August 29, 2008
Elaine Meinel Supkis
Short memories for most people but it has been exactly ONLY 3 years since Katrina led a group of very destructive hurricanes ashore. Today, we learn that Gustav will probably go into super-warm waters that can change a category 1 hurricane into a mega-category 5 in less than 24 hours. This is aimed straight at New Orleans yet again. Time to look at hurricanes and remember past storms and the feeble, disgusting, obnoxious behavior of our rulers in 2005.
Gustav headed for current that fuels big storms
The difference between a monster and a wimp for Gulf of Mexico hurricanes often comes down to a small patch of warm deep water that's easy to miss. It's called the Loop Current, and hurricane trackers say Gustav is headed right for it, reminiscent of Katrina.
The meandering Loop Current, located in the southeastern gulf, provides loads of hurricane fuel. It was a key stopover for nearly all the Gulf Coast killers of the past, including Katrina and Camille, said Florida International University professor Hugh Willoughby, former director of the government's hurricane research division.
In the last several years, meteorologists have focused more attention on the Loop Current, which is only a couple of hundred miles long and not even 100 miles wide. The evidence linking it to the worst storms is beyond circumstantial, Shay said.What's crucial is the depth of warm water in the current — several hundred feet — because it provides continuous high-octane fuel for a storm. Hurricanes use the heat from the water to grow stronger and in the process they churn up cooler water from below, which then slows or stops the feeding process. But in the Loop Current, the deeper water is also warm and it further feeds the storm.
New Orleans isn't the only problem. Yes it and the facilities around it are a major US port. And directly in the path of this storm that will probably become very big indeed, lie many offshore oil rigs. The news today echoes the news from the end of September, 2005. Let's hope this echo doesn't become an exact reproduction.
First, here is an old story from 1900 when Galveston was utterly destroyed by a hurricane following the exact same path Gustav seems to be taking:
New York Times, September 9, 1900:
Here is the probable plot of the storm in 1900:
Here is a You Tube news story about the orphans who drowned in that huge hurricane:
Exactly 3 years ago, I started the last week of August with a story about how stupid, disgusting, peevish, childish and all around infantile our major media reporters were acting while visiting Bush. It was totally inappropriate because Bush announced just the day before, he had no time to spare to meet families of dead soldiers. Seriously, this article should be read to get a view of just how unsuitable and infantile our media guys are under normal circumstances.
From Editor and Publisher:
More than four dozen members of the press corps accepted an invitation to a barbeque at the Bush ranch in Texas last night, even though it was off-the-record and they had to ride a bus past the Cindy Sheehan-led antiwar camp site.The party was pool side, though no one stripped and swam. The president wore jeans and served Texas beer.
Well, according to my secret photo you can see above, they did swim and they did strip! This is why they were sworn to secrecy. Like in a typical Skull and Bones bash, they had to worship the Devil of Death and dance around naked. Sounds like a typical Bohemia Club party, for that matter.
When the wunderkinder of the press were splashing each other and giggling in Crawford, death was sharpening his scythe in the Gulf. The Bush gang determinedly tried their damnedest to be as clueless as possible. This comes naturally to them. No effort at all. Ditto McCain as we shall see later.
As this storm approached Florida, there was little worry and then, as is characteristic of all large storms these days, it dumped a great deal of rain on people and killed some of them too. The blase attitude exhibited by the authorities is due entirely to them wanting to believe that global warming isn't happening and one of the chief effects of this is a hyper concentration of moisture in the oddest places as well as powerful hurricanes.
New Orleans is the latest place in the Eye of the Storm. Last year, when one killer hurricane after another struck Florida and the Gulf coast, each storm slid past New Orleans. The one that nearly hit, they evacuated the city...except for the poor and the elderly who have no trasportation and no where to go. The mayor refused to house them and they survived that death trap only because the dice were rolled and the number was seven, not snake eyes.Many people yelled at the mayor for this and this time, with only hours to go, they are reluctantly opening the stadium to the people. But evacuating the homebound has to be done door to door. I wonder if this is happening. I hope they help the elderly and ill and disabled.
I'll be frank here: as I reread all of my old stories from the following 30 days of pure hell, tears came to my eyes. Seeing it in the raw, as it was happening, is physically painful. Unlike Bush, Condi, John McCain or the others like Chertoff, etc, I felt for the victims even before the hurricane slammed into New Orleans. I clearly remember how at the last minute, the stadium was reluctantly opened to the masses of people who would have died, otherwise. I remember how horrified I was, the National Guard was NOT there. Was NOT evacuating hospitals and nursing homes. They were in Iraq.
Like on 9/11, another epic moment of total irresponsibility and downright criminal activity, Bush and his gang should have been arrested on the spot. They were not. They should have been charged with treason. They were let free. The media and the political money bag lobbyists all rushed into rescue these monsters. But anyone reading my old news service can plainly see, these people were pure traitors. Arrest them all. Including McCain.
The great hurricane is past but far from done. As flooding and general mayhem continues, the parts already hit wake up in a daze. There was a similar event back in the 1920s: the Great Flood. The Mississippi overflowed its banks and many people were stranded on high ground without food or water. And the Republican controlled government at first, sat idle....sounds familiar?
