that adjoins the Superdome.
They were stopped by 19 heavily armed state policemen -- one had an AR15 rifle and another a 12-gauge shotgun -- all in Kevlar vests.
State police officer K.W. Miller told a reporter, ''You better move to the back. This is ready to break. We've been here since 6 a.m. and this is getting worse and worse.''
The great hurricane is past but far from done. As flooding and general mayhem continues, the parts already hit wake up in a daze. There was a similar event back in the 1920s: the Great Flood. The Mississippi overflowed its banks and many people were stranded on high ground without food or water. And the Republican controlled government at first, sat idle....sounds familiar?
Relief efforts required a lot of manual labor. As we can see now, flood and hurricane messes are worse than earthquakes because the water rots the standing housing base as well as the mud fills the remaining houses and is very difficult to move and you can't just bulldoze the houses down if there is lots of mud in them, for example, and shoveling them out is all hand labor.This is why we had the National Guard. Already, people are nervously wondering what happened to them. So far, about 5,000 of them have appeared in three states to deal with this mess. To clean up just the roadbeds of debrie in about 500 costal communities and one major city, this is what? Ten guards per town? Eh? Cleaning up New Orleans which should take only two weeks if enough Guards were available would require about 15,000 National Guards minimum!
They can't keep their mouths shut. One after another, the people in charge of our increasingly messed up nation have to shove it in our faces. As one disaster after another, one goof up after another occurs, they let us know that nothing fazes them, they are clueless.And then they slap us with "Let them eat cake" comments.
Here is the story of Condi Rice shopping for shoes in Manhattan while many blacks were dying in New Orleans. She really didn't give two carrots for them.
Cartoon by Elaine Meinel SupkisCondi Rice decided to pause in her pursuit of the perfect high heel to give her opinion about all those n... people in New Orleans only I have no idea what this bint said nor do I care.
She is a disgrace to this nation, to the planet, to the universe.
Sort of like KISSINGER.
Culture of Life News Main Page
Check the results of the survey attached to this story if you want to see where this country is headed:
Sometimes I think those crazy Mayans who predicted it would all go pear-shaped in 2012 weren't too far off...
Posted by: AF | April 24, 2008 at 09:07 PM
Hi Elaine,
Peter Morici an economist at U Maryland has a regular column on counterpunch. His most recent column discussed the recent BOE mortgage/ bond swap.
From his article:
"Over the past two decades, banks have moved from a "deposits into loans model" to a "loans into bonds model". The shift is a good thing because it eliminates the kind of risks banks bear when they borrow short and lend long, which mightily contributed to the US Savings and Loan Crisis of the 1980s and 1990s. Properly done, the loans to bonds model permits banks to greatly expand their lending capacity.
However, in recent years, banks have created increasingly complex and difficult to understand securities. Banks sold, bought and resold securities, and engaged in credit-default swaps that did not lay off risk in the manner advertised. Insurance companies, pension funds and fixed income investors, having been stuck with risky securities, are no longer willing to finance bank loans in this manner. Banks can no longer sell CDOs to these investors.
These practices did permit banks to earn outsized profits on transactions fees and pay executives much better than in comparable non-financial firms. However, it is simply impossible to borrow at 5% and lend at 7%, the essence of traditional banking, and skim off the kinds of profits and executive bonuses bankers now expect and still provide for loan servicing, insurance and the other costs involved in lending and securitization.
Unfortunately, bankers are not much interested in returning to traditional lending practices and are looking to other lines of business within their larger financial services firms for opportunities that may permit continued outsized incomes."
Prof. Morici says that securitization is a good thing, and recognizes that the finance companies ( and their leaders) can make a bundle, however he doesn't say who else this benefits.
Does it benefit savers?
Is it good for society as a whole?
Is unending expansion of lending capacity, as he says, good for an economy as a whole or does it lead to speculation.
Unfortunately as Japan has shown infinite lending does not lead to widespread prosperity, just more risk which eventually the tax-payers absorb through decreasing services and higher taxes.
What is the true role of a bank? To fund speculation or to fund sound investments based on true assets.
Posted by: Abelian | April 24, 2008 at 09:49 PM
McCain is nuts.
My bellwether conservative friend predicts an Obama nomination, then a round defeat at the hands of John.
In 2000 my friend was pro-GWB, because McCain was too volatile. Now, of course, he is circumspection and leadership personified.
Won't it be grand not to have to look at Condoleezza and her boyfriend come next January 20th?
I choose to remain optimistic for our country. Leadership will not be coming from the Oval Office, however. That's a lost cause - - - no matter who's sitting in it.
And forget disaster planning - - - Condi and the In Crowd want us to die out of sight of the Ferragamo store at 53rd and 5th ...
Posted by: D. F. Facti | April 24, 2008 at 10:03 PM
Sometimes I think those crazy Mayans who predicted it would all go pear-shaped in 2012 weren't too far off...
Mayan prophecy is not madness, they all are based in maths and science, in the one your talking about they used the solar cycle, a cycle of over 5000 years and their changes, and how this changes affect the human kind, specially from '09 to '12, gamma rays, heat waves etc... this is the 6th it happens and its supposed to be up to everyone of us what to do...
Posted by: avan | April 25, 2008 at 05:20 AM
All religions are based ultimately on astronomy as seen by ancient people who turned these celestial events into stories. Just as I make up creatures to explain money, it is much easier to understand and track these number-based events if we turn them into some sort of magical being. Oddly enough.
The Mayans were superb astronomers. Back when I used to do lectures, I said, 'The earliest astronomers who created all our religions were in an enviable condition: they and the gods they created ruled humanity! Astronomers could demand human sacrifices! And sleep with pretty girls! And live like kings!
Then they lost control of the religions they created. The astronomical parts died nearly totally and the magic stories took over. Eventually, nearly all connections were broken and astronomy nearly died. Only when religion was chucked out the door, did astronomy revive.'
Abelian; 'securitization' was a deliberate policy set to 'fix' overlending under Reagan. Since the people doing this stuff absolutely refuse to understand the magic of money making, their fix was a fiasco. I predicted back then, this securitization process would only create a monster which I now call 'The Derivatives Beast'. It will devour all wealth!
This is the nature of humans: create a safe haven in the precincts were darkness cloaks the creation of wealth, they will go insane and try to create infinite wealth and this ALWAYS ends in a total crash and all the pretty funny money vanishing. Refusal to let it vanish always causes gross inflation which eats it up. Either way, it must die.
The reality of this infuriates people in power. They really do imagine they control reality, not the other way around. This is why people like me infuriate them all.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | April 25, 2008 at 09:16 AM