Relief efforts required a lot of manual labor. As we can see now, flood and hurricane messes are worse than earthquakes because the water rots the standing housing base as well as the mud fills the remaining houses and is very difficult to move and you can't just bulldoze the houses down if there is lots of mud in them, for example, and shoveling them out is all hand labor.This is why we had the National Guard. Already, people are nervously wondering what happened to them. So far, about 5,000 of them have appeared in three states to deal with this mess. To clean up just the roadbeds of debrie in about 500 costal communities and one major city, this is what? Ten guards per town? Eh? Cleaning up New Orleans which should take only two weeks if enough Guards were available would require about 15,000 National Guards minimum!
Unlike the previous hurricane where the media studiously ignored spectacular pictures of oil drilling rig failures, this time they couldn't stop the photo showing this huge rig wedged under a high bridge.All the oil dealers saw it and went crazy and now the price of oil is way way up and it is going to climb and climb because transportation of all sorts is dead in the water in the Mississippi lowlands and this means no oil or gas production, PERIOD.
The reverberations from this will be immense this winter. We will be short of winter oil and possibly even natural gas!
More: we don't know the status of the oil rigs in the Gulf but this picture shows clearly, we will be lucky if half are useable. The multilevel mess here is hard to minimize. This hurricane struck in the heart of our fuel systems. We have systems in New Jersey and in Texas and in California but guess what?
Part II coming up.
Culture of Life News Main Page
Speaking of politicos and Katrina of 3 years ago....
McCain Falsely Claims Katrina And Rita Did Not Cause Significant Oil Spillage
Katrina cleanup still NOT complete:
Article and pics from Mississippi Heritage Trust:
Hurdles remain as Slidell continues its recovery
"Holly Modisette lives in one trailer with her 6-year-old son, Cody, while her mother, Kathy Modisette, lives in one right next door. The two women are sharing space on Kathy Modisette's lawn until she can finish the repairs to her Woodcrest Drive home, nearly three years after Hurricane Katrina laid waste to south Slidell."
Full story here:
Posted by: Blunt Force Trauma | August 30, 2008 at 07:01 AM
Grrr, The second URL may not work as it may be too long. I tried to repost and checked it under 'preview'. No luck. You'll just have to copy and Google the headline below to read it.
The full title of the story from the Jackson Free Press is; The Katrina Effect: Politics After the Storm
Posted by: Blunt Force Trauma | August 30, 2008 at 07:09 AM
The crimes of 9/11 were openly repeated in Katrina. Bush should have been deposed by the military.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | August 30, 2008 at 07:53 AM
The storm just moved slightly south, toward Yucatan. (Reload the satellite feed every two hours to see the path increments. You can copy the satellite photos, and watch the progression.) Here:
This awful storm is not the really big news at the moment. Putin apparently thinks BushCo is manipulating the Baltic Bullshit to manipulate the election. (Maybe Rove was a moderate?) Medvedev says rearming of Georgia will be considered a war on Russia. (Monopoly Mass Media reaction: listen to what they do, not what they say (but DO listen to BushCo, natch!)).
The US now has the full legal limit (per pre-WW-II accords) of force in the Black Sea. The Russians are saying they can sink it all 100% in 20 minutes. People at Infowars are seriously bunkering down. Here's my guess: Yes, BushCo will try to use the Baltic Bullshit to manipulate elections. Putin will use this to manipulate the Caspian Sea Oil.
The EU has been very belligerent toward Russia in all this. I foresee many long wagon trains, turning, turning. BushCo isn't playing for keeps because it's playing on your dime! But Putin and Medvedev are watching the chip piles with eagle-eyes.
How to post links here:
Just post the things in here, then use the "preview" option, and force any lines that go east to wrap by inserting breaks at the line-ends. (May need to re-do for long links.) If you try to put in more than two links, welcome to TypePad Hell! just use ( dot mmm, or dot for the ones who are dumb enough to omit the "www".)
Posted by: blues | August 30, 2008 at 11:28 AM
Yes, typepad won't even let ME post multiple links! It is very aggravating.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | August 30, 2008 at 11:34 AM
Hi Elaine! Hurricanes turn blogs into chat rooms. I just captured another increment. The damn storm is moving neither east nor west!!! It just hopped fifty miles north (away from Yucatan, toward Key West, but only very slightly. The longer it sits there, the worse it will be.
Obama better get his neoliberal but right down there now! Or then, maybe not. There must be some serious Oreo shit in Chicago!
When the Master Doodlebugz shut down Larry Sinclair's websites, I wrote Larry and said, "Use some of mine." He even wrote back. Very personal e-mail, heh! Larry, China has a very fine 12-step program! That said, I applaud the business-like nature of your campaign.
Me? My little vote, yet virginal after way too many encounters of the very worst kinds, will go to CYNTHIA MCKINNEY!!!
Posted by: blues | August 30, 2008 at 11:49 AM
Gearing Up For Gustav
From RigZone:
Posted by: Blunt Force Trauma | August 30, 2008 at 11:57 AM
Thanks for the link, Blunt Force Trauma. Used it in the latest story about the oil rigs. So much energy news tonight. Putin is laughing his head off as he watches in amazement as Mother Nature makes his point to Europe, they ain't got too many options when it comes to energy.
Posted by: Elaine Meinel Supkis | August 30, 2008 at 10:22 PM